2021-01-11 07:05:57

So, if the developer don't want the game to be shared, then he don't want people to give it a try. Then I'll pass. I have better things to do. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-01-11 07:15:14

dude its already in places where anyone who is anyonw on this sight can get it.  For example, his own sight, and from some link on his websight thing that leads to his website.  So if he is trying to keep it out of the public viewing, then he is doing a sucky ass fucken job doing so.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2021-01-11 09:12:45


2021-01-11 09:33:14

I think the idea behind Tunmi's strange behavior is that he thinks AG is an evil place that wants to have the monopoly on audio game discussion. Now, he wants to try and find players everywhere except here. A good real life example would be people who don't want to consume mainstream media sources, so they go to alternative places for their news. I guess Tunmi gets a lot of players from places like Elten and from social media word of mouth. I don't know what Elten's stance on things like cracks and clones is, but there's a chance it might be more lenient than AG. Hell, maybe some people here still remember what was going down on Klango a few years ago, with massive cracking groups and things like that being a daily norm, which were never disbanded or banned.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2021-01-11 09:40:49

I totally agree with 26, just pass it guise

2021-01-11 13:22:17

Indeet tunmi sait that not send the game to ag, that was even on the message of the day a couple of days.
He sait who will post it, will be banned, so he will be banned I thing sadly

meow meow.

2021-01-11 18:33:55

I doubt he'll be banned, or anyone else who posts it out here,. unless it can be completely and undeniably proven that it's just cloned unauthorized stuff.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2021-01-11 18:44:28

Not from here, but from the game, and yes, I would expect Tunmi to do that. He's very much not in control of his emotions.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-01-11 19:22:23

No, he said a few weeks ago, when it was still BAS that not to share it, however that was in early december, now its BS and it says that nowhere so we can asume since there is no record of it as of now that statement is void.

Next, generally the reason I come back to his games are the community. There isn't really another place where I can chat with everyone in a clean interface like that. Chat messages, hitting the keys to navigate between messages, and there's also the matter of certain users not hving access to platforms like skype, discord, etc

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-01-11 20:09:10

yeah, I mean the game, not the forum lol.

meow meow.

2021-01-11 22:46:51

I think if the developer really does not want to publish the game in some kind of forum, it means that he does not want people from this forum discussed this game. Well, I understand Tunmi then.

2021-01-12 04:26:48

The thing is, this forum is hardly the enemy.  We just had a lot of criticism that's obviously not wanted.  Some of us obviously voice it better than others, but the way I see it is that you can't have salt and pepper without the shakers, and sometimes the shaker lets loose a lot more than you need, but that can't happen if you don't shake things up.  IN essence what I'm saying is that there's never a cause without an effect, an action without a reaction.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2021-01-13 03:53:28 (edited by LordLundin 2021-01-13 03:53:58)

My question is why're people still interested in developing this shit mess of a game? Not only will you get people that goes "clone" or "illegal clone" ... even though it may not be. The idea is wringed out and may I suggest if you want to do this concept, start your own code base from it. I bet this is all an unbalanced shit anyway.
The only reason this project and it's forks serve now is to warn others what not to do. Do you really want this? Do you feel like you've achieved something? Because no one is going to congratulate you. Look at Granny's post ... 3 thumbs up. Now you've just released a "new" game ... 0 thumbs up ... but 3 for the guy criticizing you. If you need further proof that this is a dead end, then an insane asylum should probably be your next stop.

Follow me on twitch
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Leave a thumbs up if you like what I write.

2021-01-13 04:10:08

He still posts here? I haven't seen anything in a few months. The last thing I remember him posting was that rant topic about how he's done with this forum. If I'm not mistaken, this was in either September or October, and I haven't seen anything since

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-01-13 05:18:28

He posted here on the 31st of December.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-01-13 09:20:47

@38 correction, I didnt released it, its tunmi who did, I just shared it to the forum

2021-01-13 15:07:43

And nothing wrong with what meatbag did, i would have done the same thing, but he beat me to it.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2021-01-13 15:08:46

I say hell, he doesn't want anyone to know about this game on the forum. Fine, honor his wishes. Lower player count, etc. He'll be working on empty game.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-01-13 15:31:36

the game was'nt empty, I was there, and some people.

meow meow.

2021-01-13 15:56:46

I'd just like to point out something I feel that most of you either blithely walked past on purpose, or simply didn't see.

There are RL precedents for what Tunmi has done re: not wanting this game to be hosted or posted here. How many times do you notice, for instance, that brand X is only available in store X? Or Brand X is yanked from Store X because Store X says or does something that Brand X has a serious problem with. This happens. You might think it's silly, but it's relatively common.
Tunmi has every right not to have his games hosted here. The fact that you can get his games isn't the point. The point is, he doesn't want them in this specific community. And I'm gonna go ahead and dish some truth that y'all aren't gonna like...but I don't fucking blame him. Okay, sure, he's made some really questionable choices during his time making games. He's stepped over some lines. I'm not trying to label him a saint or say he's made no missteps at all. But the backlash he's gotten for his choices has been, in a word, excessive. Proof positive can be found in this thread alone, where there are 2-3 posts talking about the game, and roughly 30 talking about how outrageous it is that Tunmi is doing some thing or other. You want to know why he doesn't really want his games publicized over here? It's because some of you have ruined this place for him. This does not give you the right to spread his game wherever you like, particularly if you knew full well that he didn't want this done.
No punishments at this point, but if there is ever definitive proof that the original poster went deliberately and knowingly against Tunmi's wishes, then the link will be removed and a caution given, at the least.

Respect devs, guys. Or, if you can't do that, at least don't spit in their faces.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-01-13 16:25:25

@45 as far as I know, the only way to know this is in his telegram channel or something that someone said here, and I am not there, its not in the game, not in the motd, not in the rules, so how could I know

2021-01-13 16:32:46

And this is why I said there would be no punishments. If you had no way of knowing, then you can't be cited for knowingly going against someone's wishes.
I will, however, point out that if Tunmi's not wanting his game here is in fact the truth, and if it's more common knowledge now, I feel we have something of an obligation to honour Tunmi's wishes. Put another way: maybe you didn't know before, but you do now. And editing posts is still possible.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-01-13 19:16:52

I don't know a lot of thiungs. Heck, half of the things I do know had to be told to me in order for me to kno. When you guys say I'm acting like I know everything, even after I've acknowledged the fact that I don't, then obviously you are trying to find some leg room here.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2021-01-13 19:23:58

and also replying to jayde's post. part of the reason i don't want my games posted here is not only because I hate criticism. I don't mind criticism, given that it is constructive. However, most of the time, I'll release a game in this forum. There will be about 10 posts talking about the game. Then about 75 other posts devouring me. What's the point of posting my games here if I'm just going to receive tripple the back lash any other dev would receive if they posted here. That's why I only like to tell the people I know who love these types of games if they want to play.
Admins, if you can, please close this topic. I made it clear over Telegram, Message of the Day, and a bunch of other places that I didn't want this topic here. Thank you.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2021-01-13 19:30:35

@48 sorry, Sir, But what does this have to do with what has been said in the topic till now? Am vary, Vary confused...