2020-12-23 17:57:36

hello guys as you all know, the year 2020 is towards its end, since it has been a bad year for most of us, I wanted to know your views on it

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-12-23 18:13:11

It fucking sucked donkey balls, and I doubt 2021 will be much better.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-12-23 18:22:44

Sadly, I'm going to have to agree with post 2.  Most of us will have to rethink how life is lived for awhile, whatever that actually means.  There'll be tons of self-sacrifice along the way, and I think most of the burden is going to fall upon many of us for a myriad of reasons ranging from our disabilities to our social status and financial issues.  Some of us may not notice a thing while others... I dunno... I'll just say I'm not looking forward to this one, but I'm going to make the best of it all the same.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-23 18:29:49

It is a strange year. There have been no costuming or live music events for me, and as someone who's social it is a bit annoying not being able to see friends. But there seems to always be quite a lot going on online. THe UK has approved a vaccine so I hope next year I'll be able to get that if it does become necessary.

2020-12-23 18:39:07

I agree with all.
This time period  of 7 8 months was, somewhat veered.

Following are my views
Just like every year, this year was also started with full of joy, enthusiasm and positivity but as we know problems can chase us everywhere. We generally encounter a few unwanted issues in our life which comes like a hurricane and destroys the peace (here I mean for our inner peace or mental peace). I was determined to learn majority of the things in my studies pretty early, but pandemic changed that. Also, I was thinking I will be able to play my first international sports tournament this year. People had, and continue to have a lot of health related issues this year, all that was due to the pandemic. Next, there was nothing to do in lockdown, a significant number of people lost employment. I'm 80% sure that the rich are more richer now, whereas the poor are worst hit, or they are more poor. Sadly, people were unable to celebrate festivals like before, but there are many, who discovered creative ways to celebrate. But hey. Mother Nature, I feel good. Was waiting to smell the fresh, hmmmm! Fresh and cleaner air since ages! The rivers were clean in the lockdown time period, we got to see some good sites. For those who are safe, many of us got to spend time with our families, which was not possible due to busy schedule.
My thinking is, we should not blame 2020 for all these things, the main reason is COVID19 cause of which some of the things are highlighted, and are being paid a lot of attention as compared to before. An example, nobody got to know, 1000,2000 casualties used to happen. And now? People know even if one casualty is reported due to COVID19. Who knows what's in the future. Coronavirus is mutating, which is hard to detect. There may be a possibility that half of the next year will go like 2020, one should listen to songs, read books, exercise rather than spending much of the time on internet. Oh and I cannot forget the number of web-series we see this year, these are great. Even though there are some positive sides, but negative sides are more I believe. Majority of people are facing a lot of problems.

2020-12-23 19:23:50

It has been a different year then before, but Just because many things were closed down, doesn't mean we have to see life as sucky, and boring.  I myself enjoyed my immediate family, and the very few friends I got to see.  I am healthy, happy, strong, and safe.  Just because their is doom and gloom preached on the news and social media, doesn't mean that everything is bad.  Under all the bad, their is plenty of good.  Don't let the gloomy preaching and broadcasting get to you.  I will try to live and enjoy life to the fullest that I can, like I always do.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2020-12-23 19:44:10

You know, this is a good question.
I saw from the sidelines all the misery that the world has had to endure. Honestly, many people did suffer. The virus is what really took prevalence in the cause of most of it!
And yet, it's not until now that I, personally, am feeling its effects. I was very fortunate in many ways this year. And quite frankly, I really feel like nothing went wrong with my circumstances. I even got a new job! And even in my old job, I had all the luxuries of a remote position.
But I'm starting to feel something like a looming darkness, especially now that in the holiday season we are not able to spend the time with our families which we would normally spend were it not for the virus.
And now, I sit here, contemplating the events of this year. The city in which I live is being put under certain restrictions, some of my family is coming down with sickness (virus not confirmed), and the holiday cheer of which I would normally find annoying has taken a backseat, almost like something is missing.
If my partner wasn't living with me, I would've probably already gone crazy.
I encourage all of you to find a way to communicate with family, friends, or really anyone. Call people on Zoom or Facetime. Or even if you have some good blind friends online, hop on Teamtalk! Do people still use that? smile
Also if any of you stream, I intend to have you in the background because hearing some light gaming, or some light conversation from the community will relieve my seemingly silent household, even though it contains me, my partner, and a puppy. smile

2020-12-23 21:07:20

I felt that it wouldn't effect me. I was wrong.

2020-12-23 21:13:40

Suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.
Except for 2005, when my brother died.
And hey, I guess 2020 is an end to Trump and also the year I finally graduated college, so it's not a straight-up dead loss.
Seriously though. Hundreds of thousands dead is awful, no matter what your political persuasion might be. And being shut in all the time is wearing.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-12-23 22:18:13

I'm sorry if I'm being prophetic or revelating things here, but someone prophetised that the next year shall be much worse than the previous, unless more care is needed.

73 Wj3u

2020-12-23 22:29:57

@Jayde, took the words right out of my mouth.

2020-12-24 01:45:02

Sorry, at the moment I won't write much because of a badly burnt finger, but here's a nice track from a certain famous band, that concludes this year quite well:

2020-12-24 07:35:21

It sucked! I lost an aunt and an uncle. Missed out on a big trip to Scotland. Struggling to find a job. Miss hanging out and being around people. Miss movie theaters. And miss the 2 I lost this year. This is 1 of the worst years ever so far for me. I hope 2021 is better.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-12-24 13:17:30

I send my condolences to your bereived  family

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-12-24 15:17:45

Worst year of my fucking life

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

2020-12-24 15:34:05

On the plus side, I can say compared to this time last year my lady doesn't have cancer, which is definitely a good thing.

Let's not get into the minus side, since it isn't really a minus side, more a sort of minus dimension at the moment, indeed I have specifically been avoiding anything like personal discussion on this forum for that reason.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-12-24 19:05:39

by the way guys, merry Christmas to you all.
what is your plan regarding the Christmas Party? I am going out tomorrow for a lunch with my Family. because tomorrow comes my syster's birthday as well.

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-12-24 21:06:58 (edited by Kitsune 2020-12-24 21:08:00)

2020 fucking sucked. it was trash. and 2021 will be trash also. the only think to look forward to is fantastic beets in 2022.
also, @2, +1.

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-12-25 03:17:19

This year really was fucking awful. I don't see things improving anywhere in the near future, either. Factt is, even if the vaccines are distributed in a timely manner, and even if they turn out to not have devastating side effects once they're introduced to a larger population, in the US at least, it's going to be difficult to convince enough people to trust it in order for it to have even a minor effect on the spread of covid. Add that to my own pandemic-related struggles, and a general decline in mental and physical health, and I'm feeling weary and hopeless right now. The thing is, I honestly have no right to complain. I haven't lost anyone, and I actually obtained a job when that's next to impossible right now, so that makes me hate myself all the more for struggling. The only thing I can do is hope that there could possibly be an end to all this crap, while finding a weird solace in the fact that there most likely isn't any hope, and none of us are long for this world, so we might as well make good, yet responsible, use of the time we have left.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-12-25 03:57:20

One positive thing I can say, is now I’m cancer free. I haven’t really talked about this publicly, but in August I got diagnosed with something called Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I lost my site when I was three, to a different type of cancer, so now to get it my junior year of high school was probably the most devastating thing to happen to me. It fucked me up really bad psychologically, and I really have not gotten over it. However, I got some awesome Christmas gifts so I guess that’s good. And as of a month ago I’m cancer free which is incredible news

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

2020-12-25 05:28:45

@19 Don't fall into that trap. Our struggles are relative to ourselves, and those around us if we choose to let them in. As soon as we start looking to other people, and using their struggles as a benchmark to compare our own against, it causes problems. It causes us to invalidate our own feelings. In turn, that causes us to internalize our emotions which does all host of bad things to our mental health.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-12-25 16:17:10

My ex had a saying: everyone has their own ten. This is to say that what really breaks you down and makes you feel like you can't go on may be something another person can deal with, and vice versa.
In other words, GCW is right. What we go through, how we deal with it, is the best determinant of how we're doing. Rather than look at how bad other people have it and then saying that we suck because we aren't coping as well as they seem to be, it's better to focus on what you have, or don't, and judge that way.

Also? Gym, I'm so sorry to hear you got a cancer diagnosis, but happy as hell that you now appear to be cancer-free. Here's hoping you continue to kick cancer's ass.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-12-25 17:33:33

@gym sympathy with the circumstances and really glad your also cancer free.
Actually that situation sounds remarkably similar to my lady's.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-12-26 04:25:59

Well, generally 2020 has been really shitty, but for me at least, it has been okay. The only major things that bothers me are the online studying, even though my teachers are doing an amazing job at keeping it even mildly interesting, and the lack of goalball practice, which is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. At least we got a couple of months worth of real school during autumn.
On the positive side, a lot of symphonic metal bands have released or announced new albums lately, which has kept me basically looking forward to upcoming things throughout the entire year.
I hope that 2021 will be better, and that enough people will have the vaccine, that we can have some sort of normality, but let's see. At least this pandemic has reminded us, that the universe doesn't really give a fuck about us, and that we probably should start fixing things... Oh well, that is probably to much to ask for right now...

We live on a hunk of rock and metal that circles a humdrum star that is one of 400 billion other stars that make up the Milky Way Galaxy which is one of billions of other galaxies which make up a universe which may be one of a very large number, perhaps an infinite number, of other universes. That is a perspective on human life and our culture that is well worth pondering.
Carl Sagan

2020-12-27 15:03:11

I also think similarly as post 5

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully