2020-12-20 19:06:19 (edited by walrus 2020-12-20 22:43:47)

a troll has been spotyed trolling itself. let's see what happens below!
subgect. trolls are feeding themselves!
here, walrus was personally attacking fonografico, with a lot of death threats and acusations. the original post is still archived, and it had a happy ending at the end.
from walrus's courtesy, here's the original post. he's calling fonografico an asshole, with some censored dirty words as well. he also sayd a death threat, and insulted fonografico: he also asked him to leave the forum! how cool! trolls are feeding themselves because they are bored, and this is the proof that walrus started it all in the first place, you know?
let's present fonografico getting attacked by walrus! i mean, let's start the show of walrus trolling himself! oh yeah!
walrus sais to fonografico, hi
as stated in the title, i am here for you to take all your anger in fonografico.
fonografico, as you know, it's a person obsesed with walrus and other weird things. he had some criminal records in the past, such as, deliverately spamming for trying to seek atention. he's an atension hor!
he has a sindrome called fonografico's sindrome and here is the list of simptoms
extreme imaturity, including but not limited to, extreme anxiety problems, playing the victim and extrem stres, bad behavior and a strange way of speaking
extreme weirdness, obsesion with certain things, including but not limited to, walruses and other such things fonografico does not know in this world
extreme guilt, feeling guiltyh for anything, even if he has the fualt of having such a bad atitude, even if we asked him any times to stop spreading shit on the forum
he's a dramma seeker, and i dont recomend you to trust him. he has eating disorders, in medium, with a lot of mental health issues. his fault of not having friends it's because of his bad behavior in the forum on certain times.
he deserves to die, and go to hell. simply, fonografico is the most imature person known iin mankind. he has 0 maturity, 100 maturity, he's too weak, he's a coward, and the fuck, e loves so much walruses that he's going to have walruses on every environment it creates on certain games
fonografico is an advanced dramma creater, that uses very strange techniques to create dramma, and here are the list of dramma texhniques
1. he always puts that he's not seeking atention, but it's really seeking atention. from this post, i'm going to rant about fonografico as good as i can
from not going to mension person here perspective, fonografico is an atension hor
from my perspective, fonografico deserves to die. he has enough imaturity to have to receive a? another time.
well, i think fonografico fainted, so let's go criticice him more, without going into personal attack territory
comparation of mady and fonografico
fonografico tries to be more sneaky, he received more warning, but maady got banned certain times. fonografico, it's your turn to get banned!
i think you'll get warned
for creating this post
you are crossing the edge
you will land in a ledge
if this goes out of hand, please close this topic
fonografico deserves to be punched in (a body part that i'd never say but it rimes with topic)
hope all have a good day without this asshole called fonografico.
if fonografico is throwing shit in this topic, close this topic imediately, or let it go to the depths of the forum. the decision is on you, no one else. i have a question. what's the personality of fonografico online, what you saw him doing? what you want to say to him? i dont know, the only thing i¿'d say to him is that fonografico is an asshole and should leave the forum imediately, or i'll kill him with my shotgun, that i have loaded to especially kill him
note, this goes to fonografico, to no one else! fonografico should take this by the best way posible. you did'nt knew him, now know who is it! not completely, but you know half of the information.

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-12-20 19:23:58

*subject to change due to circumstances I was, in all honesty, completely unawar of. Warning is on ice until further review.*
No, no, and no. Regardless of the behavior or lack thereof of Fonographico described in this post, deliberately starting a personal attack rampage flies in the face of the rules. Walrus, an official warning for you.

2020-12-20 19:26:43

lmfao, so. A personal attack on your passed self deserves a warning?

2020-12-20 19:41:55 (edited by Nocturnus 2020-12-20 19:45:52)

I've seen some really interesting moderation decisions handed down through the years, but never one so like as fine as this one...  I mean, I suppose you could make a case against attacking one's self not being all that productive and perhaps even having more negative impact on one's self than positive, and that the user in question is sort of opening himself up to personal attacks, and even the idea that he is trying to get other people banned by having them flame at him so that he can then justify getting the mods involved about them flaming at him, but to me, this just seems like a crude and somewhat childish attempt at satire.  We all start somewhere, and if this person is just trying to poke fun at himself, well...  I'm of a mind it could be waaaaay worse?
Then again, the moderation decision could be just as satirical, given the way it's written?  I don't generally go around reading how mods go around writing moderation warnings nowadays... I just remember that when Dark and I did it we definitely capped the whole word with an exclamation at the end...  I suppose time will let us know one way or the other.
Edited: the warning seems to be oficial given it's up in the public disciplinary actions topic.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-20 19:45:45

Well things just got interesting, I had been totally unaware of the name change! Well, congratulations, you, you just trolled yourself, or something. Lol.
I guess that's one way to justify the need for a username history feature on this board, or on a new forum system if we can get to that point.

2020-12-20 19:47:14

Confused? Bwuh? Bwuh bwuh bwuh?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-12-20 19:47:29

Trolls trolling themselves!  Ah, what a wonderful, terrible, sane, crazy, up and down sort of world we live in.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-20 19:48:43

The trolls are feeding themselves. Where do they get the food?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-12-20 19:54:19

People must have actually listened to this sound advice and so the trolls have to get their own food now or so it seems.

2020-12-20 19:57:12

Canibalism!  Even the trolls don't like the pineapple pizzas after all!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-20 20:04:14 (edited by Minionslayer 2020-12-20 20:04:48)

Awww come on! Pizzas are just beautiful canvases waiting to be painted on, then hungrily devoured. I'm a blind painter, so I'll put whatever colours I like on my canvas, and I'll put whatever I like on my pizza, pine apple-inclusive!

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-12-20 20:11:54

i'm amaced by the replies! lol, lol, and more lol!
and btw, i love pineapple pizza... lol!
well, i think i started my first attempt at trolling myself this way. i actually was especting a way for going into personal attack territory. god knows what will happen to me after doing another trolls feeding themselves topic. i was suposed to sout things about myself including admiting that i'm imature at all times, and from someone (i'm not talking of omar alvarado here) an atension hor! lololol!

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-12-20 20:56:41

Oy, fuck you!  Pineapple pizza is the best!

2020-12-20 21:31:56

I don't believe in Pineapple pizza, and anyone who does is delusional!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-20 21:34:57

Guys he is only asking for attention.  Hense all his other previous topics dealing with this walrus bull

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2020-12-20 21:42:59

So is he a walrus, or a bull?

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-20 21:45:15

If he is indeed a bull then he will have been bullshitting us this entire time claiming that he is Walrus!

2020-12-20 21:47:16

I'm not convinced one way or the other... I say he's a troll posing as a troll claiming to be a fonografic walrus.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-20 22:27:45

What a load of BullWalrus!

2020-12-20 22:41:52 (edited by walrus 2020-12-20 22:46:50)

edit. missunderstood vulcan. sorry. but as always, the original post20 is below!
vulcan, the only thing you are is a party? what's happening? to you?, you are using draco blitz and trying to ra- never mind, vulcan fell on it! mu ahahahahahhhahaha
please, bring some popcorn here!
keep telling jokes about me, i'm loving these so far.

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-12-20 22:55:13 (edited by George_Gaylord 2020-12-20 23:14:05)

In case 20 does what he did in the sbyw topic and edit it, which everyone either ignored oor frgot, I'm pasting it here.

vulcan, the only thing you are is a party pooper. what's fucking happening to you dude, you are using draco blitz and trying to ra- never mind, vulcan fell on it! mu ahahahahahhhahaha
please, bring some popcorn here!
keep telling jokes about me, i'm loving these so far. exception is the one that calls itself vulcan minigun!
death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

Everyone else sees it as satirical, but I'm sick of you going around everywhere with yoour wwalrus fuckery. We all know that first poost was a quiet jab at everyone who called you out for your attension seeking bullshit. I'm damned fed up of you and yoour crap, and I wouldn't be surprised if your original post had ore offensive shit in it You need to grow wthe fuck up, and get some help, because frankly I'm tired

Edit, post 22

Today 17:01:16 (edited by walrus Today 17:03:19)
Business monkey
From: your nearest ocean
Registered: 2019-09-26
Posts: 250
User Karma: 9
you are a brat, and forever you will be. jaidon is officially public enemy number1 of fonografico, making the biggest enemy so far
sorry, but you fell on this topic, this was only for trolling. you dont seem to understand jokes. and vulcan, you are officially my public enemy number2. you are only trying to defend vulcan. i gained one enemy now, public enemy number 1 and public enemy number2
the enemies are called jaidon and vulcan. there will be more enemies in the future!
i'll keep some comentaries for myself, because i'll not say those
ah and i forgot. public enemy number3 mecha sky guardian, public enemy number5 sediment, public enemy number6 mady avedy, public enemy number7 fonografico, and public enemy number 8 i'll never say his name here it's a secret enemy!

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-12-20 23:01:16 (edited by walrus 2020-12-20 23:51:54)

edit. vulcan no longer public enemy number1. here comes the modified post
you are a brat, and forever you will be. jaidon is officially public enemy number1 of fonografico, making the biggest enemy so far
sorry, but you fell on this topic, this was only for trolling. you dont seem to understand jokes. you are only trying to defend vulcan. i gained one enemy now, public enemy number 1
the enemy is called jaidon. there will be more enemies in the future!
i'll keep some comentaries for myself, because i'll not say those
ah and i forgot. public enemy number3 mecha sky guardian, public enemy number5 sediment, public enemy number6 mady avedy, public enemy number7 fonografico, and public enemy number 8 i'll never say his name here it's a secret enemy!
original post!
you are a brat, and forever you will be. jaidon is officially public enemy number1 of fonografico, making the biggest enemy so far
sorry, but you fell on this topic, this was only for trolling. you dont seem to understand jokes. and vulcan, you are officially my public enemy number2. you are only trying to defend vulcan. i gained one enemy now, public enemy number 1 and public enemy number2
the enemies are called jaidon and vulcan. there will be more enemies in the future!
i'll keep some comentaries for myself, because i'll not say those
ah and i forgot. public enemy number3 mecha sky guardian, public enemy number5 sediment, public enemy number6 mady avedy, public enemy number7 fonografico, and public enemy number 8 i'll never say his name here it's a secret enemy!

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-12-20 23:10:39

@22 LOL.  I bet he's so scared.  Are you Jaidon?  Are you trembling because you didn't feed the trolls and you are now "public enemy number 1!"?

2020-12-20 23:21:38


death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-12-20 23:45:42

Public enemy number 2, im scared shaking in my boots.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!