2020-11-29 19:05:30

By far, Sci-Fi is my favorite genre of games, books, tv series Etc. However, for some reason it seems like 99% of MUDs are fantasy rather than sci-fi, and I only know 4 sci-fi MUDs out there.
I tried Vast Horizon when it first came out, but was discouraged when I realized I'd have to spend more time salvaging and roleplaying before I could do any space combat missions, assuming there are any at this early state. I also got discouraged with Cosmic Rage, since you have to get to rank 40 before you can buy a ship, which is kind of stupid in my opinion and most of the activities are either boring or require a ship.
Miriani and Star Conquest are the other two, and if memory serves they are both filled with constant drama. (I recently read an R/MUD post involving the 2316 AEU election, which resulted in quite a bit of drama, especially when one of the players ended up in space jail.)
Also, if memory serves, Miriani is completely vicious and most newbies end up dead at the hands of players with much better equipment and a higher level.

So, despite the issues, are either of these two games worth playing, and if not, are there any other MUDs that can scratch my sci-fi space combat itch?
(I didn't mention any of the Star Wars MUDs, because I prefer games with unique, original worlds as opposed to games based on an existing franchise. Not that piloting an X-Wing and decapitating people with a lightsaber isn't fun, mind you.)

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-29 19:16:38

Honestly I think both of the games are worth checking out. They've both got their many issues, but they've also both got some pretty awesome features if you can get passed either the profile writing and draconian hosts on sc, or the casual assholery of miriani.
Miriani for example has a bunch of different planets to explore, and things to buy there. I remember when I played, one of mine and my friends favourite things to do was customize our ships iwth neat things.
As for SC, what really makes it stand out is IMO the super unique activities. You can salvage debris, mine asteroids, and later on even go look for alien artifacts in spacestations you need to clear out with a battlesuit. SC is a bit more group focused than I'd like it to be, but this is mainly because I find people to be strange and frightening creatures I try to avoid for the most part on a daily basis.
Hope that helped

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2020-11-29 19:47:14

I find it to be really fun to play on SC. Sure the RP might be something that could be discouraging at first, and sure, the profile  writing is something that I need to work on, but really aside  from that, it is  actually fun. I haven't suffered the awful of the admins yet up to this point, and most people seem nice from what I have experienced.

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2020-11-29 19:54:18

Also, maybe I'm just picky, but I don't understand why 99% of soundpacks are written for VIPMud.
I get it, in the blind community there is a tendency to prefer things developed exclusively with the blind in mind, but MUSHClient is much better than VIP, and the idea of paying to buy a client, to play games which are almost always free to play just turns my stomach.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-29 20:21:55

zenothrax wrote:

Also, maybe I'm just picky, but I don't understand why 99% of soundpacks are written for VIPMud.
I get it, in the blind community there is a tendency to prefer things developed exclusively with the blind in mind, but MUSHClient is much better than VIP, and the idea of paying to buy a client, to play games which are almost always free to play just turns my stomach.

You are right but technically in the case of VIPmud one mostly pays for convenience, one can play endlessly with it I believe just merely being forced to reload the client every 2 hours, if I'm not wrong...might have slightly forgotten some things about it

2020-11-29 20:30:14

I hven't logged into SC in forever honestly. Kinda forgot on it.

And to go a little off topic, but no, it's not the RP I mind in VH. It's the hunch I have that the staff need to waard you RP points to get anywhere with it. Which, okay, full disclosure, I staff on another RP game, but I'm not okay with worry about somebody looking over my RP and going mmm...nah, not giving out points for that...

If I'm wrong, do correct me, but that's the feeling I get after having not logged in for a few days. I'll cross post this in the VH topic to.

I get it. VH is suposed to RPI but...with 3 or 4 people on, you're looking at BNefore the Dawn levels of activity, i.e. 3-4 people on, and staff that don't show up on who making a game look even more dead than it realy is. If you add in that all the staff team are logged in, that easily adds another....what..4-5 to the active list

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-11-29 20:42:14

@4 to add-up, mushclient is 100% free, has more features than vip wont ever be, has an easyer programming language to script triggers and shit alike

2020-11-29 21:32:52

@zenothrax, you're going to get conflicting statements and opinions here, so I'll do my best to be as factual as possible concerning both of these muds, starting with Miriani.  Let me remind you, however, that even as I do my best to be factual I wil inject a bit of opinion in an attempt to illustrate things the way I see them and why.
1.  Miriani is free to play, but there are perks for being a donator, such as having all of your popular ship upgrades in one place.
2.  Miriani is less strict about enforcing roleplay than Star Conquest.
3.  Miriani's playerbase is a bit more diverse than SC's, meaning that yes, you can get pirates, and many people view this as the way forward because it's like the proverbial get rich fast scheme.  On the other hand, you can also get genuinely decent players who will help you out with most anything and everything, which I find is a bit harder to do in SC if you don't fit the roleplay mold.
4.  Miriani can feel like a bit of a grind in the beginning, but if you get into it, you'll go far.
5.  A ton of good paying/rewarding content on Miriani requires group effort, but a ton of people are usually around to help you get it done, including the pirates, who also want those rewards.  That being said, people have soloed some of the hardest activities on Miriani and felt good while doing it.
And Now, SC...
1.  SC has better mechanics.
2.  SC has more activites worth doing.
3.  SC is just a tad more realistic/believable than Miriani.
4.  Donating to SC, as far as I remember, just gives ou an item, but that also means that you never need to donate to get any perks that are not available to anyone who isn't a donator.  In essence, you'll just feel good for supporting your mud of choice.
5.  Felo farms.  You'll never get such an awesome concept on Miriani.  Turn your ship into the most amazing feline friendly space you've ever seen and watch them grow, which will combat various threats which I won't get into here in detail.
Yours truly prefers Miriani over SC, not because Miriani is a better built game, but because overall, I have more fun on the former than the latter, and to me, that's what gaming is about.  On the other hand, there's just no getting around the fact that SC is just built with more lasting features and functionality and ideas and depth.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-11-29 21:37:04

I completely agree, Jace. Not to mention that RP is fun, but I enjoy tabletop RPG's more than I do RPing over a MUD, and the low population just makes it less likely to RP.
It's one of those vicious cycle things. The population is low, so new players usually don't stick around, keeping the population low, Etc. It honestly sucks that there are sow few sci-fi MUDs, since there are a lot of things that can be done with the genre, but creating a space flight/combat system, creating a decent amount of planets, creating RP events for those that enjoy that kind of thing, and general server maintenance aren't easy things to learn/implement.
The same could be said about almost all genres of MUD, but creating fantasy MUDs are slightly easier due to the existence of codebases such as coffeemud/diku/circle/TBA/Smaug, but anything that breaks the mold of those codebases requires the coder to be familiar with C/Java, which aren't exactly easy languages to learn these days.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-29 22:02:05 (edited by Shadowcat 2020-11-29 22:07:00)

I actually agree with 8 for the most part... except what I will add about SC is that personally, I don't have to be concerned every time I want to say something on public channels. tongue The longtime players there, the Mutuality aside are basically always willing to help out, even if it's something like teaching you how to fly in combat against a single enemy ship. I've never gotten a hostile response to just asking for help in well over 2-3 years of playtime added up.
The biggest downside for some people to SC though is the fact that your decisions actually will matter. What you do reflects on your alliance, and yourself. So if you do something terrible... well. Case in point, the AEU.
Lastly, tracking. My god, target tracking on SC is way more convenient for space combat in this player's opinion. On Miriani, what you have is type focus, lock 1 2 3, fire... oh, it moved. Focus, lock...
Contrast that with the pilot tracking a target, down! Aim, fire, fire... north! Fire.
All this raving to say though, both games do have ups and downs. I'd recommend trying both out. Maybe you'll actually enjoy both of them? Or perhas like some of us, you'll find one grabbing you more than the other.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
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2020-11-29 22:35:01

I'll try both, then. SC doesn't appear to have a character limit, unlike CR. Does Miriani have a character limit?
Also, is there an SC soundpack for MUSH? (Probably not, but Miriani does, oddly enough.)

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-30 00:08:39

SC has no official soundpack I'm aware of because SC hosts don't  really like you messing with scripts, triggers and aliases.  Miriani hosts don't care, provided that your scripts, triggers and aliases are not giving you any advantage over anyone else.  That having been said, there is a few soundpacks floating around for SC, some a little more complete than others, and some a little more useful than others.  No official place exists, as far as I'm aware, where you can grab these, which is yet another thing that turns me off about SC.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-11-30 00:42:27

Oh, SC is one of those types of games. "Any triggers, aliases or scripts are banned! No, I don't care if you're just making a sound pack, you're still banned!"

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-30 00:44:23 (edited by Shadowcat 2020-11-30 00:52:51)

Actually, no. There was an officially recognized soundpack a while back, I still have a possibly old version of it. There was a topic just made about that, too.
The one posted there is an updated version of the official one.
Basically, on paper all they ask is that your scripts don't modify the game text or execute commands of their own. If you're just playing sounds, whatever.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2020-11-30 01:56:26

SC is a pretty well-designed game. The hosts just don't have very good people skills. That's the polite way of putting it. Miriani's hosts are a lot more friendly.

Yes, the soundpack thing on SC is silly. hey let's make this text super wordy, then complain when people shorten it with a trigger so they can have a better chance of reacting, then penalize them for scripting when they're entering commands by hand. No thanks.

One good thing about SC versus miriani is that SC requires that you have a valid reason for PVP. You can't just go attacking other players when you feel like it because you're bored. On Miriani you can attack anyone for any reason or no reason at all really, so long as that reason is in character. This can be a good or bad thing depending on what sort of character you want to play and how well you can fight.

2020-11-30 05:15:16

I will stay in miriani, it is true that you will get stranded sometimes.
stranded is  the word  describe you can not move, but  the player who stranded you actually can not   do something on you, the only thing you will worry is if a person willing to rescue you.
for this problem, you need to find some answers yourself, like who will be your friends, do you interested being the same people  who was stranded you or attack you, or you just want to do piloting like salvaging , missions, asteroid hauling, and more.
miriani stay more freely for alliance, for example, no one will say anything about AIE or commonwealth, it just about some little things  different, not really from people to  people, like it  most about mental.
when talking about pvp, miriani host just  said free, pilots are free, you just need to take your  best combat ship aganst emenies when alliance needs you, in the freetime, alliance really don't care your ship uses.

let's talk about star conquest so.
people's personality is  a little depends alliance,  just a little, and RP is more deeper, if you are a newbie, profile will be a hard thing to write, at least for me.
SC  will get more group action, battlesuit actions like  rats nests, pods and daily missions.
nearly all exploring actions need crews.
good descriptions, rooms, items, news.
it is true you get less pvp because you will make  larger effect.
about rp, you need make your actions follow your profile, it is why you need profile.
more little things  about differences in two games.
1, SC is more about rp and  your actions effect to  larger, so points  are not that hard to get, licence points, but you need to find group to  do  piloting things, so SC have more types of points, indestry, space combat, exploring, ground combat, command,  for example, if you doing salvaging or asteroid hauling, only give you indestry points, miriani, most points just two types, licence points and combat points, space combat for combat points, and most piloting actions  will give you licence points.
2, what hosts said, miriani's pilots are mostly free, if not special events or actions, alliances won't care for most actions, this is why you can attack people, or   another word, people will think to attack you in randoms., but if you getting strong like you know how to deal with, like fight back or escape, i plaie for 4 years but  only get stranded  in the first year. star conquest, if you  randomly punch people, attacking alliances in the space,, you will have special reason and  someone will ask you, and , rogue pilots, hmm, this is a title no one will wish to get.

3, in star conquest, different alliance have different ship design, league  for balance, fringe have better weapons.

in miriani, when really talking about alliance differences, it is  only special technology, like AIE for exploring, but most of  technology and ships are  the same.

2020-11-30 11:36:18

I don't play muds anymore, full stop. But if I had to play a space MOO, it'd be sc over miri any day. The miri community is so toxic it isn't even funny. Sc's players have their own weird quirks and some of the rp can get downright weird, but nothing's done without either consent or a very good reason to do it. So in terms of atmosphere, Sc is more quiet than Miri, but when it does get lively, you know it.
The grouping thing isn't a big problem either. Because of the conquest mechanic, which starts a sort of competition where the alliances can try to meet a set of two performance goals, happens every 3 or so days. Group activities are the best way to meet these goals, and that's why you'll often find people calling for space or ground missions, either within their alliance, or on the interalliance channels.
And hey, there's one more thing everybody seems to forget. Expeditions. If you go on an expedition, it feels very, very different from the main game. And expeditions perfectly illustrate that SC has a lot of time wasters, trust me, you'll need them. Because like on sea journeys of old, most of what you'll do will be setting the sales to the right direction and hoping the rift takes you there. But the payouts for when you get back are great, especially for newbies, because they're one of the few ways to get exploration points on mass.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-11-30 13:33:16

In other words, if you took Miriani's Roleplay and added it to SC's mechanics, it would be the perfect space MOO, almost.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-30 16:31:46 (edited by Shadowcat 2020-11-30 16:36:36)

No... I'd personally argue SC's players, Miriani's stance on roleplay but SC's philosophy of actions have consequences and SC's mechanics. lol The atmosphere on Miriani is... not one I can personally handle for long periods of time. IMO, if the players themselves as a whole, not pointing fingers at anyone specific mind you are toxic, it kinda ruins the RP. As a huge example of what happens on Miriani, it's very unbelievable to me that an actual military organization like High Guard would allow pilots to basically do whatever they damn well pleased outside of wartime, up to and including stealing ships, leaving people stranded on planets, and occasionally complete blockades of said planets to keep others from rescuing said stranded individual.
I will vouch for Connor though, my character just came back from an expedition and is approximately 30 billion credits richer, which by SC's standards is a rather large chunk.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2020-11-30 16:51:44

That's one thing I can say about Cosmic rage, from what I've heard this isn't much of a problem there. Now if only it were easier to reach rank 40.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-11-30 18:29:20

Yeah, CR last I played takes much after SC in that regard. If you do something shitty, people will come after you for it.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2020-11-30 21:34:20 (edited by Dakonna 2020-11-30 21:34:40)

If you think reaching rank 40 in cr is hard, you haven't seen anything yet. How about you get to rank 1100,then precede to do star studying and star coring, and only star studying and star coring, till your fingers fall off because there's nothing else that'll let you get ranks properly?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-11-30 22:40:30

Far as Miri and HG goes, the problem is that some of the hosts love the bullying as much as any other player who chooses to engage in it.  They'll never say it outloud, but they love it.  Watch them play their in game chars in comparison to how they act out of game and, um, yeah.  For that and that reason alone, HG will never act as an actual police force.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-11-30 23:24:24

reaching rank 40 on cr is easy. get to rank 15 then get a volcano harvester and harvest away.

2020-12-04 10:47:15

@19, as i said, HG in miriani not police, they just  a group that made by three alliance to aganst the enemies,  in human it would be CTN, for alian it would be prealor and such thing, they won't care what  pilot will do dring the peaceful time, what you can not do  is blockading mission jumpgate, large space station, but other planet  or areas are fine.