2020-11-19 15:39:22

Hi guys,
I was trying to play videos in the FooYouTube component when I stumbled upon many that simply wouldn't play. Some investigating later, and all of those videos happen to be age-restricted. Is there any way to play these types of videso on FooYouTube?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-19 15:42:52

No. At least, not directly. You might be able to download them though, but I'm not even sure if that is allowed through the APi.
I found this out the hard way when 1 of my old TTS skits got age restricted, and I no longer had a copy of the original file.

2020-11-19 15:49:57 (edited by Minionslayer 2020-11-19 15:53:31)

Damn. Well, I think Pontes MEdia Download for whatever reason, can do this. I thought the two were using the same basic APIs so I'm kinda confused there.
And even then, my current download in PMD has frozen, so...
What's weird is that I'm downloading this video for the second time, the first time it worked, though that's assuming the video was age-restricted from the first time, and YouTube hasn't changed something else to do with this.
Edit: Interestingly, after restarting PMD, and a random NVDA crash, I changed the target format to the original (MP4) and the video successfully downloaded in a matter of seconds.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-19 16:34:56

How did you get FooYouTube to work? Was there an update? If so, I never got the component update

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-11-19 16:45:17

@Rich_Beardsley, I'm running 3.7 beta. It works much, much better if you generate yourself an API key at the Google Developer Console, which limits you to 10,000 requests per day, per key. Chances are, the only reason the component wasn't working is because you were still using the public key.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-19 19:23:35 (edited by Rastislav Kish 2020-11-19 19:26:17)

Hi there,
@1: although downloading through youtube-dl should work, if you don't want to do it (for example because you want to just watch a movie without downloading the whole stuff), I recommend FreeTube:

The app has a slightly broader use, being a full-fledged private YouTube client, but if you simply put in the search field the url of the desired video, it will load directly.
FreeTube is an Electron app, after opening a link, you can find the video player by pressing M on Linux with Orca, Windows screenreaders most likely have either the same or similar shortcut.

It works very nicely, after switching to focus mode, you can navigate by arrow keys, stop the video with space etc.
You can even download it if you want, although I don't use this function personally because oggs are not supported.

The playing works very well, I use to watch documentary series describing various real criminal cases, which are often restricted and I don't want to log in if I don't have to.
Plus, Google is becoming more and more annoying with the ways of verifying your age, they've recently even started requiring a copy of your ID in order to be able to watch 18+ content. So much for privacy.

Best regards


2020-11-19 19:38:53 (edited by Minionslayer 2020-11-19 19:39:12)

@Rastislav  I probably should've made it clearer, I'm specifically looking to download. I only found that confusing because PMD and FooYouTube both use YouTubeDL to my knowledge but only one of them worked.
Either way, I'll check out FreeTube's downloading feature, and thanks for the help!

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-19 20:14:27 (edited by Rastislav Kish 2020-11-19 20:16:00)

Hi there,
@7: yes, you should've been. big_smile
Under playing, for some reason, I personally understand... well... playing. big_smile

Anyway, I personally use youtube-dl directly, without PMD. The command is simple, you can use:

youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format vorbis $1

Where $1 stands for the desired url, vorbis is the desired format (.ogg) and the flag is self-explanatory.
Note that this command is for downloading videos as audio, there are specific flags for video as well.

I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work, youtube-dl is one of the most sophisticated Youtube downloaders out there, so if FreeTube is able to access the videos, ydl should be too.

Best regards


2020-11-19 21:10:36

youtube really started to be a pain in the neck these days, 2 of my vids got restricted for no reason what so ever lol, pretty sure they have no offensive content, at least 1 of them for sure

2020-11-20 01:19:31


That's why I've been trying to get more over to the Odysee/LBRY platform.
, is the custom link to my invite page.


I need to update my LBRY Thread I made on here, as you don't have to visit a specific site to sync your YouTube channel to LBRY, as ya can do it via the Sign Up page. Also, the Odysee site (powered by LBRY), is made for those who love doing video.

There's already the LBRY Android App, tough an IOS app is in the works now and will be coming soon (assuming Apple Plays nice?)

2020-11-20 01:58:24

@10 how is this related to this topic?

2020-11-20 02:18:44 (edited by queenslight 2020-11-20 02:20:14)


In short, another alternative to fixing the problem.

Keep in mind, YouTube can break the API for any of these apps/services at anytime (let alone shut them down).

Also, what happens if a channel gets terminated (regardless if you restricted certain videos on it?)

2020-11-20 10:45:35

The following video of mine, got age restricted recently. I mean, sure it was childish, but I really don't think it warranted that. Take a listen and judge for yourself.
Even more interestingly, now I'm being told that I may have to verify my age soon in order to watch *my* video. What?

2020-11-20 22:39:00

@13 no age verification for me when I checked.

2020-11-20 23:00:46 (edited by Minionslayer 2020-11-20 23:01:12)

@Boo15mario There's the alert clear as day below the description. Remember, you're looking for the age restrict alert.
You most likely won't have to manually verify your age when you're signed in.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-21 08:21:27

@15 it is in the video player as I am viewing it from a desktop

2020-11-21 16:00:13

I think it's due to the gore and the mention of balls, and shooting.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page