2020-11-13 17:45:55

I very much agree with what Defender said. For me, this is not worth the cash. I could go play Shooter, a totally free game, and get just as much entertainment out of it.
I downloaded this game and was extremely disappointed. Where did the semi-neat speeding up mechanic go? What happened to being stunned by trees? What happened to your jump height decreasing as you got more injured? I am sorry, but this release was a step backwards in my eyes. The payment to unlock endless mode and the scoreboard seem like a giant ripoff. Take the Gate, for example. It had endless mode, but it also had actual gameplay, as dull and boring as it was. We weren't paying just for randomly generated levels, but also for cutscenes, bosses, and an increasing difficulty. This sort of has the latter, but only for two levels, 4 and 5, and even that is minor.
As much as I would like to support this, I cannot. I am sorry for what I am about to say, but I do not even see the point in bringing this back. We have seen this three times by now, and it's just getting old.
I am fully on board with getting more games. What I must resist, however, is the repetition of the same old title with 1 or 2 minor adjustments

2020-11-13 17:52:08 (edited by Quin 2020-11-13 17:54:53)

@50 sarcasm plus actually giving steps to help counts as being mean? Thanks for the memo, that's my reply to everything these days, after all.
@51 As someone who *was* on the testing team, I was also a bit sad that those weren't added, but I assumed they would be, and were, after I was kicked off. I guess not. At alpha stage, it was very much shooter level. It is honestly sad that it wasn't brought up to what the BGT port had, and I mean that. With it now working on Mac and not getting flagged, it can really go places.

2020-11-13 18:10:25

OK so to answer your what happened questions:
The movement speed thing. Personally it annoyed me more than anything and was just a fancy little gimmic more than it was actually useful IMO.
The stunning was something I planned to add back in at some point in the future, same with the jumping thing, though again those were just little gimmics more than they were useful. If you want them back though, I can definitely add them in a new update.

Thanks for inquiring about these missing features.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-11-13 18:57:17

I personally liked the speeding up thing, it added an extra challenge to level I think it's 6? The big platforming one. Echo steps helped there too, actually.

2020-11-13 19:56:23

I can't even get the new version to load on my win 7 rig, although I've sent Mason an email to see if we might be able to troubleshoot this. Literally, the game says loading, and then just sits there, with  no window, no sound, a data folder got created but with no save file inside, and the exe is running, in task manager.

2020-11-13 20:42:46 (edited by defender 2020-11-13 21:04:53)

Okay so after completing the game I have some more negative feedback but also significantly more positive feedback than before as well.

The positives
First I should congratulate you on Mac support, I forgot to do so in the last post and I apologize.  More audio games playable on the Mac is always a good thing.
I just want to say how cool I think the ability for all enemies to interact with hazards is.  Shitty pilots landing their chopper in a fire pit or boulders running into force fields is always awesome, or having a bomb take out that enemy chasing you after dodging it your self.
It's really nice how you can choose any level after playing the first time, and replay those you really liked while skipping those you didn't.  And the reward for beating the game for the first time is genuinely quite nice too.
I think that the availability of MG ammo was balanced quite well by the way, so it isn't too overpowered.

I also like how enemies can climb in most cases, for instance the fence in Level 4 or the ladders in Level 7, and that you can still be hit and vice versa on the Z axis.
And I love that you can destroy rocks in this game, which is oddly satisfying when I remember all the times I wish I could do so in battlezone...  Ditto for the helicopters.

After playing it again I don't hate Level 6 as much now.  Once I figured out that directional arrows move you 2 spaces rather than one in this game it got easier, though I still think enemies could have spiced things up.  I liked that rock trap with the enemies at the end too.
Level 10 was a nice throwback to some of my favorite SBYW maps, though I do think that it started out pretty slow.

Now back to the bad.
There is no fall off platform sound like in SBYW so you miss the chance to recover quickly in levels with ladders
throw range of grenade is higher than hearing range for incoming enemies, which makes them very hard to use.
No ability to pause the game, which can be very frustrating when you need to quickly check a notification or something.
If level intro dialogues were separate and the level only loaded after you hit enter, it would be much easier to hear what the screen reader was saying.
Sword obtained status doesn't reset between games properly.
item pickups often aren't passed to the screen reader.  Maybe prerecorded messages would work better?
Still possible for items to spawn outside the map edges.

Sometimes an enemy won't make walking noises and won't attack until attacked, I notice this the most on levels 3 and 5
Enemies often can't pass bushes in the forest on their own unless you make them jump towards you

Level 9 never really gets dangerous like it says it will, because all latters have guards.  Additionally, blades or pits would help make the ledges more interesting even if only on stage 2.
Level 4 and 5 lag, and so can Level 7, this is especially bad with multiple rocks or helicopter landings.

Small gripes and suggestions
I really wish that cars and enemies could spawn at a distance from both directions like rocks can
If you had to duck gun fire from cars and had to remember that you couldn't jump it, I think things would be more interesting and challenging.
I wish the cars fired pistol shots rather than mg rounds, that would make more sense for my stuttered shots idea and be more like a driveby anyway, as their MG's don't fire fast enough to sound realistic anyway.
would be cool if you could take out cars with the grenades and or machinegun

Level 7 is fun especially because you need to get close to the pits, but you can't hear the machine and there isn't a very good indication of when you die or beat the machine other than a sound.
Stage 2 of level 7 would be more fun with bombs and  more enemies IMO.
Level 8 would be more fun if you could fall off of both sides of the latter and it went further down or had more enemies/hazards.
A destruction and running sound for Level 10's intro would have been nice.

no specific MG ammo pickup sound
there is no enemy fall sound for forest bushes or mud
enemies don't make landing sounds when jumping
helicopter destroy sounds could be bigger
An indicator for when helicopters are low enough to hit might be helpful,, for instance a different sound loop.

Previously selected weapon doesn't save between levels
I think the minimum health  value for rocks should be raised as sometimes it only takes one sword strike to kill them.
An auto updater or just an update notifier would be helpful.

I still don't really like this game much, but I think I can now say I would play it if I was really bored now at least...

2020-11-13 20:51:58

I downloaded the Mac version. This is a great time killeer, which I need. I'm super glad it runs so well under a brand new OS release.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-11-13 20:54:29

@56 I could help you with one thing in your huge list of negativity, you can pause the game by pressing escape, when it asks you if you want to exit, just do nothing, the game will be paused until you press no or yes

2020-11-13 21:03:49

That doesn't happen for me, I wonder if their was a silent update I didn't know about?

2020-11-13 21:05:06

@59 na, its more of a bug than a feature, so I guess it got fixed, did not playd this thing since some days

2020-11-13 21:09:42

oh I sea, the python version does not have an exit confermation

2020-11-13 21:14:42 (edited by mohamed 2020-11-13 21:15:06)

lol, @61 ask to exit doesn’t even exist.

2020-11-13 21:17:16

@55I think it has to be compiled from .py to .exe on windows 7 it self in order for it to run on that version of windows, if it was actually using pyinstaller that is, I could be wrong though

2020-11-13 23:45:28


Nope a game compiled with pyinstaller does not need to be compiled on a per OS basis.

@56  thanks for the suggestions. There's a lot here, and I'll definitely look into as much of this as I can.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-11-14 11:59:48 (edited by kruf 2020-11-14 12:00:29)

Hi, is there a way to contact mason please? I have a problem with my CH key. Thanks!

I usualy speak french, so please excuse all my english mistakes. Thanks!

2020-11-14 14:31:31

I keep dying on level 8 after climbing down the ladder, but whenever I attempt to kill an approaching enemy or pick up an inventory item, I end up losing a life. What am I doing wrong?

2020-11-14 15:33:03

does anyone have a demo of this game on youtube or something? want to check it out

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2020-11-14 20:32:09

Hi kruf,

You can get in contact with me via my email.

mason (at) masonasons (dot) me

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-11-14 20:36:37

Hi all,
I've just dropped a small CH update changing the speech output method to prevent errors and having to delete the GenPy folder from temp, and adding a basic updater.

Link is in post 1 as usual.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-11-14 23:42:43

Just got an error when falling of platforms.
This is the log.
Traceback (most recent call last):

2020-11-14 23:51:17 (edited by mazen 2020-11-14 23:53:06)

That’s... That’s not the complete log!

2020-11-15 00:50:07


No worries, I've just released an update fixing this error as well as adding a few of the most popularly requested features. Enjoy!

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-11-15 03:56:33

I solved level 8, now I'm grappling with level 10.

2020-11-15 11:17:03

Hi all.
I've been trying the thingy on my Mac and I managed to go till level 4, when I left it because I had to go grab something to eat.
The game is nice, however I wish shooter had an update to run on newer systems such as catalina or Big Sur. Is there a way to do so? I've tried changing the permissions on the thingy that opens while you press command I, but there is no save button at all so yeah.
Anyone could give me a handy on this one?

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-11-17 00:20:45

Hi all,

CrimeHunter version 2.03 has just been released. Warning! From this version onward, CrimeHunter will be 64-bit only. If you wish to run CrimeHunter on your 32-bit windows machine, then version 2.02 is the last version you will be able to do this on. Other notable changes include fixing a bug where the game errored on no connection, no more sword inventory item, among a few other things.


Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me