2020-11-11 00:18:32 (edited by TheBlindSaiyan 2020-11-11 00:19:18)

As the subject says, I'm looking for a driver utility I can Use independently for windows.
I know windows update does update drivers to an extent, but I want to see if I have the latest bios for my system.
Thanks in advance smile

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User Karma, every little helps

2020-11-11 00:38:08

Wouldn't mind this as well! I've had my laptop for five years and there have probably been graphics and other driver updates that I haven't gotten that I probably should have.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-11-11 00:53:12


i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2020-11-11 17:19:43

I too am looking for something like this as well

2020-11-11 23:31:55

The first actual solution, I use Intel's own service. It just sits in the system tray, and sends a desktop notification when it detects a driver update. It uses a web interface that just opens in your browser.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-12 00:32:33

Well, drivers and BIOS are two totally different things. There are accessible driver update tools out there, but none can update your BIOS as well, since every mainboard manufacturer uses different techniques to update your BIOS. Some allow BIOS flashing only within the BIOS (or UEFI nowadays) itself, by putting it onto a zip file and having to flash that from an USB drive.

2020-11-12 00:58:29

is the Intel driver updater only for intel. probably

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2020-11-12 04:13:53

@7 take a guess, intel

2020-11-12 04:50:05

well sorry but i have seen other apps that say like msi afterubrner but they work with other things so sorry for thinking of logic

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2020-11-12 08:17:36

I tried a few, driver magician is the most accessible of them so far although not with as extensive a database as some others.
The very good thing about it is that you can uninstall, backup, restore etc, your drivers with it.
Driver booster has the biggest databases but you need to use screen review to find the options, and OCR the page to find the scan button. But it's easy to update drivers with it so you wouldn't need to find very many options. Also, it's free. At Least if you want to use it to update your drivers only. the pro version updates your game components like directX as well.
I tried a few others but they are unaccessible to the point of unusability

2020-11-12 09:37:26

where do I get that intel thing?

My discord: the_real_amethyst
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2020-11-12 10:56:29

@11 google it

2020-11-12 20:32:26

@11 intel.com

2020-11-14 01:21:42

are you serious? google it? i mean like, what the darning heck? is going on with you google it people? i know that we have to do some searching and all, but not to this degree, i am seeing a lot of google it ting in this forum, oh god
p.s, don't take this affendishly, this is just my point of view, thanks

I am a hunter named Grunt. I didn't realize that until now.

2020-11-14 01:37:08

Literally if you just google download intel driver update tool its the first search result

2020-11-15 18:54:18

i know, but i am not talking about this topic. i am talking about googlitters in generl

I am a hunter named Grunt. I didn't realize that until now.