2020-11-07 00:43:23

@48, There is no excuse to not use force SSL. There is no excuse to not use HSTS. We're not smashing your ideas because of your past. We're telling you that the way your going about this is completely and utterly wrong. If you go to a professional business forum with this you'd get even harsher responses. It took you almost a week to get SSL going. If I set up a website it can take me about three days to make that server a B grade on SSLlabs because I follow common, modern and expected security practices. Might take a bit longer for HSTS, but I do use it. When you set up a modern website, you should encrypt all data to and from the server, irrespective of what it is. The computational cost for encrypting data and using TLS is minimal these days. (I can't get an A grade on SSLlabs.... I don't use public key pinning in particular, which I imagine lowers it a bit.)

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-11-07 04:22:57

Almost a week equals two days. Seriously guys, you already made your points clear enough, there is absolutely no reason to repeat it as much as you are doing. If he clearly shows he isn't willing to listen, why do you think you can convince him otherwise? Anybody who is reading this topic should be able to understand, and that's the main point.

2020-11-07 04:28:50

@48 This has nothing to due with your past and everything to due with how you are currently handling yourself.

2020-11-07 08:50:49

Yeah, the almost a week thing has been done to death. The conflicting vps provider agreements have got me curious. We don't know what German provider he's using, so can't check the terms of service on that. I'd guess this is more illegal than not but am not prepared to make the call yet.

2020-11-07 13:07:56

How many big vps providers are in germany?

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2020-11-07 14:30:10 (edited by George_Gaylord 2020-11-07 14:30:43)

The 2 I know of are dein server, and hexchener. Probably mispelt that. Plus, there are a lot of little ones kicking around.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-11-07 23:34:53

According to a brief whois search, it looks to be with CONTABO.

Also... I don't understand the letsencrypt reference in related to podcatchers?

Does Luna fail with ssl connections, is that what you mean?

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2020-11-08 00:42:36 (edited by Ethin 2020-11-08 00:42:52)

I don't think they allow that. Their TOS, section 6, says: "(1) The Customer expressly assures that the provision or publication of web page content created either by himself and/or web pages created for him by the Provider based on information provided by the Customer neither infringes German law nor any other law applicable in the Customer’s country of residence, in particular copyright, data protection and competition law. Furthermore, the Customer assures that the contents provided or published by him/her are not contrary to common decency, do not contain pornographic or obscene material, incite racial hatred, violate human dignity, endanger children or adolescents, or are insulting or discriminatory. This also applies to websites of third parties to which the Customer creates a link or has a link created.
(2) If the Provider is requested by third parties to change or delete contents of web pages because they allegedly violate third party rights, the Provider will immediately inform the Customer and request a statement. If the Customer does not respond within a reasonable period of time or if the statement does not sufficiently refute the accusation, the Provider reserves the right to block server access until the matter has been clarified. In this case, the Provider is also entitled to block web space packages or server or to exclude them in another suitable way from access by third parties. The Customer's payment obligations remain unaffected in this case
(3) The subsections above are also applicable for all other products offered by the Provider which are suitable for publishing data, such as VPS or colocated server." Additionally, section 11 says that "(1) The Provider concedes complete and sole administration-rights on rented/colocated server to the Customer. Only the Customer knows the individual administration-password of the server, not the Provider. The Provider is therefore unable to administrate the rented/colocated server. Hence the Customer is solely and entirely responsible for administration and security of his server, at his own expenses and risks. It is his duty to install necessary security-software and to inform himself constantly regarding security issues as well as to fix such by himself. Installation of maintenance software or other software does not absolve the Customer from this duty. It is the Customer's duty to configure his programs in such a way that they are restarted automatically when the hardware or the operating system is restarted. § 2 (5) applies.
(2) If necessary and reasonable, the Customer will assist at simple configuration changes, such as entering the login-data anew, or simple changes of his systems." So he would be, it seems, completely on his own when managing the server. That requires an intimate understanding of Linux and the software that users want to run.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-11-08 02:03:42

Dardar, this was a reference to the fact that I unlike Dennis am actively trying to find a way to solve the ssl barrier rather than not give a rat's ass about it.
To answer your question, yes, Luna RSS, along with anything using iTunes api does not seem to like letsencrypt certs. I know iTunes itself started accepting ssl certs, so I wonder if the iTunes API is dated?
Getting to the bottom of this since no one really needs to pay for an ssl cert these days unless they need an OV, but a small website can get away with DV just fine. Paying for a cert doesn't make a difference for a smaller,, not-very-interactive site, you are only paying for the provisioning and identity verification that goes into deploying the cert.

2020-11-08 04:12:46 (edited by dardar 2020-11-08 04:13:08)

@59 very interesting!
Luna only relies on iTunes for their search features, I wonder if it will handle https links through the standard add a feed section?
I admit to never having thought of this possibility as a problem. Well! Perhaps the lack of reports suggests Luna handles it? Maybe I am too optimistic

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2020-11-08 06:02:30

No, this is through a manual feed link, so it must be luna-specific or a Letsencrypt problem.

2020-11-08 07:30:31

I mean, it's pulling RSS feeds. I really don't think anyone's going to be doing anything with that info anytime soon.

2020-11-08 16:01:53

good to know, either way! I'll have to see what I can do about it

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2020-11-08 19:07:53

The link in the first post does not redirect to the https link you posted earlier, so your website is still not secure.
You have edit fields where you are asking people to enter usernames and passwords, in clear text, so a secure website does indeed matters, a lot.
I'm running multiple PVS's myself, and it took me like 20 minutes to set up a free SSL certificate.

Your ideas are great in my opinion for those who can't manage their own servers. It just feels like you need more experience before you take money for anything.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-11-08 19:23:04

You should also own some of your own servers, whether physical or through a distribution agreement with these providers if they offer one, before you go into the managed server biz. This isn't necessarily a requirement for one-offs, but when you are managing potentially dozens of clients, you want to be able to provide 24/7 incident management. Even if what you are doing now isn't illegal or is too grayarea-ish to consider illegal, it's still way too inefficient to deploy professionally.

2020-11-08 22:22:17

Dennis, just some advice.
1. It seems to me that you are running this website on your own. You should assemble a team of people who actually know how to manage a website, a business website so you can have some credibility. It's natural, one person cannot just do everything on their own. Professional companies have many people managing their websites not just one or two persons doing the job. As it stands your website looks more like a personal website than a professional company website. There is always a can with help. Also Jack, try to be a bit softer on him. What he needs is good advice so he can be guided gently. If he refuses to listen, then you have at least done your duty to him. He is old enough to take responsibility for his actions just as you and I am.
2. You wrote
"I am DHT, or known as DHT Studios. I am currently 16 years old and developing, playing and contributing audiogames and programs for the blind. on this
site, well, let this small web services inspire you!"

First as Jack said, check your grammar.
Second, in the world of professional business, no-one really cares about who you are or who I am. Sounds sad, I know, but humans don't really value each other as much as they should.
Also you being 16 years of age is not really relevant here.
What kind of programs for the blind do you develop? Can you please explain? You need to make your introduction look more attractive so consumers can be drawn to it like two magnets being drawn together. Therefore have someone to edit your content on your website in order to make it look better. Remember, customers will pay for anything if it's worth it.
Finally, I think a lot of other good things have also been said so do take note of them!

2020-11-08 23:04:34

@Thunderfist799: Ordinarily I would give plenty of benefit of the doubt, it was his track-record of deflecting when I did exactly that in this topic.
Logically, no one goes from I'm setting up donations to recoup expenses from my last ddos, to buy my services but I'm still using bgt so I'm not going to force ssl redirects. As someone who has moved clients away from truly shitty web hosts in the past onto ones with much more incredible customer services, the high standards I have come from experience and having seen the good, the bad and the ugly. His behavior is, by and large, a series of red flags that really have no place in a paid offering.
You are completely correct on how he does need a team. Managed hosting is not a one-man operation, especially if it is going to be a 24/7 operation which, to remain competitive, it really should be.

2020-11-09 00:25:15

Nah this guy doesn't need soft, he needs to be railroaded out of here. It would be different if he showed even an inkling of giving two shits.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-11-09 01:25:26

He doesn't need to be railroaded out of here persay, not literally at least, but he needs just enough hard reality to realize that this isn't just playing around when you are offering paid services and handling that kind of data.

2020-11-09 11:12:34

@simba: Dont know what you mean with "hasnt got a good reputation in the german comunity", which bad reputation should I have where? The german comunity isnt really a big place, so there are a few Mailing lists (I am only in one), and there is a website. Not more that I can remember.
@68: Railroaded? dude, you really should be locked into a railroad...
@all: So I have to admit that there where a few things I dont saw, and I will now correct these. So if the mods could close this Topic for now, it would be great. thanks.

Just got such boring Things to do.
I actually want the legendary audiogames back!

2020-11-09 13:21:57

you  fail at something, and go, omgomgomg mods close this topic?
dude the world doesn't go like that
you should try to learn from your mistakes

2020-11-09 15:08:49

Wait, how can one be locked into a railroad. It's a section of track. How can you lock someone to a track? I mean, I guess you could tie someone to a section of track, but lock implies the use of an actual lock.

On a more serious note, your actions suggest that you do not care for the welfare of your potential customers. It's clear that you do not see, or are choosing to ignore your responsibilities regarding protecting data. It's clear that if you can't be bothered to make your site look professional with good spelling and grammar, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously.

The only way for you to even begin to redeem yourself is to acknowledge your mistakes and own up to them. Admit you were / are wrong and either stand up and take responsibility and fix your site or take it down. Until then, in my eyes, you're just an insignificant ethereal entity that somehow lost it's corporeal existence.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-11-09 18:11:12

I mean, I've been tempted to tie @ironcross32 to a railroad a few times... but that's just because he'd do the same to me, so at least I can agree with the @1 on something big_smile

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2020-11-09 18:21:36

I was going to say, locked into a railroad sounds more like a challenge than anything else.

2020-11-09 18:22:37

This topic is not going to be closed, unless of course it falls into needless flaming and other such unpleasantness.