2020-11-05 18:02:23

chrisnorman7 wrote:

While I agree with you in part, surely it's better to have a large number of "OK" games, than a staggeringly small number of "great" ones?

The problem is that those "Okay" games are really not okay. Take Challenge of the Horse, for example. You literally press space at certain points of the game. Would you consider it to be fit for release? It's incredibly simplistic and just tries to piggyback on the enjoyment the community sees when it comes to runners. The game about Pizza, same developer, was a mess as well, though it was slightly better. Still, it had few fully thought-through mechanics and was mostly mash the space key game. So, to answer your question, I would be perfectly fine with a small number of great games because of the thought put behind them and their mechanics.

chrisnorman7 wrote:

Also, are you saying new developers shouldn't be allowed to release anything or be recognised for releasing sub-par games? How are they ever going to get to swamp level if they don't write guess the number and Hangman?

I think we can both agree that a sub-par game can still be thought through. I do not expect perfection. I do not expect mainstream quality from new developers. I do expect the necessity for the recognition of what should and should not be released. People should totally write Hangman and Guess the Number, but they should not release them to the community unless the game in question is akin to icing on the cake (boy, here goes the food analogy. I need to find new comparisons). To put it in perspective, Sammy Center, a game from what one could consider new and inexperienced developer, had Guess the Number. However, it was one of the 10 or so games packaged within the application. Sam did not release it as a standalone app and said "Hey guys! I have a game!" An even better, if more nonsensical, example is Judgement Day. Liam packaged simple minigames on top of the main space invader mechanic, and it added to the appeal of the final product despite its simplicity. I can go into detail about Super Egg Hunt as well, how such simple mechanics were made into 92 trophies and hours of fun, but I'm sure I made my point: Sub-par does not possess correlation with game complexity.
By the same token, I do not believe that the individuals releasing those tiny programming exercises deserve recognition precisely do to the simplicity of such programs. You could argue that the effort taken to create an application varies with the individual, but here is where my last point comes in: The ability to regard your product as a customer. Take Rhory Arcade, for example. The developer came up with 19 or so games that boiled down to clicking buttons and hoping that luck is with you. While it was complicated to make (He actually had a GUI which was recognized by the screen reader), it quickly lost its appeal do to the lack of control the user could exhibit on the game.
Before I finish, I would like to point out that we should not be downright hostile to new developers. I believe that there is a fine line between giving undue praise and being extremely rude. Unfortunately, the community tends to fall on the undue praise of the spectrum.
I hope this clears a few things up for you.

2020-11-05 19:26:57


Take the graphics out of OFDP and it still would work, because of what you said. I loved that game, was amazing fun and it was more like a rythm game at times that was both amazingly simple and incredibly satisfying, yes. I want something like that in the audiogames market really, yes please. I've a whole  list of that sort of game really, simple to learn, fun to play, and hard to master. See, that's what I want from games, honestly. You can have al your fancy 3D binural audio bels and whistles but if the actual game underneath isn't that good, then...

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-11-05 20:02:01 (edited by Honk 2020-11-05 20:07:14)

You're talking down on "all your fancy 3D binaural audio bels and whistles" and on the one hand I want to agree here. I too believe that good game mechanics alone make for good games. Chess stays a great game even with super ugly figures and a cork board.

But especially OFDP is a bad example for this I think. Because I think a lot of appeal from it actually came from the phenomenon juice I've mentioned. Watch this video from Game Makers Toolkit for further reference. In OFDP it already was super rewarding to simply click the buttons at the right time. It had so much impact and felt so great to hit your opponents even though you were basically just clicking just with the help of clever and thoughtful sound and graphic design.
So in this special case I think all the superficial "bells and whistles" were working extremely well. Sure, they wouldn't have saved the game if the core gameplay would have been bad. It was a pretty clever idea and a good example how to build upon the simplest building blocks in game design. But I think OFDP actually is a great example how good art design can push a game over the top.

2020-11-05 21:41:27

I agree with Amerikranian's latest post wholeheartedly. You can make a game like that without releasing it and making it into a big deal, that's why they're used as sample programs while learning.
The only reason I said you sounded a bit harsh was when I whent over your post again with the perspective of some of these developers and or people who don't use such diction and writing structure. You're kind of in a similar boat with Jayde, Dark, Octurnus, etc, where you write with very large and complicated words, but you tend to go a little overboard. I personally enjoy that writing style, and I'm able to understand you, but that's also because that's how I strive to write. A lot of people don't even capitalize there sentences.
I'm also not a person to dance around things, much the opposite, in fact. However, I only said you were harsh when looking through that perspective.

“Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.”
“You don’t tell me how to behave; you’re not my mother!”
“Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” – Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

2020-11-05 23:31:58

what we really lack here, is a game that would stay up for long:
lets take a look at sequence storm for example, just cause it got recent updates. Sequence storm, although is a simple concept, puts together a good story, some simple mekanics and gives you a good game experience.
we think that sometimes we need crazy stuf, when a good story and updates that aren't just bug fixes would make games stay up for much longer.
an other example. kommando 2: it had its life period, from v 1.1 to v 1.14 but who cared about v 1.15 / 1.17? i saw few people get that v 1.17, or atleast, noboty talked about it.
why? cause id didn't bring any actual change to it. i'm not offending the dev here, they did a great job. but a game like that, has a very, very, very, very, short life period. what would happen if instead of just menues kommando2 had a small and simple store? the boy climbing the classes, so stadiums?
yes stadiums, wich you had to reach through some dungeons of sorts? not the manamon 2 plot, but something more than just you skrolling through some menues and fighting.
more stadiums? lets say taht to get to the white lider you cross a city. the stadium would be just a flat surface with no effects, but what if you just climbed to the top of a mountain? a type of stadium bended inwards bade of ice?
a simple as hell thing, that could make the game more appealing. not just menues, a little thing, that makes it more than just a create your deck
why not, customizing the launcher? the string you use to launch? all of those small things, that could really, give the game a really huge boost in fact of player base.
still on kommando 2. the things have the same sounds, now, what would happen if they actually had some sounds based on the actual weapon they had? a lightning sword would have an electrical sound when striking... or, the spin thing that touches the ground, if it's a blaze spin, could have a firey sound while spinning. all small things that could really turn a simple old school game like kommando in to a next level game.
i know here most of the devs are minors and don't have that much coin to spend on their project, but i'm pointing out that guys that made great games, could continue on that path.
getting back to a more jeneral disscussion about games? what if the devs of this comunity would make a beat them up game with them and their game kareacters inside it?
a aaron baker killing samtupi? a ross aura mastering liam? or idk... a bk3 protagonist buster blading the shit out of the zombie from the gate... a super smash bros kind of thing, that would really break the walls the comunity built for so long.
thanks for having a look at this, and good day

2020-11-07 06:49:23

@80 that would be hella fun, but every person has their own ideas, and their own agenda. Some people would code a lot more than others. Some people would get pissed that they are doing more work than others. And of course, the game design and sound design has to be great or it is an immediate waste of time.

2020-12-28 10:37:56

sightlessHorseman wrote:

At Julian well if you would like to play Fifa, I could
help you with that. You can't play offline sadly, but a bunch of modes works quite fine.

Greetings Moritz

Hi Moritz,
Can you help me to do this?
I sent you 2 private messages but didn't get any answer.

2020-12-28 11:12:07


That's because I don't check my private messages on here, with the system not beeing very great.

i can help you with the game, although if you want live help, i can do that next month possibly. I am currently in the process of moving house and getting everything organised and this will take a while though.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2021-01-13 15:40:30

sightlessHorseman wrote:


That's because I don't check my private messages on here, with the system not beeing very great.

i can help you with the game, although if you want live help, i can do that next month possibly. I am currently in the process of moving house and getting everything organised and this will take a while though.

Greetings Moritz.

Hi Moritz,
I sent you an email 2 weeks ago. I don't need live help for now, please let me know if you didn't get my email.

2021-01-13 17:46:02


I might have received the email, not sure though. I currently am abit stressed out and can't really help till all the stuff has finished around here, I will try getting to it if the stress levels go down abit.

Greetings moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.