2020-11-05 13:01:57

so i was having  A lot  of fun with python lately, but i am wondering, when i  compile my stuff, is it safe to use py installer? I herd that some people could get any thing made using it in 1 button click, so is there is a way to stop that?  or I compile using cython somehow?

2020-11-05 14:04:14

yeah. using cython will help you to increase the chance of not reverse enjeneer. but you remember, every thing that is compiled can bee reverse enjineered. mey bee programs written in low level languages can't reverse enjineer the exact source code but they can reveel logic behind your program. but yeah. using cython will help you.

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2020-11-05 14:05:59

sorry for double posting, @1, i forgot to tell you. it's a bit hard to get the loigc behind the low level language, but for those who is very exports and know complicated low level, they can how ever get the logic. ok, you can use cython to decrease the chance of reverse enjineering.

if you like this post, please thum it up!
if you like to see my projects, feel free to check out my github
if you want to contact me, you can do here by skype. or you can follow me on twitter: @bhanuponguru
discord: bhanu#7882

2020-11-05 14:22:38

use cython, there is an article in the articles room about it, its python guide part 3 or something like that, have fun!

2020-11-05 14:32:15

The thing I'm constantly realizing with python, and I think this community is starting to learn this the hard way, It's just, not designed with closed source in mind. You can do it if you're good, you can cythonise your code, impliment special checks to insure that your code can't be ran outside of your program, but as someone has already pointed out, your logic will still be exposed. It's fairly trivial to figure out exactly what any python program is doing, with or without source code.
This is the entire reason I never switched to using it fully. I don't want to spend rediculess amounts of time on asset / code protection, particularly not when developing something like an online game.

2020-11-05 15:14:36 (edited by Quin 2020-11-05 15:15:50)

I'm with 5 on this one.  Sure you can cythonize, or pull a fuckin Sam Tupy and make your own extended Pyinstaller build system that makes a tiny exe that runs another exe, and fsajkrlwejklrwaejklwerajsfdklaljklujsaoiruotuqwuoieurwrpiwe, but no thank you.  To be fair though, you first need to make something that would actually be worthwhile decompiling, and most audiogames, TBFH, aren't. Same as sound encryption. It works. Until it doesn't. So don't spend a huge amount of time on it

2020-11-05 17:31:29

I mean, given enough effort, I am reasonably sure that BGT-created products could be decompiled. Yes, said effort would be much greater than what is required for Python, but it is theoretically possible. Carter did get at the logic behind the encryption schemes of the language, after all.
Also, no offense, but whatever you're writing is not going to be groundbreaking at first, and if you reach such levels you'll be paid to do this and will have law on your side.
That all being said, Cythonizing your code is probably your best bet for now in terms of security. You still would have to take effort to prevent decompilation of pyinstaller products, but all people would get are .pyd modules, which they'd have to import and try and figure out.
Before you ask, no, I do not know the extra measures required to protect your pyinstaller exe.

2020-11-05 17:58:26

Regarding BGT being decompiled, I seriously, seriously wouldn't count on it. As far as I understand it, once something is compiled to bytecode, bytecode it will remain, because it's not even an encryption scheme as such, more a different version of what's already there which can be parsed by the compiler but not read by humans. I could be totally missing the mark on this one, but I'd love to see someone actually decompile something made in BGT, or even something like pure basic.

2020-11-05 18:59:18 (edited by Lucas1 2020-11-05 19:02:07)

@6 The NVG launcher (the small executable that launches another one) is not intended at all for executable protections. We have our own internal methods of protection in NVG which include Cythonizing. The launcher is simply to clean up the directory structure.
@8, it would certainly be difficult. You might be able to create a human-readable representation if you read hundreds of KB of Angelscript code and figure out the decryption method for the bytecode section of executables generated by BGT, but I don't think anybody is going to do that.

2020-11-05 19:03:29

i never said that i will do something as you say, groundbreaking, but i don’t like something like, i shair something, 5 minutes later, random people going hey, i got the source, not saying that the code is grate or something, it just sounds meh
and i know that people like camlorn could do it even if it was cython, but most likely whatever i do will  never let high leveled people do even think about getting it, but i know with normal py installer, even people who doesn’t know python could get the src in one click, that’s why...

2020-11-05 19:31:32

@10, just cythonize, it wont make it booletproof but it makes it hard enough for amateurs to not bother mess with, the peapol who could get some useable code out of cython they know that they better spend there time on something else that may bring them money

2020-11-05 19:32:05

No no. Not one click. It is actually more complex than most people make it sound. It's not hard by any means, but pyinstaller makes it no easier. Asset protecting isn't worth it IMHO. Source code I half get it, but there are people that literally have spent hours upon hours modifying python bytecodes, and making Cython work with them, plus doing all sorts of other things, and if you ask me, that's too much investment for a system that in theory can still be cracked.

2020-11-05 19:35:50

@12 I just made your user carma go from 99 to 100

2020-11-05 19:51:51 (edited by Lucas1 2020-11-05 19:52:44)

@12 I could make a script that could decompile your entire project, given a pyinstaller directory, in one click. Such a thing probably exists, and it would basically just be gluing together existing tools. If you don't protect your executables at all, it's like a few cmd commands, not counting the repetitive commands you use to decode every .pyc file that you need. So sure it's not one click, but someone who knows the very basics of python and cmd could feasibly do it in 5 minutes, counting a few minutes of research.

2020-11-05 20:48:27

@13, I saw LOL thanks.
@14, That is true, and do what with it, though? It's not like I'm hard coding passwords/keys into my code anyways. SO what. Go have my source. You probably need it more than I do if you're doing it for  more than just seeing if you can at that point. Maybe I just don't get it, though. I've never had code stolen or used from me without my permission. And I do see how that could make you want to do it, I guess. I just can't relate to it.

2020-11-05 22:59:58

If someone wants your code, it doesn't matter what its written in they will get it, no matter what level of encryption or tricks you use. Full Stop. I know of people who decompile and reverse engineer assembly code, C, C++, hell the pirate scene can crack DRM in hours. While its important to offer at least some protection of your code from casual muckery, doing more for anything other than online play is irrelevant.

Typically most companies use lawyers to protect unauthorized use of their code and assets for these reasons, and whether you think your code is important enough or your resources plentiful enough to persue that is up to you.

-BrushTone v1.3.3: Accessible Paint Tool
-AudiMesh3D v1.0.0: Accessible 3D Model Viewer

2020-11-05 23:07:55

the days of close source is going to an end slowly btw

2020-11-05 23:13:46

@16 yeah. I mean there are games that do such evil things as modification of Assembly on runtime and it takes hackers months to get through, but they still do.
@17 it already has. I doubt it will go away altogether though. The day MS open sources Windows or Apple open sources any of it's OSs I will literally have a heart attack. Same as if FS open sourced... just about anything. I would literally have heart attacks as it would give people ways to exploit bugs and/or crack the software easier.

2020-11-06 01:11:59

Why are we having this discussion again? What is the point?
As for bytecodes being bytecodes, this is false. Any set of bytecodes can be decompiled into its code form. All a bytecode is is a compact (though probably a bit more verbose) equivalent of your higher-level code. If you have the manuals on hand or you know the bytecode format intimately, its easy to write a decompiler that will translate your code into a higher-level language like (say) angelscripts assembly language. You could then take that assembly language and do another conversion to convert that code into angelscript. Some languages allow you to directly convert from bytecode to the high-level language, though there's usually an intermediate stage/format because these formats are easier to work with.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2020-11-06 13:50:03

YOu can use pyarmor with pyinstaller.

2020-11-06 14:48:02

Also more breakable than Cython.

2020-11-14 01:23:39

So how can i compile my programs with cython? It creates a dll libraries, which should be imported and ran.
So i have to create single file where should import main.dll or something then run it from main.py or is another way?

2020-11-14 04:47:34

Yup. Lets say you made game.pyd. Then
in something like main.py, which will be compiled.
# import *every* module game.pyd does (Cython can be bitchy).
import game

if __name__ == '__main__':
    game.main() # Or whatever your main function is.

2020-11-14 04:48:11

It is worth noting that you do not Cythonize game.py, that is the most code anyone will be able to get, as it is what will be compiled.

2020-11-14 12:37:43

uncompyle ca n decompile .pyd extensions