2020-11-01 00:20:46

This game is fun

2020-11-01 00:23:48

No, it does not. Clone does not mean ban the game, it is illegal. It only does in this community. It is not an unauthorised fork, but it is a clone of the exact same idea, stile, gameplay, that will no doubt be discontinued in less than a year, and it will not happen because of the community.

2020-11-01 00:24:31

I tried it out.
And it's pretty much exactly what I expected. There's a new levelling system, and the vehicles are kinda cool, work a LOT like Redspots jets, but... it's not much more innovative.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
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2020-11-01 00:28:30

You mean to tell me the last time i checked this to now it exploded so much? Jesus christ. let the reading begin lol

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-11-01 00:31:09

Yes, but as you illustrated, we all know the meaning of the word in this community...

2020-11-01 00:36:29

@23, IDK, but I quite enjoy common keystrokes, especially iph they're intuitive? and generally well thought  out. Same phor menus. Also, I don't quite see how you can innovate menus, or make them pheel dipherent. They all pretty much do the same thing. Audiogame or not.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-11-01 01:37:18

I didn't say anything about games needing to be good. What makes a good game is different for everyone anyways depending on their interests. There's nothing wrong with releasing another pvp game, but why is it exactly the same as every other pvp game that came before it? All I'm asking is for someone to try something even slightly different whenever they decide to release their version. It's a game, and it works, but it's been released many times already.
Even just changing some of the text for the menu items to make it feel like a different game. Of course text like Speaker Test is going to be used across many games, but there are options that have the same text word for word as other games.

Trying to free my mind before the end of the world.

2020-11-01 01:46:59

@2 what the hell. Just what the hell. Sometimes even i who is against this totally wishes a tumps down button.
@14 it's probs cause of his past, i get this every time i release something.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

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2020-11-01 06:53:31

each 3d project is clone, and each 2d project too. Because the killer and redspot exists for the 3d, and ultrapower for the 2d smile

2020-11-01 07:09:43

Can't help but agree with @BoundTo here. I don't apreciate being force fed the same strings and actions over and over. It just makes it feel like they're trying to emulate Redspot.

“Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.”
“You don’t tell me how to behave; you’re not my mother!”
“Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” – Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

2020-11-01 07:48:33 (edited by walrus 2020-11-01 07:50:37)

i personally prefer offline fps that you can fight AIS and have some vehicles to drive. speaking of the 2d though... i prefer offline versions of an online clone instead of something similar to it. i'll see the description on the webste of this game to see f i'll play it or not, because i'm not trusting into those called clones. i'll test this to see if it's a clone, and if i get spamkilled 50000000000by insert administrator name here i will delete the game.
but a suggestion.
can you add hrtf audio, or it was done
edit. never mind, since there there's not description of the site. let's see if there's a safe zone though

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-11-01 08:11:52

I tried the game for a while, and, it seemed fine to me. what I'm having hard time to understand is , why're we being double faced, we want red spot back, on the other hand, if someone tries to grab our attention by throwing a somewhat similar project with slightly different concepts/ features/ whatever, we call it a clone by considering the litteral meaning of it.
people who uses stolen code to create their game, we call it a clone, people who comes up with similar idea's with their own code, we call it a clone, is it fair to treat both the cases in similar ways? but then, it's hard to identify if the person used the stolen code or not, it's just me being me, confused.

allow me to speak more,
catch me on Twitter
or, Mastodon

2020-11-01 08:37:07 (edited by ivan_soto 2020-11-01 08:38:25)

I'm going to agree with Pool here. I have heard many players complain about how Redspot is gone, wa wa wa wa wa. But when someone comes and releases something similar to RS, everyone jumps down on the developer's throat.
I think it's time for the community to start telling us what they want, letter by letter. It's hard to please everyone as is, it's even harder pleasing a community who shits on anything that has FPS. So, what new ideas would you like to see on the table. Perhaps telling the developer what you want changed rather than "screw this it's just another clone" may get you something better.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-11-01 08:42:32

now left the game completely. those game are not the kind of games i play. good luc mohamed and continue adding things i this game. shure will become good one day, something like a 3d version of bts.
ohh no, dont take this seriously mohamed, i know that you'll not add that. hahhahahahaha.

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-11-01 09:18:41

I am not going to comment on the whole "clone" situation, because clearly as pointed by others it has many many meanings in this community. What I am going to say, however is for people to be a little more patient before hopping on the bandwagon. Just because a lot of games we've seen so far were in fact clones, not all are fokes. If you want a dev to put their hard work, time, and patience into a project you should try to be a little patient and open-minded as well. Yes I get that some of it comes from said dev's past but at least try to have some evidence to back your claims. Also, @ivan I think the issue is that this is a very big community and so I don't really think you can please everyone. Some people prefer just some game where you can connect, grind for items, weapons, so on and so forth, and start shooting. Others like some strategy into the mix, such as missions, team matches, etc. etc.. You know, innovation that hasn't really been seen before. Personally I'm with the later crew but as I said. This is a very large community and so people will have differing opinions. So one way or the other, certain people are going to shit on you. I dare say that if something not quite seen before and creative is made though, the complaining and wining crew would be a minority and honestly, that is something you will always have. Some will actually have constructive feedback, others?  Not so much.

Abay chal.

2020-11-01 09:40:36

I agree with Pool as well, people need to either figure out what the fuck clone actually means or stop saying it.

2020-11-01 10:05:02 (edited by ogomez92 2020-11-01 10:57:14)

defender wrote:

Good job starting a firestorm with post 2.  As a dev your self I'd hoped you would be more responsible...

Guys if you call something a clone with no good evidence, then the word loses all of it's meaning.

Good job! I can't believe you're willing to make an issue out of this and call me out on it. New developer guy with 0 games (ever heard of Mohamed Sulaiman ? Nope), posts new game based of a well-known clone, admits it's based of another game which in turn was based of redspot, bah. I respect you because you always make useful comments, but there was no need to call me out on this shit.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-11-01 11:22:29

Mohamed Sulaiman worked with Tunmi13 on Bloodstorm, Build to Survive, Air Puck, and Battle of the Hunter.
Good games?  Definitely not.  But this isn't his first project either.
You also say your self that it's based off another game which is based off another game which is based off Redspot.  No where in that chain do I hear solid evidence of code steeling by him.
Is it possible that this is using stolen code of some kind?  Yes, absolutely! but to just assume like that and start the thread out badly without even really looking at the thing?
That's what I was calling irresponsible, because even if you don't like the dude and have your strong suspicions about this new release, you should be the bigger person and hold your tongue for the sake of the forum, as all this drama can really do is hurt everyone, where as helping to ignore the game should cause it to fade faster.

But I do definitely understand the frustration.

2020-11-01 13:34:02

Did he work on BAH though? And he's also a known troll so no biggie.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-11-01 16:38:27

Nothing new, just bug off

I choose to be happy

2020-11-01 18:05:19

I don't know the dude so I don't know if I like him or not, but my point still stands. Yet another clone of another game. I'm sorry fi my clooooone comment hurt anyone's feelings, but meh. ALike I said, I don't know the guy.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-11-01 18:08:50

Ok, so yes, maybe we should give new ideas, you are correct. However, did anyone ask, hey, I am making a new game, and I want it to be A FPS. Do you have any ideas of anything new and innovative I could work on? No, the game just came out. It's usually how it ends up being. A dev works on a game, nobody knows, so nobody can give ideas. Then it turns out being like all the other games we seen already. So partially yes, maybe the community is to be blamed as well, but the community needs a place to vote and give feedback about new ideas, and a developer needs to be willing to listen to them before releasing something. Being that the dev himself did not even announce the release here, I doubt this forum will contribute much to both the success or a possible downfall of this game.

2020-11-01 19:11:51 (edited by George_Gaylord 2020-11-01 19:12:43)

Erm, peopple, the game was released since what? March? It just never had its own topic, but its been out for that, long. Its, not, a, new, random, release. And ironically, the feedback he got on it was "don't release it".

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-11-01 19:22:54

Well duh, of course he got that feedback when his 2D project was such a mess. Great that it has been out since March, although I doubt it is that long, but I certainly did not know about it, only heard that bloodstorm 3D is in the works.

2020-11-01 19:25:22

The game's been out since mey/june, so no, its not new.
Mohamed didn't announce it here just because he know what would happen if he did, i knew the same thing so i didn't even suggest to him to release the game on here.
Maybe the game if not innovative, but its not a reason to say that this is a clone. Actually, it partially is a clone but not in the meaning you thing.
Things you guys refer as clones are unauthorized forks, not actual clones, so go get the definition before you blame something to be a clone because this aint an unauthorized fork. Also, stop calling these games clones because its driving me mad.
This game is a partial clone of ideas, like all the games from like 5 years ago til now. As many have sayd same navigation, same concepts, same things. Mohamed's a great guy, and he actually listens to constructive feetback, or atleast some of it.
I've suggested to him to add custom server's to bts cause its practically death and payed users wil get even more from that, he did so.
I've suggested to him to add master rangs to the bts server to add and remove admins easily, he did so.
So guys, if you want a good game, help Mohamed with making it instead of trying to cut him in to bits and pieces.
I really thing if he'll start geting constructive feedback here, he'll start announcing his games here as well.

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org