2020-10-26 22:55:59

So I've seen recently that AMD CPUs have been gaining traction in this community, why is this? I'm currently using an Intel 8 7550U, what's the AMD equivalent, and what should I use in the future?

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2020-10-26 23:40:59

Several reasons. AMD are using a 7 nanometer manufacturing process, which increases transistor density, makes them heat up less, and makes them much more power efficient. Intel hasn't make substantial improvements in its processor technology since 2014, and has been stuck on 14 nanometer since. AMD on the other hand has made really significant improvements in its processors with  each generation since original zen in 2017. Last year for example, with the first year move to 7 nm, they doubled core counts in their higher end processors.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-10-26 23:50:12

AMD is outcompeting Intel on most metrics.  Whether that can last, I don't know.  My guess is that AMD doesn't have tech debt that Intel does, or maybe just threw their hands up and said let's design everything from scratch.  We'll never know how.  But at the moment AMD is faster and smaller for the same price points, I believe.

Mind you this changes every 6 months or so, so don't just decide that AMD is better.  You'll want to do some checking of your own.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-10-27 00:46:59

Because as of now, they're kicking ass. Lisa Su took a sinking ship full of holes and listing terribly to one side and patched them all, bringing it not only back to the surface, not only operational, but kicking ass. I used to say I'd never use AMD, but now, my machine is powered by an AMD CPU.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2020-10-27 01:32:58

There's also the whole Spectre and Meltdown speculative computing exploits that Intel chips were exposed too, AMD just happened to be working on a different architecture that made them less susceptible to it. The patch in turn hit Intel performance a bit giving AMD a bit of a boost.

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2020-10-27 02:42:53

Last I checked, those attacks worked fine against AMD, or at least some AMD specific variants did.  It works against almost any processor with speculative execution.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-10-27 09:35:22 (edited by Ghost 2020-10-27 09:37:09)

Alot of those exploits  don't work on AMD machines, for instance the meltdown one. Spectre does work, but newer AMD processors are immune hardware wise to all but spectre. And all the microarcetechtural data sampling vulnerabilities were also Intel specific as well.  I personaly wouldn't get intel, not only for the better pricepoints and more advanced technology, but also because of thev much fewer security holes discovered on these processors, and the much smaller impact of the patches.  The new processors appear to beat Intel on the only area it held an advantage, single threaded performance. And rockit lake processors look to be an incremental update as best, same as tiger lake was. Tiger lake was really hyped. One reason AMD has been able to deliver much more advanced technology is that Apple has been working with TSMC to manufacture processors for the IPhones, which has allowed AMD to benefit from the enhancements they made in chip fabrication. From what I know 1 year after the IPhone moves to 5nm manufacturing, AMD will come out with these chips in 2021.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-10-27 11:27:50

Hmm. I used to hear a lot of things, some saying AMD was great, others saying Intel is the way to go for audio production. I finally got to draw my own tentative conclusion; Intel has an edge. Not saying that will hold for everyone, but here's my story:

In 2016 I got a machine from Cyberpower with an AMD fx8320. 8 cores, 3.5 ghz speed. And the price was a lot cheaper than I thought. It worked well, but because this was a gaming machine, a lot of emphasis was placed on graphics and performance, so it fanned like a boss. Even at its quietest, it was moderately loud, and while it didn't bother me per say, it did make me think. Over time I wondered if it really needed to be that loud. This was my first fancy machine though; before that I was using really cheapo computers with duel core processors and 3-4 gb of ram, just so that I'd have something to use. This was back in the days of Win7 as well. But when getting the AMD, I wanted something that would work well for music production and multitasking, and it seemed a good choice. But every time I posed questions on Twitter especially, such as "Are things supposed to hang this much?" I'd always get replies like "What processor do you have?" And when I told them AMD, they would scoff and say "That's why. Nobody serious uses AMD for audio." To be fair, these are audio people I did respect, having heard some of their work before and having talked to them on other occasions, so while I did take offense to their dismissal, I also sort of believed they knew what they were talking about.

About 6 months ago, the fans in that machine started getting even louder and making horrible rattling noises, and cleaning didn't help, so it looked like I'd have to replace fans. The headphone jack on the tower also went out, it was my fault because the plug accidentally got yanked and bent the jack frame out of shape, because they put the jack in a messy place where it felt really weird to plug and unplug stuff.

I eventually got to the point where I just wanted a new computer which didn't have any issues. I sort of was like, "hell, why don't I just get a nice Intel that's comparable to my AMD machine, or maybe slightly inferior? This way I'd have a shot at a fair comparison between the two and if Intel is as great as people have told me it is, it'll be a win win."

I ended up getting a Dell XPS 8930. It's customizable, so I picked options which were roughly equivalent to my AMD, and then got rid of stuff I didn't need (better graphics, and wifi since myInternet on ddesktop is wired etc.) In the end, I chose Intel I7 9th gen (8 cores, 3 ghz if I remember right), 16 gb of ram. The price was at least a couple hundred bucks more than the Cyberpower, but lower than non-customizable machines with the specs I wanted. Thanks to Covid I had to wait about 6 weeks to get it, but I did get it and... well. It was a nightmare to set up the way I wanted because I had to kill Waves Max Audio, find a way to force it not to come back, had to reinstall Windows to get rid of the crap they bundled with it, neither of which I had to deal with before, but I learned a lot from it. At the end of the day, I really love the machine. Fans are so quiet I often can't hear them, and performance? I mean it feels about the same, but it shines when I'm doing stuff in Reaper. I can push it about twice as hard before I run into trouble, and it is definitely more responsive during heavy tasks. Which goes completely against my expectations; I thought that since the Intel's speed was slower, (3 ghz as opposed to AmD's 3.5 ghz) that I would get slightly less performance but, my results at least are opposite. Of course, there are probably a million reasons why this could be the case, I'm not knowledgeable enough on this stuff to be cognizant of any of them.

Now that I think about it though, I haven't done a super fair comparison really. I'm comparing 2016 AMD with 2020 Intel. And I never laid the machines out side-by-side, with the same configuration, equally fresh installations of Windows etc. to see how they handle certain tasks. Hell, maybe the AmD will do just as well on a clean Windows installation, but I kinda doubt it. It might do better than I usually see, but I tentatively feel like it won't be able to match. Still, I won't know until I try.

So... I guess in conclusion to all this, if you're on the fence, I'd say just go with what feels right. I personally think Intel performs better and I get a little too paranoid aobut performance, not realizing sometimes that there are other reasons to consider one over the other, and also keeping in mind that my experience may not mean a whole lot compared to the many others people have had. So, do your own research if you can, and do what feels right.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2020-10-27 12:48:15


This is not a good comparason for several reasons. First, prior to 2019 or so, AMD processors were somewhat inferior to intel. If you had gotten a ryzen series, you would find it ran alot quieter and cooler compared to that intel, which is stuck on 6 year old process technology.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-10-27 21:19:57

True, but the bugs exposed greater levels of vulnerability in Intel chipset's than AMD, or at least the ones in AMD were easier fixes than they were in Intel chips. Either way, performance hit Intel chips harder than AMD, which seemed to have a bit better handle on things. Whether this holds true moving forward is anyone's guess, but in the mean time AMD is a good competitive choice.

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