2020-10-21 11:42:45

Like it says, I'm just asking. And Hailey has asked the same thing too, if soundpacks are being cracked down on...okay I've quite a few questions

1. How can a mod prove conclusively that sounds are stolen?

2. Does that apply to other games and not just soundpacks, that seems a giant loophole to me if so

3. There's nothing about it in the rules, just two mod posts about it as of writing this topic. I find it odd that as of right now, it's a soundpack for one game and not a blanket ban on all stolen sounds, it feels to me like Vast Horizon was just the nearest target. Conor stated that he's heard the same sounds in other soundpacks, yet as of writing this, there's no publicaly viewable stance on those other packs. If one SP is to not be discussed/talked about, every other SP/game guilty of the same ofense should get the exact same treatment else it looks like the mods are playing favorites

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-10-21 14:25:52

Honestly, the mods should either clean house and enforce the rules consistently or stop enforcing the rules regarding stolen audio assets. We're pretty far out from the new rules now and crazy party and every mud soundpack ever is still violating them (blatantly in the case of crazy party). This doesn't cover all the blindie games that are reusing the same handful of UI sounds such as those ascending and descending tri tones for people logging and out. Can a game even be sighted as stealing those sounds? Who even owns those sounds! Are they in the public domain? No-one knows.
Either way something needs to be done and making grandiose posts about how you strongly disavow while doing bugger all doesn't count. Yelling at one person for making star trek noises while ignoring another person who is currently kicking you in the genitals while singing Pokémon battle music also does not count.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2020-10-21 14:47:22

They should, yeah but aside from the insanely obvious how can you prove a sound is stolen? I could make a walking sound that sounds identical, prove I own it then get a soundpack using it blacklisted, even though that SP's creator legally bought the sound in a library however. How do you conclusively prove who owns what sounds though?

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-10-21 18:43:45

@JaceK: I just dropped a reply in the Vast Horizon topic in New Releases which I believe addresses your questions and concerns.
@Exodus: I can definitely understand how you may be frustrated or confused as to what is okay and what is not. If it's any consolation, we (the staff) are currently in the process of rectifying the sheer mountain of confusion that no doubt surrounds this subject matter, and are working to provide clarification and understandable criteria pertaining to our stance on this topic in a clear and concise manner.

Dreaming of a dystopian future.

2020-10-21 20:41:39

That doesn't really answer my question, I've got three different answers from three mods, Jade saying one thing, Aaron saying another and you saying a third thing though, and no, the last pose you did before @4 doesn't really clarify much, if at al

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-10-21 20:57:45 (edited by queenslight 2020-10-21 20:59:41)


If sounds in a game aren't under the Creative Commons, royalty free, or Public Domain banner, consider them to be among the "Obtain Permission First" package.

Hopefully that sums up things...

PS. I Trenton Matthews, am just a AG forum poster.

2020-10-21 21:06:06

In this case ban Cp, and most of the games.

2020-10-21 21:15:02 (edited by Jeffb 2020-10-21 21:16:13)

I think this whole out of left field ruling is treading muddy water. If it's not being sold just leave it alone. This is being handled very poorly and it's going to end up doing more harm than good.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-10-21 21:51:34

yeah they can't hope to enforce this fairly, and they're gonna do some things that are gonna piss a lot of people off, best to leave it the hell alone, like they should have done from the start.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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End division
Become united

2020-10-22 00:31:51

It is a bit confusing to say the least. I don't want to further muddying any waters here but, most of these sounds are in several packs. I am not sure why one is getting singled out and others not. I don't want to cause issues but am a little dismayed.

I plan to do my best to rectify the issues within the soundpack, but the question remains. If you edit a sound a bit and stick your tag in the meta information, then the next guy does the same, whose sound is it? I can rightly claim that some of the sounds are mine from some time ago when dealing with packs.

At any rate, sorry for all the confusion.

2020-10-22 01:29:31

Most space mud sound packs use a subset of sounds I made for Miriani under the pseudonym of Corwin Muiranheim. Can I blacklist all of those sound packs, including any sound packs currently reusing them for Miriani? I have several sounds I made for Godwars 2 that were reappropriated for Alter Aeon, so that's gotta be blacklisted, too.
What I'm essentially saying is that this is an endless rabbit hole we're going down. As I've said before, as long as people aren't making a profit from the sounds they use, and provided they're not claiming ownership or creative rights or attributing themselves as the authorized redistributors of said content, and are reusing the sounds under the auspices of fan recreation, there are certain liberties that are usually granted -- in that even big ticket companies usually look the other way.
Do I like people reusing sounds I made back in 2006? Not really. It's only an issue when they claim the sounds as their own creations, as Humanity MOO tried to do when they lifted the sounds I made for Miriani. I think that should be the real problem -- none of these sound packs are properly accrediting the sources they pulled from, thereby inadvertently subsuming the sounds as their own creations.
What others have said is right, too. If we start down this rabbit hole, we're going to have to start examining every audio game. Aside from the obvious offenders, does this game break the rule? Does that? Can I still talk about QC Game Room without analyzing its sounds? What about BK3? What about insert game name?

Spill chuck you spots!

2020-10-22 01:43:21

Ah, so first we warn, then we prepare an announcement for the community later? Makes sense. I am sure that a mud was so urgent and had to be warned, it could not wait a few days for the announcement. Since my opinion is already known, I only wonder what the database editors and especially Dark think of this. Time to change the landscape and history of audiogaming, I suppose. Hopefully, your user base as well. I won't draw conclusions too soon though, let's wait and see how it's all decided by the team.

2020-10-22 01:53:32

It's pretty daft IMO. Leave well enough alone. They're taking on things that are just not required for them to take on. It's not harming anything.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-10-22 04:56:10

By this logic, just nuke every game that uses sound on the site. Every last one. Then where will we be? We will be textgames.net, and literally no one wants that.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2020-10-22 05:55:19

I still wonder how some of those sounds for Miriani were made. Some of them are actually just snippets of larger sounds, but others I have no idea.

2020-10-22 06:34:54

Allot of them are from sound ideas series 8000 and extensions.

2020-10-22 10:43:21

This seems an opportune moment to mention how one of the big bits of negative feedback my games always got was sound quality. I initially set out to use only original sounds, but only had access to very poor microphones and recording environments. Then I bought a few small sounds, and people didn't like those, either. So I've mostly just been using a couple big soundpacks that went around several years ago, under the idea that if I actually make anything good enough, I can replace the sounds with something expensive afterward, and not a moment earlier, because why would I bother wasting the money / effort when doing so on a smaller scale has only backfired?
Good sounds are hard to come by for small teams with a shoestring budget. We either get (1) crappy sound and cheap/free games, (2) good sound and expensive games, or (3) decent but unethically sourced sounds and "free games".
We're too small and too poor, as a community, to support consistently high quality. Legal, cheap, and quality: either pick two, or someone win the lottery and invest it entirely in audio games.

VGStorm picks legal and quality, and everyone complains. I pick legal and cheap, and anyone who notices complains. Most people pick cheap and quality, and at first people didn't complain but now that's become the norm, too. Well, if I happen to wind up with $100,000,000US in the bank in the immediate future, I'll consider holding contests with cash prizes to fund projects so they might afford all three.

* OK, my fangames like Mario and JLA don't use original sounds, because they're explicitly derivative works in which sounds based on the source material are expected. Curiously, those are the ones people request links for most often. hmm

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2020-10-22 11:36:02

Posted this in the other topic, and will paste it here.
So, uh, if it isn't favouritism why didn't you go and ban/warn/remove all the other stuff that falls into the grey area, instead of just slashing only this? Also, why wasn't t documented in the disipinary topic so it would be easy for folks to see in the meanwhile? And lastly, why didn't you guys pull yourselves together when you decided to crack down on this? I mean, you know the type of community this is. When you guys just do hastily done stuff like this it just gives the naysayers, and even supporters amminition to fire against you. I suggest a formal apology should be made to the dev of the game, and the staff give a 30 day notice. In this 30 day notice people can report stuff with illegally used sounds, AKA most of the games, and then after the 30 day period you guys slash all you want. Personally I find it discouraging to sign up release something, only for the 4TH post to be someone reporting it based on what basically amounts to hearsay. You can't say cloners are the problem and the reason why devs don't want to develop for the community then do stuff like that.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-10-22 11:52:48 (edited by defender 2020-10-22 11:55:49)

That just isn't true any more my friend.
Sites like Zapsplat.com, asoundeffects, or Sonniss.com make it easy to find very cheap sounds.  They provide a tagging and category system that really helps find what you need.
And of course this doesn't even count all the totally free, high quality, legally licensed resources like freesfx.co.uk, soundeffectsplus.com, Zapsplat.com again as it has a free tier, the big libraries like Adobe Audission DLC and the 5 Sonniss GDC bundles, smaller packs from places like articulated sound, soundbits, boom FX, airborn sound, and so on, or the more community driven sites like opengameart.org, freesound.org, and itch.io oddly enough, and niche sources like sound effects lab, noise for fun, or FX home.
And the same goes for music, from the big sites like incompetech, teknoaxe, soundimage, and audionautix, to the community driven sources like CCMixter, OCRemix, the free music archive, and no copyright sounds, down to the little guys like Tim Beek, Josh Woodward, or Andre Louis.

Sure it takes time and patients, but often that's only a fraction of the time spent coding the actual game, and with the resource list in the dev room as a jumping off point, things do get easier as you learn how these sites tend to work and what terms get you the best results.
Basically, there just isn't an excuse any more, people just want it easier, which I get, but then it tends to come back to bite them in the ass later on.

2020-10-22 14:49:11

Yeah, the difference though is I take maybe 5 to 15 minutes searching through my collection of libs I have locally on my computer to find something that I can use. I put it in, and may need to do some trimming or light work on it. While with these sites, it's like a half hour per sound, and you probably need to do heavy cleanup on it. I've gone down both roads, and sorry, but anything I make will not be legal, because it's too much bullshit to go through. SO @17 remains correct.

The difference is that I don't rip sounds from audio games and re-use them. Now, I do have sounds from a lot of audio games, and I do have the some of the libs that contain the original sound, or at least part of it if that sound was crafted. In such a case, i will pull from the lib, and I will use the sound. But the difference is that it comes from there and no t the game in question.

@19 If you wanna run around like a chicken with its head cut off searching for five good sounds, then doing all the work to clean them up, by all means. Ain't nobody gonna stop you, but it's a bit rich for you to judge us for not doing that when we can most likely produce higher quality end products than you can.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-10-22 15:14:37

@defender: fair enough. I stopped bothering looking for sounds not long after the early Sonnus giveaways (some sounds from those did find their way into ECTAS, even with all the placeholders from Swamp and my awful recordings).
@ironcross: This is where I'm tempted to bring it back to money, because apparently I can't shut up about that tongue. Idea being that yeah, trolling the archives and doing all the editing is somewhat arduous, and when I've tried that in the past, it was basically a death sentence for the project in question. So my compromise solution is to hire a sound guy, in the unlikely event I ever get both a viable project and the funding to do so. On a completely unrelated note, I'm writing this while pacing outside my house, and the repair crew left some materials lying around and I might have stumbled at one point. Would sure be nice if I could pay for that with a bonus from having to work with half staff for the past 7 months (I mean, if we're having to do the work expected of two people, shouldn't we get paid accordingly?).

Eh. Money is not the root of #agproblems. It's a generalized resource deficit. ... Crap, is there a less pretentious way to say "generalized resource deficit"? -_- Anyway, that cash / conscientiousness / charisma model has it that one can, in theory, overcome the lack of one or more by maxxing out the other(s). But if there is a straightforward way to increase conscientiousness, that is available to [strike]me[/strike] us, and does not have an untenably high startup cost, it remains elusive.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2020-10-22 16:34:31

Just as a quick note, soundpacks for muds are for all intents and purposes open-source. You can't encript the sounds, and all the code is right out in the open. It just seems to me, that claiming ownership of the sounds in a soundpack for a mud is rather dubious in the first place, which makes it really difficult, if not impossible to enforce.


2020-10-22 16:43:43

@22: I'd argue that certain clients make it super easy for this too, not that I'm looking for a client vs client war, but I can think of a few clients that make it insanely easy to just have a click and copy or paste files in

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Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-10-22 19:31:26

Every mud client I've ever used is that way. Mush, Vipmud, Monkeyterm, gmud, jmc. It's all editable by the user, so defining copyright, imo is very nebulous since there's no way to protect your assets.
This is just my opinion, but were I to make a pack for a mud, I would expect those sounds to be used by users for other things, if they knew where to find them, and I would be happy that people enjoied them enough to do so. There's no way to prove ownership of the library or sound, heck, I could just plug it into reaper, make one minor change, change the meta tags, and boom that's my sound.


2020-10-22 20:20:22

So just as a clarification here:
We don't care if you want to use a sound pack. Do it to your heart's content; we can't stop you and we're not going to try. We're just not likely to support them here.
I changed some of the music in my MushZ soundpack for Alter Aeon, but I wouldn't share what I added here on the forum, as that would make me a hypocrite. I doubt one or two more tracks would damn me either way - I'm either cooked or I'm not just for using the thing - but that's our personal choice when we use a sound pack. That is not what we're cracking down on.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1