2020-10-13 14:32:46

@Sightless Kombat, I'd forgotten there was a kickstarter for a hero's call, or that it was successful.

Nice to know it works occasionally, albeit I'm afraid I've seen it not work rather more often.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-10-13 15:31:39 (edited by ogomez92 2020-10-13 15:32:07)

I really enjoyed the demo and I can't wait to see this project come alive for real. However there is one thing that bugs me.
I'm not sure 25000 is viable for tts localization... most computers have tts voices isntalled, and most translators will not charge you 25000 for a few pieces of dialog, what do you guys think?

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-10-13 17:23:47 (edited by k0rt4 2020-10-13 18:43:42)


Hi, Thanks for the support!

I'm well aware of how though this is for an audiogame! But we need to dream big, and keep trying and keep pushing. The idea behind rich 3D audio and simple gameplay is that more people get interested in audiogames.

So let's hope we can make it! And yes if Kickstarter doesn't work we can brainstorm for alternatives if members of the community can help we could get somewhere. And thank you very much for you and your lady's offer.


The stretch goal is 4000 USD over the original 21000.

I calculated the translation of 3380 words with the online calculator for localization in this site https://thewordpoint.com/

And it's around $0.10 per word, so it is $338 per language, times 10 languages it's around $3380. And the remaining $620 goes to the work behind implementing the localized texts in the game, there is some code and testing behind all that.

But if you got confused or think that stretch goal is not well presented I can edit it maybe with those calculations so it's more clear. What do you guys think?

2020-10-13 17:47:53

@k0rt4, glad to here there are alternatives if the kickstarter doesn't work out, much as I hope it will.

Oh and yes, my lady and I would be glad to contribute voice acting, both of us have acted in games before, and have on stage experience (professionally in my lady's case).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-10-13 18:38:38

Oh, for some reason my computer was reading that goal as 25000, not 2500. That sounds more reasonable smile

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-10-13 18:45:01 (edited by LordLuceus 2020-10-13 18:46:52)

I've backed the project and am looking forward to playing the full game. I'd be glad to contribute voice acting as well.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2020-10-13 19:22:51

@Oriol, I thought the goal was twenty one thousand dollars, with tts localisation as a stretch goal if the project reaches twenty five thousand dollars.

That is why I am a little concerned about raising the money, if the goal was indeed two thousand five hundred dollars, there probably wouldn't be an issue raising it, even from this community, but I don't believe that is the case.

Of course, if the money does indeed get raised, that would of course be fantastic.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-10-14 03:06:09 (edited by nyanchan 2020-10-14 03:09:37)

Oh, I thought the goal was 25000, but is that actually 2500? I assumed he was trying to raise 25000 and do voice-acted multilanguage dialogs.
It says 2210000 something JPY, so the kickstarter setting looks exactly $25000. It should be 2500000 something JPY, but kickstarter is subtracting what they're going to take I think.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2020-10-14 07:06:33 (edited by Dark 2020-10-14 07:06:54)

@Nyanchan, for me the Kickstarter says sixteen thousand one hundred pounds as the standard goal, equivalent to twenty one thousand dollars, since obviously the currency is localised to Britain, and then twenty one thousand pounds as the stretch goal, which would be twenty five thousand dollars.

The way Kickstarter usually works, is there is a standard pledge amount which is the goal which needs to be reached to insure that the project happens, , and then an additional stretch goal for  things the project might achieve if there is a larger pledge amount, in this case that would be the tts localisation.

At this point I'm more concerned myself that the basic goal will be reached at all, since as I said, Kickstarters don't have a great history at audiogames development, since there just isn't that sort of money within the community, and not generally the required interest outside it, but if this proves a rare exception, that would be awesome.

I just hope there are plans for the game to go ahead even if the Kickstarter does not work out, since it would be the shame to see this go the way of three monkeys, the graill to the thief sequels etc.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-10-15 02:44:59

Hi I just found this topic and I heard the demo and downloaded it.  It sounds amazing.  I can help with music if needed.  I also love sound effects and have lots of them.

2020-10-21 02:00:02

I want to support this but I'm concerned about the goal. I might still but it's way too high as others have said. I do really like the demo though.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-10-22 23:17:58

I think what the dev did wrong in the demo is that he released the navigation only, and didn't include any combat or anything that would really get the people hyped for this project, which unfortunately doesn't go well with the goals, I will back it up in less than a week though, that's for sure.

I choose to be happy

2020-11-12 11:25:30

The project failed on kickstarter...I hope it doesn't go away.:( This type of game is something I've been looking for for a very long time.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-11-12 11:57:38

I was worried this might happen, really Kickstarter just doesn't work for audiogames, not with the amounts of cash involved.

I also very much hope though that development will still continue in spite of that setback.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-11-12 14:09:55

forum wise donation may work I guess. But 20k dollars is no joke.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-11-12 15:01:52

I believe A hero's call managed 2k, which would strike me as a more reasonable amount.
Still, I hope we see the game in some form though.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-11-12 20:04:34

Oh really?
I thought AHC guys have raised over 10 k, but that must have been some totally incorrect information.
Well the kick starter did manage to get almost 2 k, but daring to speak for a good lot of audio gamers, I think the possibility of failing to meet the amount needed for the dev to make sure it will be a good game is what made the people worried about contributing big amounts, and I was one of them to be honest.
When there was such a big goal, not the most inclusive demo and barely anyone has payed bigger amounts, considering the amount of backers, then the mentality of"What's the point, the goal won't be reached anyway," kicked in.
Of course if anyone had other experiences or ideas, please say, but  feel like these were the biggest factors which determined about the fail of the kick starter.

I choose to be happy

2020-11-13 11:34:55

Here's the thing though. Kickstarter doesn't charge you if the amount doesn't reach the goal. I don't know why people need to worry if "it's not gonna reach anyway" is a reason.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-11-13 13:48:15

The reason would probably be that the dev has all of the paper work with what they need to do and how much it would cost, and so they give us the figures, and obviously if we reach the goal, they can do all the things that they wanted to do, otherwise they won't have enough money and it won't be as good of a game.
Considering that he had all the amounts set out and he barely got any money for it, he probably will barely have enough money to get some voice acting and music composed, and maybe pay the taxes, I would ave to look at the kick starter again to be sure, but you can find all the info there about how he planned to set it out and what he will be able to afford with this money that he got now

I choose to be happy

2020-11-16 02:44:31

djsenter wrote:

Oh really?
I thought AHC guys have raised over 10 k, but that must have been some totally incorrect information.
Well the kick starter did manage to get almost 2 k, but daring to speak for a good lot of audio gamers, I think the possibility of failing to meet the amount needed for the dev to make sure it will be a good game is what made the people worried about contributing big amounts, and I was one of them to be honest.
When there was such a big goal, not the most inclusive demo and barely anyone has payed bigger amounts, considering the amount of backers, then the mentality of"What's the point, the goal won't be reached anyway," kicked in.
Of course if anyone had other experiences or ideas, please say, but  feel like these were the biggest factors which determined about the fail of the kick starter.

I don't know as jump in sause did well on kick starter. normally a problem like this is caused by not enough advertising, but i'm not saying that this is the case for Deadfright. I'm sure that this game could do well on kick starter with a bit more help.

i may be tech mad, but i'm also audio games mad. be audio games mad with me laughing out loud.

2020-11-16 03:47:31

No he did not advertise well, and that was a huge issue.

2021-09-23 03:01:07

DeadFright Is Still Alive!

Hi everyone it's me, you friendly neighborhood Korta.

First of all I want to apologize for my disappearance after the Kickstarter campaign, but I've been super busy trying to survive the pandemic abroad, working multiple jobs and all that. But I've been working on DeadFright in my free time and, since Halloween is coming, I thought that it would be nice to have something to show for this holliday. I have a plan, and I need your opinion on the matter. But first let's catch up on what i've been doing

Ok, so here is a list of the things that I've been working on that didn't require money, just my precious life time wink

Control Schemes: I polished everything regarding the player input. So now you can play the game with:

The standard Keyboard and Mouse.
Keyboard only using both hands.
Keyboard only using one hand.
Mouse only.
Game Controller (any game controller will work on Windows and Mac)
Full remapping on keyboard, mouse, and game controller. (There is a small bug on the controller remapping, but i will resolve it soon..I hope)

Asist Mode Settings: I added some setting for the gamers that requires some assistance, that can be turned on and off, which are:

Automatic Run, when being chased
Automatic Fight, when caught.
Automatic Compass, the compass will always tell you the cardinal direction as you rotate.
Automatic Doors, they will open automatically when you reach them.

*All this means that if you activate all the Asist Mode Settings, you could play the whole game just using the joystick of the controller smile

NVDA Localization: This one is big, and it did cost me some money tongue I purchased a plug in to be able to have the game in multiple languages using NVDA. (You will need to have NVDA installed) and right now I have the game translated to Spanish, Italian and Russian. French and more are on the way. This works as “captions” when a voice actor is speaking and regarding the menus NVDA will be the voice.

Living Corpse Player: Well, this one is being able to play as a living corpse for a while after you die. You can roam the town attacking everything until someone manages to kill you...again.

I expanded the map just a little bit to the north, as a matter of level design.

More Interactions: Now the doggo is interactable (You can pet or kill him) and more interactable objects are on the way.

More Sounds: I purchased some audios to have more sound variation, for example the doors.

And that's it, now for the PLAN.  I intend to launch an early access on steam on the 31 of October, but before that I need a voice actress, it has to be a female, and it is a paid job. But I'm still hoping to involve the blind community on the project, so I'm looking for blind voice actors (female in this case). Please let me know if you know of somebody or where I can find one.

The second thing I will need from you is your feedback on the game, and how much you will be happy paying for the early access of this game, so if you want to test the game write me an email to [email protected], and I will send you a download link of the game.

So that's it, the game is still alive, i'm gonna try to have something for october 31, and send me an email so I can give you the links to the updated game (It will be after the new voice over is implemented)

Thanks everyone for your help. I'm still moved by the lots of good comments about the game, and I'm still positive about the future of this game.

Let's make this happen!


2021-09-23 04:16:20

@97 my god! I thought you were really gone. is finally back.lol!
  well i'll send the e-mail to you, i really want to test the game, and i hope for a lot more improvements! and I'm glad you're back

meet the eternal legend, accessibility group for games and applications in Brazil. main group to bring accessible games to the blind.
official website    
our discord server
youtube channel

2021-09-23 05:22:09

I would like to encourage and challange you to develop a version for the Xbox. The Xbox has accessibility for the blind.

2021-09-23 06:53:21 (edited by Dark 2021-09-23 06:57:33)

@k0rt4, glad to hear work is continuing despite the kickstarter setback, the demo looked really goodd.

I'm fairly sure my lady would be interested in helping in voice acting, and as she's definitely female, definitely visually impaired and is definitely a horror fan, it sounds like a perfect fit? (does she have any screaming death scenes? She'd enjoy that).

she's asleep at the second, so I'll need to check with her later, but I'm fairly sure she'll like the idea.

I will drop you an email with contact details etc so we can discuss the matter.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)