2020-09-27 23:48:56

I have recently  started seeking new games of that genre again, and I found this one. In this game, you start with some resources(metal, crystal and energy. You then build different types of gatherer drones for each resource. After getting a sufficient amount of those resources, a couple new tabs appear. One lets you research new technologies such as ship types, ship modules, or boosts to resource gains and such. The other lets you build ships and reenforce your fleet. In the battle tab you can fight other fleets, I think with increasing difficulty. All of those tasks are done using different types of drones, such as worker drones, computing units, ETC.
There are also prestige and/or ascention mechanics, but I have a lot to go until I reach those stuff, so I can't say much about them.
When it comes to accessibility, it took me a bit to figure out how are stuff laid out, but all in all, there doesn't seem to be any big problems so far. The only thing so far is the dialogue which shows up briefly after each battle, letting you know what you have gained from the battle.
I have also yet to fully explore  all the different aspects of the game, so there are certainly things that I've missed or I haven't unlocked yet. Oh and in the lab tab, where new technologies are researched, I haven't been able to choose the technologies I want to research manually. This isn't a big problem though, since the game researches them one by one automatically, and with enough computing units, eventually all of them can be researched. I personally can't have enough of such games, I hope this turns out as good as I hope as I progress.
Ok even I got annoyed at all the ramblings above myself smile , so here's the link:

2020-09-28 05:13:10

I remember running across this one last year, it was a nice idea, but I found once I'd started unlocking too many tabs and different types, the screen got too cluttered and too full of stuff that wouldn't click properly, that was a while ago though, so it is possible some things might have changed.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-09-28 11:40:22

I wonder if there's a way we could contact the dev about this one to fix some of the clickables.

2020-09-29 01:57:02 (edited by blindndangerous 2020-09-29 01:57:26)

I know that the people on the RSBattle Discord were talking about this one, they seemed to enjoy it for a while too I think.  Might be worth getting with the dev of this one as well, I'm sure it can't be that hard to fix up the issues.

2020-09-29 14:37:27

WHen the drones stop, is there a way I can restart them, or do i have to start the game again.

Who am I? Simply me!

2020-09-29 15:14:06

The last change log entry seems to be at least 1 year old, so I"m not exactly optimistic on the dev's response to improvements.

Jescat, one reason I can think of that makes your drones stop is lack of sufficient energy. Try to get more technicians and see if that gets them going again. When you run out of energy, all your drones stop, not just the extra ones.

2020-09-29 16:57:30

Just remembered another reason that might get your drones stuck. Make sure that the operativity slider is more than 0%.

2020-09-29 16:57:33

I did get more energy and they didn't restart

Who am I? Simply me!

2020-09-29 18:49:55

what about the operativity slider?

2020-09-29 20:11:00

I am confuse about the battel thing. I constructed my fleet and fight, or I think so, but it seem to be not doing anything except destroying my corvette and I have to rebuild them again

good day
sorry for my bad english

2020-09-29 20:47:54

if you check the 3 checkboxes at the battle page, you will automatically fight, rebuild your fleet and move on to the next opponent. Also like I said in the first post, the battle winning dialogue is a bit problematic, it appears and then disappears pretty fast. To see if you have won any battle or not, look at your districts,(habbitable space, mining and crystal districts). If you win, one ore more of those things will increase.