2020-09-23 21:56:22


The NVDACon International planning committee would like to invite you to submit session topics for the upcoming NVDA community conference (NVDACon). The conference will be held on the first weekend of December. NVDA “NonVisual Desktop Access, is a piece of software which has changed the lives of thousands of visually impaired and blind people worldwide by providing access to the Windows operating system at no cost. As an open source project, NVDA is backed by a fantastic community. The NVDA community is unique due to the fact that visually impaired and non visually impaired people work together to improve accessibility on Windows and to boost efficiency when working with third party applications. NVDA is not only a piece of software, it is a social movement which has spread around the world.

This amazing event, which underpins the social interaction between users, developers, institutions and stakeholders, is the NVDA community conference (NVDACon). each year, the stakeholders in this community meet at the online conference and discuss or present interesting topics related to accessibility and the NVDA screen reader.

If you or an organization you represent are interested in presenting an exciting topic about NVDA, please submit your topic to
[email protected] by November7, 2020. The theme for this year's conference is NVDA-Bridging the Gap. Thhree presentation types are available for NVDACon:

1.  Thunderclap Tweets: short news segments that are about 30 seconds each and that will be compiled into a 15 minutes news feed. Ideal for promoting your new add-ons or to keep the community updated on new features.
2.  Lightning Talk: This style of presentation is a fifteen to thirty minutes talk, with limited time available for questions and answers. In one session there will be two or three lightning talks.
3.  Full Blast Sessions: These are usually a presentation for sixty or ninety minutes. Full sessions are ideal for a more in depth topic which is covered in more detail.

We are looking forward to your topic proposals.

NVDACon Planning Committee
You can find us on twitter at NVDACon

2020-09-23 22:04:36

Hey there, to all , what has NVDA   ment to you through this time  please let know thanks.

2020-09-24 11:07:24

Ah, yes, I, for, got!
So well, NVDA hath opened many doors through accessibility. And heaven when its free means a big community. It helped me as a school and university student. Well, as an NVDA user since 2011, I can tell you that this wonderfull screen reader has benefited me on those difficult times. NVDA had, has, and will continue helping me in doing my homeworks virtually on University and all shall be thanks to this reading tool. Free software for me is a good option. I don't really need to buy costely screen readers when ever I have the time. Maybe on the future, who knows? But I prefer NVDA more than other screen readers in PC, MAC, LINUX or other OS. NVDA, for me, is my HEROE! Larga Vida NVDA!

73 Wj3u