2020-09-22 04:20:38

Nocturnis and Munawar and Canlorn, I'm so glad you folks get it. I feel like this post merited its own instead of being tacked onto my last one.

I can't even imagine what it would be like to have kids during this, especially with the scare you mentioned, Nocturnis. That, and your wife's eye...it's a pretty scary picture. I don't know how I'd bear up under that. On the one hand, I'm sort of a rock for the people I'm close to, so maybe I'd deal with it better than all this alone time I'm getting. On the other, even rocks crack.

Munawar, the more I see from you, the more I'm appreciating your perspective. Not that I ever disliked it, per se, but you talk a lot of sense. As awful as Covid-19 itself has been, some folks have dome an amazing job turning to different solutions which are actually better for us in the long-term. It's not perfect, but it's proving that status quo doesn't just have to stay the same for ever and ever amen.

Canlorn, another good post. I wish folks would just hit the facts straight on. Help each other as best we can through the unpleasantness (whether it be with stimulus checks, better access to remote mental health services, or even friends and acquaintances just being more cognizant of those around them). It makes me sad that so much time has been wasted in obscuring, downplaying and misrepresenting things. The timeline got longer, as you say, because mismanagement was a key contributor...and also because people at the start, just in general I mean, were less certain of the ramifications of the virus. They made small projections so as not so spark hysteria, and when those projections lengthened, were criticized for missing the mark. Yet if it had gone the other way (projections that went too long), they'd be criticized for deliberately manufacturing hysteria and panic. There's no winning. What I'm coming to understand in topics like this is that some people are bound and determined to manufacture excuses and rhetoric which suits them, no matter how much logic you thrust on them.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-22 05:08:17 (edited by Ethin 2020-09-22 05:57:41)

@51, a better recommendation than just the woodward tapes would be Woodwards book "rage", alongside the tapes themselves, or information about them.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-09-22 06:11:37

48Sorry about this, just trying to get caught up on posts. Jack: those are all very good suggestions. Honestly, I had not considered them because I did not know anything about them. I thought about doing live streams using Patreon is something that I had heard about, but if that's something that requires video then that will not work because we don't currently have folks who can come in to provide regular visual assistance in that way.. I have been trying to figure out ways to make this work, but so long as folks want video to be included I can't because we just don't have a way to make that work. Getting paid is another thing that is of great concern. Yeah, I use PayPal, but lots of folks who might pay to support what I am doing may not desire to use that as there are still lots of folks who just don't trust online payments like that. I even thought about streaming playthroughs of games, not just audio games either, but a little of everything. Problem is, that too requires video and, as previously mentioned, I have no way to do that. I could try it, but I can't say for certain how well it would work. Could be interesting though. Thanks for suggestion those ideas. I'll look into them and see what I can find out. i appreciate it.

2020-09-22 06:16:52

Yes Jade, I know about the stupid Woodard Tapes, and I know that he had, and all Woodward does is parrot the radical left. I will look him up for my own research, but so far as I've been able to tell, he is just another robot for the left, and I have had my fill of it. If I can find a download of it, I'll get it that way because I will not financially support this person until I have, in my hands, proof positive that he is coming at this with something other than another hate-filled opinion.

2020-09-22 06:24:44 (edited by Ethin 2020-09-22 06:27:18)

@54, that's a pretty big accusation, considering that (i) Woodward brought down various other presidents, and has authored books through 25 presidencies and (ii) you have absolutely no evidence to prove your claim. Here's my challenge: go buy the book called 'Rage'. Its only $15.00 on Kindle, and is free with Audible. Then listen to that. You'll find some very interesting nuggets of information that may or may not change your view (though from what I know of you on here, nothing any of us who are actually well-educated on the situation as is will say will actually alter your mindset). From what I can see, your mindset is, "I'm right, or I think I'm right, and I don't give a damn about what's actually right or what common sense tells me to do, because my career, income, and freedoms are far, far more important than all else."

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-09-22 06:50:16

Accman, take Woodward's political affiliation out of it. Take his book out of it. Here are the salient facts, and you can find these corroborated by multiple news sources.
1. Trump allowed himself to be recorded by Woodward.
2. Woodward has audio of Trump saying that he knew the virus was dangerous.
3. He has recordings of Trump saying he didn't want to tell the truth about Covid-19 so as not to incite a panic.

This runs directly in the face of the idea that Trump didn't know how bad it was. Woodward caught him admitting as much back in February. He knew. He just didn't want to tell the truth.

This sort of thing transcends political lines. Unless you are suggesting (with proof, of course) that Woodward spliced the audio, faked Trump's voice or in some other way screwed with info to make it sound like Trump said stuff that he never said, you have no ground to stand on. The onus is on you to prove that this is forgery, beyond a reasonable doubt. It's not up to us to defend Woodward's political affiliation. Truth speaks for itself, regardless of where you stand on the spectrum. If Trump had caught someone doing something really slimy in much the same way, and had recordings and whatnot, then guess what? Same deal. Even though it's Trump doing it, evidence stands on its own.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
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2020-09-22 07:16:52

Jade, I was able to find Woodward's book "Rage", and will give it a read. I will try to come at this from a researcher's perspective and keep his political affiliations out of it. I have major misgivings about this man as it just seems to me like he is just another Trump hater, and when all I've heard from those that stand against him is nothing more than hate then you can understand why I might see it that way at first. I attempted to look up the Woodward tapes you mentioned, but am having trouble finding them. I did find a bunch of other books that Woodward had written, but wasn't sure if that was part of what you mentioned or not. I tried to search on Google for the Woodward Tapes, but didn't find them.

2020-09-22 07:23:31

@57, the proof Jayde says is in this passage from the book:

Three days later, on January 31, the president did impose restrictions on travelers from China, a move opposed by a number of his cabinet members. But his public attention was focused on just about everything except the virus: the upcoming Super Bowl, the technological meltdown in the Democratic caucuses in Iowa, his State of the Union address and, most importantly, the impeachment trial in the Senate. When the highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, known as Covid-19, did come up in settings where he had an opportunity to reach a large number of Americans, Trump continued to reassure the public they faced little risk.

“How concerned are you” about coronavirus? Fox’s Sean Hannity asked Trump on February 2 near the end of a pre–Super Bowl game interview focused largely on the unfairness of impeachment and his 2020 Democratic rivals.

“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China,” Trump said. Something of a pregame presidential tradition, the interview drew the largest ever audience for the controversial and popular talk show host. “We’re offering tremendous help. We have the best in the world for that.… But we can’t have thousands of people coming in who may have this problem, the coronavirus.”

That morning, even National Security Adviser O’Brien, who had issued the ominous warning just days earlier, had said on CBS’s Face the Nation , “Right now, there’s no reason for Americans to panic. This is something that is a low-risk, we think, in the U.S.”

Two days later on February 4, nearly 40 million Americans tuned in to watch the president’s annual State of the Union address, a constitutionally mandated update to Congress about the most pressing issues facing the country. The speech is the highest visibility moment for a president to address matters of great importance.  About halfway through the lengthy speech, Trump mentioned coronavirus in one short paragraph. “Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China,” Trump said. “My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”

That did not, however, include sharing any part of the warning he had received with the public.

When I later asked the president about the warning from O’Brien, he said he didn’t recall it. “You know, I’m sure he said it,” Trump said. “Nice guy.”

And in an interview with President Trump on March 19, six weeks before I learned of O’Brien’s and Pottinger’s warnings, the president said his statements in the early weeks of the virus had been deliberately designed to not draw attention to it.

“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump told me. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-09-22 07:30:35

Yet again, twenty seconds of googling brought me this link:

https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/0 … isk-410796

Read it. Accept it. It's fact.

If you dig around even a little more, you'll actually find recordings of Trump doing exactly what it was claimed that he did (acknowledging that the virus is dangerous, and then later claiming he wanted to downplay it).

See, here's the thing. To keep a country calm in the face of crisis is a big, big deal. It's very difficult to do. The way you do it is to say something like, "We are facing an unprecedented crisis due to the growing Covid-19 pandemic. As your president, I want you to know that while this virus is dangerous, we're doing everything we can to get a handle on it. We're going to work with health officials to keep people healthy and safe. If we are brave, if we are strong, we will weather this storm just as we have weathered countless storms before". It's still kind of political-speak, and glosses some issues, but you don't have to lie to keep the public calm. All you have to do is know how to tell the truth without scaring the almighty shit out of everyone. Apparently Trump doesn't believe it's possible to do that, so he decided that keeping America safe meant lying to everybody, then doubling down and praising himself when he was caught doing it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-22 07:59:18


at 43 I partly agree but also have to disagree with your post.

Your right that alot of blind people don't really have any social life which happens out of their own 4 walls. From what I observed hanging around blindness rlated groups on FB and other platforms, I was quite astonished to see that so few people actually go out or know how to get around using public transportation, something i learned doing while I was still a child.

Independence for me was always something I wanted to achieve and this ment how to use public systems like bus, train and airtravel, something that in my opinion is vitally important for a blind person. We don't always have someone to bring us to where ever we want to go, so, although it might sound arogant, I'm under the impression that every blind person "has" to learn how to get around on his own.

The partly lockdown in Germany did hit me quite hard. we were working from home for about 3 months and if you can't get out of your own flat for the better of that time, it really drove me up the wall about halfway in.

Thing is, the horses that I look after from time to time, the stables also locked down, only allowing the horses owners on the property. You know, if you are generally at that place about 4 days a week and suddenly that part of the stuff you look forward to breaks away from one day to the other, well, at least for me that was a quite difficult time.

I didn't really mind that I couldn't go out in the evenings, but that one little thing was dang huge for me personally, because I couldn't even get my mind off of work that way either.

so yeah, most blind people don't really go out, but for those like me who do, this is quite trubbling.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-09-22 11:01:04

Interesting book so far. I have to admit that "Rage" is an interesting read, and quite compelling as well. However, if this book was meant to persuade me to vote Biden then it has, and will, fail. At least trump has a solid platform to run on. All the left has is hate. their platform is basically "remove trump". Okay, after that, then what happens? As usual, the left has no idea. They've got lots of ideas, but it seems that not a one of them has any clue how to carry the things out. Take this Green New Deal. That thing, if it is ever past, will make it unaffordable to live here for a lot of people, and we think we've got it rough with COVID-19.

Ethan, I did see the passage you referred to, and all I can say is that we ought to be thankful that Trump's decision to act wasn't delayed any further. He could have put that off for another few weeks, but he didn't. Could he have, and should he have, acted sooner? Yes, I personally believe so.

Jade: thanks for the link that you shared. I am glad it only took you 20 seconds to find it. Now, go have a cookie to celebrate it.

2020-09-22 13:05:33

I hope this isn't seen as a topic-derailing post. I hate conspiracy theories in general. They don't serve any purpose other than to generate outrage. One side isn't any better or worse about this than the other. They both make wide sweeping accusations about one another using gross misrepresentations of the facts. There will always be people who are eager to gobble up whatever comes down the pike and spit it back out at anyone who will listen. Sometimes this means other voices will be added to the echo chamber, sometimes it just means folks will have to talk longer and yell louder. Conspiracy theories are good for people who have a lot of pent-up anger and need a place to put it. I don't see them as being good for much else. What do you do when you latch onto one of these conspiracy theories and ultimately find out you were chasing a figment of someone's imagination? I pretty much stopped following all of this when I realized there appeared to be different versions of the truth. Facts...really aren't supposed to work that way. If we can't rely on any of these health organizations to generate good, clean information, they're worse than useless. They waste time. It really is exhausting to have to try and find the truth among the babble.

2020-09-22 16:26:24

accman wrote:

If we're truly all in this together and everyone's needs are as important as any other person's, then let's have $30,000 to pay off my mortgage. Let's have a few thousand dollars to help pay off the student loan that I now am unable to pay off because of this stupidity.

There are countries that are actively providing mortgage assistance and stimulus payments to their citizens. Germany was paying 2/3 of workers' wages when I checked a while ago. The reason it hasn't happened in the US is because of the sitting president and his party. Just look at how much they're fighting over sending us a meager $1,200 and how much of a mess the last payment was. Plus, they'll get it back in next year's taxes.

Keep in mind that the party you're supporting is the one in power right now, and that party is the one that's blocking you getting any type of assistance. We don't even have renter's assistance in this country like other countries do. Yet just look at how much the airlines and cruise industries received. And the blame for this falls squarely on the party you support. Want your $30,000 mortgage assistance? Want holdover cash to help carry you over (as you should receive and what other countries have already implemented?) Well, guess who's stopping it all? It's your friend and the man who will most likely get reelected. That's where your frustration should be directed.

I agree: a few grand of holdover cash would be nice. But we won't get it because it'll stop people from returning to work. This is the argument your party has used to not provide more than $1,200 to Americans who have faithfully paid taxes for years. If you feel like someone's turned their back on you, it's your president, not us.

Jayde: Thanks. I agree re: unique solutions. I've seen this from a lot of people myself.

We're much better equipped today to deal with the fallout from the virus than we were during 1918 for example. A lot of us can work remotely. I feel for the essential workers who get paid minimum wage and put their lives on the line for us by exposing themselves to the virus so services can continue to run as smoothly as possible. If anyone's hurting from this virus, it's them. Mostly because I feel like the country (the US) has let down these workers the most. And it's really sad to see: while Congress is fighting over a stimulus payment that doesn't even cover rent for most people for one month, people are actually losing their homes because our government can't get its act together.

Yet there is still widespread support for the current party in power. It makes no sense to me.

2020-09-22 16:46:35 (edited by Munawar 2020-09-22 16:51:40)

@Nocturnus: That sounds terrible. I don't have any kids of my own so can't imagine what that would be like. I hope one day we can all look back at this and say "wow, we made it through."

@camlorn: These social connections are made primarily online. Of course we have exceptions, but I'm hard-pressed to believe this is the norm in our community because of transportation difficulties and the like (not every city in every country has ride-share or paratransit.) This is why I qualified my statement with "most." Accman, who is one of these exceptions, is genuinely suffering. But to a lot of us this pandemic has hardly changed our daily routines and habits as they stood before the pandemic started.

As for delivery services, I'm arguing the point here that online delivery has only minimally been interrupted. There was a time when it was stretched thin but in most places that period is long gone now.

2020-09-22 17:01:33

If it weren't trump, it'd be something else, These people are deranged and off the rails. They hate anyone who isn't aligned with them, and we're not even talking political affiliation. Simply the way they act is the complete antithesis of how they speak. Let's say Trump loses and we get the child touching demented probably rapist cuck lord that is Sleepy Joe Biden. Oh they'll be thrilled at first. Their little lives will shift into perfect alignment for a nanosecond or two, but then what. It'll be illegal to misgender someone? Like or deliver so-called aggressions? We'll have to learn a dictionary of 500 plus pronouns and new genders for the NBs.

These people can't even run a store, how will they run a country? Observe the common Liberalis Moronis at work by clicking here. That's what we'll get if we allow the blue wave to storm over us. These people are filled with hate and rage, and don't think for one moment that it'll die down if Trump loses.

Want to support black people but understand that BLm are criminals and terrorists? Easily done by not voting democrat. But you won't just be supporting them, you will be giving them the tools to live fulfilling lives like the Dems don't want for them. The Dems want to keep the black man down, because the left wants to assert more and more dominance over all of us.

Voting democrat is the same as lighting a torch and throwing it in a pool of oil. They have no idea how to execute anything. Look at the feces in San Francisco and the used drug needles after they got hold of that stuff. Look at the Bird scooters in SF, LA, Austin and other cities that no one returns and are parking up the side walks. These people fail at everything and we can't allow them in power until some serious reform takes place within their ranks. namely, the removal of Nancy Pelosi from Speaker of the House and from office in general. She's the fucking engineer driving the hate train through the flames of hell.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-09-22 17:04:59

Accman, listen to yourself. When confronted with the situation re: Trump lying to the American people, your answer is basically to say, "Yeah, it's compelling, but hey, he could've done worse".
All this proves to me is that you really are not interested in facts. You're interested in supporting Trump no matter what he does. The man could get thrown in jail and you'd probably still defend him and his actions. You're worse than his press secretary. And man, let me tell you, that woman is a piece of work.

As far as the left having a platform based on hate? Uh, no, that's just no. It is natural that a platform will focus on removing problematic elements from the other side - both sides are doing this right now - but Biden is focused on far more than just replacing Trump. It's not Biden who tweets dozens of times per day spewing hate. It's not Biden who blames all the current problems on someone else (Trump is infamous for blaming a lot of current problems on Biden, claiming Biden won't fix them when it's actually Trump's responsibility to do so). Sure, I personally hate Trump and I want him gone, but that is not why I'm a leftist, and it's not why Biden wants power. Also, Biden is...not really a leftist. Gotta be careful there, Accman.

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2020-09-22 17:22:00

If I'm not mistaken Biden literally helped pass a lot of the police stuff being protested right now, for what that's worth.  I'm not 100% on that, I'd have to check some facts, but if Biden is left then the moon is made of cheese.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-09-22 17:31:33

I love our press sec, she lays the smack down on these people left and right. It's great.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-09-22 19:16:11

There's just the problem of her saying she'd never lie to Americans, and then promptly shoving her foot down her throat by doing it anyway. Repeatedly. But I guess if you can ignore that part, she might be okay.
Then again, falling headfirst into an industrial meat-grinder wouldn't be dangerous if you ignored the meat-grinder, so I guess as long as you do that, it's not harmful. Same difference, really.

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2020-09-22 19:22:48

I think Ironcross32 is just in a place where they find seeing the world burn satisfying, no matter who gets burned, even if it's themself.  Hope I'm wrong on that or that if I'm not, they eventually figure out a way to come to terms with whatever it is that's leading to it.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-09-22 20:23:37

The reason we aren't getting all of the cash assistance we need is because the left keeps wanting to put stuff into these stimulus packages that has no business being there. that's why we only get $1,200 checks and nothing more. Technically, each American ought to be getting something closer to $13,000, but until the House of Representatives gets with the program and stops trying to fund their own little projects, we're not going to see it. Our president is far from perfect, but we can't go blaming him for every single thing that has gone wrong here.
Also, as I said, we're not all in this together. If we were, there would be more understanding and less division. If we were really all together in this, then we wouldn't be trying to tear each other apart when someone decides they don't wish to wear a mask, and snitching on people for that as if we were little children who just got pushed on the playground. Same storm, yes. Same boat, absolutely not.

2020-09-22 20:33:54

There has been nothing proposed for stimulus packages that unfairly benefits democrats. Virtually everything put on the table just helps people. If you're blaming the folks that want to help people for the fact that people aren't getting help, that's...well, fucking ridiculous would be a pretty apt descriptor, but I think I prefer the phrase completely out of touch with reality.
Republicans are the ones gumming up the works for those stimulus packages. What they were proposing - and they did it really late, I might add - was nowhere near enough, so please don't try and characterize this as a situation where the right had some wonderful idea, and the left stopped it cold. In fact, I'd say it was more the other way. The democrats wanted more support for initiatives that make a ton of sense, and the republicans did what they so often do and said, "Well gee, we can't agree with that, it's leftist", and so nobody got the help they needed.
Blame the republicans for this, because that's where it belongs.

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2020-09-22 20:45:35

I'll defend Trump because of the level of hate I've seen against him. I've asked people to give me a reason for this hate, and all I get is that he is arrogant and how he has failed in the past as a businessman. i also get things like he was a womenizer, and a fascist. The left says they hate fascism, and yet they use those exact same tactics to get people to fall in line with their ideals. They say they will not tolerate those that would take advantage of women, yet they release known rapists from jail so that they can riot in the streets and find more targets to take advantage of. They talk of hate from Trump supporters, yet I've never heard such hate-fill garbage as that which comes out of the mouth of leftists lately. This is why I defend our president. He is far from perfect, and I do not like his arrogance. However, at least I can say with all honesty that I do not actually hate anyone who is a leftist. I would never seek to actually cause them harm or even to threaten them unlike some of their goons have done recently by going to the homes of the Senate majority leader and Senator Graham. I do hate their actions and their so-called political platform, but I do not hate any of them as people and wouldn't waste the energy required to do so. Woodward's book is compelling, but other than that it's another journalist looking for another five minutes of fame on election year. He made some good points to consider, but that's all he did. It would be interesting if he were to do an investigative book on Biden and his supporters.

2020-09-22 20:48:40

If we wish to apply the right not to wear a mask philosophy across the board, I, as a smoker, should be allowed to smoke inside, in your face, without you having any concern for it and without society telling me I can't smoke around you because it's harmful for overall health.

Yet I can't smoke inside; in fact, nowadays, at least in the US, we can't even smoke outside unless we're really far from crowded areas.

And everyone's fine with that. No one complains about it.

That's because we know how harmful it is, and we've come to learn as a society how damaging my smoke is for your lungs (forget mine; that's my right to choose.) But I have no right to endanger your health on my account.

Similarly, when you choose not to wear a mask, you're potentially endangering my health. The mask doesn't necessarily protect you; it protects me from you in case you're a carrier. Just as I wear a mask to protect you from me in case I'm a carrier, and how I follow no-smoking guidelines to protect your health, not mine (something no one, not even smokers complain about.)

I wear gloves and all that to protect the health of a relative who is living with me because they're immuno-compromised,  just like I don't smoke around a guest who has Asthma.

Why is that such a big deal? If we're all ok (and proud of) the smoking rule, why are masks suddenly an issue? It boils down to the same thing: you have no right to encroach on my health.

Re: Democrats and riders, I bet to differ here. If this was true, then we wouldn't have seen initially proposed amounts in stimulus payments drop; we also wouldn't have seen a cut in unemployment benefits; and we certainly wouldn't have seen a cut in the Meals on Wheels program. So, all these assistance programs you speak of are actually being purposefully dismantled by the president and the current ruling party. It's shameful to know that we support such a party, I know, so we try to blame the other side as much as we can but if we carefully look at the actions of the party itself, we can see what a big hand the party itself had in the mess we find ourselves in--without assistance from the Democrats.

2020-09-22 21:38:26

Accman, I'd just like to point out that I hate Trump but am not guilty in the way you claim that some other leftists are.
You're defending Trump from me, even though when I'm targeting him, I'm doing it with facts and logic. I'm not a fascist (which, by the way, I don't know any leftists who are also fascists...I think maybe you need to reread what that word means). I'm not setting criminals loose and I'm not advocating that people harm others. So when I come at you and I provide proof positive that Trump lied, if you were truly in it for the reasons you claim and as open to listening as you pretend to be, you would actually take my point and admit that Trump made a really bad call here. You've said you don't like his arrogance, so that's a bit of a start, but what about specific things? I have never, not once, had you flat-out admit I was right. Not. Fucking. Once. And here's the thing. I don't care. I actually know I'm right and I don't need your validation. But it completely undermines your credibility and your own platform if you can't own it when someone else happens to beat you in an argument.

Munawar is dead right when he says that republicans are trying to force through cuts to other programs for stimulus checks. You want to know why everything got bound up and nothing happened? It's because the democrats didn't take a bad deal; they tried fighting for a better one. The current regime is hell-bent on gutting some really important initiatives; hell, did you know there was serious talk of loosening ADA restrictions on businesses in order to ease some of their financial burden? Republicans won't play ball unless they get the cuts they want. Democrats won't play ball unless everyone gets the help they need. Now, you tell me who's fucking over the average American citizen, my friend.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1