2020-09-21 18:10:40

Hi all. Recently the admins off our school network connected the hardware firewall made by fortinet to prevent us visiting certain sites, like torrent directtories and porn sites. I don't care about those, cause i'm not using this kind of services, but if they are filtering some sites, it means they are tracking and sniffing packages going out of my omputer. Because of that, i feel very uncomfortable, cause this way they are invading my privacy and are able to take a look at every single thing i am doing on my pc, cause everything is logged. I tried using wind scribe, but it is showing me "Something is wrong" error.
Please, someone help me asap!
Thanks in advance, and regards.

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2020-09-21 19:33:23

They have a right to packet sniff you. You're using their services. Blocking domains doesn't mean they're actively tracking you though. It just means they've seen a lot of traffic going to sites they consider off-limits so they've blocked certain domains. It doesn't mean someone's actually sitting there and watching you connect to a porn site and saying "nope, reject."

2020-09-21 19:42:21 (edited by JaceK 2020-09-21 19:44:21)

@2: This, so, so much. You are using their stuff, OP, so...they are going to run their firewall, et al...

EDIT: Oh yeah, just gonna say firewalls aren't perfect at all, but schools have every right to put firewalls in and block what they choose, and yes, innocent sites get caught up in the crossfire (dictionary sites and so on)

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-09-21 19:59:56

Yeah, good luck with this.  Just let it alone and don't do sensitive stuff at school. If they find out you're circumventing it, you will get into a *lot* of trouble.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-09-21 22:22:15

In short, if you stick to the guidelines in your school about Internet access, then you have nothing to hide.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-09-21 22:29:41

My school made us all sign agreements that if we did shit like that, they'd revoke access on a case by case basis. If that happened, they would mark you down as an automatic F in classes where computers were essential.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-09-21 22:31:48

@ironcross32, Wow, that's some tough stuff. I guess it was affective though.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-09-21 22:44:10

Um, i mean i wanna just encrypt or forward packets that i'm sending. I don't mind doing anything bad, but... they even blocked tor, and that's not OK.
I could understand it when this is happening in the place where you're spending 7 or 8 hours and going back to your home, but this is actually happening in the boarding school where some of us are sitting 2 weeks, and even can't feel some privacy cause there's no way to use mobile data, just no coverage of the cellular network. So we are forced to use this internet with filtering and 0 privacy. I just wanna to have some vpn and tor, nothing else, i just wanna make sure i'm safe. Regards.

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2020-09-22 01:33:31

Ok, if you're there only for two weeks, my suggestion is to wait. You'll get into a lot of trouble if they catch you trying to bypass the filters they have in place.

Don't worry: if you mean you want your banking info to stay safe, you're fine. Those sites are protected by SSL so traffic to and from them is encrypted anyway.

What exactly do you want to stay safe from? If you mean Facebook and the likes, there are plugins for that nowadays like Noscript that block all active content, so Facebook's tracking of you based on your own browser is limited (though not gone.) VPNs don't protect you from such sites tracking you. No one is safe nowadays.

If you want to hide your identity by visiting sites that the boarding school has blocked, well... there's your problem.

Never heard of anyone using Tor "just because."

2020-09-22 02:04:30

SSL protects you from man in the middle attacks even in a school setting, unless the laptop you have was given to you by the school.  If the laptop was given to you by the school, don't do anything to it: it's a lost cause, and also even though you could uninstall any root CAs you'll just end up in a situation where nothing changed except that Firefox makes you click some extra dialogs on every web site anyway before they track you.

Effectively all they can see are your DNS lookups and the IPs you visit, unless they've had a chance to personally install stuff on your device.  They can't get your credit card number or login information or anything like that as long as SSL is in use.  In other words they might know you visited bank of America, but that's it.

But frankly if you don't just put up with it, this ends at expulsion and if you're very very unlucky the cops get involved.  You don't want to be explaining what Tor or a VPN is to the technically-illiterate school admin who got a note from IT that your computer is doing weird internet traffic stuff first thing Monday morning before they've had coffee and also they're right across the hall from your schools enforcement officer/cop for whatever reason and the next thing you know you have some sort of criminal record even though you told everyone it's just a VPN or whatever.  It's not worth it.  You'll be 18 eventually is my advice to you.  Put up with it until then.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992