2020-09-16 23:49:41 (edited by Zarvox 2020-09-18 07:43:30)

This is no coincidence. A 15 turn 1 health point battle. Finally we will be able to type in values instead of these stupid menus. Beta 74 we finally get the most basic thing. And of course we will get lots of bugs too. Maybe we will get a completely broken version again. Memories of crazy party 67 and 69. It's been 73 versions, you'd think they know how to test and, uh.....
their betas...
Anyway enough bashing poor testing, here's a very small and dumb preview of a 15 turn 1 healthpoint battle, ended after round 3.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/e24k80lal38mh … 4.wav?dl=1

2020-09-16 23:53:05

How did you get access to this, first of all, and second that;s fucking amazing.

2020-09-17 00:03:16

Listened for eleven seconds or so.
One person with their mic turned way up, game sound turned down, stupid NVDA voice that's 1. difficult to understand and 2. extremely hard to listen to.
No thanks.
Can anyone explain for me what the heck the point is here?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-17 00:04:00 (edited by Zarvox 2020-09-17 00:06:09)

someone was just beta testing on central so I joined and started recording. It's really not amazing, at all, but I figured I would share anyways. I think we were all expecting this soon.
@3 all fair and accurate details lol. There wasn't much of a point to it, just a ridiculous topic, I still make those from time to time.

2020-09-17 00:07:54

the NVDA voice you heard was mine, I was not using headphones while talking on Discord.

2020-09-17 00:15:10

@5 I think he was referring to mine.
There was another event that just happened, we started a party and it immediately ended. Someone said they got 3 gemmes from it. I wasn't paying attention so not sure if I did.

2020-09-17 00:49:14

As much as I'd love a new version and all, I doubt this is legit. This was most likely just cheated by using Cheat engine, which would completely explain why the game just stopped like that. Besides, new versions were never publicly tested like that before they were published.
If this was however a real test, which I doubt, then it's certainly interesting.

2020-09-17 00:49:35

Could be betatesting, could be variable editing and not official at all. I think though that Crazy Party has no official beta team because the versions themselves are called betas and I seem to remember Pragma saying something of the sort. I remember suggesting being able to type values one time though and I believe he said that in his opinion the feature wasn't worth the code.

2020-09-17 01:11:19 (edited by defender 2020-09-17 01:12:04)

Nice bashing of a free game there man, you may want to call it a joke but I don't.  I definitely wouldn't feel that way if I was the dev reading it...

2020-09-17 02:07:37

I didn't bash the game itself. It's a great game. I bashed how poorly it is tested before release.
Whether this is legit or not, I wasn't the host of the party. The other game that ended immediately wasn't from the same host, it was someone else I was on the call with who started that game.
The argument of it being not worth the code makes no sense, because you literally just convert a string to an int, and put it in a while loop so you force the player to type an int. And you just assign a min and max value. Rather than having to extend a lit of values every time. Code it once and be done with it, and if you want to change the min or max, you literally just change one number.

2020-09-17 02:25:47

Will this thing ever leave beta stage?

2020-09-17 03:24:54

@9: I wanted to make that point as well, but I figured it wasn't worth the typing. Thanks for doing it.
@10: I code, I know it's not relatively that difficult of a change, but I believe Pragma feels differently and it's his game. It would just be a quality of life thing anyways, I don't see why it's a big deal. Certainly not worth the bashing in post 1.
@11: I believe that Pragma has said it'll remain beta as long as it's in active development.

2020-09-17 03:55:28

there have been a few occasions where I've wanted to type in my own values, such as doing so instead of skiping 9 turns from 76000 to get to 700000 health point battles.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-09-17 07:07:56

@12 the bashing isn't about the game, it's not even about how he codes the game. It is about how poorly they test the version before making it public. You don't need to be a coder to test the game. You do need a coder to fix any bugs, but as I have heard a thousand times on this forum, don't release something if half the new things or old things are broken. I don't understand why this game isn't held to the same standards.

2020-09-17 07:31:45

Because people need their nostalgia and their hundreds of pirated assets at any price, even if that price is holding the product itself to relatively low standards of production.

Seriously, if this game were anything else, the forum would have agreed to roast it years ago.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-17 10:34:38

Crazy party bayta 6578821

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-09-17 13:12:58

it's a disgrace to call it mario, sonic, pokemon, etc. It is nothing like it. It's crazy party and that's that. Sounds shouldn't be the only thing required for nostalgia. If people really do treasure those games, they wouldn't allow a low end developer bgt game compare. Sorry, but the truth hurts. Anyway, I hope being able to type your values is happening because the menu system is ridiculous.

2020-09-17 13:26:54

The hell happened the last months? What's with all the bashing all of a sudden? Cp has always been very stabil for me. Yes, new versions can introduce bugs. But that's how it works with *every* single piece of software ever made. Even so, the more game-breaking bugs were always fixed within a day or two. Don't forget what beta actually means. It means you're playing what is basically a public test version. And yes, betas can break things. I find it amazing how people don't roast apple for bugs introduced in beta versions of ios, which are relatively easy to access for even laypersons, but then destroy Pragma here. It doesn't add up. Also, cp definitely isn't a "low-end game". I've gotten far more enjoyment out of cp than I have from most new releases in the past 5 years, you mark my words. It's one of the few games I still come back to and play regularly, even though there hasn't been an update in a while. Need I remind you that many of you were ready to vote cp into the best game of 2016? It came in second place just behind Eurofly. Let that stand for something.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-09-17 14:15:02 (edited by Nikola 2020-09-17 14:16:14)

Hahahaha, was just waiting for when Jayde will drag his piracy issues into an irrelevant context, but then he is mad when people bash Jaws in irrelevant topics? That's the same my friend, keep talking about piracy in every CP topic that comes up and has nothing to do with it. Thanks for continuosly bashing a game. Please find another that works online to compete against your friends. Nothing else, not even that has card battling, just online competition.
Whenever I think of how buggy a game is and complain, I remember that my Skype on the desktop is still very much unusable unless I set it to split view. Then I remember that my phone used to crash after ending a call on iOS 13.1, and I say to myself, there is one developer working on this product for free. Thanks Connor for your message, fully agree.

2020-09-17 15:00:32

lol Nidza, deflecting as always.

Crazy Party stole hundreds of assets from popular games, and used them to great effect. You don't really have to be your own game if you borrow from Mario and Pokémon this heavily. I've said it before. If any other game did this - and yes, I've seen evidence of this - it would be roasted for being unoriginal or even a clone. But a magical exception has been made for CP because it hits players in the feels. Or something. If I made an RPG and borrowed hundreds of Final Fantasy or other JRPG sound effects and music, but made an original JRPG, I would be absolutely destroyed for using copyrighted assets, and rightfully so.

Sure, a ton of code has gone into CP, and I'm not denying its popularity. But you likewise can't deny that it's basically the mother of all clones, floating on hundreds of pirated assets.
Why did I bring it up here? Because believe it or not, it's relevant. I've watched CP's progress over the years, and a bunch of beta releases introduced bugs that had to be very quickly fixed. Zarvox isn't wrong when he says that sometimes the testing protocols for this game aren't very good. Stuff that probably should've been caught before going live makes it to a live release, fucks up people's games, and then gets fixed in the next beta. It's why there have been as many beta releases as there have been. But people are just happy that beta version x+whatever is now live, because it means more games, more updates. I just feel that the standards of expectation for this game are, by and large, considerably lower than for other games. You'd expect other games to have their own assets, but for CP it's okay. You'd expect other games to fix their bugs if they're so easy to replicate, but for CP it's okay. Well, for me, not so much.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-17 15:37:43

I find the playstyle of the game quite refreshing. Yes, it uses a lot of pirated sound assets. That has been a problem I've had with the game and why I don't like it as much as I could, however, the mechanics are original enough even if inspired by stuff on Marioparty and to an extent, Pokemon. However, CP does largely in its adaptation make it a rather unique game in terms of what we have available.

There are few games that have the variety and types of play CP does which is a large part of its appeal. I never played it because I thought it was Mario, Sonic, or anything else. It is it's own gameplay that works for me.

As for the problems with seemingly every other beta, I don't consider the betas to be betas but versions, but with every release of almost everything there are new bugs and glitches. Even most mainstream video game companies with huge budgets largely release their products with lackluster testing that has to be fixed with patches after the game is released to the public. Bitlife often has to have one or two quick patches whenever they have a big release and they have a lot more going for them than most companies in the audiogames area.

I tend to always view CP betas as just to get every other one. I know with a release that there will be a beta that corrects that a few days later that will largely be of good quality until the next big release, at which time I'll need to wait a couple more days to get a new version that actually works for me.

as for CP's general bugs and stability for me, when I am in a stable beta, like the current one, I have no problems at all and the game works incredibly well.

2020-09-17 15:42:53

I could mention a bunch of unplayable audiogames, even paid ones, but why bother? It's jayde, and somehow piracy has something to do with bugs in the game. Hint, how was A hero's call when it launched? It was a ton of fun to play with a bunch of script errors and crashes all over the place. The game had a beta team, the game was paid, and it was almost unplayable in certain areas when it came out. Manamon had a few extremely nasty bugs where save files could get corrupted, again, paid game. Am I bashing the games? Hell no, there are no double standards for me. I give each game a few weeks to get polished and fixed, and Crazy party is always fixed within a matter of a few days, not weeks.
The assets have heavily been discussed already and there is literally no reason to repeat that. What double standards? You could go through all the games in the database and find at least 20 with stolen sounds, and nobody will say hey, these games should all go away, but Crazy party should not because we like it. I personally think no game should be removed, but that's another topic. Those who think that they should don't give an exception just because it is Crazy party. I literally saw nobody saying we should get rid of all these games but leave CP because it's a great game.

2020-09-17 15:52:48

Right. I'm coming at this as a console gamer and as someone who has been around the net since, I'd wager, the early 2000's.
I do not think it makes sense to remove Crazy Party. I consider it, very much, a fan game. Consider: websites like Retro Remakes. It's a non-profit release who's sounds are not just accessed as wav or ogg files, there's a dat file in the way meaning that the average user won't be able to access them. This is also not an open source release. Some of the sound sequences, by Pragma's own admition, are also edited together and are not just straight rips.
If we remove Crazy Party we'll be stopping creativity, trust me on this. I think you are being exceedingly closed minded and literal about this.

2020-09-17 16:38:46 (edited by death 2020-09-17 16:42:04)

Let me ask everyone who loves CP a lot a question. Lets say the game had been complete garbage and everyone had attacked it. Would one of those attacks have been about the number of ripped off sounds taken from other games? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, whether it's admitted to or not. We seem to bash clones of trash games, as we should, but say nothing about a game that takes so much from mainstream. Keep in mind I'm saying nothing about the game itself, how it plays, or the time put into it. I'm just saying you can't suddenly be okay with blatant ripoffs because you're getting something out of the experience.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2020-09-17 17:27:40

There are a lot more blatent rip-offs than crazyparty. The ulicened harry potter, pokemon games that actually use the pokemon characters without permission from Nintendo, the squaresoft games, and admittedly a ton of MUDs are much more blatent thefts.

Also, I stopped playing Crazyparty for a long time because of its copyright infringement. I particularly dislike that the game says "reminiscent of games from the past" when some are direct rips and are a bit more than reminiscent.

If the game was paid, there would be absolutely no excuse for it at all and any games that use stolen assets or stolen intellectual properties such as the harry potter concepts and stuff should be banned.

Also, even though I like CP, I think I'd like it better with original sounds.

Also, many of us are complaining of the copyright infringement even if we like it so the previous accusation is not totally apt. Also. CP also uses incredible ingenuity to make its gameplay. The cards game uses the pokemon types, which is a point against it in how it works, and some of the computer bots are pretty thinly-veiled pokemon too, another point against it. However, pokemon, either in the card game or the video games does not match its gameplay style, which is actually quite unique.

The mini-games are a mixed bag. Many of them have visual equivelents in marioparty games, quite a few do not. Even with the Marioparty ones that are very similar, the adaptation to an audio format  is ingenius enough that I consider them their own thing.

Again the copyrighted music and sound effects can and should be held against the game, but calling it a blatent rip-off ignores the significant amount of uique gameplay the game actually has in it.

when I explain CP to friends I say, "The gameplay is original, the soundtrack most definitely is not.)

The game however, never directly uses Mario characters in actual name or those of pokemon or other characters from major video game franchises, which is more than can be said of many other titles available.

Should CP be blamed for it's copyright infringement. Yes and absolutely! Should it be praised for its unique and refreshing gameplay? also yes.