2020-09-12 23:28:10

I recently had to reboot a Linux system I'm working on and since this system doesn't get rebooted often, I decided to do an update to bring the system current.

After running sudo apt upgrade (which started fine,) the service started complaining that it was out of space.

It finally exited with code 1 and gave that message again about being out of space. I assumed the updates didn't install and that Linux had been smart enough to roll back (one would assume with such a mature system, it would have.)

So I rebooted it in the hopes of trying the update again.

It never got to the boot screen. There was someone working in the data center at the time and I had to get them to look at the screen (I only access it over SSH.) They said it looked like it was showing a bunch of processes and just sitting there (I'm assuming it looked like a ps dump.)

So I had them hard boot the system and go into the Advanced menu. From there I first had them activate "clean broken packages" and then boot into an older kernel. That older kernel works, and the Linux system is able to boot fine now.

I have several questions here:
1. Why wouldn't Linux just refuse to update if there's not enough space?
2. When logging into SSH, it says 10% of / used... so the system definitely isn't low on hard disk space. Where did it run out of memory and how do I prevent this in the future?
3. Is there any way to recover the latest Kernel? or
4. Is there a way to get rid of the latest kernel and just force Linux to boot the good kernel (the one that's running now?)

I did run apt autoremove which cleaned up a lot of stuff. It's asking me to reboot (***system restart required***) when I log in to SSH but I'm afraid to do that without someone present in the data center. It did mention stuff about removing kernels while performing autoremove.

Also sudo apt update now says 0 packages can be updated. So I guess it actually did update? I'm so confused at this point. Please help before I join the "Linux is complicated and cryptic" crowd. xD

I hope it didn't get rid of all the kernels on the system (what if the one I'm currently running gets corrupted? The only thing that saved me last time was that Linux happens to keep older kernels around.) I didn't even know it did this until I had someone in IT bring up the boot menu.

This is an Ubuntu system.

Also, if you can please keep your answers simple. It's IT's job to troubleshoot these systems and all that and I've never done anything on Linux machines except for software stuff you can do over SSH. So if you use Linux-specific terminology please explain what it means so I can understand. Remember, I'm not IT. I'm just a software guy. So my familiarity with this sort of thing is lacking (I'm even afraid to touch "Windows recovery options" when Microsoft gives us a nice friendly GUI to play with.)


2020-09-13 15:31:43

Hi Munawar, what version of Debian is used? (uname -a)?
Also, if you wanna to make sure that you have some kernel arround, type: dpkg --list | grep linux-image and see what you get

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Telegram: Nuno69a
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2020-09-13 15:42:08

Very odd, though you must first update the mirrors before doing the upgrade. In a single form, you can run it like this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

This will bring your package cache up to date with the mirrors and PPAs you have. So it's the information needed to determine whether there are new packages basically. The -y on the end of upgrade means run it without making me confirm whether I want to proceed.

If you type df -h, you'll get an overview of space available to you.

Linux isn't friendly. It's like C, it will quite happily let you shoot yourself in the foot. It assumes nothing. You could easily destroy your system with sudo rm -rf /* on some distros that don't protect against it, or something like dd IF=/dev/zero OF=/dev/sda or whatever your drive is.

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2020-09-14 01:18:08

Hi Nuno and Ironcross32, thanks for your responses. That's good to know about Linux, though I'm rather surprised something as simple as an update can count as shooting yourself in the foot. Are there any ways to prevent this in the future?

Nuno, I'll get back to you later with the version number.

2020-09-14 04:25:26

@4, yep, updates can break things. It happened on a server I'm running right now, actually. We updated to 20.04 from 18.04 and it broke a lot and we had to go and fix it all. Lol So yes, a lot can break Linux. A small tip: don't trust df -h alone; install ncdu and run sudo ncdu /. Wait for it to scan your disk and then you can see what's largest and delete that which you don't need. (As always, don't delete anything under /var, /usr, &c. without knowing what your doing.)As for the other issues:
1. Most package managers don't check disk space before doing the upgrade; they check after downloading all the update files. Some don't even check it at all (I've no idea why). I think apt does check, though. Or, dpkg does.
2. I've no idea. I don't know how accurate that banner is (and, side note, you should probably change that for security reasons). Again, df -h and ncdu are your friends.
3. Yes, there is. Try running dpkg-reconfigure -a (note, this reconfigures [all] packages on the system, though it does also fix any problems encountered during updates). This doesn't mean the kernel will boot, of course, but it should resolve most problems.
4. Yes, you can uninstall the newest kernel by getting its version (ls /boot | sort and looking for the highest version). Alternatively, run dpkg --list | grep linux-image and look for the latest (use uname -r to figure out your current one so you don't accidentally remove that one).

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