2020-09-02 14:42:15 (edited by defender 2020-09-02 14:45:27)

I'm not trying to invalidate your criticism, I thought I made that clear when I said that I don't mind if you have a problem with the game personally, and I definitely do see the worth in some of your arguments and was actually going to write a post explaining that soon.

No I'm calling your post, and most others you make here, edgy because they are.
Your attitude is awful most times even when nothing has seemingly occurred that could cause it, your snark reminds me of a moody teenager but as far as I know you're a grown adult, and you throw out unnecessary barbs without caring what long term effects they may have.  You undoubtedly know all this at this point in your life and clearly, don't care to change it because screw what everyone else thinks right?  Or at least that's the image you project.

I'm not sure exactly what in your life has made you so bitter and or hair trigger angry that you feel the need to waste your time insulting people on the internet with little to no provocation, but at this point I pity you more than I dislike you, because if this aura of nastyness which surrounds you is an expression of how you feel in your every day life, than being Exodus must suck pretty bad.

2020-09-02 18:34:45

@201, not going to dictate what you can or can't say, but this post has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand... and it's this kind of post that treds dangerously close to being a personal attack. Why not address his criticisms of the game instead of jabs at his character? And people wonder how so many topics that start civil derail into personal sniping...

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-09-02 18:41:50 (edited by defender 2020-09-02 18:52:26)

Because his behavior has continued unchecked for a very long time (mainly I think because he doesn't post that often) and someone needs to say something so that we as a community aren't seen to be tacitly approving of this kind of toxicity, particularly when mainstream developers are involved.  And again, this isn't about his opinions regarding the game (in fact as I said I'm starting to come over to your side after thinking about it more) but the way in which he said it and talked to Grryfindore afterwards is just not something we need here.  I'll take the warning without complaint if I get one, and I do regret the off topic nature of the post, but I don't regret what I said or why I said it.
Either way I am not going to continue the conversation after this out of respect for the topic.

2020-09-02 19:31:13

I suggest you avail yourself with a mirror, champ. The irony of you doing the very things you accuse me of is not lost on me at all.
This is also the second time you started snarling at me like an ill tempered dog, the last time you were attempting to imply that I was a quote unquote Spaz.
You want to go on about me tossing barbs at people? Never in  all the time on here have I ever told anyone that their being a spastic.
I suppose you're going to attempt to twist me correcting grryfindore's spelling of my username into me being a dick? Thing is... I see people doing that kind of thing on here all the time and noone bats an eyelid.
To grryfindore, if this has caused you offence in any way then I apologize and will remove that part of my post if you wish. If I'm due any punitive action, then lay it on me. My chin is ready.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2020-09-02 22:24:07

hello everyone. first, let me say that I think that the vale is one hell of a game. I like the story, and the different ways combat works. sure it may seem like a blind legend, but I like to think of it as something a blind legend never was. I would like to congraduate @fallingsquirrel for making this game, and am looking forward to the full release!

I love audio games.

2020-09-02 23:01:06

my opinion is that people just cheat. what difference does it make whether there are jokes about the blind or not. the main thing is that the game is very good even in the demo. and criticism that is not in the business, you only discourage developers from doing something good. here is my opinion. and whether you agree with him or not is up to you.

2020-09-02 23:06:25

no one owes us anything. people spend their time developing a project and as a result, because of some unfortunate phrases, a meaningless dialogue is divorced. I understand if we discuss the subtleties of the mechanics, the sound of the game. but this is a trifle.

2020-09-02 23:07:46

in my opinion, you need to somehow change the magic. it is very difficult to go through this stage. I personally have never been able to. I don't hear enough sound to build up valor.

2020-09-02 23:50:25

@spay agreed. as for your magic issue, you need to use a wired controller as the keyboard controls are broken. when you build enough favor, you should here a whoosh kind of noise. once you hear this, press left trigger to send out a fire burst, and press right trigger to light weapon on fire. fire burst damages enemies around you, and the fire weapon thing when used does more damage when it hits enemies. hope I helped.

I love audio games.

2020-09-03 14:17:36

Oh, I thought you needed to somehow light the weapon before doing the fire burst. Thanks.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2020-09-03 16:51:52

your welcome. so yes there are 2 spells you can use. fire burst and the blazing weapon

I love audio games.

2020-09-04 15:41:41 (edited by sethgamer 2020-09-04 17:17:30)

sorry for the double post. but I'd just like to say that the thing that doesn't make this a sort of a blind legend bop it style combat system is the way the shield works, as well as the ability to do heavy attacks and use magic.

I love audio games.

2020-09-04 21:05:59

Definitely is still a bopit style of combat, shield or no shield. lol It still boils down to hear and react, hear and react. Weapons play is definitely not as elegant or enjoyable as other games, but again, that's just something we'll have to deal with. Some people will enjoy it, some won't.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-09-04 21:10:13

Personally, if the story is good and the sound design is good, I will basically ignore the bopit-style combat. No, it's not ideal, but it's not a dealbreaker either.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-05 00:39:24

in my opinion, a blind legend was more react based. wait for the right moment and strike. here, you can sort of decide. it's not much, but the ability to as I stated before, use magic at any point, or use a heavy attack while an enemy is moving is pretty cool to me. also, the ability to attack enemies from a distance with a bow just absolutely kicks ass. what I'm trying to say, is this, all be it simple, is the best in terms of the bop it style combat system I've seen. and I love it.

I love audio games.

2020-09-05 18:35:50

it's really evident here since the Mc is standing still and sometimes punished for aggressive fighting style when unneeded. However, this game also seems to punish defensive styles, especially if enemies get the same features with heavy attacks and other combat styles that requires more approaches styles to clear out the assault.

Was kind of hoping there were some enemy types that act like some of the fleet footed enemies from the blind Swordsman. covering the approach of others with rapid movements and words as they dart in amongst allies and strike before running back. Maybe toss back a throwing knife on the retreat.

Sort of curious on one thing mentioned about reaction stuff. Isn't nearly most video game combat mainly consists of reacting to attacks? Sure, there's more evasion and movement involve with parrying, dodging or canceling attacks, but it is still reacting to an opening or maneuver seen by the player. I don't parry Champion Gunther's shouldercharge attack from Dark Souls 3 because I'm a master of melee combat and knew he was going to do that, I parried it because I saw the brief window giving me a 1 second warning he's about to spear me into oblivion with his shoulder, and I want to knock him down with the parry to land a bunch of two handed strikes. Alternatively, I know the fight well and can predict when he'll follow up an attack with the said shoulder charge of doom. but that's still reacting to prior information to prepare. I just have a lot more options to move around and do other fancy implementations of pain that's admittedly more satisfying when the Ai opponent fudges up.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2020-09-05 20:40:22 (edited by sethgamer 2020-09-05 20:41:35)

@vazbol, because in ABL you had to sort of wait till the guys voice was getting to a point to where it sounded like he was gonna swing. here, as soon as you hear the shift of an enemy's armor, you can strike. big difference. sort of.

I love audio games.

2020-09-05 21:29:25

Hey all.
Just a sidenote for anyone having trouble running the game like I did and for the developers to consider as I've just discovered the trick and was now finally able to enjoy the new demo.
There is no need to replace any DLL file (with another from a game like Code7) to be able to play, just add the two digits 64 at the end of the file called XInputInterface.dll contained within the plugins folder so that it becomes XInputInterface64.dll.

2020-09-07 12:16:34

I agree that the combat could perhaps have been done better, but overall the game does seem cool. I haven't played the demo yet, in fact I just downloaded it, but I watched Liam play it on his Labor Day stream. I can see why people don't like the describe it for me thing, perhaps she could have said something a bit less obvious. Maybe while passing a strea she could have said something like what river is that? at which point her companion could have given her a description of the immediate area. It is what it is though and I do have to say I like the voice acting. I had to laugh a little at how delighted Alex seemed while chasing and killing rats.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2020-09-07 12:43:55

one quest Liam did miss was the honey collecting quest. wonder why the bread seller is back in the main village square? that's because if you talk to her something happens if your at the spot where the final bit of the demo is. and that quest is really funny. at least for me. died laughing first time I played through it which was on the xbox demo.

I love audio games.

2020-09-07 14:48:02

@218 OMG, I couldn't get this to run at all. Popped up the configuration dialog, then crashed. Someone said they needed a monitor connected, and for various reasons I can't do that now, so I'd given up until I tried renaming the DLL, and it works fine now.

Falling Squirrel, your QC is somewhat lacking. I hate to be that guy, but this is another issue I'd have expected would be ironed out by a final demo, and this isn't the first significant issue I'm aware of (speculation that the Steam and Itch builds are different, as another example, with one being broken and having different menus.)

2020-09-07 14:53:15

Could I play the game with an XBox controller on my laptop?

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2020-09-07 15:18:13


At 222 yes, you can, I always play the game with a xBox gamepad, more people should do that and not rely on the keyboard.

BTW, what honey collection quest do you mean?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-09-07 15:59:45

when the shepard tells you to go to the tavern, and ask about work, notoce that the bread seller is back. try speaking with her.

I love audio games.

2020-09-07 16:16:44

i cant run the game for some reason
any salutions?
using pc by the way