2020-08-24 11:27:02

Training Berserkers works for me if I train Berserkers first, then Goblins.
Does not work if I do this the other way.

2020-08-24 11:49:03 (edited by defender 2020-08-24 11:50:16)

Yeah the itch support idea isn't a bad one, that's what I had to do as well.
Also, I forgot to congratulate you on the update Huw!  Shriek!
It's really cool to see The Gaming Dictator get a place in the game, and I like how you used his character to address the comment I made about the swamp goblins talking so well too.
It's also nice that you added my original idea for him as another character rather than just scrapping it all together.
And the reason I have to destroy everything is because I just simply will not stand for inconsistency when it comes to violence.
Oh and yaye for book fixes!  Combing through all of those is on my "painful but necessary" todo list and this will make it much easier on me.
Good to hear that your making significant headway on your backlog, that's good for both you and us.  LOL

2020-08-24 23:18:53 (edited by Caccio72 2020-08-24 23:20:01)

Yeah, I also noticed we can destroy more and more things, including even the cartographer, now why would someone be such a fool to destroy that place for example, lol?

(even after buying all the possible maps, what would be the use of it?

And thanks Huw for clarifying this map issue, if you ask me, those maps, at least some of them aren't that expensive at all, 10k-30k, nah, I wouldn't say so, that much I can easily spend each game-year on them if needed.


2020-08-25 12:05:07

@Luel, Yeah what was happening was the code to check if you had enough goblin berserkers to train was instead looking for that requested number but of regular goblins. All fixed now though for the next update.

@Defender, Cheers mate. I'm glad you liked it, and it was a valid concern about the Uktak folk glad to fill the plot hole. I'm a fan of player choice so I appreciate the requests to destroy stuff. And god those books... was a pain in the ass to do but it's all progress.

I've tried a new way of working through the backlog and its working a lot better than before, I'm very happy.

@Caccio, Yeah I agree, poor map makers. As for the map issue no problem at all. An eh I guess expensive for early game but not for a rich king.

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-26 04:23:34

I can't remember exactly, but I'm 87.5% sure it was one of the mines.

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2020-08-26 10:47:54

Hmm, I'll keep an eye out then, cheers.

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-26 12:10:42

@wastelander I'm finally back playing this, in style: I purchased the full version! I'm loving the game.
I noticed on Itch, you mentioned about Reddit and Discord. On the Reddit, there is a post called 101 things to do in Warsim, however, you have made it an image.
I'm also wondering about some tips on how to get started/what sorts of paths might be available. Would love to try to be a (sort of) pieceful/kind king, not going to war instantly. Saying that, I was a sort of king who was kind but who battled, quite a bit. Going through the western lands and buying up what I could, I took down the four goblin factions and a few bandit gangs. I was going to go for the barracks upgrads and training different kinds of units when I noticed the afformentioned goblin bug.
I'm wondering what stuff like the "goblin festival" is.
Also, how can I check out battle score or various faction relations, for instance, what is public opinion and such? Sorry if I'm going a bit all over the place.

2020-08-26 18:26:34 (edited by omer 2020-08-26 18:27:07)

aaron check post 2532

2020-08-26 19:28:31

@Aaron, Thanks so much for the support mate!

So as Omer says the full text only version of 101 things to do in Warsim is in post 2532.

AAs for peacefulness I think it certainly is possible but it depends on your world loadout. Some races like chaos races are impossible to be at permanent peace with for example as they change their relations to you each turn.

Generally a good way to reach peace is to have a good diplomat, and to avoid fighting anyone. Even if you are at War with someone it doesn't mean they aren't at war with others. Each time they get attacked their relation worsens so sometimes their other enemies quickly become a much bigger focus than you if you stay out of it. Definitely depends on the world though.

As for the Goblin Jamboree, it's an event that takes place in the mighty town of Goblinwood far to the west. It takes place once every 10 years and you can only be invited to it if you're a friend of Goblinwood. Luckily becomming a friend of Goblinwood is easy enough. You just have to have made it to Goblinwood, and outlaw goblin slavery. On the 10th year you may recieve an invite when the turn begins.

From here make your way to Goblinwood and as you enter you'll be met by the celebration, it's semi-random but there's always fun to be had!

You can check the battlescore of different factions via diplomacy, go to an independent kingdom and find option 2, kingdom information. Here you will see the option to view a troop tree in the first option, and their faction relations with others via the 7th option.

Cheers again and hope this helps!

Happy to answer any other questions

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-26 22:26:08

Huw, could you please set a max limit to that bluetray trader in Danland area?

As I noticed, it currently has an unlimited stock for sale.

2020-08-27 13:42:49

@Wastelander thanks for the tips. I was actually wondering more about the option "begin the goblin celebration" that can be done as part of your kingdom, and I'm also wondering how to find out my own battlescore and my own relations. Also, what does public opinion do, and what happens if you, say, manage to get a relation of a faction higher?
Also, I've found a bug in custom world setup. When you set the level of exploration, there's no way o set it back to default. It's either 1, unlock first set of locations, or 2, unlock all locations, or whichever order that was. There's no "X start with no locations" or whatever the option will be called.

2020-08-28 12:45:14

@Caccio, Will look into it mate, cheers!

@Aaron, Goblin Celebration costs you money an essentially has a big goblin parade each year. This gives +relations to all goblin factions and causes some free-d goblins to join you.

You can find your own battlescore by entering 11) Kingdom reports on the main game screen and then 11) View troop count. Here it will show you who you have and how strong they are.

Public opinion affects so many areas. It affects how your people think of you. What kind of throne room visits you get, having high public opinion means you'll get gifts and compliments, low public opinion means bandits will visit and praise but people will come to scorn you. Your men may desert you with low public opinion. It allows access to worse laws if it's low etc.

If you get faction relations higher it can make it easier to do things with them like peace alliances and vassals. If they're a vassal then the higher the relation the more likely they are to do something nice for you.

And cheers for the bugreport, will look into it asap

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-28 14:18:17

the only thing i wish its possible is to keeping the battlescore of the units that you optained from an other kingdom
for example, you recruited from kingdom1, and they are no destroyed
you searched for new lands, the slot1 is filled, and the soldiers that you bot their battlescore got changed
hope it saves those someday

2020-08-28 15:06:20

If you're going to do a limit for the trader perhaps it can refresh each turn, like for highering troops. Otherwise, I disagree particularly as the magic farm might be targeting those who can afford the fruit, for a price, and as it's, well, a magic farm, it could also be self-sustaining and might not have a limit.

2020-08-28 15:41:47 (edited by omer 2020-08-28 15:43:16)

it has a limit of 999 plants meaning you only can get 999 per turn at max
and that requires 999k gold
and its like 25k gold per turn but i wont sell them

2020-08-28 16:50:21 (edited by Luel 2020-08-28 16:52:15)

I am wandering if I am doing something wrong while dealing with the Demon Horde.
It seems defeating the Horde causes some consequences I did not intend to happen.
First, after defeating the demons outside of the gate, I have to fight the Nomads when trying to enter the Demon Realm and consequently, I end up killing off all the Nomads.
They are allies, they should let me in and join, not try to prevent me from entering.
Second, after defeating the Horde and the Demon Realm being destroyed, Arasuk village is automatically destroyed.
Are these things meant to happen?

2020-08-28 17:15:58

@Omer, yeah it's an issue I'm thinking on, currently due to the nature of the system we can't handle more than 5 sets of races, 15 units, be stored. I'm looking into possible solutions though.

@Aaron, I plan for the number to grow over time weather you buy them or not, the farmer will stockpile them

@Luel, Hmm, the Nomads should only defend the gate if they are converted to be Dark Nomads by the demon overlord which can happen.

As for the Arasuk collapse, any demonic location will be abandoned or collapse if the demon horde is destroyed. Arasuk is a village of demon worshippers so once the horde falls and the overlord is dead the village fell apart.

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-28 17:23:59

Hey everyone,

So another week of successful clearing through big backlogs as well as some more playtesting myself to find bugs and areas to improve. This update has many different improvements all around and lots of new features that I hope you all enjoy!


Well it's actually the old way, before a background difficulty scale was added that made enemies recruit more and generally be stronger and larger the difficulty used to pretty much soley mean what your starting resources were and nothing more. On the suggestion of u/Ubercharge1 from our reddit community I've added new game difficulty choices for playing default difficulty but with the starting resources of each choice.

* Added new debug mode 23 - Normal mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)
* Added new debug mode 24 - Hard mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)
* Added new debug mode 25 - Solid mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)
* Added new debug mode 26 - Insane mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)

SLAVES RISE UP (2 features)

This has been suggested multiple times by people who wanted to start the game as a freer-of-slaves, well now you can. Choosing this origin starts you off destroying the slavers fort and leading your ex-slave army to forming a kingdom!

* Added new kingdom origin start 'Slaver revolt' Start with destroyed slaver fort, ex-slave freed army, +10 public opinion (credit Multiple suggesters)
* Added chance of slaver revolt kingdom origin when you choose random origin


No matter how many children you drop out of trap doors, there are always more who visit your throne room asking for money. No matter how many you give money to the odds of more coming is low. Now there will be a background tracker keeping a note of this, if you are horrible to young folk visiting your throne room you will find a lot less of them or maybe never see them. Treat them well and more and more will come!

* Added youth relation figure tracking your background relation to the youth in throne room encounters
* Added having 75+ youth relation grants 4% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having 50+ youth relation grants 3% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having 25+ youth relation grants 2% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having 0+ youth relation grants 1% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having -25+ youth relation grants 1% drop in throne room visitors
* Added having -50+ youth relation grants 2% drop in throne room visitors
* Added having -75+ youth relation grants 3% drop in throne room visitors
* Added having lower than 75 youth relation grants 4% drop in throne room visitors
* Fixed text bug in young boy eats coin and chokes encounter
* Added -2 youth relation for young boy death in throne room encounter
* Added +1 youth relation for giving young boy a coin
* Added -1 youth relation for having no gold to give
* Added -10 youth relation for throwing young boy through trap door
* Added -5 youth relation for arresting young boy
* Added -1 youth relation for refusing to give gold to young boy
* Added +3 youth relation for giving young boy who asks for a single coin ten coins
* Added +6 youth relation for giving young boy who asks for a single coin 100 coins
* Made boy gives coin throne room encounter much more common if youth relation is high
* Made boy gives coin throne room encounter much less common if youth relation is low
* Fixed boy gives coin throne room encounter text bug
* Added -2 youth relation for snatching coin from boy and kicking him out
* Added paying Blackmarket pickpocket gang a coin each to disband gives +5 youth relation
* Added paying Blackmarket pickpocket gang 10 coins each to disband gives +10 youth relation


Defender pointed out that the ability to freely convert your 100 battlescore troops to be members of merc groups with 190 battlescore units is a little exploity, now I've added a system to at least provide some growing costs depending on how advanced the merc units are.

* Added new system of paying to convert soldiers into merc groups with much more powerful units (credit Defender)
* Merc groups with higher than 200 battlescore units cost 6 gold per unit to convert (credit Defender)
* Merc groups with higher than 150 battlescore units cost 4 gold per unit to convert (credit Defender)
* Merc groups with higher than 100 battlescore units cost 2 gold per unit to convert (credit Defender)
* Added marching sound effect when converting troops into mercenary company units


Omer suggested some new encounters when you explore the realm, finding a random hero or monster if you have a monster fight pit, thanks Omer!

* Added new exploration encounter of finding a lost champion who is willing to join you (credit Omer from Audiogames)
* Added sleeping monster explore encounter (credit Omer from Audiogames)
* Added trapped monster dead trappers explore encounter (credit Omer from Audiogames)
* Added docile monster explore encounter (credit Omer from Audiogames)


In Darkdale there's a cat tavern, you can get drunk and pet cats. But logically the drunker you get the more likely you would be to irritate those cats. Well now it's a feature!

* Added being a bit drunk or more and trying to pet cats in the Darkdale Cat tavern has 1/3 chance of negative outcome (credit Defender)
* Added being very drunk or more and trying to pet cats in the Darkdale Cat tavern has 1/2 chance of negative outcome (credit Defender)
* Added irritated cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added accidental poke cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added slip and grab fur cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added cat licks booze cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added Catyr interaction over grab fur outcome
* Added Catyr interaction over accidental poke outcome
* Added if you get to drunk level Hammered or higher, Catyr the beautiful looks ugly

WHAT DO YOU DO? (9 features)

You now get a much more dynamic and helpful response when asking your diplomat what he can do, it will also show the nearest skill increase that can be gained.

* Added new extra screen when asking diplomat what he does (credit Defender)
* Added screen for having less than 50 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 75 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 100 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 150 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 200 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having more than 200 diplomat score
* Reworked all 5 screens for asking spymaster what he can do
* Fixed demon spying ability mentioned by spymaster even if demons are dead

WHY THE RED FACE? (20 features)

If you play as a demonic ruler then all your advisors get a demonic red skin, however it seems this was only half implemented as many screens the skin colour reverted to normal. Thanks cultivahabas for letting me know about this one, now it's all patched!

* Fixed asking demonic diplomat to show kingdom relations changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking demonic diplomat what he does changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking demonic diplomat for advice changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic diplomat changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic spymaster changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking spymaster what he does doesn't have it's own screen
* Fixed firing demonic jester changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic general changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking demonic steward what he does changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic steward changes his colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing sudden death with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking about the rules of sudden death to demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing coin flip game with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing rock paper scissors with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing caverns and cave trolls with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic bard changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed demonic general game intro skin colour not correctly set (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed demonic advisor tutorial rejection screen skin colour not correctly set (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed demonic advisor tutorial screens skin colour not correctly set (credit cultivahabas)


There are definitely a bunch more improvements to be made here, but I've made a start and now added a special event that happens if you clear the den out of it's gold.

* Added new screen where gambling den applauds you if you can clear it out of it's gold
* Added new screen and sfx for gambling den shutting down due to having no gold
* Fixed Blackmarket guess the dice text broken

BUGFIXES (29 features)

A pile of bugs big enough to scare an ant-eater here... At least they are sorted now!

* Fixed text colour bug with old stone event
* Fixed text colour bug with old stone destruction screen
* Fixed mercenary companies cannot fight the undead
* Fixed 2 text bugs in not having enough goblin berserkers conversion screen
* FiXed 2 text bugs in not having gold to convert goblin berserkers screen
* Fixed issue with goblin berserker conversion incorrectly telling you that you don't have enough berserkers to convert (credit Matt1211)
* Fixed sacrificing peasants at demon totems changes totem text to show them destroyed (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed mislabelled Blackmarket attack option
* Fixed 30 Blackmarket banners text bugs
* Fixed 2 ruined Blackmarket Banners text bugs
* Fixed 4 incorrectly sized Blackmarket banners
* Fixed text bug in can't afford invasion cost merc hire screen
* Fixed jesters son referring to the player as << YourLord <<
* Fixed 2 text bugs in monster fight victory screens
* Fixed text bug in bandits of the realm how to reduce bandit level text screen
* Fixed 3 text bugs in attacking independent kingdoms
* Fixed 3 text bugs in attacking bandit groups
* Fixed text bug in 'Miners fell into a chasm' Shallowrock throne room encounter
* Fixed 5 text bugs in 'Miners tried to rob you' Shallowrock throne room encounter
* Fixed 2 text bugs in 'Miners discover chaos orbs' Shallowrock throne room encounter
* Fixed no gold indicator shown on throne room bard encore screen
* Fixed no gold indicator shown on bard asking for gold to play throne room screen
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Clan Thickblood Blade screens
* Fixed no gold indicator on fort ruin in Near north with rebuild option
* Fixed 6 text bugs in silver tongue throne room failure screens
* Fixed 6 text bugs in silver tongue throne room success screens
* Fixed text bug with goblin tribe throne room encounter
* Fixed incorrectly laid out indicators of gained goblin troops in goblin tribe joiner throne room encounter
* Fixed champion joiner extra line bug

EVERYTHING ELSE (8 features)

Plenty of good stuff here, now when Phenor rejects your peace it's way better, undead summoning event is improved, Blackmarket ruler statue is improved, and some great suggestions by Caccio, Defender, and Molovian!

* Added gold sound to paying silver tongue in throne room
* Reworked peace rejection from bandit horde screen
* Reworked Blackmarket leader statue to show if it was erected by the last Blackmarket ruler before you conquered the place
* Reworked undead summoning event to have new screen and sfx
* Reworked buying maps from cartographers guild options to clearly explain you are unlocking the region and not a single location (credit Caccio72 from audiogames)
* Added new indicator of total music relation when it changes (credit Molovian)
* Added background sound to smallhaven (credit Defender)
* Added special event where if rebel forces are dead but rebels still have lands they collapse at the end of the turn and flee into exile (credit DazaKiwi)


Once again I've made great progress clearing through my backlogs. Still plenty more stuff to come before it's fully cleared though!



Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-28 17:50:18 (edited by Luel 2020-08-28 17:58:15)

@Wastelander, I think in my case the Nomads are not corrupted by demons.
The conversation is normal, I notice nothing unusual when I visit.
I never experienced what they are like when they are corrupted, so maybe I should wait until it happens just to be sure...
This keeps happening every time I play, no matter which playthrough I start.
They first join when I fight outside of the gate, then I have to fight them when I try to enter through the gate.

2020-08-29 14:46:17

@Luel, Will look into it, thanks mate!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-29 14:52:59

Hey guys just letting you know Warsim is now 30% off on steam and itch.io


I know most of you have it but it's always worth sharing for those who don't. Also if you guys have any ideas where I could share this discount let me know, I'm always up for getting Warsim in front of more people and it really does help with development.

Cheers guys!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-29 18:08:15

I noticed in 101 things to do in warsim, you mentioned some civilisations able to construct spaceships. Could this, possibly, be on the cards for Aslonia in the future, or if that were to happen, would that be a different game entirely?

2020-08-30 14:24:37

LOL, not sure if I've got plans for Warsim: Space edition to be honest haha

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-08-31 10:24:35

@Wastelander, I have another bug to report.
It seems goblin Jamboree can be repeated over and over, at least in my save file.
I enter Goblinwood, go through the event, leave, then enter Goblinwood again and Jamboree is available to participate.

2020-08-31 16:02:09

@Luel, thanks will look into this

Warsim (Baiaa Pits Extended and more, 53 features)

Hey everyone,

So more clearing of things on the list, Warsim is now on sale as well so I'm focusing on trying to raise awareness and promote that sale where I can too! This update includes a lot of different stuff but chiefly, Baiaa Pits improved, Gambling Den in the Blackmarket has been improved and now more available, Some improvements to the Nomads, lots of bugfixes, and appreciation from Rihhm village when you deserve it!


A few bugfixes and tweaks as well as a brand new way to obtain good tried and tested monsters, now you can buy them from the Baiaa pits for slaves!

* Added Baiaa Pit Master will offer to sell you the winning monster of any pit fight for 15 slaves or peasants if you have any free slots in your monster pit
* Fixed sound not resetting after monster fight in Baiaa
* Added 2 new questions to Baiaa monster pit master 'What do you do with the slaves or peasants you take for entry' and 'Who watches these fights?'
* Fixed slave and peasant availability indicators for Baiaa pit fight show as available even when you don't have the peasants or slaves
* Added new indicator on Baiaa monster fight entry of if you have no slaves/peasants or not enough
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Baiaa slave fight entry costs


The gambling den is a location that only appears in upgraded Blackmarkets so most players don't see it, it turns the coin flipper into a den with several games you can play. I've decided to reduce this to being available from the get-go and have tried to improve a lot of the things you can do here.

* Removed coin flipper from central market district
* Replaced coin flipping with Gambling Den (usually reserved only for upgraded Blackmarket)
* Updated Blackmarket upgrade screen mentioning gambling den upgrade
* Added graphic to guess the dice game in gambling den
* Added indicator of gold lost and gambling den gold gained
* Made gambling den gold random from 5001-15000 gold instead of always 10000
* Completely reworked gambling den armwrestling
* Added 9 new arm wrestling sound effects
* Added indicator of gold and gambling den gold change with wins and losses
* Added dynamic graphics as the arm wrestling event goes on
* Added new screen to arm wrestling draw
* Added refund bet screen with sfx for arm wrestling draw
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Gambling Den arm wrestling screen
* Added screen for arm wrestling bet refused because you can't afford to make it
* Added screen for arm wrestling bet refused because the gambling den can't afford to match it
* Reworked coin flip text in gambling den
* Added dice roll sound effect to guess the dice game in Gambling den


When you terraform the village of Rihhm, now everywhere in Rihhm you go you'll recieve adoration and praise!

* Added alt dialogue for Rihhm champion if you've terraformed the village
* Reworked Rihhm champion dialogue
* Added alt dialogue for Rihhm snail racing if you've terraformed the village
* Fixed text bug with unwilling storyteller of Rihhm
* Added alt dialogue intro for Rihhm Elder if you've terraformed the village
* Added 10 extra random villager dialogues for once you've terraformed Rihhm Village

NOMADS NOT DEMONS (3 features)

Luel from Audiogames pointed out that when attacking the demon camp sometimes the nomads would defend it, this was a bug where the game thought that any living nomads were demonic worshipping nomads even if they weren't. Now it's all fixed!

* Fixed demon gate protected by Nomads even if nomads aren't turned to demonic servants (credit Luel)
* Added screen for defeating demonic nomads at the demon gate
* Added new screen for defeating demons at the demon gate but nomads arriving with sfx

NEW KINGDOM NAMES (1 features)

A few new kingdom names to keep things fresh, these mostly appear when a player selects a random kingdom name!

* Added 10 new kingdom names 'Firsthold, Nestneck, Cygarr, Rumphold, Cynros, Enropa, Dragonhold, Wyrmwood, Scarehold, Murderhold'

BUGFIXES (16 features)

Lots of bugs fixed here, it seems there are always more bugs but at least they're getting cleared out! I dream of a bug free Warsim.

* Fixed goblin poking you in the face drunk event skipping to another event bug
* Fixed waking up next to a lady troll drunk event skipping to another event bug
* Fixed nario brings strong drink encounter shows -0 gold coins deducted which is pointless
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Blackmarket Herald market income report
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald guard revolt event
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald slums donation event
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald treasury donation event
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald statue topple event
* Fixed 10 text bugs in Blackmarket Herald minor bandit gang set up abandoned area event
* Fixed 5 text bugs with turn report minor bandit gang set up event
* Fixed 10 text bugs with Blackmarket Herald market income report for when you own Blackmarket
* Fixed Text Bug in Blackmarket Herald random event intro
* Fixed 6 text bugs with Baiaa door open intro texts
* Fixed text bug in Aehlans intro
* Fixed male gender mention regardless of player choice when greeted by Aehlan
* Fixed vampire bard funny origin text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)

EVERYTHING ELSE (4 features)

A couple of smaller changes and additions.

* Added if you kill character in Baiaa torture chamber his eyes now 'X' out, unless you've poked them both out
* Added new screen for trying to interact with abandoned house mushroom people in Blackmarket
* Added new option for no exploration locations unlocked in custom game (credit Aaron)
* Added new goblin name 'Gomblim' (credit DOKTA)


Still got a few weeks worth of backlog to clear through so I'll continue on that first and see where we go from there, I'm very much enjoying the progress though. Also if you guys are reading this and know anyone who might like Warsim, now's the time to let them know as it's 30% off! smile



Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim