2020-08-07 07:51:50 (edited by PitchBlack 2020-08-14 12:16:27)

Hi guys and gals, Harry here from the Purple Jam crew. We've just launched a new audio game/experience. It's fairly experimental, but I personally love it. Here's the blurb:

Sounds of Eden is a meditative, audio experience. Designed to inspire a sense of peace and calm within the listener. Walk through an endlessly generated garden where the only things that grow are blissful sounds. Each time you enter your garden, you'll find a unique array of plants that grow around you as you explore.

This is an audio only experience, there are no visuals.

Purple Jam Ltd:
Inspired by previous audio titles in the scene, we aim to create games where sight offers no advantage to the player. The brain is the world's most powerful graphics card, so imagination is encouraged.

It's available on PC/Mac via our website, on the Play Store for android, and on the iOS app store.

PC: https://www.purplejamaudio.com/product- … dows-64bit
Mac: https://www.purplejamaudio.com/product-page/soe
Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … undsOfEden
iOS App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1525196057

Would love to get your feedback on this one, it's intentionally minimal from an interaction perspective, but there's a huge amount going on under the hood to make it all sound as gorgeous as it does. As per, if this does well we'll be taking on board all feedback and updating the game as we did for Audio Pong.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out!


2020-08-07 08:05:53

sounds interesting, will check it out, thanks

2020-08-07 08:28:52


2020-08-07 09:10:42

HI Harry and Purple Jam crew,

I really love the concept idea! It is great to see that some devs are expanding their definition of what a game can/should do. This sounds like a legit branch of the interactive fiction every game essencially boils down to. We don't always need strong stories or direct interaction. Just something to busy your senses and spark the imagination can be just fine.
It is not necessarily something I would normally want to play but I'll definitely give it a try once it comes out for iOS, maybe even try it out on PC (don't like playing on it lately)

I'd love to see more experimental works like this. The audio game market is drowning in saminess and in dire need of inspirational pioneering.
Not to say that there aren't really good games out there. But they're mostly just improving upon the same core mechanics I am slowly getting tired of.

Just a partly related blurp from my side before even having played the mentioned game smile

2020-08-07 10:26:18

Hi. Is there a demo  I can try before buying? I don't see a download link. And is the game in English? Many thanks

2020-08-07 14:28:33

@gamelolly, I doubt there will be a demo.

I don't like these types of games myself but to those that try it I hope it's fun!

I'm gone for real :)

2020-08-07 15:21:03

Hi Honk

That's really what we're going for, audio games are such an exciting area to develop in and we're trying to push the boundaries and get more people creating in this space. I'll be sure to update here when the iOS version is live.

Hi Gamelolly

There isn't a demo, but the game is only £1.99, and you can find a walk-through here to give you a much better idea of the game play: https://youtu.be/125bk6n7AhY

Thanks for responding everyone! Will check back regularly and respond to any questions.

All the best

2020-08-07 15:28:50

I am enjoying this. I found a nice spot by a waterfall and just chilling while I listen to the growth of the sounds around me. I would like an option to reset the whole garden though for different sounds. additionally being able to select some of the different sounds to save them, and add them to other gardens later on would be pretty nice.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2020-08-07 15:42:30

Oh man, this is great. I'm listening to an audio book while this is on in the background. Best 2 bucks I ever spent.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2020-08-07 15:44:41

I'm noticing there be some birds and what sounds like a bee flying around. Could more fauna be included? I'd love to hear little rabbits rustling around in the growth. Horses, or even some little lion cubs playing would be amazing

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2020-08-07 18:41:51

This is awesome, first SoundStrider from Shift Baptic, and now this, all in the space of a few months.

2020-08-07 22:40:55

I said this game wasn't my kind of thing but guess what? I just ordered and set it up after listening to the video.

I think there was an older video that I didn't like as much but this one is nice.

I'm sure this experience will help me relax.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-08-07 23:12:42

I bought this as soon as I heard it was out. I really do enjoy all the different sounds you can come across in this. I do like the idea of being able to catch the sounds you like and put them in your own garden/s. I love the work these guys are doing. Keep it going. I can't wait till Pitch Black, A Dusk Light Story is available.

2020-08-07 23:27:46

I'm glad I ordered the experience from the devs but won't be keeping it on my computer.

It's nice but personally, I can get a lot more out of music than an experience.

I like what these devs are doing though, I backed the big game, I can't remember what it's called yet and even if I don't buy it; I don't remember if I get a download for free or not, I wish the devs the best of luck.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-08-08 08:15:00

Hi everyone!

Thanks for the feedback so far and supporting the game. So pleased to hear of people enjoying it. It's quite scary as a developer releasing something that is a little left-field and that people are enjoying it is very gratifying indeed.

More fauna is certainly a possibility going forward, as is finding new sounds and adding them to your garden, but those new features represent significant time and so we'll have to see how well the game does before deciding on the scope of the update. Nevertheless there's certainly a drive to keep working on it and the reception seems very positive so far, so fingers crossed.

Thanks again for the feedback and I look forward to reading more people's thoughts on the game smile.

All the best

2020-08-08 08:55:24

When will the iOS version be relased or be expected as of?

2020-08-08 09:38:17 (edited by PitchBlack 2020-08-08 09:40:47)

As soon as humanly possible. We had a similar issue with Audio Pong in that Apple don't seem to understand that the screen is intentionally blank without us telling them several times, and so they don't allow the game on the store until I actually get through to a human representative to explain. They were supposed to get back to me on Tuesday, I chased them up be we're still waiting.

The game got covered by a couple of streamers last night, this is one of the videos from streamer ChefTrebs, he did a great job of showing of how the game is meant to be played. Coverage starts at 3:25.



2020-08-08 09:54:38

Wow, thanks for the video in post 7. That tells me that I'm going to buy the game when it's out for IOS. Really amazing concept.
I have some suggestions based on what I've heard in the video:
1. Make some achievements to keep people playing.
2. Unlock more plants and sound scapes while playing, or maybe limit the movement in the game, and let people unlock a bigger place to walk while playing.
I'm sure this will make me relax as well.
Regarding the IOS store: Maybe you can get the game through by making your logo shown on the screen so the screen isn't black while playing? Or maybe have the controls shown visually? I don't know what's shown on the screen in other audiogames for IOS.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-08-08 12:23:52


This sounds like a really interesting concept. I think I’ll get more use out of it on my iPhone, so just waiting for the IOS version to drop, as soon as its out though I’ll be buying a copy and trying it out. From what I’ve heard so far in videos though,  great work Pitch black, a nice idea and as with dusk light really nice sounding sounds/soundscapes, looking forward to giving it a try

Paul Lemm

2020-08-08 14:31:44

Hey there!
Whoa, nice concept! I always use jango radio to read books and stuff, but it requires internet and I am not always on places where internet is required. I'm certainly geting this one!
Keep up the good work pitch black.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-08-08 16:30:27

The only thing I noticed was that it seemed to be really heavy on resources. My battery was dropping quite a bit when it was just this program running. Though it could be some other settings that I have to reconfigure I suppose. I haven't tried lowering my performance, so I'll try that and see how it goes.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2020-08-08 17:00:30

How do you lower your performance?
Also, I don't mind my battery draining that lot, usually my battery lasts for 2 or 3 days if I turn bluetooth off and don't use the phone more than 20 or 30 times in a day.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-08-08 18:01:09

Interesting concept! Definitely sounds pleasant already. smile

I admit I won't be buying this just yet. While the sounds are certainly relaxing, I can get something similar from sites like MyNoise.net, and so would at the moment be better off making donations to those.

But I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the topic, and will be happy to buy this even for a higher price once some "game elements" get added. As others have suggested, ways to interact with the garden other than just walking around would be nice. Maybe a way for people to create their own gardens, with an option to export or otherwise share them?

It's a shame you no longer plan to make this into a strategy game, actually; I would've loved to play that. smile

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2020-08-08 19:01:27

I think adding several different types of animals would make more people interested. Maybe the wrestling a fish extreme, the slithering of a snake in a bush, the crinkling of grass as a rabbit pads across it, things like that. I think I also wanna buy it on iOS, and would definitely be more intrigued if more animals are added

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

2020-08-08 22:08:34

I bought this game and the concept is really nice. It relaxes me a lot. But, an option which I'd really like would be to turn off some of the musical tone objects for a quieter garden. Overall it's a great game for getting some peace of mind!