2020-07-28 02:00:24

An Idiot, thanks for those links. Haven't parsed them all yet, but the first three seem to suggest no definitive link between protests and Covid-19 numbers rising. That's about what I thought. Like I say, I'm surprised too. I thought it would have been problematic, but apparently it wasn't, so that's cool.
Also means that certain people get to take their objections to protests right off the table.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-28 02:12:15

Jayde, the issue is it isn't rellevent whether the release from a lab engineered virus was intentional or not. Creating such a weapon is a war crime, and the chinese government should pay a price the likes  of which the world has never seen or will ever see again if this is definitively proven they had anything to do with it.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-28 02:20:21

Enes, if they created it as a weapon, I agree with you. There isn't really any evidence of that, but I'd agree. Potential war crime.

That said, all the articles I read and then cited myself don't actually point at this. It looks very much like these viruses were being studied because they routinely infect and kill humans. Intent does matter here. If you're studying these viruses in the hopes of mapping their genome and thus being better armed to treat, cure or vaccinate, then that's worthwhile, and an accident is an accident. Of course, if you're doing it because you want to create a biological weapon, that's definitely a bad thing.
However, if that ends up being the case, then everyone involved needs to pay the price, not just China. China is by no means the only country with an active biological warfare division, and by no means the only country that's ever fucked up, or been accused of fucking up, on such a scale.

But as I said, there is enough evidence for me, at present, to look at this as a freak occurrence either from a civilian infection from a bat, and viral mutation, or from someone who, in the course of benign research, was unknowingly infected and passed it along.

All of these questions are wonderfully theoretical, but they definitely do not change our responsibility now that the coronavirus is here and flourishing. Even if we find out tomorrow in a tell-all that it was deliberately China's fault, that doesn't suddenly mean we go back to business as usual and forget the wearing of masks.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-28 02:26:27 (edited by ignatriay 2020-07-28 02:30:50)

That just goes to support the point I made earlier, something to do with the corona virus, this is just beeing used, amung other things, to keep the masses worried, in fear, and their attention diverted from more important stuff. And the media... is part of it. At first all about social distancing and anyone who spoke against it was blasted, so to speak. The riots start... and all the previous shit about social distancing... out the window completely... I mean, they are contradicting themselves, but what else is new?
And some food for thought,
The US is the, so to speak, major power, as of now. If it where to collapse, what countries can fill in the power void. China, and Russia, and as far of it collapsing as a major power, its gunna happen, it was written in the bible. But again. Going off topic, back to the topic at hand. But yes, this is in the bible.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-07-28 02:39:04

@Jayde, not that I'd invite my worst enemy to Texas right now for a whole host of reasons, but if you're ever down around Austin, hit me up for plenty of your beverage/intoxicant of choice. You, sir, are a rhetorical tank. smile

2020-07-28 02:40:04 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2020-07-28 02:50:16)

@Jayde Remember that I noted many, though not all, stories from fox news seemed to take the opposite side. difference in opinion seems to be divided mostly by political stance as would be expected. I’ll be blunt. People can take whatever new stories they want, from whatever side of the spectrum they want, and twist them to suit there beliefs whatever they may be, and so I'm not inclined to believe either side on this particular matter.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-07-28 03:29:19

There was evidence that showed issues at that Chinese lab, issues that were deliberately covered up by the World Health organization and the Chinese government at that time. Add to this something even more interesting that has been happening over the last few days, maybe somewhat longer. It seems that folks here in the united States have been receiving unsolicited packages containing seeds, and these unsolicited packates are verified to have come from China. I don't know what is up with that, but we have a virus that started there, and now this recent development. People had better wake up and realize that there is way more going on here than just some stupid virus. Yes, the virus is real. Yes, it has affected, and will affect, people in various ways, I never said it wouldn't and that it didn't. However, we're really headed for trouble here, and this infighting, brought about by the narrative of the media, the lawmakers, and some of these experts is only helping, and has only helped, to add more fuel on to that fire. One thing is for sure, this is certainly a very historical time in our world's history. The funny thing is that while it feels like something that we've never seen before, I can't help but feel that this is all somehow very familiar in some strange sort of way.

2020-07-28 03:59:10

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ … seeds-mail
In don't know what to make of this yet, but it does need to be watched.

2020-07-28 04:02:39

Nolan, that brought a smile. I'm glad someone appreciates this. It might seem like I'm having fun doing it, but I'm not. I tend to argue far more gently if I respect the point of view of the person I'm arguing with, but once I hit a point where I just can't give any more fucks about being gentle...well, we're here now.

Accman, cool on you for totally not addressing any of the points I made.

Ignatriay, cool on you for pretty much invalidating anything else you might have to say on this subject by 1. invoking the Bible, 2. playing off scaremongering of China/Russia (seriously, do you have an anti-communist or anti-socialist phobia?) and 3. like Accman, pretty much ignoring everything I said. Clearly, you're going to believe whatever gonzo bullshit happens to catch your eye at the minute, so you go on and do that. Maybe go hang out with Accman for awhile. You two can be happy not wearing masks. Maybe he'll even throw in a bullhorn or two so you can trumpet your conspiracy theories to the masses. I hear Time Square is really good for that sort of thing...or used to be, anyway.

AnIdiot, thanks for the heads-up re: Fox News. Fox News is notoriously right-wing. That doesn't mean it can't be trusted at all, but it does unfortunately mean that they have a decidedly pro-Trump, pro-GOP angle to serve. I take very far left and very far right sources with a huge grain of salt, and Fox News is one of the huge offenders.

This is the first I've heard about unsolicited packages containing seeds. Hmm, let's check
out a trusted source:
This indicates that while the packages are real, and the seeds are real, the motive is unknown. There also appears to be very little data concerning the specifics. Who exactly is sending the seeds? Are they Chinese, or just pretending to be Chinese? Are the seeds harmful, helpful or neither? What is the reason for their being sent out at all?
It's definitely peculiar. I have a few theories. I can't validate any of these, they're just conjecture. In no particular order:
1. Chinese government
Rationale: There really is trouble afoot, and China wants to fuck with other world powers after getting egg on its face
Likelihood: low; this seems like a pretty stupid stunt to pull if you're a national government, since it would be easy enough to trace and leverage sanctions
2. An independent Chinese group
Rationale: same as above, but more personally motivated (hatred of America, hatred of western society)
Likelihood: low; China isn't precisely a hot-bed of terrorism, and there just isn't enough identifying proof
3. A random group with a grudge, pretending to be Chinese
Rationale: There's a lot of anti-Chinese bullshit going around; some of it is based in fact, some of it has been blown out of all shape and reason; why not do something dodgy and blame it on China to make them look worse?
Likelihood: low to moderate; China has made a lot of enemies, and sort-of enemies, over the years, and this might be a subtle way to make them look bad anonymously
4. The American government
Rationale: Trump; racism; strong anti-China bias in many governmental circles; need I say more?
Likelihood: low to moderate; as I stated above, there are a lot of reasons -not to do this if you're a world power, and very few that are actually worthwhile; still, since the American government has already shown signs of being willing to attack and harm its own citizens (see Oregon arrests, tear gas on peaceful protestors, etc), this isn't completely off the table

The fact is, we just don't know what the fuck this is yet. For what it's worth, I very strongly doubt this is political. It's probably going to go back to something more inane, as my Snopes article points out.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-28 06:30:13

Jade, I might not have broken down the points you made like you've been prone to do with mine, and you've also decided not to break down points that I've made in the past. What good does it do to address your points anyway? I mean, all it gets me is nothing more than an "I'm totally correct and you have no idea what you're talking about" type of response. I did in fact address some of your points, so I would suggest that you're not reading very carefully because you might just be letting your anger get in the way. I know about this because I've done that myself many times. You don't agree with the idea that there is something more behind this, and I understand that as I personally would love nothing more than to not believe that myself. However, history is littered with things that have happened like that where things that seemed like freak occurrences turned out not to be. What makes this any different than any of those? It is not impossible that someone deliberately released this virus. for one thing, as I pointed out earlier, we know that the lab in China where this was being worked on did have some safety issues, and there is photographic evidence out there that show this. China, along with the World Health Organization, also, and quite conveniently, covered that information up while this thing began spreading. Another thing to consider as well is the fact that right at the time this was released there was what looked to be an uprising there. I mentioned that before I think. So, I'm having a really hard time believing that this wasn't deliberate. Add to that the recent craziness with these unsolicited packages of seed showing up at people's addresses here in the U.S., when they didn't even order them and their kind is unknown, makes me feel even more strongly about this. What was even more interesting about these packages is that many, if not all of them, were packaged as if they were jewelry, and from what I remember reading about it the packaging even indicated that. I think we'd better start seriously looking into the fact that this whole damn thing has been a deliberate act from the start, and I think we'd better stop jumping at every shadow, ratting out folks who don't want to wear a mask, and, quite plainly, stop fighting with each other over this because while we're doing that, whatever the next step of this thing will be is going to be coming our way and we're not going to be ready for it. However, go ahead and dismiss this if you want. Until I know for absolute certain that this was not deliberate I'm going to treat it as though it is. Hell, even the crap we've all been put through with the wearing of masks, the isolation, the deprivation we've all been through, the threats of having our children taken from us if we test positive, and all that are based on a method of torture that was widely used by the Chinese. Look up Albert Biderman, and you'll find he had a lot to say about stuff like this. Once you do that, then think about how it fits in with what's been going on today. You're going to find out that those of us who choose to stand against all these regulations are not as crazy as you'd like to think. If after you've done the research for yourself you still feel the same way, then all I can say is that you are one who has been affected by something far more insidious than this virus that has you so worked up.

2020-07-28 07:24:54 (edited by ignatriay 2020-07-28 07:25:37)

As far as the seeds go... Weather they where actually from china or not; this is adding more fuel to the fire reguardless of where they came from.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-07-28 08:19:05

Now, on top of all of this, it appears that the National Institute of health is taking it upon themselves to cover up even more information. It seems that a study linking 5G radiation with the coronavirus has just been removed from their website. Interestingly enough, it had just recently been exposed to the public, and now if you go to their website you won't find the information there any longer. And, in the middle of all of this, the UN has the balls to try telling our president what he can do with his troops by demanding he removes them from Portland. No, there's way to much going on here for this to be a freak anything. America, and the entire world for that matter, you'd better get it in gear and realize what's going on.

2020-07-28 09:05:50 (edited by Ghost 2020-07-28 09:06:20)

Akman, you have hit new highs in trying to lend creedence to bullshit claims. First, the idea that 5g is in any way related to coronavirus is pure bullshit, pure and simple, and a dangerous conspiracy theory, as telecommunications  personell were attacked, and  crazy idiots have been setting cell towers on fire. Coronavirus has spread very well in areas that e ven don't have any 5g, so. Maybe when 99% of the world has multi-gigabit speeds, and you are still stuck with shit DSL you will relalize this however.

Another of your falicies, even if evidence existed to lend  creedence to the possibility of the chinese government dellibrately splicing virus genoms to create it, it doesn't excuse your rebellion against common sense coronavirus regulations, or your refusal to wear a mask. You are still are acting wrecklessly and endangering people regardless of where the virus came from.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-28 10:29:53

@860 i'm glad you pointed that out for me because i was just about to lose my shit over people bringing the bible in to this debate. also, i didn't want to get involved in this crazy bullshit storm but ffs, just wear the masks. it doesn't hurt you and it may save people's lives. what's the problem?

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2020-07-28 11:25:14

That's it! 5g is what causes covid! Let's burn all 5g phones and towers down! /s
Seriously though, how can 5g relate to covid? That just doesn't make any sense.

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2020-07-28 11:28:38

well, in the world of right wing mythology, it does apparently.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-28 12:05:23

The seed packets are peculiar, but right now we simply do not have enough info about them. As my post said, they might very well be part of a greater conspiracy. Or they might be unrelated. Or they might have been planted (ha, see what I did there?) precisely to make it look more like a conspiracy. We simply do not have enough evidence either way right now.

The same is true for the deliberate-spread hypothesis. Is it technically possible? Sure. But here's a fundamental difference between you and me, Accman. You see it's possible and immediately decide to act as if it's probable. I see that it's possible and immediately ask for proof before I'll swallow it whole. Pretty much the entirety of your platform comes down to this divide.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
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2020-07-28 17:39:34

I try not to get lost in conspiracy.  I do however think something political may be behind this.

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2020-07-28 20:44:14

Regarding 5G and coronavirus, take a look at this:
https://theconversation.com/four-expert … gan-139137

It's long, so settle in. Basically, my takeaways from it are these:
1. The 5g-coronavirus theory got started largely on Twitter, and there was a great deal of association with Donald Trump; this doesn't mean that Trump did it or even endorsed it, but it does suggest a right-wing source or affiliation
2. 5g-coronavirus theory is a scare tactic, and has no basis in science

There's a lot more, but the thing I really want to focus on here is this whole idea of scaremongering.

Those of you who read this and identify as right of center, politically speaking, really ought to sit up and take note of this.

According to the article I linked, as well as others I have read, virtually all of the scary, implausible theories you'll see about Covid-19 are linked to conservative ideology. I'll go through a few, shall I?
1. "Covid-19 was deliberately released so that 5G technology could be rammed through uncontested. Once it's up and running, people will have to get mandatory vaccines, which will contain microchips for who knows what purpose."
Analysis: Scary, I suppose, if you actually believe this shit. There is no evidence to prove or even partially prove any of this. Most of this smacks of the "you can't control us" rhetoric so prevalent on the right at this point (and, let's be real, throughout the last several decades, at the very least).
2. "Covid-19 was someone's idea to kill Donald Trump's re-election chances."
Analysis: I can't imagine the level of stupid you have to be to actually believe this without proof. Maybe Donald Trump will fail because, oh, I dunno, he's Donald fucking Trump and he's made a dog's dinner of America since being elected? Maybe the man was never fit to be president of anything in the first place. The point is, those who are supportive of this theory very often have a strong pro-Trump bias, and are looking for any excuse, anything at all, to deflect from the man's failures. It's very convenient, then, to blame this on his "enemies". Great scapegoating, am I right?
3. "Covid-19 is a deliberate attack on the world by China. See how fast they got over it, and how badly other countries like America still struggle? China is clearly making a power play here, and they need to be stopped."
Analysis: The "us vs. them" philosophy is a huge part of right-wing politics, and hatred of China, while it does appear in all walks of the political spectrum, is especially prevalent on the right, where nationalism is high and xenophobia (in this context, the fear and mistrust of other countries) is high as well. While it is technically possible that this theory ends up being true, the evidence to support it is minimal at best. Swallowing this theory whole means you're the sort of person who is gullible enough to believe virtually anything you hear, if it aligns with your previous narrative. Either way, it drums up anti-China sentiment and attempts to blame someone for the coronavirus pandemic.
4. "5g itself causes coronavirus."
Analysis: There is absolutely no indication that this is true. People have been trying to peddle fear about microwaves, radiation and virtually all other power sources for decades; this is nothing new. This one is not the sole purview of the right, I'll admit, but it does have a home there.

And now, by contrast. You know what we're doing on the left? We're trying to protect people by asking them to wear masks. We're trying to make sure nobody gets illegally arrested (America's got a huge, huge problem with that right now). We're trying to make sure no one gets illegally evicted (Ontario just passed a problematic bill, rammed through by a conservative government, which will make it easier to evict tenants for lack of rent). We're trying to reopen the economy in stages and with care, so that people can have some of their freedom back without all getting sick. We're trying to focus on the nuts and bolts of dealing with the pandemic. We aren't trying to scare you about where the virus came from. We aren't trying to scare you by telling you how deadly this virus is (anyone misusing fear this way should be condemned for it). We aren't trying to scare you into being mistrustful of others. We aren't trying to scare you into staying home all the time. We aren't trying to scare you by showing excessive force. We aren't trying to scare you by arresting you or detaining you in Covid-riddled facilities (yes, it's happening, just check out Omaha). We aren't, in short, trying to scare you by denying your rights when it's convenient for us.

So I ask you: who exactly is using fear during this pandemic? Because it sure as fuck isn't the left.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
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2020-07-28 20:50:12

To Jade, enes, and everyone else who is playing the part of the submissive. Your recent reactions to my posts have, quite literally, been about as predictable as a poorly written novel. You've been given evidence which you have completely dismissed, you mock those who don't agree with you and try to completely discredit them, and you're perfectly content with what you perceive as some sort of new normal. Wonderful for you, but don't expect everyone else to play the enabler so that this abuse by the powers that be can continue on. Again, it is my hope that I, and others of like mind, are completely wrong about all of this, I really hope that is the case. However, looking back over how all of this has played out shows that there is way more to it than this merely being a so-called freak accident. There are just too many different things that don't add up with the main narrative that is being pushed, and there are too many things that are adding up in terms of timing. Now, if this turns out to be correct, then my guess is that you'll get your evidence in due time, but the question at that point will be whether or not you'll be able to do anything about it. Honestly, I just don't know one way or the other at this point. Regardless, I don't think it will be much longer before we learn one way or the other.

2020-07-28 21:08:57

lol Nice passive-aggressive insults there, bro. Playing the part of submissives, indeed. Don't make me laugh.

Are you going to do anything about the accusations of scaremongering I'm levelling at right-wingers? Because you appear to be one of them. You're trumpeting all the doctrine and appear to have swallowed all but the last sip or so of your poisoned Kool-Aid. I hear that stuff is bitter and messes with your ability to live a meaningful life, but having never taken a taste, what do I know?

The moment you can actually mount a case of meaningful evidence against China, against the left, or in favour of anything else you've tried to support, I'll take the argument seriously. The fact that I haven't really done it yet implies not that I'm ignoring facts, but that your standards of proof are ridiculously low so long as the things you're trying to prove align with your preferred agenda.
Coronavirus originated in China? Well god damn! They must have done it on purpose; that's the only reason they'd cover it up. No other evidence is needed. No other proof is required. No other logic can possibly fit. This must be it. If you subscribe to the narrative with the most proof and the greatest mathematical likelihood of success, you're clearly delusional. That's math for ya.
Fauci was caught without a mask in a photo? Heathen! Hypocrite! Somebody get the pitchforks and run him out of office! No excuse is good enough to justify requiring a drink of water. Clearly he's just flaunting his freedom to break the rules he suggests everyone else should live by. Anyone suggesting we wear a mask must die in under four days, since they're clearly not allowed to lower it for any reason under any circumstances. Well, I guess that's one way to kill off leftists. If they drink water, they're hypocrites; if they don't, they die of thirst. How convenient! Why didn't we think of this before?
D.C. lawmakers don't have to wear masks while everyone else does? Well son of a bitch! What the hell is wrong with you people anyway? How can I take lawmakers seriously if they don't follow their own rul--oh wait, so you're saying that federal property can't enforce this law? Uh, well they should still be wearing masks. Except Trump, of course. Now can we pretend this never happened, please? I have a pathological allergy to admitting mistakes. Kind of goes with the whole platform, don't ya know.
Suspicious packages of seeds are showing up in America? Chinese writing, Chinese seeds...it's all too convenient. It's a conspiracy to fuck with our great country. Never mind evidence-gathering. Never mind figuring out truth. Truth is whatever we think it is, by gum! Jesus, does this Kool-Aid ever taste good. Wanna try some? I promise it only rots the part of your brain that lets you think clearly.
Masks don't work. Except they do work, sort of. Except your odds of getting sick are exactly the same whether you wear a mask or not. Look, I don't get it either. Math bends itself conveniently around our ideology so it can mean whatever we say it does. Now seriously, how about that Kool-Aid?

I could go on for a whole lot longer, but that's pretty much how you look right now, Accman. Short of a tell-all from trustworthy sources which invalidates everything I've said - and I seriously doubt that will happen - there is nothing you can say that is going to fix the ruins of your reputation here.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-28 21:09:42 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2020-07-28 21:13:46)

@Accman, What is this Study you speak of. Did you actually read it? And where did you find out about it? Also couldn't someone find it with internet archive or whatever that thing is if it was taken down? Not that I believe this theory. I’m sorry, but I don’t know how radio waves can transfer a fucking virus. Remember, this is a virus. Asort of, living thing

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-07-28 21:30:51

AnIdiot, they can't. Radiation in more than healthy doses can definitely mutate cells and cause cancer, but there's no strong link between 5G technology and cancer, much less Covid-19. It's just another attempt to spread fear, misinformation, fake news. I'd pay it no mind.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-28 21:39:45 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2020-07-28 21:43:37)

@Jayde The national health institution is a government thing. So if he’s going to claim that such a study was posted on a government website, then he should be able to adequately back it up. I had seen no one else acknowledge this, and so I posted.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-07-28 21:48:51

I'm going to take an unpopular stance.  Ready?  Let's do this!  This is not a left vs. right issue.  The only part of this I view as political is the fear machine and both sides are guilty in this regard!  A virus has no political party, it is a virus.  Let me give you some facts as someone who sits a bit left of center.  This virus did come from China.  Why did I say that?  Am I a mean hateful sort?  Certainly not!  I say this because it is a fact.  It didn't come from microwaves, the pope, our parents, the mailman, or the dentist.  It came from poor practices in the farming industry in China.  That's it, that's all, have fun!

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