2020-07-25 20:37:05

kjsisco, that has to be one of the best posts I've seen on this. We need to use our heads and practice common sense.

Enes, the type of nation you would be in charge of is more on par with something like Venezuela, or possibly China. I don't need to tell you how examples like that have worked out in history. Better, if you really want it that way, then run of office in California where things like what you suggest doing are practically in place as it stands now. You'd find a lot more people would be dead as a result and it wouldn't be from some virus either. And, I think I can figure out where all that money would go form the fines you'd collect too, right into your pocket. that's how that kind of leadership works. If you say I'm selfish, then you've taken it upon yourself to redefine that term. Looking at what you'd suggest doing if you were in charge, then I'd say that you're forcing people to do things against their will, and that is the height of selfishness, so don't preach to me about something you don't even fully understand. Again, for those of us who are not listening, I say wear the mask, for heaven sake, wear the thing. Stop forcing those who choose not to do so through shaming and guilt-tripping them. i tell you, there is something at work here and it is far more deadly than this virus, and has already been the cause of deaths that will forever far exceed anything that COVID-19 could bring about. That thing I speak of is stupidity. If you are willing to follow along with those who can't make up their minds one way or another on this, and who won't even practice the very things that they would mandate, then you are stupid and are at far greater risk than this virus presents. Now, before you rail against me with accusations of selfishness again, I'd strongly suggest that you think about what you're going to say first because you contradicted yourself with your own suggestions that you'd put in practice if you ran things. How typical of someone who would sympathize and tag along with the leftists.

2020-07-25 20:46:06

Camlorn, I've tried the mask before, and there is no way I'll ever wear one again, not for anyone who would force me to do so against my will at any rate. It is scientifically proven that they will not prevent the spread of this thing just as they were not effective in preventing the spread of other viruses. If there weren't so many double-standards that are there in plain sight, I could be convinced to wear one. However, until these double-standards no longer exist, I'll continue to object. Yes, those masks to hold the droplets to some extent, but you also have to remember that you're going to be breathing in your own CO2 while wearing these things, and it is scientifically proven that this will be very unhealthy over time. That's another reason why I object. I just don't get why people do not understand this. It's scientific evidence, and yet is dismissed in the name of holding to a narrative that doesn't even make any sense.

2020-07-25 20:57:41

What the actual fuck?

2020-07-25 21:01:39

I know, that what I've been thinking lately whenever I tune into the news.

2020-07-25 21:03:20

Damnit, Accman, its not about outright preventing you from being infected. Its about lowering the chance you'll get it. Masks may prevent it -- there's no "they do" or "they don't" on this matter. They "may do". You cannot view everything in black and white, and especially something involving science. Science is not something you can view in black and white. There are always other factors to consider that may change the outcome to something that doesn't fit into the black and white model. Why do you think scientific experiments have two group types and three variable types? Its to factor in the stuff that we can't account for -- that's the independent variable (and, to some extent, the dependent variable). The control variable is the stuff we've already factored in, though even that can break the black and white model. But I'm done trying to convince you. As Jayde said though, he and I, at least, are not going to stand by while you needlessly spread information that could get someone killed -- or, worse, wipe out entire families given the right conditions. You really have two options here: stop spreading your misinformation propaganda or go educate yourself extensively and return to the table.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-07-25 21:08:46

Canlorn, nice post. I wanted someone else to comment on how Accman is having to backpedal all the time so that it didn't look like a personal issue. It isn't. Seriously. I've been just as ferocious with plenty of other people.

You're tired of being guilt-tripped, Accman? Tough luck. I'm not even close to being tired of using logic and social disapproval to demolish your anti-mask stances. If you're tired of being guilt-tripped, maybe it's because deep down in your heart, you know that your actions might actually lead to someone dying, and you don't want to say that you're okay with that. Maybe you have a scrap of conscience that is actually railing against the lunacy you're spreading because you really do care about other people. If that's the case, for christ's sake let it loose; I'd love to see it. If it means you have to backpedal again, I'd actually be able to greet it with some sympathy. But I think at this point you're simply too committed to your own narrative to even consider anyone else. Remember, I'm no longer interested in convincing you that you're wrong; I know you're wrong, and your unwillingness to face facts isn't my problem because I'm not in close physical proximity to you, so you don't represent a physical threat to my safety or to the safety of those I care about. Keep those antacids handy though; you might need them.

You have three choices, as I see it:
1. Go quiet, save whatever shreds of your dignity remain, and slink into anonymity until everyone forgets the colossal idiocy of much of what you've been saying on this subject
2. Flat-out admit that you've been wrong, and that your personal bias is preventing you from assessing the situation with a clear perspective
3. Maintain what you're saying, and continue to build the case against yourself every time you post

Enes, I generally agree with your assessment. We've made it mandatory to wear a mask in all public indoor spaces and in public transit (buses, trains, cabs), and I have no trouble helping to do my part to keep others safe. I'd rather be a little uncomfortable for a short while than have to worry that I might get my partner's eight-year-old son sick by not taking precautions. I couldn't live with myself if I ended up killing him, even if it was the virus that did the work.

What really blows my mind is that Americans aren't freaking out about, say, having to wear shoes in a restaurant, even though a lack of shoes doesn't actually represent a health risk to anyone. You're okay with that, but you're somehow not okay with wearing a face covering for awhile during public exposure? Like I say, it's been politicized out of all sensibility. But I'll boil down a few important facts.

1. America has one of the highest per-capita rates of Covid-19 infection in the world
2. America is the only country where the refusal to wear masks has been so highly politicized; people are refusing in lots of other countries, but only in the United States is it so polarized
3. The wearing of masks does not eliminate Covid-19 transmission, but in virtually all areas where mandatory mask-wearing is enforced, the numbers don't lie; it's effective in slowing the spread
4. If you refuse to wear a mask, you are at a greater chance of catching and spreading Covid-19
5. many Americans, perhaps galvanized by the GOP, are refusing to wear masks
6. math doesn't lie

Just remember this, folks, if you think this man is a trustworthy source of information. He's tacitly okay with people dying because wearing masks is uncomfortable. He shouldn't have to wear one because...well, because. Science is only relevant when it's convenient, and experts aren't experts because they have to drink water, and that means lowering their masks. Is this really a man anyone should be taking seriously? Me, I say no.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-25 21:11:23

777, you calling me selfish, is like the teapot calling the kettle black. Taking regulatory  action to protect people who  are too dumb to protect themselves  is far from selfish. You also seem to take the very distinctly right wing worldview that any sort of regulation is bad and evil, and that we should deregulate everything and let everyone do whatever they want regardless of the consiquences.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-25 21:27:07

I agree with wearing masks in all public indoor places, with respect to people's homes. I'm just clarifying because I saw a petition that said require masks universally and I thought the petition was far too vague (plus, I don't want people to get the idea that they'd then need to wear masks in homes). And yes, that's not a conclusion everyone will come to, but its good to clear that up for those who need it, especially when your making something into a law. Hey, why can't us American's borrow from Canada? They've done some pretty good actions at combating COVID to my knowledge...

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-07-25 21:35:48

There you go again, taking it to the extreme. I do not view any regulation as evil. I am saying, for the umpteenth time, that I don't go along with this because of all the double-standards. What about that is so hard to understand? It is because of those pushing these double-standard that I am, at this time, out of work, and am having to go further into debt to train up to change careers. You don't shut down a nation over a bunch of people getting sick. I want to be able to provide for my family, and to do that I have to work, and my wife needs to work as well. But, I guess that's asking too much. We have to shut down just to make everyone feel good and safe. Let me ask you this then, and this is to all of you. What good is it to be completely safe when you're no longer able to pay your bills. To those of you who rely totally on whatever you are able to get in the way of benefits from the government in which ever country you live, what will you do when that's no longer available. Remember, tax dollars come from people who have businesses and who work for those businesses. When you put harsh regulations on businesses and individuals like this, you cut off those tax dollars from being paid into things like Social Security, and other programs like it. What will you do when that's gone? This isn't going to stop with masks either. We've experienced lock-downs, the mask mandates, completely idiotic regulations on businesses. What's it going to be next? where does it end? Gee, I guess many of you haven't stopped to think about that. I have done a lot of thinking about it, and until you do likewise I'd be careful of who you accuse of being selfish. Also, you guys who want to earn money from the games you create, if these regulations keep coming at us from here on in, where is that money you want to make going to come from. When you figure this all out, then we can continue this. Until then, think before you leap.

2020-07-25 21:36:37

We still have our issues with Covid, and the re-opening has led to a spike in cases in some places. We're not out of the woods yet, by any means. But yeah, in general, us Canadians are more willing to listen to reason because it's not so politically charged and because...well, we're by and large a group of people who want to help one another. Most of us see mask-wearing as annoying, inconvenient as hell, but worth doing because it'll lower the spread, and thus in the end keep more people safe while we struggle to come up with a vaccine or better treatments.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-25 21:44:43

Accman, I'll actually engage with your last post, because it doesn't just throw out hatred for leftists and conspiracy/pseudoscience nonsense.

1. Defunt the police
This doesn't mean taking -all of their money, or even most of it, but money not being spent on police can go to people who need it
2. Defund the military
Same deal. No one's talking about getting rid of it, just taking a bit of its money away. Incidentally, where were you when corporations got enormous bailouts and the average joe didn't?
3. Allocate properly
Let's face it. Capitalism overall is busted, but western capitalism has extreme concentrations of wealth in all the wrong places. This needs to be addressed, so until you're willing to concede that point, we aren't even going to have a financial discussion because every question you ask is actually an accusation made in bad faith with too little evidence.

In Canada, at least, we have money going to people who are out of work due to Covid-19, but we're also opening more slowly. You know what else we discovered? We discovered that masks are cheap, and that a lot of businesses can operate fairly well so long as employees and patrons just agree to wear masks. Is it perfect? God no. But it's a lot better than total lockdown. Remember, too: the total-lockdown-forever ship was never one I was sailing, and I think that goes for pretty much everyone else here. don't use hyperbole to make your points for you, it won't end well. Lockdown for a little while made sense when numbers were out of control and we didn't know as much. Now that we do, it's time to start trying to minimize the damage. This -does mean trying to open up some businesses. It does -not mean that everyone should just forget masks and be done.

In other words, the answer to your questions is a simple one. It's not relevant.

You are clearly motivated to your stance based on personal loss. I have said multiple times now that personal loss can be very difficult, and I know a lot of people struggling for one reason or another. A friend lost a job yesterday and is now scrambling to feed her two kids. That sucks. There's no way to soften that fact. But does that mean we should just toss our toys out of the pram and decide fuck everybody else? Well, if we're three, maybe, but adults really shouldn't engage in this behaviour. At this point, what you sound like is, "Well, if I'm going to suffer due to this, then I'm going to increase the likelihood that other people suffer". Don't like it? If the mask fits, you know...

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-25 21:59:14

Akman, what you fail to realize, if that if people followed mask guidelines, and actually used them, there wouldn't be spikes of cases, and there wouldn't be a need for another lockdown. Right now in some states with the crazy numbers, lockdown appears to become more and more likely.
And ethin, I absolutely didn't advocate people wear masks in there homes, maybe when  outsiders visit it might make sense, but a home is not a public space.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-25 22:18:31

Woman throws food in grocery store after being asked wear a mask


Arizona ‘Karen’ with ‘$40,000 Rolex’ trashes face mask display in Target | New York Post


Florida residents reject face masks: 'They want to throw God's wonderful breathing system out'


I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-07-25 23:18:34

Okay, so what will we say to all of this when these regulations are likely still in place after the next three to six months? How long are we to put up with this crap? It was originally for a couple weeks when this began, and I knew right then that it would go much longer than that. They said May, and I was not surprised to learn that in many areas lock-downs would be extended until the middle of the summer. Now, lo and behold, we start to open things up and there is, as we all knew there would be, a spike in cases. So, how long do we go back into lock-down this time? We can't keep playing with people's lives like this. Am I motivated by personal loss? Hell yes, I am. Any self-respecting person who just wants to provide for their family should be fuming at this point. I wonder, if this goes on for a great deal longer, then how are people going to work this stuff out? There are only going to be so many stimulus packages that can go out.

I'd also like to know one other thing. If capitalism is so messed up, and I'll grant that it has been hijacked by corporations, what is the solution then. You can't make me believe that the communist socialist approach works as we have way too many examples from throughout world history that show it does not work. I remember all too well the bailouts that happened you spoke of Jade, and I remember not being very pleased to hear about them. I have never once asked for a bailout. If money was offered, such as in the case of the stimulus packages, I obviously was grateful and accepted it. However, I would not expect someone to come along and bail me out. I know we need things to be as safe as possible, but we need to start weighing just how much that's going to cost. there really is nothing that is going to "flatten the curve" to the extent people would like. that's just not the way these things work. If people would just research the idea of herd immunity, they'd find that it is a scientific process we've seen many times before and has usually been what eventually eliminated a virus. Sweden took that approach, and they're doing much better now because of it. Now, the number would look different in a bigger country like the United States, but it would play out the same way in the end.

2020-07-26 00:11:52 (edited by Ghost 2020-07-26 00:13:05)

Herd emunity isn't a scientific process. There is no evidence that lasting emunity is achieved with coronavirus infection, through several studies that I posted to the topic, and several that I didn't. Your idea of herd emunity  is to kill off basicly at least several million of the population,  so you can keep getting your check. That is selfishness to the core.  The truth of the matter is, mask regulations should be in place until a vaccene is developed, and widely available. And don't even compare Sweeden, they are alot less densely populated firstly, and second, their policy wasn't a success. They had massively high death rates in nursing homes in case you haven't noticed.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-26 00:18:36

Okay...so no, no, and no.

First of all, lockdowns aren't really what's being put on the table right now. It's the wearing of masks. Stop deflecting.

Full lockdowns are crippling, but part of the reason they needed to happen was because of the disastrous early handling of this virus. Part of that was the CDC saying early on that the general public probably didn't need to wear masks. This was a huge mistake. Part of it, especially in America, was Trump's handling of the situation, which can best be described as an absolute fucking train wreck. Obviously we aren't in a position right now to maintain full lockdowns for years; that is not something anyone here has suggested, and to my knowledge isn't something any sane person is attempting to push, either. So lockdowns...take them off the table. This is not a permanent solution to this problem, nobody said it was, so stop using fear. If numbers spike too high, then it may become necessary again, in short and controlled fashion, to close things down. Yes, that's going to suck. But do you know how you, and everyone else, can help that to not happen, or to happen further up the road and with smaller impact? Three guesses, and the first two don't count.

Now, very conveniently, back to masks.

If you stop and think about this, you'll realize that people (you included) wearing masks is actually in everyone's self-interest. Here's why.

1. People wearing masks allow most businesses to work at moderate or near-full capacity.
2. Open businesses with clients and staff wearing masks means a quicker fix to the economy
3. A quicker fix to the economy pretty much voids all your worries about "ohmygod where does the money come from?", because it re-establishes as much as the status quo as is reasonable. No, it's not a perfect solution for anyone, but I hope you agree that it beats the snot out of full lockdown, and also beats the snot out of everyone going back to full normal.

What you're saying right now, Accman, looks a bit like this:
Officials: We're in a pandemic. Everybody lock down.
Accman: Oh god, I'm going to lose my livelihood! This sucks! I want everything to go back to normal!
Officials: Everyone is suffering. Oh by the way, we're going to start things going back to normal, but please, if you go out, wear a mask.
Accman: I want things to go back to normal! I don't want to wear a mask!
Officials: We aren't ready to risk everyone's lives yet, but we realize lockdowns are tough. Will you please just wear a mask?
Accman: I want to smell things, damn it! I don't want to have to keep other people safe! Why can't we just get this herd immunity train started?
Officials: Okay, since you won't play nice when we asked you to, we're going to make it law. Obey the law, or face consequences.
Accman: How dare you suggest I accept consequences for my actions! It's not enough that you're re-opening things. You have to let us go all the way back to normal because this mask ended my whole career! And because it ended my career, I can't be rational about what I do to actually help the rest of America get back to normal.

Okay, now let's move on.

Herd immunity. Sure, it's a thing; let's pretend for a moment that there is complete consensus on its existence and viability. In that light, how would you feel if I said that everyone in the world should be infected with the virus deliberately in order to speed up the acquisition of herd immunity? Yes, that includes you. Yes, that includes your daughter. Yes, that includes your fictional mother who has COPD and diabetes. Everybody. No exceptions. Everyone gets infected. This would kill a whole pile of people, but a whole lot of people would survive, and they would end up hopefully generating antibodies which made future infection far less likely. Are you willing to stand up and say that you think this would be a good way to proceed?
I'm not.
And if you're not, perhaps you'll understand why I'm continually trashing all your arguments. Your "we should all just go back to normal" rhetoric will result in far, far more infections than we can handle. Far, far more people will sicken and die. the toll on the economy will be enormous. The toll on human life will be disastrous. The toll on the medical system will be straight-up ruinous. We're going to eventually get a form of herd immunity anyway. It is going to take years because this virus is quite new in humans, and I promise that trying to deliberately infect everyone isn't worth the cost. And just letting everyone get sick isn't worth the cost either. You think it is, and I guess you're entitled to think this, just as peasants six hundred years ago were entitled to think that the earth was the center of the universe and was a flat disc with an unknowable gulf around it. So you can have your opinion, but the moment you start pretending you have a seat at this table, I'll step in and remind one and all that you don't. Virologists and immunologists - people who have gone to school for the better part of a decade, people who in some cases have spent longer than you've even been on the earth studying this subject, are saying that the appropriate measure at this point is to slow ihe infection rate as much as we can. We've realized that lockdowns forever just aren't feasible, so we switched to the next best thing: masks. They aren't perfect, but remember, kids: 1 is greater than 0. Math doesn't lie. As long as masks have a greater than 0% chance of blocking particles which can transmit the virus - and by definition, they are porous surfaces, which means a great deal of those droplets won't get in or out through those pores - they are a better-than-nothing alternative. Anyone who deliberately goes into public without a mask at this point, and does so because they just want to "get it over with already" is showing arrogance of the highest order. Privilege is what is permitting you the freedom to believe that your right to smell freely is greater than someone else's safety.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-26 00:35:56

Enes, I mean absolutely no offense here when I say what follows, and I just want to be clear on that. You say that herd immunity is not a scientific process. I then have to ask you how you 'd feel about the use of vaccinations. You see, there are two approaches to the scientific process of herd immunity: one of those being natural exposure, and the other being going the route of vaccines. So, if you do think that vaccines would be a great solution, then you, my friend, are advocating one form of herd immunity. So, it is, in fact, a scientific process.

2020-07-26 01:03:42

This is not true Akman. When I said herd emunity, I was refering to the practice of  deliberately infecting people with the full virus regardless of consiquences to  develop emunity, not vaccination, which in many cases doesn't use  even a live virus, but some viral proteins. And, Jayde is for emunity via infection, there is no concensus that at all that lasting emunity is achieved, so the whole lets infect everyone  and get herd emunity argument is garbage, and is dead on arrival.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-26 01:23:02

Enes, don't worry. I'm well aware that infecting a pile of people doesn't actually guarantee anything. This is all the more reason to play it reasonably safe while we work on getting vaccines and/or other methods of control in place. But people who play the herd-immunity card are basically saying, "Well let's just get a bunch of people sick, eventually it'll all even out", but there's no actual science.

Accman, I'm gonna throw you a bone here, all right? I've been arguing formally for the better part of twenty years on various subjects, both here and elsewhere. I am the sort of person who would read philosophical treatises for fun. I'm the kind of guy who does research and actually tastes what he swallows. I am also notorious for setting traps in arguments. I don't think you've caught onto that yet, because you keep running yourself into dead ends while arguing with me. This isn't even sport for me anymore. So why do I characterize it as "throwing you a bone"? Well remember a few posts back where I said you have three choices, and one of them was to keep arguing? Yeah, that's a bad choice. Every single post you make on this subject makes you look worse. Every. Single. One. I wasn't trying to insult you when I said you lack the critical thinking skills to engage with this. I lack the knowledge to go toe to toe with Canlorn about math, physics or programming, and instead or railing against it, I accept it. You are truly outmatched here, so in the interest of you not embarrassing yourself anymore, and with as much respect as I can muster, here's your bone. Slink away, do whatever it is you're gonna do, and stop trying to defend, justify or excuse it here on the forum. This battle was lost weeks ago; all you do by continuing it is make me look like a genius and make yourself look even more like a lunatic. As someone who does not, in fact, want to see your image completely trashed, I am advising that you truly let it go, and stop trying to manufacture justifications for your actions. Because here's my last bit of truth on it:
1. We don't care about your justifications, because you're wrong, and you're endangering lives
2. Every time you protest being guilt-tripped, you are in essence stating that you can't handle having your actions challenged; the proper place for you is a nice, droning republican hive where all the thoughts are the same, not a forum full of people who can think for themselves, at least where it comes to Covid-19
3. You aren't really interested in fixing the economy, helping America get back on its feet or doing anything else apart from lashing out because you were personally affected; if you were, you'd be willing to do your part to help keep numbers down (yes, even if that part is very small, and may look statistically insignificant from a big-picture perspective); folks like you enjoy using the big picture at times like this in order to pretend that you have no culpability
4. Worse, you're going to potentially punish innocent people in your immediate vicinity - who have done nothing wrong - for the way you perceive health experts; do I have to explain how fucking insane that is?
5. Go ahead and punish the undeserving, but don't do it here. Go ahead and exercise your freedom to make America sick again, but don't do it here. I, for one, am (ahem, pardon the pun) sick of it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-26 01:28:04

I just have one question. What will happen if, like SARS and MERS, we never find a vaccine? Should we never return things to normal and stop wearing masks?

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-26 01:39:17

A valid question, and the answer I have right now is that I don't know.

It's important to take those two off the table though...or, at the very, very least, to heavily qualify their inclusion in the discussion. Neither of them is as communicable as Covid-19, which means that just because we didn't institute mask-wearing for one or both, that doesn't mean we shouldn't for Covid-19. On the flip side, I believe that while both are less communicable, both are more lethal to humans.

Frankly, I do hope that this motivates us to find some sort of treatments which can better handle these diseases. Otherwise, as unpleasant as it is, mask-wearing in enclosed public spaces may become the new norm for years to come. And yeah, that'll suck, but just think of it like this. You don't object to wearing shoes even though they make your feet sweat. You don't object to wearing a shirt even though sometimes they're tight or can itch. You generally don't object to office-culture dress codes even though they contribute to people being unwell (I'll explain this below). These are all technically things that have been forced on us over the years which are not strictly necessary for the maintenance of business. Why can't I walk into a grocery store in bare feet? Why can't I walk into a MacDonald's without a shirt? Why can I be fired from a law firm for not wearing a tie? It's all very ridiculous, but we've normalized these nonsensical dress regulations. I feel certain that, if you think about it, you'll realize that if it means keeping people safe, we can even normalize the wearing of masks in enclosed spaces with other people to keep ourselves from getting sick. Hell, as time goes by, better masks will even become available (more comfortable, better viral blocking, etc), and in a truly long-term scenario, we may evolve (as we've been doing for millions of years already) to deal with it. I don't think wearing a mask for twelve hours a day, seven days a week, or all the time from morning to night even in your own home, is ever going to happen...but in the workplace? In public? Yeah, probably, at least for awhile. Just think of it as another piece of the dress code. You deal with several nonsensical bits of dress code already; this is just one more, and at least this one has a valid reason.

Now, regarding office dress code contributing to unwellness:
A lot of men in office jobs are required to wear suits. Suits are fine in theory, but in the winter when your heating is on, men tend to sweat too much while wearing suits, which causes a problem. In the summer, a man in a suit may be comfy in the office, but when he steps outside, he gets walloped by heat and begins to sweat again. Women have it even worse. A lot of women's dress attire is not known for being particularly warm, so women freeze going to and from work in the winter, and freeze -at work in the summer when air conditioning is turned up. There's a reason why a lot of receptionists and other female office workers bring a sweater to work and leave it there. Rapid temperature changes of this sort, or prolonged heat or cold, are not good for the body, and contribute to a lot of malaise and illness. And never mind the straight-up sickness for a sec; it's fucking uncomfortable. Why aren't we protesting office dress codes with as much vehemence as we're protesting wearing a little piece of fabric over our mouth and nose when in enclosed indoor spaces with other people? Good grief.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-26 02:03:58

So, you won't accept either form of herd immunity, a scientific process that has worked many, many times before. Do you propose that we continue to put our lives on hold for what could, or might, be? I for one have had it with taking losses just to placate to the fears of everyone else. I have a life to live, a family to provide for, and bills to pay, and I cannot do it while these regulations are in place. That also goes for millions of others who have lost work over this. The numbers of deaths are nowhere near what the experts figured when they started to push this narrative. This has to stop soon, or we're going to have a much bigger problem than this Corona virus to contend with. I applaud those business owners who are opening back up regardless of what the various governors have been telling them to do. Hey, these people have to make a living. They've got their own safety measures in place, so I see no problem with that. Another thing too is that these mandates are not written laws, so there technically is no legal way to enforce them, thank God. Even if there was, I'd still take the stance that I do. If someone really is insistent that I wear a mask, then there going to have to either provide it or purchase it for me because I'm not spending money on something I know I do not need. You'll say I'm selfish, and I say that's a cop-out statement because it's an easy way to get out of considering the other side of things. I have considered the point of view of the folks who are in favor of all these regulations, and, quite frankly, it's like staring at a giant line of machines, all programmed with the same response. "You're selfish" happens to be one of those programmed responses. I am merely choosing not to follow those who promote one thing and then turn around and say that they are somehow exempt from it. I never follow a double-standard. I've been guilty a time or two of bringing one about myself, but I will never follow anyone who would hold me to something expectation and then not be willing to hold themselves to it as well.

2020-07-26 02:19:45

Accman, you're looking at someone (metaphorically speaking) who walks the walk as well as talking the talk. You have also as yet not provided any meaningful evidence that lawmakers are exempt from rules about the wearing of masks. The one concrete example you tried to give, regarding Fausi, I wrecked wholesale. What else ya got?

It would've been nice if we didn't need this mask business to become law, but Americans have proven that they can't see past the ends of their own noses, so I'm in agreement with Enes that this is the necessary next step to protect people from themselves.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-26 03:10:33

All three are strains of the same virus, so no, I think they are very much equally qualifiable. Both were declared pandemics, though on a smaller scale, and both died down eventually. So yes, that question does respectfully remain on the table for me. As for these regulations being the new norm for years to come ifa vaccine isn't found? I'm sorry, but that's extreme. We can't stay like this forever. And this isn't just about mask wearing. There are people who will say that limitted travel, social distancing, and zoom meetings are the best way to go moving forward if no vaccine is found. Seriously? All the pandemics in history, and this is the one we pick to clamp down and shut down the whole world? I'm no means one of the people who refuse to follow regulations point blank, but I do think there is a limit to either extreme. Reopening too soon is a mistake, but equally as bad a mistake is for the world to say that until a vaccine is found, this will be the new norm. We've got through worse pandemics, and those were times before we have the means at our disposal now to survive, whether a vaccine is found or not.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-26 04:28:43

AssaultFreak, there comes a point in every period of social evolution where the group in question says, in essence, "Okay, this idea is going to yield better results, so let's stick with it". We absolutely have survived prior pandemics, I won't take that away from you...but how well have we survived them in a big-picture sense, and how badly are we apparently failing our society at present?

You may see our current setup as extreme. Perhaps that is so, but remember that, at least in most countries, re-opening is happening, and is hopefully going to continue happening. I suspect that our so-called new norm is going to consist of modest limitations on indoor gatherings, mask-wearing indoors when close contact is likely, and slightly improved hygiene just across the board. I don't see that end goal as especially extreme. Part of the reason it looks unpalatable, I think, is because it's new. It's very easy to say, "we got along without this before now, so why change?". We got along with a lot of things well enough before new innovations came along. Not all innovation is good, but I'd not rush to say that this one is all bad, either.

A lot of people's problem with this whole scenario is that it has shattered the status quo. People got really used to a general way of living and of doing things, and now they're being asked to re-examine that. And that's difficult; I respect that it's difficult, too, and please don't get the idea that I haven't been plenty annoyed in my own right in the last four months, because you'd be wrong if you thought I was taking every development totally in stride. But break some of this down a little bit. We have a lot of technology which makes web-based interaction more possible, and in some instances (read: not all) this is actually preferable. Social distancing has relaxed since this got rolling, and is now based more around the wearing of masks than a strict six-feet-at-all-times policy (though that is still enforced in some places). I tell you what: honestly, I get sick of riding cheek to jowl with people on buses and subways and stuff, and we have the technology and can make the infrastructure to actually give people the space to move around. And as far as limitations on travel? My guess is that when the furor dies down and case levels normalize and become non-pandemic in nature, there may be wellness checks when you cross a border but it won't be limited to essential travel and it won't mean fourteen days of self-isolation. Just give it time; I don't think those things will be part of a permanent new normal.

I would never, ever have wanted to let this loose on the world if I'd had any say in how things went. But there is absolutely no doubt that this pandemic has caused a lot of the world to realize that the way things were is not the only way, or even the best way. Helping each other is possible. Making spaces inclusive is possible. Being considerate can be a norm instead of an exception. And I'd be a dreamer if I thought that all our problems were going to be over when these infection numbers died down, but I think there has been some positive change here, and I hope it translates to progressive shifts in a lot of government and infrastructure. I could write for a long time about this, but I won't bother.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1