2020-07-08 04:54:13

Hi there. So, I've had these cheap Skullcandy Hesh 2's for years. I've loved them. But they're getting a bit ragged, I've sat on them one too many times and the headband is slightly bent, not enough to break them for me but they're definitely going to be on their last legs soon. I'd like to splurge in the near future and buy myself a new pair. So my question to all of you is, what kind would you recommend? I'm someone who watches lots of movies and plays games on my computer, as well as listens to lots of music and GraphicAudio, so base and good stereo effects are necessary. I'd love some sound canceling too. I don't need any cool dials, knobs, buttons and intricate setting controls on the side, though I understand that may be unavoidable. Just some good headphones that'll play my music, books, movies and games in a clear, good sounding way.
Thanks in advance!

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2020-07-08 05:04:46

Audiotechnica ATH M40X, Sennheiser HD 280 Pro, or Soni MDR 7506.
All very well respected headphones with long histories, mostly for studio use but with good sound isolation and enough bass to be enjoyable rather than overwhelming.
Not as exciting as entertainment focused headphones probably, but almost certainly more bang for the buck in terms of sound quality and durability, and definitely still a pleasure to listen to.
If you want something a bit more bassy, but still well balanced and with the advantage of the detachable cable, I'd strongly suggest the Audiotechnica ATH M50X, the M40X's bigger brother.

2020-07-08 10:57:39

Actually the M40x has a detachable cable as well, the M30x and lower do not.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2020-07-08 11:17:19

I'm also looking for headphones. I will carry them in my backpack and it will be bumped quite a lot with my computer and books. Can I have something that'll withstand that while still sounding great and without compromises?
I've previously gone with Marshall's, and while they sound good, they've broken multiple times due to there (finicky at best) detachable ear cup system.
Please, I just want headphones that don't break?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-08 13:23:24

I've had the m50xs since 2015 and in terms of audio quality and bang for the buck you really can't go wrong. If you are looking on the cheap side if you will, then the amazon basics over the ear headphones are worth a look. I've found with headphones, sound is subjective and I've had to buy a few pairs and return them to amazon to find the right ones for me. If earbuds are more your thing, then look no further than the Sony extra bass earbud headset. They have both a wired and Bluetooth version. I forget the model number now. Yes they have bass but it's not too much in my opinion. But the m50xs will give you the cleanest sound.

2020-07-08 15:23:36

So, question. I just looked up the ATH M50X’s, and they’re cheap. I love that. Here’s where my confusion comes in. On Amazon, it gives me the option of wired or Wireless. Does Wireless not include the cable? It’s also 30 dollars more expensive.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2020-07-08 16:54:01

Sony wh1000xm3. They work great as bluetooth headphones, or with a 3.5mm detachable cable. Good featurs as well as active noise cancellation and the ability to pipe in ambient sound.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-08 17:48:30

Can confirm on the Wh1000XM3. Got a pair about a month ago, and they're very good at what they do. Also come with a fairly firm clamshell carry case if you need to stow them or transport them. I don't use them all the time because I'm a Jaws user and I find that Bluetooth clips a lot, and the 3.5MM cable is just a bit too short for the setup I've got going on. Could always get an extender, but then that runs into different problems. In any case, very good set of headphones.

My other pair is a HyperX Cloud Revolver1S. Fairly bassy, have some surround-sound stuff that works well enough but makes things tinny, and fit like a dream. They're a bit bulky, but quite comfortable. When I say "fairly bassy", I don't mean they boom and rattle or whatever. They're not for pure bassheads. They just pack a punch where it's needed, probably have that frequency thing a lot of popular headphones get where bass and treble are slightly accentuated, while mids fade a little bit. It's not a super-deep trough though; these things are actually a joy to listen to music in, and they also come with a detachable mic. I haven't tried the WH1000XM3 in a voice-call setting yet.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-08 17:51:39

I've used extenders or longer third party cables, and they're both very viable options. Doesn't hurt that the app is also quite usable. smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-08 19:31:28

In the latest version of JAWS 2020, there is now a feature (which you can find by typing the word blue into the settings center search box) that constantly plays a silent sound to keep the audio channel open and avoid that issue.
Drains the headphone battery a bit faster, but quite worth it IMO.

2020-07-08 20:30:30

This would be a lovely fix, but I'm using Jaws 2018.
When entering my serial number, it says I'm actually allowed to get Jaws 2020, but it then directs me to dealers because (surprise surprise) you can't update your SMA if you're not in the United States. Only thing is, the one dealer it points me at (and it does so like six different times) is one I've never heard of.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-07-09 09:53:37

@ jayde, if you want to upgrade jaws, just do it via vpn and set it to US. @11 C have a pare of audio technica headphones, I believe they are theAT440 but not sure, anyway they have a detachable cable, but they aren't bluetooth, but still very solid headphones. The other pair I have are the bose qc35, have had them for 6 or 7 years; maybee a little less; but they are nothing short than great. However if your into cheper headphones go for audio technica.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
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2020-07-14 20:01:18

I don't know how long this 40% off deal will be around, but I know this brand well and I can tell you that they are indeed very durable.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015R7AFVE/re … S&th=1
I was going to suggest them before but they don't sound as good as they should for the money IMO, even with the amazing build quality, great warranty, and included hard carrying case.
Don't get me wrong they don't sound terrible or anything, just not studio quality and with some added bass.
The comfort is also not great when wearing them for a long time unless you buy the better cushions separately.
But for less than 90 bucks?  I really can't deny it's worth it..!

2020-07-14 20:20:56

I got the Bose QC35 they're great but expencive but if you're looking for something great I strongly recommend them.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-07-15 17:44:15

@defender, Ah, darn. Just checked and was alerted that the item was out of stock. Oh well.
Is there anything as durable but like the Bose QC35s? I can't begin to tell you how much I've heard about it. It seems on the expensive side, but if it's gonna last me 6 years plus, then I'd say that's worth it IMO.
Again, I'm looking for headphones that can really withstand being bumped around in a backpack with a computer and books being taken and put back in every hour or so.
If I was going to get the QC35s, should I bother getting the 2nd version, or does the first suffice well enough?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-07-15 23:36:17

I really think you should just get what ever headphones you like and a good hard carrying case to put them in.

2020-07-16 03:22:15

So, I got the phillips fedilio x2HR after reading about audiophile grade headphones, and looking at the various options available. If you want really high quality audio, don't mind a pair of very large, bulky headphones, and the open back design, these are fantastic. Even with shitty laptop audio, I can hear details I never knew were there, and my previous headphones were high res audio as well. They also have this gell in  the drivers, where the sound of high frequencies is massively softened so even if you turn up the volume, sound doesn't fatigue the ears or cause a headache, or feel like a knife through the brain.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-07-16 03:26:49

@15, sony wh1000xm3 is a close competitor for the qc35 line, and they're great and come with a decent case. I love mine.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-16 04:00:18

I'll also recommend the Sony WH1000XM3, although the XM4 is expected to release sometime this year, so it may be worth waiting for - if nothing else, you could get a pair of the XM3 for cheaper when that happens, although they regularly go on sale these days.

The Bose NC 700 is also great, but I feel it's meant for travel-based usage rather than entertainment purposes (i.e.: sitting at home and enveloped in your own world). Bose has always been known for the grab-and-go appeal of their premium active-noise canceling headphones, so I'd make that distinction if you really want to spend that kind of money on headphones.

The QC 35 II is great, but there are some rumors going around that Bose has throttled ANC performance through firmware updates. Though the NC 700 wasn't released as a replacement for or treated like it was "better" than the QC 35 II, I have encountered several forum posts, articles, and YouTube videos that have discussed this. I don't know the validity of such rumors, but thought I'd put it on your radar.

What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2020-07-16 04:46:03

Idk what version of the QC35 I have but they work great! I haven't found any issues with them. The carrying case is thick enough to protect it in a backpack.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-07-16 11:56:06

Thanks guys, I'm gonna forward some posts anonymously to a friend so I can have another opinion and comparing the specs and prices.
So I'll look at the Bose QC35 I or II, and the Sony StupidName's (whatever they're called) along with some maybe lesser-known choices.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.