2020-07-10 19:50:57

So it's been about a year since I got mine and I never figured it out, neither for streaming nor for recording onto an SD card. Has anyone gotten this capture card and used it successfully for either style of operation? I would prefer to use it via OBS and stream to youtube / twitch etc, but haven't been able to get it working unless I'm missing an OBS setting. Recording to an SD card also doesn't seem to work even though the correct folders are being created when I put a card into the lgp2. Anyone used this have thoughts or feel up to helping out a newbie? With TLU 2 being as great as it is, I thought this'd be a good time to try and tackle streaming again.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-11 01:52:16

your best bet is to use the elgado game capture hd along with OBS.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2020-07-11 03:15:32 (edited by assault_freak 2020-07-11 04:04:39)

Can you elaborate a bit more? This capture device is supposed to work the same way so was curious whether anyone else has used it or not. Since the answer appears to be no, mind telling me a bit more about the elgado? Was hoping I wouldn't have to buy another capture device since I already have one. lol Especially since I spent a fair bit of cash on the one and the Elgado costs just as much. haha. But I'd love more info though in case I can't get any help with the livegamer or can't figure it out.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-12 07:29:32 (edited by NortheasternGorilla 2020-07-12 07:29:57)

Hey assault_freak.   I picked up LGP2P a month or so ago to record on other consoles.  I haven't had much time to spend with it yet, but it seemed to work great during the time I spent with it.  For PC free mode, I used a micro-sd card, put the LGP2P on the correct setting, then connected it to the PC and located the correct file.  You should be able to do all of the things you mentioned, to my knowledge.

I'm looking forward to using it more but here is a tutorial that someone else made, on connecting it and using OBS with it:

2020-07-12 10:20:23

The only thing I can think of is possibly the fact that I had the cable in the wrong port? Which connector is the HDMI in? Also, was your SD formatted for x-fat or fat32? Those are the only problems I can see it not working in pc free mode, and I'll watch the tutorial on how to get it running with OBS. Thanks for that link!

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-12 18:17:27

I'm going off of memory here but I believe the way I did it was:
Power the LGP2P via USB on the console
HDMI OUT from console, to HDMI IN on the LGP2P
Then HDMI OUT from LGP2P, to HDMI IN on TV / Monitor
I use a receiver so my setup was a little different.
Make sure switch on the right of the LGP2P is set at proper setting.  I believe it was the middle for the SD card.

In regards to the SD, I purchased this:
https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-MicroSDX … B07KXQX3S3
Then just put it right in the LGP2P.

2020-07-12 18:19:34 (edited by assault_freak 2020-07-12 18:25:43)

I wonder if it has to be connected to a monitor to record?The tutorial was pretty helpful, and I've never thught about powering the card from the console. More interestedin streaming than recording though, so might just have to fiddle with it again.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-12 18:35:36

I've yet to use OBS, but I believe it should work same as other capture cards from what I saw in tutorials.  The one program I had to download was Avermedia RECentral 4 from their site, it's very streamlined, which is good for someone like me.
Planning to stream at some point in the future as well, I'll keep you posted once that time comes sir.

2020-07-12 18:37:13

Please do! Would be great to not be the only one figuring out this card. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-12 19:08:33

@9 you're not.
Some questions for Gorilla, since you've gotten it to work:
I tried connecting it to my PC and to my Switch (using a USB repeater because it's not long enough). However, I guess my PC doesn't meet the required specs. Will this cause the card to just not work? Probably should download drivers for it, because I never did.
also, will it work with a 400GB do card?  I didn't realize there was a limit on how large the SD card could be.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-07-13 01:15:17

assault, just checked and I believe you can actually stream to Twitch and other hubs from RECentral 4 itself, which is the program you use for the LGP2P.  I would download RECentral4 if you haven't already, and give it a shot.  Here is the user manual:
http://storage.avermedia.com/web_releas … 180111.pdf

Other resource / tutorial on this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont … e=emb_logo

It has a cap on the SD card size, looks like it's 128:

Here is the requirements to use the hardware, but I would definitely download the drivers regardless:
OS: Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 7 / Mac OS X (beta)
• Intel® Core™ i5 CPU i5-3330 or comparable (i7 recommended)
• NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 / AMD Radeon™ R7 250X or above are recommended
• 4 GB RAM
• Powered USB 2.0 port
• microSD Class 10 card for PC-Free recording

Here is the datasheet:
http://storage.avermedia.com/web_releas … 170218.pdf

2020-07-13 01:52:18

Okay that's deffinitely not the requirements I saw then. Thanks for that. I'm deffinitely able to do it. From what I've heard (haven't downloaded it yet), but RECENTRAL 4 may or may not be accessible.
Thanks for the help though.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-07-13 02:28:06

If you have any issues with it's accessibility, let me know and I'll go through a rundown of what's there

2020-07-13 07:29:24

Yeah. It's completely inaccessible. Don't feel like purchasing another capture card, so I'll probably try and see if I can get it to work in OBS, after I get some sighted help with drivers and whatnot.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-07-13 08:23:58

I can't wait for the day when twitch's studio software becomes accessible.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2020-07-13 14:33:39

Going to delve into it when I get home tonight, and start putting something together.  Will be good for me too so I can learn more about it as well.

2020-07-14 03:41:00

Messed around with it, and I'll have a guide posted in the near future.

2020-07-14 06:21:26

Thanks a lot.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-07-16 20:18:28

@17, thanks. Looking forward to it!

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-17 04:12:47

Good evening,

Here is a rundown of this capture card & REcentral 4.  Quality isn't great, but hopefully it gets the point across:

2020-07-17 04:14:47

Beautiful stuff. Thanks!

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-17 04:15:40


2020-07-17 04:20:48

Unfortunately, this app doesn't seem to be the friendliest with screen readers. Lord willing if I can ever figure out how to work with OBS, there'll be a writeup about it for sure. smile lol

Discord: clemchowder633