2020-06-27 22:15:53

yeah, you and your friends. how many peopele were you talking to in that log a part of your like 4 person friend group.

2020-06-27 22:39:33

@126 if you read my log again you see that the post in that context was a shot in the own knee.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2020-06-27 23:18:04

Sweet name of chicken pie, will you folks ever learn?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-06-27 23:24:31

I guess its not only Simter that is against me for no real reason. I evestigated Rory's logs because according to someone they were saying some nasty stuff about me. And I was not surprised when I came up with this.
First. Read this.
you should not play tunmi's game 6/26/2020, 6:37:20 PM
did you know that tunmi included a virus in bloodstorm? and if you do something  he doesn't like, he'll try to infect you with it! 6/26/2020, 6:37:44 PM
he tried to infected me with it when I killed him 6/26/2020, 6:38:19 PM
I saw in the program logs he tried to kill the command prompt process 6/26/2020, 6:38:32 PM
you shouldn't trust him, he just wants attention and he can't even curse, loooooooooooooooooooool 6/26/2020, 6:39:24 PM
now this.
because you act like you're king of the world about it all! 6/19/2020, 6:37:55 PM
hahahahhaa 6/19/2020, 6:38:13 PM
your signature on the forum is a perfect example of your arrogance 6/19/2020, 6:38:46 PM
if you don't want hits, then why are you "not only" a game developer? 6/19/2020, 6:38:59 PM
oy, and a quick questions. Are there any classes in battle of the hunter? 6/19/2020, 6:39:27 PM
were then any in rage pillow? 6/19/2020, 6:39:40 PM
liar! My friend ty said he looked at the code and there weren't any! 6/19/2020, 6:39:52 PM
well, that certainly is a very professional thing to do.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2020-06-27 23:31:18

why does that only show, like, one side of a conversation, or not from your side at all? And why are there no names, only time stamps. Hmm.

2020-06-27 23:38:45

@130 this is because of how sbp used to log, i think they didn't change that in bloodstorm.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2020-06-27 23:39:01

I really don't trust that log. At least simter's log was easy to follow, unlike this,, which could have easily been forged.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-06-28 00:29:59

@Simter, I'm going to try and point this out as kindly to you as I can, so I'd appreciate it if you'd please pay attention because honestly, I don't personally feel like I owe you anything, and I'm pretty sure at least half of this forum would say I don't.
1.  I know you can count.
2.  I know you can read.
3.  I know you can write.
4.  I know you can put things together.
5.  That being the case, lets put them all together.  I challenge you to read every post in this topic, count how many are in favor of you and @OP, count how many are in favor of @tumni, then write an honest post about it.  Fact is, you and I already know the answer and you probably don't even have to do all of that work to come to that answer, so how about skipping most of that and then writing the honest post?  I predict you will do one of the following, and I'm sure everyone who has already posted out here will watch to see if I'm right.
A.  You'll write yet another post about how you're not to blame for some reason or another; people don't understand you, people don't know how to appreciate you, people don't sympathize with you, trolling is ok and everyone else is wrong.  Whatever the case, the post will be about how you are not responsible in any single which way.
B.  You'll skip over this post and go on your merry way knowing that regardless who says what after this post, I'm right and you're wrong.  You can skate over what ironcross said about how a couple of people being mean to you is on them and a collective bunch being your responsibility; reread post 121.  You can freely ignore that because Ironcross has been banned twice already for having attitude issues and a lack of motivation to manage them in accordance with the rules on this forum; that's his repeat offense and I think he's trying harder this time.  It still shows beneath the surface and I don't agree with everything he says or the way he writes it, but that's another topic for another day.  What you can't do?  What you can't do is go toe to toe with someone like me who has never received a warning on this forum, never been cautioned let alone banned, never been les than informative if not helpful, never been outright rude to people with an intent to engage them in arguments, never relentlessly pursued anyone via posting or PM or any other means, and who is respected even if I'm disagreed with.  You can claim that you don't have to worry about it, because this forum is not the whole of the world, and you would be right.  But you can't claim that it doesn't mean anything to you, because you're going to keep spewing forth loads of nothing about nothing rather than owning up to what everyone else has already told you , which is that you should consider, just consider the possibility that you, are, wrong!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-28 00:59:26

nicely written, Nocturnus, very well written. I would agree, i almost feel like its not worth it at this point, and its probably not.

2020-06-28 02:06:15

Good written indead, nocturnus, hopefully i spelled this correct. But i mainly disaggree in one point. Because a lot of this people have the opinion that is mine, is it correct or right because of that? That means a lie becomes true when a lot of people belives it?

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2020-06-28 02:20:07

Either one of the logs could be forged, it's not like one is more susceptible to being forged than the other. I'm not saying I believe that's happening, just pointing out the fact that it could be done in either case.

Simter, people aren't against you because you're you; they're against you because of what you have done and continue to do. If you just chilled out a bit and quit slinging mud around, and were willing to give it time, people might start coming around regarding you. But you know, trolling is fun and people suck right? Hey, it's your choice, I'm just laying out possible scenarios.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-06-28 02:46:38

I agree. Give it swome time while you visibly change and stop this thing your doing, and then people might not be as much against you. Trust is earned, your not entitled to it. And yes, either of those logs could very possibly be served. This isn't a real time text service, so we can't tell if either were edited, and that would just as easily be fooled by a copy and paste job. Either way, i see no large or maybe even true evidence against Tumni, so i'm sticking on my side of the case. If major changes happen, then maybe i'll choose a different side, or even go nutral because if what simter said is true, and if what i know about you simter you ahven' changed, both sides would not be a good one to choose because it'd just be toxic all around.

2020-06-28 03:27:41

@Simter, good on ya for taking the first step.  You acknowledged what I wrote.  Now, I'll do my part.
No, just because a majority holds an opinion doesn't make it right.  Obviously if a majority tells you to jump off a bridge you know you more than likely shouldn't do it. What makes an opinion worth considering is the reasonability behind it.  There's nothing wrong with having a strong opinion provided you can present it with logical consistancy.  the problem shows up when you present your opinion with something akin to irrationallity or lack of reason and voice it just because you want to be heard rather than wanting to solve the actual problem and provide an end to the argument.
Here's what I want you to consider now.  Can you honestly say that your posts portray you as someone who is willing to meet everyone else in the middle?  Can you say that your posts are making you appear like someone who has willingly made a rational assessment of the argument?  Is there anyone out here who has posted, who you believe might be more intelligent than yourself, who you can honestly say wouldn't just trash you for being yourself and give you a chance, but who is at present saying that you just might be wrong?  If that person does exist, are you willing to listen to them?  Are you willing to take advice?  Perhaps you don't just want to go with the crowd; that's fair.  I can get behind that.  Can you humble yourself, however, to someone else rather than just listening to yourself for the sake of accountability?

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-28 03:41:17

those are good questions to ask yourself, blind or not. Audio gamer or not. Posting on a forum or not.

2020-06-28 04:06:29

No. Those logs were not forged. The logs were designed to only record the text within the chat when the user sends them, along with their timestamp. Because when you open the .log file, the log file is already labeled with the player's name.
angelfire_chats.log; Extension: log; Size: 1,875; Attributes: ---A--------; Modified: 6/26/2020 7:28:03 PM 100 of 418

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2020-06-28 04:09:17

Sorry for double posting, but the file I showed in the last post is the one that contains the first one, about the one saying I infected Bloodstorm with viruses.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2020-06-28 04:14:45 (edited by electro 2020-06-28 04:18:20)

I was just dooing my homework and creating a fictional electronic national anthem, and what in the holy name of Assyria did I just was reading? More radicalism and toomuch drama that I really hate so much?
Simpter or what ever the name is I really wanted that techgirl or what ever person hacked you're account, because you're not mature than me. I mean come on canon, are you really going to the radical side of thing when that tummy guy needs to program something and never seek attention for the rest of the international live?
Ah yeah I really mean simter is just a kid. That's why I don't want kids in the forum, but well you all rejected. They always doo bad jokes like that Christian dude who I really hate for not responding to my accusations on twitter. Tumny, ignore the toxic people, let's continue programming. Destroy the trolls! Wait I just got my head destroyed by something that I really cannot say correctly. Wait, it's a spider! let me get that animal out of there before it can...
Edit: I'm sorry if I've attacked this person and sounded so harsh, but this fire keeps burning that I really cannot continue my homework a longside that drama converting myself into something unspeakable.

73 Wj3u

2020-06-28 04:28:12

@Tunmi, I'm stupid, but who did that log belong to exactly?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-06-28 07:43:42

it’s rory, if i am not mistaken.

2020-06-28 09:12:22 (edited by targor 2020-06-28 09:13:22)

And here we go again with the radicality. smile

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2020-06-28 10:10:08

@122, stop going out, you won't meet  ass holes and the current disease,  :-D

allow me to speak more,
catch me on Twitter
or, Mastodon

2020-06-28 10:22:38

electroradicalism.  It's a new thing.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-28 13:04:38

May you guys try and spell: T u n m i

2020-06-28 13:31:10

seriusly??? lets press cmd and q then we will have peace

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress.

2020-06-28 13:32:28

Yeah. the one that clearly decend from roots. Roots of imagination I do know?

73 Wj3u