2020-06-06 22:27:05

hello, do you also have the probelm of not being able to connect to Telegram Messenger?

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2020-06-06 22:37:08

What country are you located in? It may be possible that your country or ISP could be blocking the app.

The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27

2020-06-06 22:39:55

I can say that in the US it also does not work

2020-06-06 22:41:19

Works fine for me in the UK, though I had connected way before.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-06-07 04:03:56

Works fine here in Cambodia.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2020-06-07 06:09:09

It's fine here in the US.

2020-06-07 06:31:10

works well in Iran with mtProto proxy

2020-06-07 07:09:51

It was only temporary and it should be working right now

2020-06-07 07:50:43

no, I can connect to it with know problem

2020-06-07 08:55:35

It's OK now. Thank you!

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2020-06-08 13:15:05

I was connected so it works for me.

73 Wj3u