2020-05-30 10:46:28

hi everyone.

Dystopia, an amazing reddit app for IOS hasn't been released yet but if you want to join the beta, go here: https://testflight.apple.com/join/4MJtN4FB

here's all my subreddits with info about them, yep it's a lot but why not, hopefully you can enjoy them as much as I do and hopefully I'll find new subreddits through you... Yep that rimed.

huh,there's really not as many as I thought there was.


It's a sub where anyone can ask reddit anything, if you've got hours to kill this could be the sub for you. Subjects can range from anything like; what's a random fact about you? To What is something everyone can agree is a dick move? If you check out this subreddit, I doubt you'll be disappointed.


This sub is all about videos, from funny to interesting, it's all here and if you want more video content, check out the sidebar (go to more options when in that sub in dystopia and you'll find it there.)


This is a horror subreddit, amazing writers write things to make you shivver and sometimes they write things that make you go "Oy! write part 2 already! come on!" Then you're amazed as you realise these people aren't professionals but are more amazing at writing than you'll ever be.


AMA stands for ask me anything and can range from subjects such as I am a blind 23 year old living in France to I wanna use hand sanitizer to get drunk. AMA, good luck with that.


It's a sub all about podcasts, where to listen to them, what's coming up for that podcast you can't wait to listne to and more. Remember you can take part, don't just read; comment if you want.


That's HP fan fiction, Harry Potter fan fiction. It's a sub all about Harry potter fan fiction.


It's a sub all about astral projection.


It's a sub about people who bump into things a lot, those silly silly people.

oh alright, it's about blinds, you've got to keep your window covered somehow.

Oh alright alright, it's about people with a lack of vision for their lives, they need to really think about what they want to do... Are you tired of this yet?

Ok, ok, it's about blind people, you lot, us lot, them lot?


I actually don't really know what this sub is about but it has horror stories on it.


It's a sub about creepy readings, click on a creepy reading, get taking to youtube and prepare to crap your pants... underware for the Americans among us. Although if you crapped your pants in american language, you'd have to take off your pants and underware to get everything sorted.


It's a sub about the dystopia client for reddit.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 13:53:17

I am in alot of these already, but here are some of mine:
Note, I am outside on my phone so I won't provide descriptions for them, just yet.
r/entitled parrents
r/tales from tech support
I have alot more, but I have to be near my computer to list them all.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-05-30 14:49:38


@angel, I've heard about these subs but am not subscribed to them because I can hear people read them on youtube and it's a lot better than a screen reader.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 15:42:53

What is the best Reddit app for Android, I don't like the official Reddit app. The official app has few unlabled buttons, can't navigate from post to post or from comment to comment without going through lots of useless buttons.

2020-05-30 15:47:09


I'm sorry but I don't think there's a good reddit app for android, I'm not an android user though so can't really help.

I think there was a blind app thing that had a reddit app in it but I can't remember waht it's called.

Here's a reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments … ccessible/

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 15:56:10


Here's the app I was talking about! https://voxmate.com/how

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 16:13:20

It is true @Brad, there are people on youtube reading stuff from these subs like Redditor, R slash and also people that read ask reddit and other stuff.
Most channels use tts though like Radio tts, askreddit is fun and more.
But not all the stories are coverred from these subs I've mentionned before.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-05-30 16:22:21


@angel, that's true.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 18:07:34

My all-time favorite is r/threekings, it's a place for all those creepy ritual games I love to read and not attempt

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-05-30 18:08:45

I'll subscribe to that sub!

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 18:24:17

I do listen to a podcast called Lets Not Meet, They say that it's also from a Reddit by the same name.

2020-05-30 18:28:07

Also, the app you mentioned is some self-voicing solution, and it's subscription based too. I am thinking about starting a new post to know what Reddit apps blind Peeps use on Android.

2020-05-30 18:33:25


@MyDearWatson, let's not meet is a subreddit.

I don't think you'll find apps for reddit on android that work that well with the screen readers apart from that subscription one but feel free to try, I'm not an android user anymore so could be completely wrong.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 19:02:12

You're wrong. There's distopia, here's the testflight for it. Worth downloading test flight from the app store for IMPO.

2020-05-30 19:05:52


@serrebi, that is an IOS app, we're talking about Android.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-30 19:40:45

I think BaconReader is the closest for Android. https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … p;hl=en_CA

2020-05-31 03:20:50

I'll mention ones I've not seen here yet, though I second the suggestion for askreddit and AMA, with the major caveat that much of the content on both subs is idiotic and shallow, and that AMA was really only worth much 3 years back and beyond while askreddit's best posts are tagged [serious] and ask questions in an inclusive but not overly specific mannor.
/r/blind is a cool community most of the time too and I strongly recommend it to any VI person.

I like:
Full of personal stories from people in the military, from hilarious to heartbreaking.
Ridiculous and absurd  headlines that seem like they could be satire but are actually real.
People sharing  there insights into interesting fields they've recently learned about, from quantum physics to famous historical figures to odd species.
People asking questions you were either afraid to ask or never considered.  Thought provoking and amusing in equal measure.
The vibrant Warsim community, where announcements are made, discussions about new ideas take place, and amusing gameplay videos are posted.

2020-05-31 17:06:06

Oh my gosh I love tales from tech support! Those always make me go hyuck hyuck. Lol.

Some of my favorites, in Markdown PHP_Extra style definition lists:

: A sub for everything Apple, but don't post articles you've written yourself or you'll be banned faster than any Audio games forum ban. Wonder what they'd do if a 9to5 Mac writer posted their article there? Yeah, thought so. Lol. Just don't get banned like I was and you'll be fine. Note that you can still read the sub if you get banned for posting my articles on there, just can't post or comment.

: A sub about Brandon Sanderson, the best author ever.

: basically, a place for puns about Brandon Sanderson's work.

    Even Scadrial doesn't want anything to do with...


: A sub about Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe, which I sometimes affectionately call the Cosmeow.

Command line
: A sub about the command line and projects and people asking questions about the most frightening computer interface ever.

: a sub for my most favorite Final Fantasy game. Although, its mostly about NT so rather boring.

: a sub about the extensible, self-documenting, realtime display text editor. Yes, complex and advanced.

: A sub about video game console emulators. No game files, just discussion, thank goodness. Don't ask where to get Pokemon games here, or they may poke you out of the sub. smile

: I don't go on here much, but its about fanfiction, which I read tons more than I write.

: the blogging software I use. It basically makes a blog out of configuration files and posts and all that Investiture.

: a sub about learning to do the arcane computer arts.

: a sub about learning to program in Python. Python is not a snake.

: A sub where I may choose to rant about how inaccessible Linux is, from a technical accessibility standpoint. I've not done that much, as it'd get old quickly, and readers would just get used to it and think about accessibility even less than they do, which would be a negative number.

: a sub about Apple's Mac operating system.

: a sub about the pretty common, not on this forum though, Markdown text editing language.

: A sub about MUD's. There are a few other blind people there too.

: A sub about the *discussion* of piracy. No links to content, thank goodness no people asking where they can download Pokemon, just good, solid discussion.

: the sub for the PSP emulator.

: The sub for Brandon Sanderson's storming Stormlight Archive. The best storming series of the century, storm it!

: A sub where you can find beta apps to try it.

: If you're one of the one people on this forum who has Apple TV Plus, this is the sub for you.

: A sub for Microsoft's Windows 10 OS.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2020-06-01 02:27:50


ahaha, @devinprater, it's late and I was reading through your post and come across your name and my brain goes, hmm, I wonder what that subs about, hey! he didn't post a descript... Oh...

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-01 15:42:25

Hi all!
well let's see.
i second askreddit and many of the subs posted here.
Here are the ones that I can think of for now.
everything about audiodramas.
The best of  reddit. it pulls from different subs.
Everything opensource.
That's all I can think of for now.

2020-06-03 14:37:01

Oh, sorry Brad, that's my signature.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2020-06-03 15:00:14


@devinprater, no problem.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-03 18:54:13

Lol please no one create /r/devinprater
r/jailbreak is a thing, probably the main reason I use reddit at all. R/mud is also a fun one. Should really check out these other subs you guys mention, they sound interesting.

2020-06-04 04:00:32

Yeah I'm pretty stoked about /r/audiodrama I had no idea that existed.

2020-06-04 19:14:41

I mean, I agree, no one should create r/devinprater. I'd enjoy all the one posts of attention too much, lol.

I thought about jailbreaking, but I really would rather have the latest accessibility fixes... Um, if any, and I can use AltStore for PPSSPP and all that anyway. I'll have to check out the audio dramas one though.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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