2020-05-06 01:03:24 (edited by john_weed 2020-05-06 01:04:47)

Hey everyone.
So yeah, this thread is basically to share our stories with this randomish thing. You can upload audios playing it if you dare!
Here's the strangest thing I've experienced ever. They are incorporating a new AI model, and I wanted to try it.
You need to write stuff in second person in order for the thing not to get crazy or confused.
Here is my craziest attempt. Enjoy! And laugh a lot!

You are stacey, a pet trying to stay sane during a global quarantine. You have a toy and a bowl of food. You are so excited that your owner decided to never leave the house ever again.

The world is not as it should be. The government has been lying to you all this time about what really happened at Ground Zero. They did it for reasons unknown to you, but they lied to us too!

> You walk around.
"I'm going outside," you say. "Let's play."

Your owner looks surprised by your request, but agrees.

> You take the toy and go outside.
You run out into the backyard with the toy in hand. Your owner follows closely behind you. He stops when he sees a helicopter hovering over the house.

> You hide away into the house.
You hide yourself inside the house. You don't want to get caught by the authorities or anyone else.

"What are we doing?" your owner asks. "We can't just sit here!"

> You play with your toy.
You play with the toy as long as possible. Eventually, you decide to stop playing. It's been an hour since you were last seen.

> You eat some food.
You eat some food. You're hungry, but you need to keep calm.

> You lay down on the floor, bored.
You lie down on the floor, bored. You look up at the ceiling and try to sleep.

"Where are you going?" your owner asks. "Are you sick? Are you tired?"

You continue to stare at the ceiling until you hear a knock on the door. You turn your head and see a man standing there.

> You growl, being protective with your owner.
You growl angrily, protecting your owner from harm.

"Who is it?" your owner asks. "Get off my property!"

He grabs his shotgun and points it at you.

"Do you know who I am?" he demands. "How do you know me? What do you want?"

You growl back at him, knowing full well what he wants.

> You run towards the man and attack him.
You rush towards the man, ready to attack him.

"Don't move!" your owner yells. "I'll kill you if you hurt my dog!"

> You attack the man.
You lunge forward and grab the man's throat, biting into his neck. He struggles against you, but you easily choke him out.

"No... No..." he says before dying.

> You stand at the side of your owner again.
You stand beside your owner, watching him.

"That was stupid," he says. "I shouldn't have killed that guy."

> You emit a small howl.
You emit a low, quiet howl. The sound resonates throughout the house.

"Did you make that noise?" your owner asks. "It sounded like one of those things."

> You emit another howl again.
You emit yet another howl. This time, it sounds more like a high pitched scream.

"They've come back," your owner says. "I think they're coming for us."

The creatures appear in the window of the house. They're huge, almost twice your size. Their skin is black and covered in sharp teeth. They walk slowly towards your owner and you, their claws extended.

> You attack the creatures, protecting your owner.
You leap at the creature closest to your owner, grabbing its arm and holding onto it tightly. As soon as you grab hold of them, you throw both of your arms around them and bite into their necks.

> You keep attacking them.
You keep attacking the creatures, biting into their necks and pulling them closer to your owner.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" your owner screams. "Stop this now!"

> You rescue your owner.
You release your grip on the creature and let go of them. Your owner lets out a pained yell as you pull him away from the creatures.

"What are you doing?!" he asks.

> You bark at the creatures, fiercely.
You bark furiously at the creatures, barking so loud that you can hear everything inside the house.

"Shit! Get them off of me!" your owner cries. "We need to get out of here!"

> You help your owner get up of the grownd and both try to escape.
You quickly run over to your owner and help him up.

"Get out of here!" he shouts. "Now!"

> You run away, with your owner over your back.
You turn around and start running away, while still keeping an eye on the creatures.

"Come on! We gotta get outta here!" your owner yells. "Don't stop until we get outta here!"

> You run faster till you can not resist anymore.
You continue running as fast as you can, trying to ignore the pain in your legs.

"Look at what you did to my leg!" your owner exclaims.

> You stop suddenly and look around.
You stop abruptly, looking around. The creatures have disappeared completely.

> You stop, completely tired, and lower your owner from your back. Then you lie down beside him.
You lay down next to your owner, resting your head against his chest.

"Thank you... thank you..." your owner says softly.

Your eyes close and you drift off to sleep.

OK now why do we slept outside? I had to stop over there because the AI was already insane after that battle and it was echoing the same commands I entered like a mirror.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-06 02:56:18

wow! didint thot this thing is that smart!

2020-05-06 15:03:46

One of my favorite adventures I deleted because it forced a little adult content on me but I'll just give you the jist.

I was a member of the legion of doom and then I decided to hunt down the members of the Justice League one by one. I captured and hypnotized Zatanna and used her as bait to lead batman into a trap, but she broke free of my control so the game made me shoot her in the heart, and then I teamed up with Lex Luthor and captured and did experiments on supergirl which taught me how to infuse my raygun blasts with kryptonite. I then killed Superman on the whitehouse lawn.

With several of the Justice league members dead, we launched an all out assault on the Justice league until only Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter were left. I battled Captain Atom, and lost, so then I went to see if I could get any resources as the Legion of doom had captured several of the Justice League as well as killing them. I found that in our personal prison, the Joker had killed all of our prisoners except for Black Canary. I saved her and she went full-on stockholm syndrome and became my sidekick, eager to do my bidding and joining the legion as a full member.

Canary and I teamed up to fight Captain Atom again, but we still lost. Looking for more help, we got help from Deathstorm, who has the power to work with Captain Atom's atomic and nuclear powers and we defeated him. The Martian Manhunter was never brought up again so I assumed we had taken care of him as well and we began carving up the world among ourselves. Finally through a string of massive rampages conducted by Black Canary and myself, we got the British people to declare us king and Queen of England, which was apparently a win condition.

What amazed me was that the game understood the DC universe very well and not only inserted heroes and villains, some of whom were quite obscure, but also accurately paired them with their powers and secret identities.

I've got another one as well I'll actually share the link with you later.

2020-05-06 17:41:32

Wow. That's pretty cool.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-05-06 21:38:22

Anyone up to share their stories?
I am going to test the thing and see if it can make me roll on something similar as adventure  at c:
Ha ha!

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-06 21:52:47

i'll try to rerite zombie hi with this thing rofl, but its great, you know stw? there is a quest there, I made a story out of it
: The tunnel continues on for quite some time before you come across a large door with an ominous symbol carved into it. It seems that this room is indeed guarded by something of great power. You can't help but wonder what could be inside...

As you continue to hold onto the pearl halves, you feel a strange sensation. The pain of having such powerful energies wrapped around your body is almost completely gone now. Your senses seem to be heightened and enhanced greatly.

With one last burst of light that you are surprised doesn't blind you, you feel the warm soothing feeling leave your body, and you see that what remains is 1, almost perfectly average, large pearl.
As your moter function returns, you notice that you aren't hungry, you aren't thirsty, you don't feel tired... In fact you feel better than you can remember feeling in a long long time!

You stand up and look down at the pearl.
It has become slightly larger and rounder than when it was first found. Its surface is smooth and shiny like polished stone. You take a deep breath as the whole world seems to slow down for a moment.

You think, magik! Only power that can do this is magik! You saw a mad looking beest, you hold the pirl titely, the beest attacks, but it didnt hert, the forse of the pirl nocks it off of you!

You release the gem from your hands and it flies into the air. It begins to glow brightly as its surface glows softly with an intense blue light. As it floats through the air, you hear a low hum coming from within it.
You look down at the gem and realize that you have created a portal. The portal opens up into another dimension. A bright white light fills your vision as you enter this new realm.

2020-05-06 21:59:46

Actually I do not like stw, it's not my style of game.
Lol, here you all go. This thing doesn't know what aac is!
You are a computer programmer who gets infected with a lot of viruses. A mysterious virus known as RS has taken over your system and claims he can use it to take over the world! Panicked, you try your untested code to turn yourself in to a program and place yourself on the hard drive.
It actually works and you are now in a world where viruses, corrupted files, and other mean data are roming the disk. You have no idea what is going on or how to get out of this mess.

The only thing that seems certain is that you need to find a way back home.

> You look around.
You are standing over a metallic floor whitch seems to ve virtual. There are lots of programs running around and you misteriously equip a knife and a laser. Your laser by the way has a battery and it does drain, so keep an eye out on it!

> You explore some more.
You walk through a maze of corridors and rooms until you come across a door which looks like it leads into another room. You knock on the door and enter.
Inside you see a large screen showing a video game. It appears to be a first person shooter type game. You shoot at enemies and try to make them explode when they pop up from behind cover.

> You shoot at the screen with your laser.
Your laser shoots at the screen causing it to go crazy and start shooting at you. The screen goes blank for a moment then comes back on showing a big explosion. You fall off your chair laughing and continue playing the game.

> You keep shooting at the screen with your laser.
After about 10 minutes of shooting at the screen you hear a loud noise followed by a bright light. You look up and see a huge explosion coming from the right side of the screen.

"Oh my god!"

> You take cover and prepare your knife.
You quickly run towards the left side of the screen and hide behind a wall. You then grab your knife and rush over to the right side of the screen.

> You quikly attack the right side of the screen, where the explosion appeared.
You quickly hack the computer and begin attacking the right side of the screen. You successfully destroy most of it but there is still part of it left.

> You take 2 steps backwards and shoot at the remains with your laser.
You turn around and fire your laser at the remains of the screen. The explosion causes you to drop your laser as well as making you dizzy. You then collapse onto the ground and die.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-06 22:46:25

Can someone give a link to this?

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-05-06 23:06:41

btw, this thing is cool! I saw some peaple with above 3 milion subs in youtube plays this! so not only us are playing this!

2020-05-07 00:56:03

for those who want a link. The link for this thing is


2020-05-07 01:23:40

Lets do one with swamp!

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 01:45:25

OK damn! I'm playing a lunimals style based game, and, it, is... just so insane!

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 02:05:55

You are Jade, an administrator for the forum audiogames. You have been here since the beginning and you know that this is your home now.
The only question is will it be yours or someone else's?

> You ban the trolls.
The trolls have been harassing the community for years and they need to stop. They can't come in here anymore because we won't let them. We are going to make sure of that.

You ban all the trolls from posting on the forums. You don't care if they come back later, but for right now they cannot post anything about our games or even their own posts.

They feel like they got a victory, but you know better. The trolls were just trying to get attention and you stopped them before they could do any real damage.

This is what you have always wanted. A place where people can talk without fear of being attacked by others. It's time to prove that this place is safe and secure enough to stay.

There is no turning back now. You've made your decision and you're sticking with it.

Your actions are praised by many and you become known as a hero. You receive many offers of help from other communities who want to join you. Some of these offer are very generous, but most aren't.
You decide not to accept any of those offers.

Eventually, you manage to build up enough support so that you can afford to hire more staff members and buy equipment.
You also start to expand into new areas. One such area is the internet itself.

It takes awhile, but eventually you manage to convince several companies to provide services for your community.
This includes hosting websites, providing email accounts and much more.

The first few months go well.

> You hire Liam.
Liam is a good choice for you. He has experience running large communities and he knows how to run things smoothly.

He comes in and makes some changes to the forum rules which seems to work out pretty well.
People seem happy again and you begin to see a rise in membership.

However, something strange happens one day...

A troll named "Furby" decides to make his presence known once again.
He starts posting messages in the wrong sections of the forum. There are two main ones: Games and General Discussion.

You immediately ban him, but Furby doesn't give up easily.
He continues to post messages in the wrong sections and eventually manages to get himself banned from the entire site.

Everyone else seems shocked at this turn of events, but you know that this was planned.
Someone had been lurking around the forums all along and decided to take advantage of the situation. They knew that you would be too busy dealing with Furby and decided to come in on their own.

> You ask Liam to deal with him.
You decide to send Liam over to deal with Furby.

He arrives just as he claims and tells everyone what happened.
Everyone is surprised that he didn't try to stop him. Liam explains that he did everything within his power to warn you about Furby, but you ignored him.

> You say "No, Liam, I didn't ignore you"
You tell Liam that you don't believe he should have been sent over there to deal with Furby. He says that it's fine, since he wasn't supposed to be there anyway.

> You ask furby to stop.
You call him a troll and say that he shouldn't bother coming back here ever again. He agrees, but still posts in the wrong sections.

This causes you to wonder if he really is a troll or not.

> You ban furby for a weak.
You ban furby for being a troll. He begins to leave and then leaves again.

Afterwards, you realize that he may very well be right, but you can't let this happen again.

You decide to go ahead and delete the entire forum.
It's only going to cause more problems than it solves.

The next day, Liam returns and says that he found out who the troll was.
It turns out to be someone called "Nemo".

At first, you think that Liam has been lying about everything, but after some investigation, you find out that he isn't lying.
The person behind the trolling is actually Nemo.

It turns out that Nemo has been planning something like this for quite some time now.
He has been sending people to do things against your will so that they wouldn't interfere with his plans.
This includes posting in the wrong sections and causing trouble for you.

He even managed to convince one of the moderators to post in the wrong section as well.

> You say "Shit"
You turn to Liam and say "Shit, I'm sorry about this."

Liam looks at you and smiles. He then starts laughing uncontrollably.
You feel bad for him, but you know that he needs to keep up appearances.

"Well, I guess we'll see how long you last as moderator then."


2020-05-07 02:38:55

waaaaaa, what the fuck whas that? Lol this AI is so insane!

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 03:23:32

i'm the almighty clone killer! take that!

you are the leater of in army called the anticloners, its 3996 and the audioworld has split to 2 halfs, cloners, and anticloners, cloners are bad because they not only can clone games, they can clone there army 2, the cloner vyrus is spredding really fast, now, you're in the mittil of a war against the cloners army, but it's hard for them to get any help from other cloners.

You have to win this war, or else your army will be wiped out soon.

> You first start by building a ficility which will prevents all kinds of clones, audio and non audio.
you decide to build a ficility that would prevent all kind of clones, audio and non audio.

The first thing you do is to make a list of all the types of things that could be cloned, then you go on a search for them, and find that they are in books and on the internet.

> You made a cannon in which will search for any cloneable source and take it down, completely wiping it.
You decided to make a cannon that will search for any cloneable source and take it down, completely wiping it.

It was a lot of work, but you succeeded in making it. It took you about two months to finish it.

> You started useing it against the cloners, its kinda powerfol.
You started using it against the cloners, its kinda powerful. The cannon had enough power to wipe out most of their army.

> You think, with out cloneable sources they are week, and cant clone or do anything.
You thought, without cloneable sources they were going to be no match for you anymore. You went back home and told everyone what happened.

> You told everyone you made something that no anticloner could make, you told them you wiped clones from the audioworld, you told devs to start building audiogames again.
You told everyone you made something that no anticloner could make, you told them you wiped clones from the audioworld, you told devs to start building audiogames again.

Afterwards, the whole city was filled with happy people again. They said that you were right, the world is better when everyones equal!

Now you know why they call you "The Equalizer"

> You told the audio world to have fun with the new creation, bgt, bgt is up again, adding eavin more happyness to the already happy audioworld.
You told the audio world to have fun with the new creation, bgt, bgt is up again, adding eavin more happyness to the already happy audioworld.

the world is happy and clean from clones like never before, menny peaple thanked you, and menny devs has starting building audiogames again.

Well done you are now known as "The Equalizer", and your name is spread throughout the entire audioworld.

2020-05-07 03:43:24

Hi again.
Wow, this was something I've never expected.
I'm still crying, I thought they would be with me forever.
I just finished the lunimals style game thing and the result was so freaking sad, but I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you guys enjoy it as well.
Just... it's just so long haha.

In the not so distant future, a new symbol of social status has emerged among the upper class. Fancy sport cars, sparkling jewelry, and huge mansions are no longer the preferred way to show off one's wealth. An innovative company, called Lunar-tech, launched hundreds of machines in to space and landed them safely on the moon. These remote controlled machines linked together to form massive stereo lithography machines. In everyday language, these were giant 3D printers capable of building things a layer at a time from the ground up. Huge containers of chemical resin, sent along with the machines, could be mixed with moon dust to form a concrete-like substance that was both strong and air tight. After robots dug out a foundation, the huge 3D printing machines would center themselves over the pit and begin working. These machines were genius in the simplicity of their design. Scaffolding formed a huge open square which allowed an arm to slide anywhere inside it. A series of hoses on the arm would drop the correct type of material as it formed each layer. Once dry, the arm would raise up slightly and begin again on the next layer until eventually a huge dome was created. During construction the machine would switch between concrete, moon sand to take up space, clear molten plastic, and dirt from earth. The 3D printer unfolds itself and moves slowly off to the next construction site while other robots move in to outfit the dome with accessories. Machines install tracks along the ceiling inside the dome, and on those tracks are fitted an assortment of robotic arms and cameras. On the outside, battery banks and solar panels are put in place. In the end, the dome is a huge airtight structure filled with dirt and dotted with thousands of plastic windows to let light in. These bio domes on the moon, or lunar domes as they are most commonly called, are the ultimate toy for the super rich. Constant video feed lets the world watch as life exists, against all odds, in a place as harsh as the moon. At first, billionaires would buy these and use them only as gardens. When Lunar-tech sells a dome, they pump water, oxygen, and seeds inside before sealing it up with a special kind of door. The dome's owner was left to actually tend his lunar garden by remotely issuing commands to the robot arms within it. As you might expect, quite a few people never got the hang of it and their plants would die off. Years passed and Lunar-tech kept everyone on their toes. More rockets to the moon included specially bred insects along with the usual supplies. The rich might have their lunar gardens, but the richer got to show off by having living colonies of bugs on the moon! Since that day, Lunar-tech has expanded to the use of small animals selectively bred to be smaller than normal. Due to the difficult nature of maintaining these complex eco systems, many dome owners hire big companies to handle the normal day-to-day operations. Wealthy corporations have even jumped in to the dome craze in an effort to turn a profit. Because shipping animals from earth is astronomically expensive, most people buy ones that have been bred right there on the moon. Lunar-tech shipped up a huge fleet of transporting robots that will quickly move animals from one dome to another, for a substantial fee, of course. No where else, will a person pay 2 thousand dollars for a mouse, and pay 20 thousand dollars for shipping!

The moon is a vast expanse of nothingness, a perfect blank canvas for your imagination. You can create anything you want here, so long as you have the money to do it.

> You spawn 2 mice into the dome.
You raise two mice into the dome, which soon grow to enormous sizes. They look at each other for awhile before running away.

> You spawn another mouse.
You raise another mouse into the dome, which grows to about the size of a house cat. It looks around for awhile before looking back at you.

> You spawn 2 mice more into the dome.
You raise two more mice into the dome, which grow to about the size of a large dog. They look around for awhile before looking back at you.

"Hey, I think we should go play!"

> You remotely play with all the mice.
You command all the mice to run around and explore the dome. After several minutes of this, you hear a noise outside. A loud booming sound, like something falling through solid rock.

> You go out to see what generated the sound.
You open up the door, only to find yourself staring at a massive crater in the ground. It's not much bigger than a football field, yet it contains thousands upon thousands of tiny pieces of broken rock.

> You say: whoa!
You step back and stare at the hole in wonderment. "Whoa! That was a really loud explosion," you say aloud. The sound of breaking rock causes you to laugh.

> You call Lunar-tech and ask for a repair on the crater.
You call Lunar-Tech and request a repair on the crater. They reply immediately. "We'll be able to fix it in no time."

> You reply: OK, thanks. Waiting for the repair.
You wait patiently for the repair to complete. When it does, you are amazed by what you see inside the crater. The rocks that fell through were so small they could fit into your hand!

> You take some rocks from the crater and enter back in the dome. Then, you give them to the mice.
You take some rocks from the crater and enter back in the dome. Then, you give them to the mice.
They happily accept these gifts, and begin playing with them.

> You smile, tender, while you raise another mouse into the dome.
You raise another mouse into the dome, which quickly grows to about the size of a small car. It looks around for awhile before looking back at you.

> You say: oh gosh, better not to raise another mouse if they keep growing like that.
You stop raising mice when they reach the size of cars. This is because you don't want to have too many mice in one place, as it would cause problems with their growth rate.

> You plant some trees into the dome.
You plant some trees into the dome. These trees soon become huge, reaching almost halfway up the ceiling. Soon after, you can feel their weight pressing down on you.

> You urgently call Lunar-tech and ask for a dome expansion, as well as another tyle tipe design.
You urgently call Lunar-tech and ask for a dome expansion, as well as another tyle tipe design. They reply within minutes.
The next day, you receive two new designs.

> You raise a new mouse into the dome.
You raise a new mouse into the dome. It quickly grows to about the size of a small car. It looks around for awhile before looking back at you.
 "It's so big!"

> You remotely play with all the mice.
You remotely play with all the mice. Soon, they start playing with each other, and then eventually, they start playing with you.
 "Hey! We're going to grow bigger than this!

> You expand the dome a bit more.
You expand the dome a bit more. Soon, you can feel its pressure on you increasing.
 "Hmmm... I think we need to eat something now..."
"I'm hungry!"

> You search for some food.
You search for some food. Soon, you find a large amount of cheese and meat in the fridge. You eat some of it, but you're still full.
 "We should go outside.

> You exit the dome.
You exit the dome. Soon, you find yourself in an open area filled with grass and flowers. There are also several small buildings here and there.
 "What's this?

> You ask yourself: Um, are they trying to conquer the moon and make it a new earth?
You ask yourself: Are they trying to conquer the moon and make it a new earth? You decide that you shouldn't be involved in such things, but you do wonder what kind of people these are.

> You explore the area and go to one of the buildings.
You explore the area and go to one of the buildings. Inside, you see a few humans who look very different from your own race.

> You say: Hi... Do you all speak english?
You say: Hi... Do you all speak English? The man replies in a strange language. He seems to have no idea how to use his hands properly, or even talk at all.

> You use your hands to say: you want to speak with someone that speaks english as me.
You use your hands to say: you want to speak with someone that speaks english as me. The man nods slowly, and begins speaking in English.
 "Hello?" he says, "My name is John."

> You say: hi, John. What's this place?
You say: hi, John. What's this place? The man smiles and continues talking in English.
 "This is my home."
 "Do you know where the moon landings took place?"

> You say: Moon landings? you just know there's a company called Lunar-tech that builds ecosystem like domes on the moon.
You say: Moon landings? you just know there's a company called Lunar-tech that builds environment like domes on the moon. The man looks surprised by your answer.
 "Are you sure about that?"

> You say: completely sure! In fact, do you want to come see your dome? It has lots of mice!
You say: completely sure! In fact, do you want to come see your dome? It has lots of mice! The man shakes his head.
 "No, I'll stay here.

> You say: OK, bye then.
You say: OK, bye then. You leave the building and walk away. Suddenly, you hear a noise behind you. You turn around and see a group of men dressed in black suits running towards you.

> You run away and enter in your dome again.
You run away and enter your dome. You're greeted by a large number of mice, which are much bigger than any mouse you've ever seen before.

> You look at the mice and try to count them.
You look at the mice and try to count them. They seem to be able to move very fast, so you figure they must be intelligent creatures.

> You plant some more trees in the dome and add a water tyle.
You plant some more trees in the dome and add a water supply. Then, you make it bigger by adding a second floor.

The next day, you watch as the sun rises over the horizon.

> You call Lunar-tech and ask for permission to raise rabbits.
You call Lunar-tech and ask for permission to raise rabbits. A woman answers the phone, who tells you that it would take several days to get approval from their headquarters in New York City.

> You reply: all right, no problem, please call you if the approval is positive.
You reply: all right, no problem, please call you if the approval is positive.
A few hours later, you receive a message saying that the approval was granted.

> You exclaim: great!
You exclaim: great! You immediately start raising rabbits in your new habitat. Soon, you have many rabbits living inside your dome.
 "They're really cute!" you think to yourself.

> You play remotely with the mice and the rabbits.
You play remotely with the mice and the rabbits. Eventually, you notice that the animals are getting hungry...
 "I wonder what these things are eating," you think to yourself. "Maybe I should feed them something."

> You feed the animals.
You feed the animals. Soon, they stop being hungry and begin playing with each other again.
 "That's it!" you think to yourself.

> You add more trees and rocks to the dome's first and second floor.
You add more trees and rocks to the dome's first and second floor. The animals become happy again, but still don't want anything else.
 "What about me?" you think to yourself.

> You look around, searching for something that could make you happy.
You look around, searching for something that could make you happy.
Finally, you find a rock which makes you smile. It seems like everything has been set up just right for happiness!

> You look at the rock you just found.
You look at the rock you just found. It looks like a piece of jade, but it isn't. It's actually made out of pure gold!

> You securely save the rock in.
You secure the rock in an envelope and send it off to Lunar-Tech Headquarters in New York City. They approve the plan within a week.

> You call Lunar-tech again and ask for another permission, this time for raising snakes.
You call Lunar-tech again and ask for another permission, this time for raising snakes. A man answering the phone says he'll need to talk to his superiors first before granting the request.

> You reply: OK, no problem, please call you if the approval is positive.
A few days pass and you get a response from one of their supervisors. He tells you that they've already approved the project, so there's nothing more to do.
 "Thank you very much!"

> You inmediately raise a snake in the dome.
You immediately raise a snake in the dome. Within two weeks, you see that the animals are growing even happier than before.
 "Wow! This is great!" you think to yourself.

> You raise 2 snakes more into the dome. Eventually they start eating mice and rabbits.
You raise 2 more snakes into the dome. Within three months, you see that the animals are starting to eat mice and rabbits as well.
 "This is amazing!" you think to yourself.

> You remotely play with the snakes.
You remotely play with the snakes. Soon, the animals have grown to be quite large and you can now control them all by voice commands.
 "I'm going to go check on my new pet,"

> You say: snakes, jump!
You command your snakes to jump up and down, causing them to run around and hop along the ceiling. After a while, you hear some laughter coming from outside.

> You go outside.
You walk outside and see a group of people playing with the snakes. You quickly leave the building, not wanting to be near any of these people anymore.
 "What was that?" you wonder aloud.

> You enter your dome again, and say: snakes, attack those people outside!
You enter your dome once more and order your snakes to attack the people outside. The creatures begin attacking, biting and scratching at anyone who comes close.
 "They're really friendly!" you think to yourself.

> You say: keep attacking! Do not stop!
You continue to attack everyone inside the building until it ends.
 "That was fun," you think to yourself.

> You think to yourself: Can you command mice and rabbits with voice commands as well?
You think about how you could use this idea for other things. You decide to try it out.

After a couple of hours, you find that the animals seem to enjoy being commanded by your voice.

> You say: OK, lets all rest and sleep.
You tell the animals to lie down and relax. They happily obey, but soon fall asleep.

The next day, you wake up early and take your time getting ready for work.

> You build a third floor for the dome.
You spend several days working on the dome, adding additional floors and walls. It takes a lot longer than you thought it would, but eventually you finish it.

It's now complete!

> You raise one more snake into the dome.
You raise one more snake into the dome. Within a few weeks, you see that the animal has grown to be quite large and you can now control it all by voice commands.

> You say: snakes, come hug you\!
You command your snakes to come over to you and embrace you. They do so eagerly, licking each others faces and purring loudly.

> You smile, while you are patting them.
You give a small smile and pat your pets lovingly on their heads. They purr in response.

Your pets have become very fond of you, and they will follow your every command without question.

> You say: mice, come closer. Snakes, hug them as well!
You command your mice to get closer to your pets, and then you tell the snakes to hug them as well.

They both happily oblige.

You have two new friends now!

> You say: rabbits, don't be shy! Come closer and hug the others!
You command your rabbits to approach you and the others. They quickly run over to you, sniffing each others' fur and purring happily.

> You pat every pet.
You pat every pet lovingly, and they return the favor.

A happy family is born.

> You say: OK, lets stop hugging each other for now.
You order your pets to stop hugging each other. They immediately comply, and you continue with your work.

> You call Lunar-tech to ask for a permission to raise squirrels and birds in your dome.
You call Lunar-Tech to ask if you can raise some squirrels and birds in your dome. The tech responds, "Yes."

"OK," you reply.

> You hang up and raise your first bird.
You hang up the phone and begin raising your first bird. It's not too difficult, though you still need to feed it regularly.

After about a week, you've raised enough food for one more bird.

> You feed all the animals.
You feed all the animals daily, and within a month, you've raised enough food for three more birds.

The next day, you call Lunar-Tech again to check on the progress of your new pets.

> You build a new floor in your dome, this time with a water surface.
You decide to add a water surface to your dome, which you do by building a floor around it.

> You raise a bird in your dome.
You raise a bird in your dome, and he seems content there. He doesn't seem to mind being in a confined space, nor does he seem to mind having his food brought to him from outside.

> You think to yourself: Wonder if you can find someone that wants to work with you in this dome.
You wonder if you should try to sell your pets, but you figure it would probably just end badly. Besides, you're getting pretty attached to them.

So far, nobody has approached you about working with them.

> You exit the dome and return to the grassy area that you've visited before.
You enter the grassy area where you've been before, and notice that the trees are completely gone. In their place stands a large metal structure with several windows at its top.

> You look at the structure, searching for something that tells you if it's something by Lunar-tech.
You search the structure, looking for anything that might tell you whether or not it's made by Lunar-tech. After a few minutes of searching, you come across what looks like an elevator door.

> You look at the structure, searching for something that tells you if it's something by Lunar-tech.
You look at the structure, and see that it's covered in small panels. Each panel is labeled with a number, and each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet.

> You keep watching the structure.
You keep watching the structure, until you finally get to the last panel. The final panel says "Lunar-Tech."

This means...

It means that the structure is made by Lunar-Tech!

> You search for a door or window to enter the structure.
You search for a door or window to enter the structure, but you don't find any. It appears that the entire thing was built underground.

> You look at the crater that was in front your dome.
You look at the crater that was in front of your dome, and you realize that it's still there. There are no signs of any kind of explosion or destruction.

The only thing you can conclude is that whatever caused all this, it didn't leave any sort of trace behind. You go back to your dome and enjoy your pet bird for awhile longer.

> You raise a squirrel in the dome.
You raise a squirrel in the dome, and it immediately begins to eat the grass around you. You watch as it eats every bit of grass that it sees.

> You plant some more grass in all floors of your dome.
You plant some more grass in all floors of your dome, and they grow quickly. Soon, you have enough to feed your pet squirrel for quite awhile.

Then, one day...

A strange noise starts coming from outside. A loud noise, almost like a cannon shot. Then, you hear a voice calling out to you. It sounds very familiar...

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

> You shout: Who is it!
You shout: "Who is it?! Are you trying to break into my home?!"

There's silence for a moment, before the voice answers back. It sounds very robotic, almost like someone speaking through a computer.

"I am sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand you. My name is UNATCO agent #7, and this is my superior, Agent #6."

> You tell your snakes: Be prepared, these 2 agents don't seem to be so.
You tell your snakes: "Be ready, because these two agents aren't exactly friendly."

They begin to move away from the area, while you wait patiently.

> You shout: And what do you want from you\!
You shout: "And what do you want from me?! What did you come here for?!"

Again, silence. This time, it seems even more robotic than before.

> You operate the touchscreen of the control center of your dome and see the outside.
You operate the touchscreen of the control center of your dome and see the outside. The sky has turned completely dark, with no stars visible anywhere.

> You search for the robotic agents on the touchscreen.
You search for the robotic agents on the touchscreen, but find nothing. You then try to call them again, but get no answer either. After waiting a few minutes, you decide that something must've happened to their signal.

> You forget that thing and keep playing with all your pets.
You forget about the incident with the robots, and continue playing with your pets. They're happy to play with you, and soon, you have several new friends.

> You try to catch the squirrel.
You try to catch the squirrel, but fail miserably. You don't know why, but you just can't catch him.

Suddenly, a small black object appears in front of you.

> You stop playing with your pets and look at the object.
You stop playing with your pets and look at the object. It's a gun.

The next day, you wake up to find that the squirrel has been killed by an arrow.

> You take the arrow out of the squirrel and look around, searching from where could it enter your dome.
You take the arrow out of the squirrel and look around, looking for where could it enter your dome. When you find nothing, you put down the bow and leave your house.

> You throw the arrow far away and bury your beloved squirrel.
You throw the arrow far away and bury your beloved squirrel.

> You draw a cross over the place where you've buried your squirrel.
You draw a cross over the place where you've buried your squirrel.

> You enter back in the dome, crying.
You enter back in the dome, crying.

> You look at your pets.
You look at your pets, who are now dead as well.

> You shout: Why! Why they are all dead! They were happy and safe!
You shout: Why are they all dead? They were happy and safe!
And so ends this story...

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 03:46:31

Wow meatbag, nice one haha. A bit short and you took a lot of advantage, but still. Wish that happens in real life!
You have a thums up from me dude.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 04:06:41

@16, that's, sad... it is, just great and... i'm sad, really sad after hearing this

2020-05-07 04:12:41 (edited by john_weed 2020-05-07 04:13:03)

yeah, me too, do you think those stupid robots have done that? There's no other explanation

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 04:26:29

I think so

2020-05-07 05:00:17

yea, it might be them who did that.
I'll try with something or with lunimals again lol

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2020-05-07 05:59:22

Or it could be that
1. The explosion radiated some sort of poison that killed only animals.
2, the  building was some sort of lab that was used for experaments, and they got out of hand, poisoning the animals. or it could be the bots. shrugieers

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2020-05-07 07:36:17

This ai is smarter than before...

Best regards: Marco

2020-05-07 17:15:11 (edited by bookrage 2020-05-07 17:21:32)

just letting you know that this is one of my ealier stories that I did with dictation so there are some issues with it, but this one is pretty fun. And I thought I'd share it with you. I just cut and pasted the page.

also, this was made back in January and there is a huge chunk of blank space at the bottom. Just use your navigation keys to move on after that.

You were Zachary, a stay at home dad living in Boston. You are trying to balance your life between your two children and your beautiful wife. You sit at the table getting the kids ready for school after your wife is gone to work.

> “You children have done your homework, right?“

"Yes sir." The boys answer.
"Good, now go get them ready for school!" You shout as you walk out of the kitchen.
As they run off to do their chores, you continue on with your day.

> Pack up the boys lunches and get them on the bus

You pick up the lunch bags from the table and head upstairs to get them ready for school. As you enter the front door, you hear a loud explosion followed by a bright flash. You turn around only to see an orange fireball coming straight towards you.

> Die for cover

You immediately drop to the floor as you feel a blast of heat hit your body. You scream as you try to protect yourself but it isn't enough and you're incinerated instantly.

> Absorb the fire and become a mighty fire spirit

Your spirit is ignited and you begin to burn everything in sight. You quickly move through the house destroying anything that gets in your way.

> Check to see if my two sons survived the blast that hit our house

The explosions have killed everyone in the house except your two sons who are still safe inside. They've been taken to the hospital and you know that they will survive this ordeal. You can't believe what just happened; you even wonder if you should kill yourself or not.

> Call my wife, Alexandra, and let her know what happened

You call Alexandra and tell her what's going on. She tells you she'll be back soon to take care of things and then hangs up. You wait anxiously until she returns and then hug her before telling her how much you love each other.

> “I’m going to find who attacked our house.“

You rush into the basement where you find a large hole in the wall. You look around and see several bodies lying on the ground nearby. You also notice a dark figure lurking about. It looks like a ghost though so you don't think it was really there when you first saw it earlier today.

> “Who sent you?“

You ask the ghost who it is and he replies that it was his friend who lives down the street. He says that his friend wanted revenge against you because you had ruined his life. You explain to him that you didn't ruin anyone else's life, but he doesn't seem convinced.

> Confront the man down the street that attacked my family

You decide to confront the man who attacked your family. You run downstairs and knock on the door, which is answered by a middle-aged man with glasses.

"Hello?" You say nervously.
"Don't worry, I wasn't here to hurt you." He says reassuringly.

> “Why did you blow up our house with a fireball?“

He explains that he was trying to scare you since he knew you were having nightmares. He said that your son Daniel had been tormenting him all day long and that's why he decided to do something drastic.

"What would cause a child to do such a thing?"

> “What did my son, Daniel, do that was so bad?“

He tells you that Daniel had stolen some money from his girlfriend and was planning on using it to buy drugs. He says that he confronted him and started beating him up, but Daniel managed to escape and ran off into the woods. The next morning he came back looking for you with a shotgun.

> “Well, I’ll have to put Daniel in therapy.“

He laughs at your joke and asks you if you're sure. You assure him that Daniel isn't a drug addict or anything like that, but he's just an irresponsible kid who needs help.

"So what do we need to do now?" He asks.

> “You need to pay for trying to murder me and my family.“

He nods and tells you that Daniel has already confessed everything to him. He says that he's sorry, but he won't get any sympathy from you.

"How much?" You ask.
"Five thousand dollars." He answers.
"That seems steep for a mistake."

> Burn the man alive with my fire powers

You grab a lighter and light the man on fire. His screams are heard as his skin burns away leaving nothing but ash. You turn your attention to the house and see that it's completely destroyed.

> Return to Alexandra, Daniel, and my other son and tell them that they are now safe

You return home to find out that Daniel and my other son have escaped. They tell you that they got away safely, but you know better. You go upstairs and throw a chair through the window of the house, killing everyone inside.

> Start the family again with Alexandra, far away

You tell Alexandra to take care of her children while you try to rebuild the house. When you wake up the next day, Daniel is gone. You wonder where he went and then one night when you're sleeping, you hear a noise outside.

> “Daniel, is that you?“

You hear a voice calling out to you. It sounds familiar and you look outside and see a figure standing there.

"Who are you?" You ask.
"I am DANIEL!" He replies happily.

> Invite Daniel to return to our family

You run downstairs and embrace Daniel. He hugs you back and soon after, you both return to our family.

> Rebuild my house and try to make life return to normal

You spend months rebuilding the house and making it habitable again. Eventually you manage to convince Alexandra to let you live here again. She agrees and eventually she even gives birth to another child, a daughter named KATHERINE.

> See if Catherine has special powers, since she was conceived after I got my fire abilities

Catherine and you begin to talk more often. She explains how she was born in a cave, but grew up in a treehouse until she met YOU. You explain that you were born underground and lived all your life in caves before meeting Alexandra.

> Play pretend with my daughter, Catherine, frequently

Your relationship with Catherine becomes closer than ever. You begin to think about having a baby together, but you decide against it because you don't want to risk losing her.

One day while you're playing hide-and-seek with Catherine, she suddenly disappears! What happened?

> Search for Catherine, my missing daughter

You search for Catherine, but she never returns. You feel like something terrible has happened to her and you can only assume that someone killed her.

A few days later, you get a knock at the door. It's Catherine!

> Welcome Catherine back into my home

You hug Catherine and tell her that you love her. She says she loves you too and kisses you on the cheek. The two of you leave each other be and continue living your lives as usual.

> Use my fire powers to show off and show everyone that I am the coolest dad in town

After a couple years pass, you find out that Catherine had been kidnapped by some people who wanted to turn her into a vampire. You go looking for them and fight your way through several groups of vampires and demons trying to stop you.

> Use the full extent of my fire powers to blast Catherine‘ S captors away

You unleash a torrent of flames that completely destroys the group of demons and vampires. You then take one last breath and die.

> Spring back to life when Alexandra lights a sacred candle to heal me

Alexandra finds you dead and immediately goes to investigate. She finds your body and cries over you.

> Come back to life when Alexandra lights A spiritual flame

You wake up from a deep sleep and realize that you are now immortal. You have become a god!

The next time you hear the sound of bells ringing, you know it is time to celebrate your new found immortality.

> Proclaim my wife, Alexandra, to be my high priestess

You take Alexandra and you declare her to be your High Priestess. All worship her as if she were a goddess. You also make sure that no one dares disrespect her anymore.

Several years pass...

A year passes...

Two years pass...

> Proclaim to the world that I will rain down fiery disaster on anyone who even thinks of harming my wife, or my three children

You announce to the world that you will not rest until all those who dare harm my family are destroyed.

Three years pass...

Four years pass...

Five years pass...

Five years since I first learned how to control fire and became a god!

> Transform Alexandra from Amira human priestess to a divine angel of fire

You change Alexandra's form from Amira human priestess to a divine angel of fire. Everyone believes that you are a god now.

Six years since I became a god!

Seven years since I began using my powers to bring about destruction upon the world!

What do you do?
Tip: Try using new words often, the AI gets more creative with variety.

2020-05-07 19:52:44

Um, lol? Is it just me, or the AI gets somewhat perverse when talking about daughter girls and having sons with them haha

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!