2020-04-30 01:02:18

Hello all,

I have been looking into various MuDs and have found this one. It has been mentioned on the forums a couple times in their history but I don't believe it has ever had a topic.

Legend Mud is a game where you play as a citizen of one of 7 towns from throughout history, ranging from the Ancient, to the medieval, to the industrial. You will travel throughout your time period, and eventually into the others doing quests and adventures, with your main town indicating some of the skills you can learn. For example, someone from "Arabian Nights" will likely have more access to magical and mystical skills than someone from Gold Rush San Francisco.

I'm currently playing a guy from 13th-century Germany in the medieval period.

The Mud is DekuMud in build but some things are definitely different and this one is actually quite famous for a reason.

If you have played 4dimensions, which I admittedly like, you might wonder how this one is different.

1. 4dimensions is much less realistic and does a lot more pop culture referencing and such. In Legend, you are human though supernatural creatures do exist in the more mythical areas.
2. While 4dimensions and Legend Mud both take liberties with history, for example, Robin hood is real in both games, Legend Mud stays truer to the spirit of the myths when it  uses them and when it is dealing with purely real world settings, it tends to be more historically accurate.
4. Legend Mud uses fictional settings, such as the recently-added Camelot zone, but it does not go into mythologies of the modern day that refer to old periods. For example 4dimensions has several areas that are based on modern video games or Dungeons and Dragons lore, while Legend Mud does not have these. In Legend Mud, you can meet genies in the Arabina nights, meet Robin hood, or even fight alongside beuwulf in that setting as well as meet the Norse, anasazi, Inca, and Aztec gods and heroes, but they are based in classical myth and are not modern pop culture icons like Cloud Strife who appears in the future Zone of 4Dimensions.
5. Legend Mud has no future zones, but it seems the industrial period cuts off at around 1950 as far as I know though I have not played extensively.
6. on the front page of 4dimensions, updates go back to 2015 and there have been very few, this is backed up by information in the game, where there are significant missing bits of information in the help files that should be there and a lot of their information they do have on things is hopelessly out of date. In truth the Legend Mud homepage looks even more dead but that is because the original creators moved onto bigger and better things long ago. A check of the updates in-game shows that the game is alive and well and is not simply crawling along.
6. Legend Mud has a larger and more active player base and updates much more regularly.
7. legend Mud is generally far more serious in tone than 4dimensions which can get a little silly and wacky, which 4dimensions admittedly does well.
8. the range of real-world locations available in Legend Mud are much greater and you will visit far more non-western locations such as the Aztec Empire, Feudal Japan, the Austrailain aboriginal dreamtime, the Inca, and India and Africa over a few periods as well as the Silk Road and such.

Oddly, the same things that plague 4dimensions however are things that legend Mud also has trouble with.

1. Legend Mud has many quests, but often getting them to work and using proper speaking syntax is difficult. Often getting a quest revolves around "ask quest" and then asking about a keyword of a phrase an NPC gives you and I don't believe there is actually a way to track quests in the game while doing them. They can be a little tricky. Also, if you are going to explore the entire world, you have to do the quests and they are not optional as if you are from the medieval period, you will have to do special quests to visit the ancient and industrial periods. The game also discourages sharing quest info, but I was able to get a little help from the friendly player base anyway.

There are three main periods in the game.

1. Ancient:  most of the mythical settings are here as are many of the nonwestern settings such as many of those pretaining to American INdians. Classical civilizations like Rome, the Celts, Greece, and Egypt are also here. If one wants to be technical it cuts out probably latest with the Aztecs, Incas or ARabian Nights as they are inproperly placed her based on when the Arabian nights books were actually written and the fact that the Aztects didn't take off until the 13th century and the Incas later still. But technically it is supposed to be the ancient world and most mythical settings.

2. medieval: This world is probably the most eurocentric and ranges from about the crusades being the earliest period to the early 19th century in Alaska. Some parts of American history happen here with Salem, Boston, and the French and Indian war getting time here. Technically it is supposed to end with the widespread use of gunpowder but they are a little loose with the placement of several zones. There are fewer mythical zones here, with a Norse one, and Camelot being noteworthy exceptions.

Industrial: This period extends from the early 19th century to the mid 20th century, just at the end of WWII and its aftermath. Some of the zones are based somewhat on classical books but in more faithful and accurate ways than many in 4Diensions. While 4dimensions has this time period, only a few areas in the game are set in America in this one. You'll also visit Africa, British India, the gold rush both in San Fransisco and Melbourn, and also France both in World War I and the late 19th century.

I'd say that 4dimensions is good and what mainly got me looking elsewhere as I had been playing it was how dead it was. Legend Mud for me is a nice alternative if you want the fun of time travel and history, but want something more realistic, more varied, and more  active.

The game has crafting and such, though how much access you get to it will basically be based on what town you start in. Warlike societies give you a lot of fighting skills, mystical socieities give you a lot of magic, and so on. As a citizen of 13th-century Germany that chose to invest a lot of skill in my mental stats, I'm pretty craft and knowledge focussed, though few of my skills I have access to right now are truly magical.

Magic is also quite itneresting in this game. You must first get the chant skill, and then you collect magical words. You have to experiement with these words you get to discover spells before they are in your spell book. There are words for cause, and words for create, and then you add words to that to make a spell for the first time. Also with some of the realism, the magical words are taken from either Latin or sandscript primarily.

I'm bookrage on this game. If you want to get ahold of the game connect to

mud.legendmud.org port 9999

I can't remember if the mud.legendmu.org actually has an @ or a period in that first bit but pretty sure it is a period.

Hope to hear what you guys think of it.

2020-04-30 14:49:26

trying this now.

2020-04-30 16:00:37

How is the crafting?
I really like the fact four dimensions has very realistic crafting, but hate the fact that so much is really obscure and the player base are less than helpful.

Also I'm really not a fan of "restricted qinfo" policies which just seem to exist to fuel player superiority of the builders' friends.

Myself, if I play a mud I want to explore everywhere and ddo all theq eusts I can, and not be stopped because I didn't type "ask jo about needing guard work for the city", or happened to not realise that the correct  solution and syntax was "stuff dwarf with sponge cake", not "feed sponge cake too dwarf", "give sponge cake to dwarf", or "ask dwarf about sponge cake", big_smile.

I also wonder about speed of text and screen reader adaptations like low combat spam etc.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-04-30 16:19:18

My issue was that this game sort of felt difficult to get into and kit yourself up to not get slaughtered by things that are supposed to be your level. Some of the items I got from players came from stuff I probably didn't have a hope at killing at the time, and that was just a tiny bit discouraging. Though I guess creates a proper social atmosphere for a mud.

   Also, I'm pretty sure I stumbled into a website that has a good chunk of qinfo from a good number of quests (though far from all of them). If anything, it' serve as a handy guide on what zones tend to be quest-enriched to search for more than the listed options there.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2020-04-30 16:23:49 (edited by bookrage 2020-04-30 17:42:32)

the quests I have gotten ahold of, though Ihaven't gotten much done is one where I had to get ingredients for a sausage.

It went like this, though I might have the name wrong.

Ask riederich quest

Friederich says he needs help making wurst.

Ask Friederich wurst

Friederich tells me he needs a bit of fennel and and an oak branch

set out to find those items and the player base was nice enough to actually go and fetch the fennel for me.

second quest.

Ask (woman) quest

woman says she needs help making bread

ask woman bread (saying woman, she had a name)

she says she need flour from the mill, water from the well, and honey for her bread.

Generally, the concepts behind the quests are okay, and the players gave me little nudges until I got the syntax right and they said that was pretty typical.

As for combat, you can attack multiple times per round, but the game clumps them all into a short explanation. I generally out-attack my foes right now 2 to 1 because of my agility. It just says "you attack twice and hit X times, a brief description about how hard I hit and the general state of a foe at the end of that period.

As for spam, it's about the same as DekuMuds tend to be, except maybe a little less but I'm pretty weak and haven't fought a lot.

and as for being beaten by even matches. They say their consider system is different. If they say "even match" it means that barring skills that your enemy or you might have, it is about an even chance that one of you will kill the other. I'm not sure if that is what was referred to, but as I found that "even matches" in many games are actually easily killable, I suspect that might be the root of it.

2020-04-30 18:05:20

i'm having issues actually managing my skills.
I set my skills as mind, spirit, perception, endurance, sdexterity and strength.
But, i'm not able to learn the chant skill for some reason, do i have to reach a certain level or something?

2020-04-30 18:10:51

to learn skills you have to find someone who actually knows the skill too. There's a particular way to know what skills you can learn so consult the help skills file as I don't remember exactly how skills you know of but cannot learn due to stats are labeled. But learning a skill from an NPC might also include a quest, money, or something like that.

not sure who you are trying to learn the skill from, which also might be part of it.

2020-04-30 18:20:46

This sounds interesting, all though is combat manditory?

Who am I? Simply me!

2020-04-30 18:41:21

I'm pretty sure like most DekMud games, you still have to kill stuff, that's still a big part of it as far as I can tell.

2020-04-30 19:15:08

no, the issue with me was that i checked the all skills thing and i aparently couldn't learn it, maybe i have to discoevr it somehow.

2020-05-01 23:54:30

there's a difference between evenly match and having a back and forth, and evenly matched where you don't land a single hit and the mob lands every blow. The game still uses equipment for stats, and that does alter how hard a fight will generally be in the long run.

   Par tof me wants to actually try this game again, and go with a stealth assassin/sniper build. I've seen the skills to help with an assassination playstyle for both ranged and melee. but start out is what i need to tackle first.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search