2020-04-29 10:15:45

75, that mentality is dangerous. We should compare apples to apples here, and compare the payouts of the other developed nations  to their citizens. It is frankly really shameful that  congress only  saw people fit to receive 1200 dollars, where many countries  instituted monthly payouts.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-04-29 10:36:18

There is talk about "a certain group of people) getting $2000 a month for the next 6 months:

https://www.khou.com/article/news/healt … 41a7b8a80f

, though just like with most things here in the USA, it may not happen.

2020-04-29 10:48:18

Very interesting, but I think you're probably right given how congress tend to be nowadays. If they saw fit to do it, then I wouldn't complain as there would go the student loan, finally. Thanks for providing that link.

2020-04-29 10:56:05

No problem!

2020-04-29 12:09:54

note that that 2000 dollars a month bill is just a proposal now.  That would undoubtadily be a much better solution than the current check.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-04-29 16:02:02

Everyone knows that the deaths don't add up.  Trump ignored it for weeks, then the FDA decided to make an American-specific test that was broken for stupid reasons.  We aren't testing everyone who needs to be tested because Trump specifically dropped the ball and tried to ignore this, then dropped the ball and didn't start using the Defense Production Act.  Every part of this saga has been in mainstream media and none of it is being disputed by anyone anywhere, and the reason we are even doing country-wide lockdowns right now is because of this.  We could have had the testing capacity we needed in February or early March if Trump hadn't been ignoring things, and we could have had the testing capacity by April 1 if the FDA hadn't been fucking up because America-specific testing kits and stupid legal bureaucracy.  None of that is really disputed by anyone either, even in the mainstream media, and all of it was openly reported in the mainstream media as well.

We wouldn't have house arrest style citations if people were actually obeying lockdowns consistently.  People are getting questioned because of people such as yourself with a live-my-life attitude.  It's yet another case of why we can't have nice things.  Some of us ruin it for all of us by going out for non-essential reasons, then they have to question everyone because this is too important to fuck around with.

I feel like you're looking to find a conspiracy theory or something here.  There isn't one and all the fuck-ups are entirely public and easy to find.  The ideal world was no lockdown and we do targeted quarantines, and the slightly less ideal world is we entirely shut down a few cities and close the borders until it blows over.  But because of the above Covid is out of the bottle and it's too late to put it back in, so now we have to wait for systems that take a long time to ramp up or for there to be some sort of miracle treatment that comes out of left field.  But there's nothing more to it than that, and we just have to wait this out now.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-29 17:14:29

I've been following all the briefings since they started and have seen where some reporters really tried to make it look like Trump dropped the ball. Actually, he didn't because, if you remember, it was quite early on when he began putting travel restrictions in place. As a result of action like that we have between 45,000 and 50,000 dead. If he hadn't done what he did when he did it, then I believe he is right to say that we could have been facing many, many more deaths. No death is good, but I'd rather the smaller number then what we might have had if he'd delayed further with those restrictions on travel to, and from, the United States. Now, I know some of you do not support our president, and I respect that as it is your right and you have the freedom to your opinion. Just to be clear, I am not looking for a drawn out debate over that issue. I've been there before on another forum, and it got really nasty. Let's not do that here if at all possible. I think we can all agree on the fact that it'll be great once this mess is over and done with.

2020-04-29 19:15:28

We can definitely agree that this mess will be better when it's over and done with. That kind of stands to reason.

But Trump's travel restrictions, while not a terrible idea, weren't enough, and he ignored other restrictions which would've done far more. Interesting fact: the first American to die of Covid-19 reputedly had never been to China.

Now, I'm gonna cut through the bullshit and backhanded self-defense for a second, and say something you're not going to like, Accman.
You say "I refuse to live in fear".
Most of us hear, "I refuse to be limited anymore."
You say "It's time we reopened things".
We hear, "The experts don't matter. The economy needs to survive more than people do."
You say, "It's basically like the flu, and we can handle that fine."
We hear, "I'm a self-proclaimed expert whose personal liberty matters more than thousands of deaths."
To put it really, really baldly, bro, what you're basically saying comes out like this: "I know this thing can kill people, but it's really not that dangerous. I'm not an expert, but I know what I know. And I'm tired of living in lockdown so I think I'm going to go become a new disease vector. If other people die, that'll kinda suck, but at least I'll be a free American, damn it."

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-29 19:35:56

Please, please become informed.  Trump literally suggested that maybe we can treat Covid with bleach on live TV.  Just perhaps that's a sign that when a lot of us say that he didn't take this seriously maybe you should listen, because the kind of person who can suggest maybe we should try treating it with bleach on live TV is the kind of person who wouldn't take it seriously.  There was a hell of a lot that Trump could have personally done this time, things like making sure we had face masks, and he did none of it.  Congress couldn't have stopped him, in fact congress would have applauded him, and he still did none of it.  It's not like you can say that there was no law put in front of him: he has the power to mobilize the army, to order factories to produce the things we need in an emergency, etc. all without involving congress.  And.  Nothing.  In fact if you watch the news you can even see the week or so where he went from downplaying it to realizing that actually this is a problem and he should have been preparing instead.

So yes, the lockdowns are his fault.  So is the stock market crash.  And this time it's actually *his* fault.  Personally his fault.

But honestly you lose a lot of points in my eyes, and probably in the eyes of many others, if you are blind and supporting Trump.  That's seriously voting directly against your best interest in a myriad of demonstrable ways.  I'd argue with you, but you don't seem to be arguing in good faith, so meh.  I'll just be disappointed that there's yet another person who can think positive things about someone who calls an entire nationality rapists and criminals to win an election, I guess.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-29 21:35:36

Interpret it how you like, but I never once claimed to be anything, especially an expert. It's the experts that keep putting forth predictions of gloom and doom here, and that's not what I am promoting at all. Yes, I am going to go on with my life despite this pandemic because the only other alternative is just to sit and do absolutely nothing. Were it possible, I'd go back to work right now, but until we are told to think it's okay to do so I'll just keep waiting on the next stimulus check, assuming that congress doesn't screw it up. Regardless, we're all in agreement that it will be good to get back to something resembling normal again. The best thing I can recommend is just go about this in the best way you can, and don't let others do your thinking for you. You all possess common sense, so you know how to properly take care of yourselves in a time such as this. As for the post that started this whole discussion, there were some very good points there that should be taken into consideration as well, and I thank the one who started this topic for having shared that.

Now, though this is a bit off-topic, I did want to drop in a quick note here. I know many of you were asking for a Manamon 2 guide of some kind. It will take some considerable time, but I am going to attempt to try and put one together on my next play-through. If all goes well, I'll let you know and will see to it that I get it posted for you folks who might be interested. I don't know if it will measure up to jade's walkthrough of the first game in the series, but I'm certainly willing to give it try.

2020-04-29 23:46:24

my personal opinion on this one, and don't get mad at me, my health first, then, money second.

2020-04-30 02:44:00 (edited by Munawar 2020-04-30 02:47:24)

Camlorn wrote:

so meh.  I'll just be disappointed that there's yet another person who can think positive things about someone who calls an entire nationality rapists and criminals to win an election, I guess.

In addition to calling law-abiding, tax-paying Muslim American citizens terrorists... Yeah, we should really trust and believe Trump here (sarcasm.) When he slams a community I belong to and calls many of the countries we originated from "shitholes," we see where his priorities are. I'm disgusted to be paying this man's salary.

The amount of non-Muslims who don't know about hand-swabbing for explosive residue at airports astounds me. Yup, totally random. Sure.

They've even started swabbing my shoes now...

2020-04-30 04:18:05

Interesting; I'm white, and the last 6 or 7 times I've traveled they've done the hand swabbing thing to me as well, as well as everyone else in the line.  I take your points and agree with them (indeed I have had two Asian friends with similar concerns at one point or another) but it surprises me that people don't know this is a thing now because I thought it was standard everywhere.

If you want extra airport fun, though, get routed through Washington DC in 2002 or so with your blind brother, you're both kids, and the only adult is mom.  That was quite the experience. No one involved knew what to do about the two blind kids in the slightest because mom can't help us through, o no.

But the worst part about the airport thing is that people have smuggled fake bombs and other stuff through anyway to test security and TSA doesn't actually stop it.  So in exchange for the hell on earth that is airline security in the U.S., we get basically nothing. Yay!

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-30 10:06:32

Can confirm. I'm a Caucasian dude who's also been hand-swabbed several times. They're courteous about it, but pretty thorough. I thought it funny when I heard you could pay a fee and essentially get passed over for "random" checks like that, or at the least, have it much less likely. I guess this is because this fee gets them to process an extra-thorough background check. You know, the sort of thing that should be standard and isn't for some reason?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-30 12:01:18

@88 and @89: interesting! I guess things are finally changing once people caught on. Most of the non-Muslims I know though didn't know about the swabbing and were shocked when I told them it's happened to me 100% of the time over the last three years. It's a small sample size and I do acknowledge that, but I'm hard-pressed to believe in coincidences on this one given the propaganda to keep support for the war effort overseas strong here in the US.

@88: LOL, that must have been a circus.

2020-04-30 16:07:03

I know what you're talking about. I forget what it's called, but it's not just a fee.  You also have to fly a certain amount before you qualify.  I think the idea is that if you have a good history with flying, they're willing to assume you'll continue doing so.

They had just introduced those air puff machines that only one person can fit inside of at once, it was mandatory for everyone, and my brother was still in early elementary school.  I was nervous myself because I was also young then, plus had never seen one of those things before, but telling a kid in first or second grade "sorry but you have to leave mommy and go through the loud scary machine with the clueless airport people"....well that was the general theme of that day.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-30 17:11:45 (edited by Vazbol 2020-04-30 17:13:12)

Huh, experts aren't spreading doom and gloom for the sake of doom and gloom. Experts are suggesting that there's doom and gloom if we collectively screw up as a nation on this. Their point is to try to limit the spread of the virus so it can go away, reduce strain on hospitals, and maybe suggest ways to ease the burden on Americans while Kovid sadly stares at the empty roads as it withers away. The alternative is experts determining the number of deaths inbound from everyone being out and how hospitals can best determine on who take in and who to let die, also known as the Italy way of things.

   The fact we already have a real world example of a country reaching the worst possible case "during" a quarantine should already explain why we need to take things seriously. The United State's health care system cannot support a concurrent caseload heading over a million if this gets out of hand. And people need hospitals for way mor than just Kovid 19. The last thing we need is to reach a situation where hospitals are trying to determine what people to turn away and let die.

   Also yes, the fact we reached lockdown mode is a bit of a condemnation of the current president, who is given special powers to invoke action without Congress' approval in this situation. He literally had unlimited power and, has, not really done anything with it. He put up a travel ban, but so what? Other countries have done that, and done much more. He's been glacially slow to use his ability to direct production to expand the number of masks and other health necessities to better guard his citizens. Congress literally has no input, it's all Trump's responsibility. And as expected, when he has no one to hide behind to both handle the situation and blame when things go wrong, he does what is expected considering his many past bankruptcy failures when taking the lead on business projects. That being awful. In fact, despite a lot of powers being laid at his feet, he's mostly focusing on pointing his finger at governors, and governmental agencies for failing to stop the deaths, despite lacking his vastly expanded authority.

   ...There's a reason why the board of directors literally gave Trump an executive position with little or no power outside of branding in his own company at one point. When he's responsible for decision making, things fail, hard. Now, we went from business decisions to health decisions of a country, and he's equally as bad.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2020-05-01 10:50:17

I really think people should watch these 2 videos talking about Covid and the lockdown. If you choose not to or you stop listening to the guy before he even finishes, you're just proving his point as well as my own. He put a lot of time into these videos, and he made some pretty damn good points.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-05-01 14:59:57

@93 those two links seem to be broken.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-05-01 17:53:16

The first link is an angry rant, of sorts; the second link is a much more polite delivery of the first. That second video is https://youtu.be/PGBOP5ZjNco

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-05-01 18:41:41

I have watched the video in it's entirety in order to say that I argue fairly and he gets a lot of basic things wrong because he's too angry.

The U.S. is already over 60000 deaths.  His point about that is wrong: the models are a range, that's the lower end.  The media may be reporting them sensationally, but the people producing them are doing responsible science and not throwing bullshit numbers around for the hell of it, and we are already beyond the lower end of that model and still going.

No one is proposing that we stay under lockdown until there's a vaccine.  No one ever has been.  The only point of the lockdown is to get to the point where the hospitals aren't going to be overloaded, and it looks like we are fortunately almost there.

The initial point of the lockdowns in China were in fact to try to get rid of Covid forever.  That has worked before.  Until it left China there was every chance that we would have been able to kill it permanently.

Immunocompromised people can take vaccines.  Not all of them, but as an immunocompromised person who is specifically told that I had better get a flu shot every year and has heard that from every doctor I've ever had, yeah, we can.  If you're immunocompromised to a  really severe degree that may not be true, but it is true for some of us.

Chloroquine might be effective against Covid, but it has lots and lots of side effects and the studies on it are, as far as I'm aware, inconclusive and contradictory.

Going for herd immunity was tried by Sweden.  Sweden is now beginning to have the problems that everyone warned would happen if lockdowns weren't done.  Also going for herd immunity stresses the hospitals to the breaking point, ergo no hospitals if you do that.

Most places with lockdowns (possibly all of them) still allow you to go out in the sun.  You can go for a walk, you can often still go to the park.  You have to observe social distancing but it's not like you're literally locked in your house like a jail cell.

How long you are immune from covid is being questioned currently.  If you get it once, you might be able to get it again.  We don't know if you're immune for months, years, or forever.  So "yeah I got covid, I'm all good now" is not necessarily accurate and we need to wait on more conclusive data.

The 1918 Spanish flu was so deadly because we didn't have mechanisms to stop it spreading, the first version went through everyone, then it mutated because of field hospitals in World War I.  The worst case scenario of everyone gets Covid and that gives it lots of chances to mutate and then we have something deadlier, though not much talked about, has literally already happened.  The "no lockdowns" approach to this has a not insignificant chance that we end up with something worse than what's on our hands now.  In fact that's how coronaviruses work in the first place--we get them because a harmless form mutated into something we can catch.

I get why he's angry believe it or not.  I myself have weird mental health issues to some extent at this point.  It sucks.  But he should start by getting basic facts right.  Perhaps the video is old at this point.  Also, don't get angry about the lockdown.  Get angry about the government not doing more when they could be and should have been.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-05-01 18:45:32

@96, have you watched the second video? Or just the first?

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-05-01 20:43:08

The version you linked, should be the second unless you found a third unrelated one. Everything I pulled to pick on I pulled from that.

He's clearly angry, his anger is justified, but he's trying to argue against science with personal experience, has dismissed the mainstream media because it's not saying what he thinks is true, and is cherry-picking the facts he wants to cherry-pick.  Don't get me wrong, the mainstream media is political and sensational--I'm not saying it's not--but he had bad personal experiences and is extrapolating them to everyone everywhere and trying to use them to say the science should be disregarded.

If we actually lived in this 18-month lockdown until vaccine but o by the way the models turned out not to be accurate and were sensational to get people react world he'd have points, but people are actively trying to get things open again on a days-to-weeks timeline and even the people he blames for the problems he's pointing out are aware and dreading those problems and trying to get things working again as fast as possible, plus the model he decides to pick on has already proven more than true.

At the end of the day I really think this entire thing comes down to this.  You either understand exponential curves or you don't.  If you do understand exponential curves then a few hundred covid cases somewhere are scary because you intuitively get how the math works and you know that's hundreds of thousands in a few months without restrictions.  If you don't, then a few hundred covid cases are nothing because that's only a few thousand in 6 months.  And since the U.S. does a completely terrible job with math and science education, more people don't understand this than do and we end up with "But people are starving and suicidal" arguments where the person making the argument isn't properly estimating because they're comparing apples to oranges w.r.t. the curves.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992