2020-04-29 18:49:08

Hello guys!
My friend have a problem with microsoft teams:
she said the android app is not sending any notifications.
All notifications settings are enabled and defined for urgent mode.
Wath can she do?

2020-04-30 00:02:40

I have a couple of those nasty, little ms teams problems my self, but first things first, can you tell me how to make it more accessible and more screen reader friendly?
and now, I really have a huge, nasty problem.
Just to clear the fog abit, I wouldn't use it if my school wouldn't make me do so, so, let's just go from that perspective, all right?
for me, something like this is just like someone making you use bgt despite you clearly and obviously being not exactly pleased at the idea, to say the least.
our school presents subjects with a team per subject, as you'd expect any decently organised institution to do, so no problems so far.
the problem is that, when a meeting startes, in other words, the class starts, I DK why, but I can't join it unless I am invited separately.
I do the folowing to search for the join option which is not there but should be, btw:
1. I go to teams>general><teamname>
2. In the "posts" list, the last thing that should appear is meeting started at<time here>, which it does.
Now that's the catch, that dammed join meeting button that's appearing to everyone is missing, apparently, only on my side and it's abit strange for me to ask each time to be called.
Any ideas?
and btw, how do you guys deal with this kind of dialogs and strange inaccessibility things all over the platform? is it only the electron web interface that's so hard to use? any typs on that one as a bonus?
thanks for any help you guys could give me. You could save me alot of imbarasing moments.

2020-04-30 02:37:19

Try pressing enter on the specific meeting you want to join. That might make the button appear. For accessibility tips, check this article: https://support.office.com/en-us/articl … ba2c5ee68f

I'm impressed with Teams accessibility and use it for work every day after Microsoft discontinued Skype for Business. It's a very well laid out program but you have to get used to it as with any other program. Don't be fooled: this doesn't mean it's inaccessible. Just learn the interface.