2020-04-28 18:58:19 (edited by boy 2020-04-28 19:06:54)

I know this post should really go in the main topic, but I read the post in this topic that told me how to get passed the snowman statue in the Frozen Hinterland. I slide backwards down the ice, then hit the statue's north side.
After that, I slide back up the ice forwards, and walk northwest or northeast. Northeast brings me to a chest that I allready opened, and northwest brings me to a wall.
To the person who couldn't beat Byron, your team really isn't too bad. I'd say get them all to at least 40. Don't keep training Golovath, it's too overpowered for now.
The only really bad one on your team is Rattiera because of it's moves and stats, but the others seem to be good. Wavotamus is a physical attacker, so make sure you stick with physical moves on it. Corpse Cat seems to be good as long as you keep it with mostly attacking moves. Golovath is quick with high special attack, so keep things like Torch, Manatize and Sunshine Song. Ratiera can hit moderately hard with it's standard and poison moves, so if you don't have anything super affective against one of Byron's Manamon you can use Ratiera's Roar and Bite combo to do decent damage. Lantlare is also a flame type, so you might want to drop him or Golovath when you get back to the real world so you don't have 2 flame types. His special attack is high like Golovath, but he also has a second ghost type for more options. Javoltric is fighting-electric, so he can hit standard, shadow, steel, water and air types super affective. It's special defense is also good. Just watch out for magic type attacks, that will kill it. I don't know about what moves he gets, but he seems to be a physical attacker. Here are the types of each of Byron's Manamon.
Molandon: earth (goes down to Wavotamus).
Marlaunt: (ghost, goes down to Lantlare).
Dageetul: (insect and holy, goes down to Golovath or Lantlare).
Paygastorm: (electric and holy, goes down to Lantlare).
Chimerus: (sound and magic, double weakness to ghost but seems to have low defense so anything normal or super affective can take it out)
The starting Manamon that has an advantage against yours (in your case it would probably be Kaborain witch goes down to Javoltric.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-04-28 19:22:32

@boy slide west after you hit the snowman statues north side.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-04-28 20:08:52

I think you need to slide east after hitting the north side of the statue.

2020-04-28 20:11:27

nope, west.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-04-28 20:26:20

but i can't level them up, because manamons in requi are stronger than mine, and i don't no how to go back to real world

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2020-04-28 20:26:29

Golavath lvl 59: Huge overkill. Don't go out of your way to level him anymore. This is what happens when you solo a lot of the game with one manamon. Aaron has worked hard at making sure that trying to solo the game with one or two really strong manamon is nigh on impossible.

Wavotamus lvl 38: You should be able to grind this up in Chinkon Hill or Barren Underground if you're careful. Stay away from Dodderator. Your target is around level 45-46 if possible.

Javoltrik lvl 36: Ugh. Barren Underground is probably your best bet for grinding. You should be level 45-46 when finished.

Lantlare lvl 36: Thankfully, more grinding, but also thankfully, he wrecks almost everything in Chinkon Hill single-handed. Ghost moves on ghost Leonatar, Symphonid, and both Dodderator forms. Flame move on Ninjarkin. Target is level 43-45.

Ratiera lvl 35: This...is gonna suck. You'll have to use standard type moves on Symphonid and poison-type moves on the Dodderators. Or poison on all of them. It'll take awhile. I'd say level 44-45 is ideal.

Corpscat lvl 35: He's gonna transform soon. That's your good news. Also? He wrecks Chinkon HIll manamon pretty much single-handed.

The trick here is that you're going to either 1. have to fly back and forth a lot to heal, or 2. chew through a lot of healing items. But that's basically what you're going to have to do.

You can probably get away with having all your manamon at level 41-42 if you really, really want to, but it's going to be difficult.

Whether you do or not, here's your mission objective:

1. Have Lantlare target Chimerus with a ghost move not named Diabolical Fire. Astral Buster works. Beyond Bolt is even better. Wrecked.
2. Have Corpscat/Jagzeom target Caboerain with a ghost move. I'm pretty sure it's got one. Failing that, have it target Marlaunt with an undead move.
3. Have Wavotamus target Molandon with a water move.
4. Have Ratiera use a poison move (Sludge Hammer?) on Daggeetle.
5. Javoltrik should chip Pegastorm (don't worry, it's gonna die soonish).
6. Golavath should one-shot Pegastorm with Torch or Terramagma.

Focus on his mons first. Get them all dead, then just wail away on him for awhile. it'll take a bit, and I definitely recommend being above level 45 for an easier time. But it can be done at lower levels.

This is not really a bad team, but it's badly levelled. You've got to work on that, but the good news is that you absolutely can.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-28 20:49:21 (edited by ficho 2020-04-28 20:49:57)

to get out go in grater catacombs. go all the way east and you can get out.

2020-04-28 22:25:45

The answer to the statue question: east. All you have to do is hit the north side of the statue then slide east.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-04-28 22:26:13

There is no point in getting out though. Drumenshire Hamlet has access to a PC if you have other strong manamon, and the exp you'll get in Chinkon Hill or Barren Underground is way, way better than you'll get anywhere else.
Please don't tell me that all the Requia manamon are one-shotting every single one of your underlevelled manamon every time, because it's not true. You have some grinding to do. Get to it. lol

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-28 23:04:01

OK, thanks for suggestions. Anyways, do you plan to make manamon 2 guide? I used your manamon walkthrough and it was perect.

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2020-04-29 01:33:19

Not a chance, nope. I have absolutely zero interest in making a manamon 2 guide at this time. A hell of a lot of things would have to change with the game before I considered putting in that sort of effort.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-29 07:32:29

I don't see that happen. The changing not going happen. You know Aaron Jayde.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2020-04-29 07:47:21

I would like to have some of that music myself, especially that one at the end of the game, but I know I'm not going to get it.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-04-29 08:08:06

Yeah, no. I would say that like 90% of the changes I want to see won't happen. Maybe 80% if we're being kind. Aaron has, after all, done more with Manamon 2 than he ever did for the first Manamon game, so he is not absolutely immovable on everything.

Basically, I feel that in order for me to put forth the time and effort that would be necessary to make a solid Manamon 2 guide, there would have to be a good reason to do it. With manamon 1, I still believed that Aaron's vision, such as it was, would allow him to see shortcomings, correct most of them, and thus work with his supporters and against his detractors in order to improve his product. When this really didn't happen, and when some of the most offensive problems are still present to one degree or another, it made me very disinclined to give the series more publicity with a guide than I feel that it merits. That might sound like I'm holding Aaron or his vision hostage, but you'll note that it was I, not Aaron, who started the 180-plus-page discussion thread about the game. and I'm still here. I'm not discouraging people from talking about the game. I still play it from time to time. I just don't feel inclined to do a more complete guide when this level of professionalism (iffy script, problematic edits, lack of teachable moves and huge hesitancy to address moveset problems) is going to be the norm. Unfortunately, it's less than six full months post-release and this game is already dying. That makes me sad, but I hope it also fosters a valuable lesson in game design. There is a reason that twenty-two years later, people are still playing the original gen 1 pokemon games for fun.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-04-29 09:50:08

I'll get all those songs if i can, and then put the link to the playlist in first post.

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2020-04-29 20:22:58

I would love to hear music in the game, especially some of the ones at the very beginning of the game.

2020-04-29 20:29:50

I love music from throne room in castle.

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2020-07-29 20:54:37

I know I'm probably doing something really bad here, but I just bought both Barren Byron and Chaos Oghma songs from Audio Network, for $100. Buying these songs for $100 means we can use them in our games, right?

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-07-29 21:57:39

depends, it should have a license somewhere

2020-07-29 22:01:17

By a licance, do you mean that the person who makes the game has to be part of a business?

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-07-29 22:12:17

nope, a license tells you something like that: You may use, display, modify, reproduce, and distribute the associated Content File. However, you may not distribute the Content File on a standalone basis (i.e., in circumstances in which the Content File constitute the primary value of the product being distributed
in short, it tells you you are allowed to use the sound or music in bla and bla, and you are not allowed to use it in bla and bla, though at that price i'm pritty sure it allows useing in games, arron used it in manamon2 in the firstplace

2020-07-29 23:32:47

The licance does say that it can be used in projects. So, I guess I can use it, however their is one thing about this game that might make me unable to. Sounds have to be in a folder, as .mp3, midi, or wave files. They can't be encripted like Aaron did with Manamon. Well, I won't be giving the song out and will be putting the rules in the documentation, but if people use the files and don't follow the rules, I don't have control over that.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-07-30 00:10:58

it can be used with projects, you are ok, putting some lines on the readme or the game's license of that you are not allowed to use files from the sounds folder unles they do it leagly, that is, getting it from the site you got it from, should get ya covered, since, you did not give promition to anyone to get the file, and you are useing it for the project, not for distriputing the sounds alone, of corse you should ask someone who is more profeshinel than me to confirm that