2020-04-14 02:16:04

Look forward to trying this new update, keep it up man.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-14 03:29:12 (edited by Brynify 2020-04-14 03:35:21)

Hi Cerulean,

This update is much better. I've just managed a pretty decent game if I do say so myself, although my luck was against me in this case because it was stormy for a lot of my round so I didn't manage to sell quite enough lemonade. The only 2 problems I'm having now are as follows:

1: The game does a lot of manual waiting, it seems, which causes the window to become unresponsive and in some cases takes NVDA with it. I'd recommend creating your own sleep function which still allows the window to update while waiting to combat this.
2. Some of the sounds have epic amounts of silence at the beginning of them, causing the game to feel laggy when in reality it's just the sounds having silence. I'd suggest trimming a lot of the sounds of silence if you can.

Other than that, great little time waster for sure! Keep up the good work! smile

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-04-14 20:27:06

Forgot to mention, I killed that annoying bug that drained inventory when you ran out of customers. sorry I missed that one the first time around. Thanks all for the wonderful feedback and support. I consider my first project to be a success, despite some of the earlier drawbacks. Your encouragement means a lot to me and I will carry it with me as I develop more games and software.

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-14 23:29:15

Slightly off topic, but I love your signature. Rofl.

Follow on twitter! @masonasons
Follow on Mastodon! @[email protected] for personal or @[email protected] for dev updates.
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: masonasons.me

2020-04-14 23:57:00

Previously, I'm sorry, I used Google Translate, so the names of the fruits and drinks are different from what is in this game.
Share less unpleasant experiences.
I bought 240 oranges, and 48 bags of sugar.
I have carefully calculated that 240 oranges and 48 bags of sugar would be enough to make 48 gallons of orange ice.
I buy a lot so that there are lots of supplies so I don't have to buy more often.
Then after that I sold it to the park, where an event was held.
There are 60 customers who buy, plus there are some customers who buy again because they like my orange ice recipe.
I also got around 70 dollars.
I think, customers who buy only 60 people, surely only run out of a few gallons, and there are still quite a lot of remaining ingredients.
It turns out when I check my inventory again,
orange and sugar only a few fruits left!
Obviously I had a huge loss, because I spent almost 100 dollars buying all of the supplies.
Actually how the mechanism of gallon calculation in this game?
There is another experience.
When I sold my orange ice at school, I was sure I only had 20 cups at that time.
That is, I'm sure I will only sell 20 cups of orange ice.
But apparently, I sold 50 orange ice!
Why did it happen like that?
I'm a little confused by the detailed mechanism of this game.

Enjoy all that the Lord has given in your life, and share with as many people as possible.

2020-04-15 00:05:00

There is one thing that I almost forgot.
I really like this game, in fact I'm almost addicted to playing it.
Therefore I am grateful to the makers of this extraordinary game.
I am a big fan of this type of simulation game.
But because of that big loss, I lost my mood and felt like a failure.
I tried again, and it happened again.
Ah, maybe I am not talented to be an entrepreneur hehehehe.

Enjoy all that the Lord has given in your life, and share with as many people as possible.

2020-04-15 03:11:51

@#56 thanks for your question and feedback. Here are some data for you:
1 bag of sugar = 3 cups
1 gallon = 8 glasses (each glass holds 2 liquid cups of lemonade)
So, if you selected to use 4 lemons and 2 cups of sugar, You will use 4 lemons and 2 cups of sugar and 8 disposable cups per gallon.
Hope this helps. If you find that these figures are not adding up to you, email me and let me know. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-15 03:20:44

Ah, thank you very much Cerulean!
Information from you makes me eager to return to business.
And maybe I will spend hours playing this game again like yesterday.
Amazing work!

Enjoy all that the Lord has given in your life, and share with as many people as possible.

2020-04-15 04:09:30

I just sent an email to your email address,
[email protected].
My email address is [email protected]

Enjoy all that the Lord has given in your life, and share with as many people as possible.

2020-04-15 13:11:44

This is a great game. Thank you Cerulean Blue Software for releasing it.

2020-04-15 14:09:48

@Rio Aryo I wrote ya back. But in case you didnt get it, make sure you are using the latest version. 0.6.1

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-15 14:21:44

Great game, keep up the great work!

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2020-04-15 15:04:25

I like this game. It's neat, simple, a fun take on a classic that I used to play on the Apple 2, and a very good first release. I have some observations and suggestions below, in case you're interested. If you need help getting sounds for anything, hit me up and I'll do what I can to contribute. As an aside, I love how you say the word blue in your logo.

Accessing the options menu whilst in a game locks you into that function until and unless you choose one of the menu items and interact with it accordingly. For example, I had to choose       "Set speed play mode" then answer "no" to the prompt before it would return me to the game. The escape key should work here to return you to the game, in the event the player accessed the options menu by accident, or decides he doesn't actually want to make any changes.

The credits contain a lot of links that the player might want to visit. It is however very slightly too cumbersome to digest because of all the http info. I suggest you abbreviate the spoken URL's, then copy the fully text of the credits to the clipboard so that they can paste this info elsewhere so as to be able to select referenced links.

If it's possible, consider adding alt+f4 as a shortcut to engaging the quit game option.

In the event a player wishes to restart his game, rather than having to quit the game and reopen the program, consider adding in a restart game menu item.

I'd like the weather function to have a forecast for the next day's weather, if at possible. The game could weigh the probability of an accurate forecast based on difficulty (90%, 80%, and 60% for Easy, Challenging, and Difficult, respectively).

Given that the Proceed to Checkout option is right there in the menu, is there any chance the prompt to go to checkout could be disabled? It's just another level of tedium when I'm buying multiple things and have to answer that prompt every time.

I personally found the menu scroll sound to be a bit too invasive (especially since you're always going to hear it). You might consider doing what I did and lowering the volume by quite a bit, as it tended to step over screen reader speech.

Little tiny surface touchup suggestions:
The tablet should have its own menu enter / exit sounds, just to give it a more distinct feel -- you're now interacting with your tablet, not thinking about your activities.
There should be a sound for turns where a shipment arrives (door bell?).
A weather appropriate sound loop that plays as you're selling lemonade. This should only play while you're actually selling lemonade, not while you're selecting preparation options.


Spill chuck you spots!

2020-04-15 15:14:39

Same error at startup, using version 0.6.1 (downloaded this morning).
I checked the temp directory, there's just  a single folder for gen_py, with dicts.dat and a three-line generated script.
System is windows 7.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lemonade.py", line 1558, in <module>
  File "lemonade.py", line 115, in Welcome
  File "lemonade.py", line 73, in talk
  File "site-packages\accessible_output2\outputs\auto.py", line 13, in __init__
  File "site-packages\accessible_output2\outputs\jaws.py", line 16, in __init__
  File "site-packages\libloader\com.py", line 16, in load_com
  File "site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 534, in EnsureDispatch
  File "site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 518, in EnsureModule
  File "site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 287, in MakeModuleForTypelib
  File "site-packages\win32com\client\makepy.py", line 286, in GenerateFromTypeLibSpec
  File "site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 548, in AddModuleToCache
  File "site-packages\win32com\client\gencache.py", line 627, in _GetModule
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32com.gen_py.105C4321-CB93-11D4-9839-00C0F0214711x0x1x0'

2020-04-15 15:32:03

@63 Thanks for the feedback. will definately consider your ideas.
@64 deleting the gen_py folder should fix that issue. This is not exactly an issue with my game itself, but a known python issue  which happens, according to github and stack overflow, quite often. The simplest solution I have found so far is to delete the folder itself. The folder will replace itself when needed.

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-15 20:25:48

So I'm experiencing a weird problem, I expect with my computer. When I try to run the game it starts initially and plays the logo but then gives me the error "Fatal error detected. Failed to execute script "lemonade:. I think it's something with my computer as v0.3 gives me the same error but it worked a few days ago. Anyone have any idea what's going on?

2020-04-15 20:26:24

Can you make it so that in speed play mode it doesn't tell you every time you make a new gallon of lemonaid. It' gets spammy in longer games. You could either make a way to skip to the sails report, or turn off the new gallon notification. Good game, and keep up the good work. I love the custom goal, because then I can play as long of a game as I want.

Who am I? Simply me!

2020-04-15 21:11:24

@Quasar Please see #31 in this topic feed for a solution to your issue.

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-15 22:05:10 (edited by john 2020-04-15 22:09:43)

There are no temp files to delete, they are removed when the program exits after the crash.
For the sake of testing I tried to launch the game and delete the gen_py folder while it was running, but pressing alt to navigate away crashed it.

I tested on a second (windows 10) computer, and that launched the game just fine. Definitely something odd here. I will continue testing as time permits and let you know if I find a solution on windows 7. For now, will play on 10, and appreciate the quick responses smile

2020-04-16 11:59:56

@69 thank you. I did test this on windows 7 and windows 10 myself as I do have machines wit both. I did not see any issues. Let me know what you find! smiles.

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-16 16:27:52

Hay Cerulean, loving your little game so far, however, a few issues.
1. Exiting the game autocoppies your website address to the clipboard.
While I do understand why this is done, it wouldn't hurt to ask the user if they want this done, or even put an option in to not announce it in the future.
2. For some reason, when my screen reader isn't running, SAPI5 isn't speaking with your game.
Is this on purpose?

2020-04-21 04:35:51

@#71 Sorry for the delayed response. In future projects, I will consider adding an option to not be bothered with my web address every time. I can see how it can be annoying, but since this was my first release, I decided leaving it in might help create awareness about myself and what I do. And yes, I had to disable Sappi 5 from working on the latest versions because I could not figure out how to add a way to interupt speech, which would have left the user having to listen to every single line spoken from beginning to end. Sorry for any confusion that caused. Thanks for the query, I hope you and all of AG.net are doing well.

Even a blind lion still has his teeth and claws.

2020-04-21 05:26:48

Sorry, this is my opinion, and everyone might be different.
I have no problem with the web url address that is copied when we exit the game.
Even if I'm honest, I like it.
Because it always reminds me to check the latest updates after I finish playing this game.
Besides some other games also do almost the same thing right?
My suggestion to Cerulean, if indeed you will do something about this, you better add the option to choose whether to copy the url when it will come out, or not.
And I will definitely choose to always copy the url, so I always remember to check your website and not miss the updates that might already be available.

Enjoy all that the Lord has given in your life, and share with as many people as possible.

2020-04-21 06:13:53

Awesome thanks for the update and awesome game!

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-04-24 15:47:58

Every sapi library should have a speak and interrupt function: check your speech library's documentation for the specific function name.
You should usually see speak, speak with interrupt, is currently speaking, and stop speech, along with whatever controls you have to set voice characteristics (voice, pitch, rate, and volume).