2020-04-12 05:55:41

While I agree with the general sentiment that the feedback could’ve been better, I disagree with people screaming that the form is entitled.  This game has potential, but again, it was released way before it was reached.  People have every right to harp on this glorified sound player. I mean, that’s what it is. I’m sorry to say this. Yes, the opinions on this thread could’ve been expressed better, but they do not deemphasize the point of this not really being a game.
Also, about that book. Don’t bother. It’s not that people won’t read it, it’s that they will not be able to relate to it precisely because they don’t have such experiences.
Finally, cut out the depression crap. If someone does go into depression, chances are that they were a multitude of events going on way before they did whatever broke the camel’s back.

2020-04-12 06:11:41 (edited by Dan Gero 2020-04-12 06:15:15)

You know, one would think that some of you guys would be grateful for even getting what you called a glorified sound player rather than nothing at all. Right now, because I can't get out of my house and have pretty much nothing to do, this game provides amusement for me. For God's sake people, can we be anymore ungreatful.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-04-12 07:57:29

lets change this invyrenment!
new developers if do the following
don't care about negativs
gro up, and accept the Criticisms witch tolled by respect, not this one!
hey, your game is piece of shit! add the tv channels, then i'll decide to play it or not
and other guys if do the following:
give Criticisms with fully respect the project/developer
help to have best games
stop the dramas and hate drama creators
don't comment on posts witch seams drama
we'll have better forum
now, everyone, do whatever you want, this was my personal comment on this
thumbs up if you likes this comment/post

2020-04-12 08:33:03

At 52 why would we be greatful for a glorified sound player if we already have tons of them and actually good games to play?
BK, SR, AHC, Forza, MK, SF, KI and what not.

Greetigns Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-04-12 08:44:18

There you go, comparing this game to games it was never meant to be. It was meant to be a time waster and to make people laugh, and it worked. It was a fun time waster, and it made me laugh. Not every game has to be an exact clone of the games you mentioned above, Simba.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-04-12 09:46:00


Please read and comprehend carefully before posting. Never did I say that audiogames must be clones of afore mensioned games, I merely pointed out that we actually have good games that we can play.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-04-12 13:17:38 (edited by Zarvox 2020-04-12 13:21:30)

A game and a simulator are different. Also, we already know it is a bad and stupid project. I think it is obvious that it is. It took like 3 days to make. Lol. If you don't think that we know it is stupid, that makes you the stupid one. If you are going to shit on a game, or simulator, or whatever project, make sure you know if the dev knows it is stupid. Because when they know it is stupid, and others know it is stupid, and you start saying, hey guys, this is stupid, well you are making yourself look stupid. Don't state the obvious.

2020-04-12 13:40:06


at Zarvox who did you actually address with your post of stupidity? because at least I didn't even compare the discussed product to a game nor a simulator.

And, regarding time waster, a time waster is still a game or product that is fleshed out up to a certain point so it works as well as their bigger counterparts. Games I would call time wasters are games like drive, Cyclepath, Hatsuori Combat, Airsearch, Hearing is Targeting, light battles and so on.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-04-12 14:16:09

keeep up the good work. i would like to see the grenades working love this time waster. it is funny after all

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2020-04-12 14:29:12

@54 Yeah because I totally said this was going to be the next AHC. Totally. Except not. I'm well aware this is a stupid project, it took us only like 4 days to get it to this state. And if there are so many other good games out there, why don't you go play one of those in stead of shitting on something that was supposed to be amusing for some people?

2020-04-12 14:42:34

Sorry about double post, but @59, you can now fire the gun and throw the grenades, but I don't want to release it yet because I'll get screamed at for not having them hit anything yet.

2020-04-12 14:58:21


At 60 again and again, where did I compare it to AHC? I merely said ... ah, fuck it, read my last few posts, no reason to repeat myself.
And oh, I'm playing those games right now, but at the same time I can say things about other games of which we already have enough and are concept demos and not new releases.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-04-12 15:02:21

Here's my opinion. If you don't like it, don't play it and shut up. There are clearly, "so many better games," out there anyways.

2020-04-12 15:06:08

@simba you can dislike a project without being disrespectful dude. This was started by a beginner, don't expect anything. I personally don't agree with adding a machine gun and grenades and stuff, I think it should stay simplistic, but hey, it is whatever, it is his project so he can add it. I think the way he delivered this project was bad, but that's a 13 year old for you. There are things that I don't care for in the project, but that don't mean you got to be
disrespectful about it

2020-04-12 15:10:07

Thank you zarvox. And I mean if there's something in the project you don't like, stop being a random evil guy and change it big_smile

2020-04-12 15:12:58


Not play it? Can do that.
shut up about it? Nope, not really. Why should i shut up about something that is not good in my opinion? If everyone would do that we would have an army of yes men with critizism basically not existing anymore.
but yeah, looking at your arguments and the things Zarvox said, yeah, that's a 13 old for you.

greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-04-12 15:14:40

@Dan_Gero, I'm going to be perfectly truthful with you. I would be happy if this project have stayed under wraps... forever. As of now, the only thing it really did well was create unnecessary tension between it's developers and the community.
@Ty, despite what you may be saying, nobody is comparing your game to other big releases out there. Even if we wanted to do so, we frankly can't. It's like comparing a car to an apple. However, you need to realize that what's funny and entertaining for you may not be as funny for others. For example, I found the comments about the various TV shows annoying and pointless. I don't enjoy swearing for no good reason.
I'm beginning to see a trend here.
Person A releases a title.
Person A gets negative feedback.
Person A complains about how we are harsh on new developers after the said feedback is not so positive.
Person A responds to more feedback about their outburst by saying that we are comparing their game to the blockbuster on the market.
News time: A game doesn't have to be big in order to garner respect. TGTR and the demo of Brain Station are perfect examples. Look at the last entry. Brain Station! That got some praise regardless of it still being under major development. Or hell, Super Liam / Egg hunt are also equally valid candidates.
As much as it hurts to do so, you got to look at your product from the customer's point of view before you release it. Your remark about Simba going and playing other games is a perfect example of how the market reacts to your titles. Sorry. Not everyone will give you encouragement, some may just choose to tell you exactly what's on their mind, and there isn't a single thing you can do about it because you lost control over who gets to play your product whenever you hit that submit button to create the topic

2020-04-12 15:21:40 (edited by amerikranian 2020-04-12 15:23:28)

I hate responding so soon, but apparently 5 posts were made as I was sorting through my thoughts, so I'll respond to 63 and 64 right now.
@63, this is not how you respond to negative feedback. It really isn't. You don't get to essentially tell someone to screw off because they don't like your product. Take some time and look through my Mailman release, we had similar reactions to this type of attention. If you continue down this road you will only look like an ignorant person who refuses any feedback that is not within their standards.
What you may also not realize is that there are people watching this thread. There are folks looking at your behavior and saying "Nah, I think I'll pass on this one because the developer doesn't seem to be receptive to criticism." It's really, really, really hard to change this type of outlook.
I encourage you to take some time off and consider why you received the reactions in this topic. Maybe you will never agree with the other side, but at least try and understand where people are coming from.
@64, age is only a partial excuse. Sam was young, and yet I don't think the community saw him fly off the rails whenever he received negative attention.

2020-04-12 15:22:33

@67 I fully understand if it may not be your thing. But the fact that this character has a big following on youtube made me think that people would actually not bitch about it every 5 milliseconds. I fully understand that not all feedback you get will be good, but check out this topic, this topic, and loads of other beginner projects from back in the day. Now look at today. Newbie projects are now mostly screamed at and hardyl any good feedback comes. I fully understand and except the fact that there will be some negative feedback. But bitching and screaming won't fix anything.

2020-04-12 15:24:34 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2020-04-12 15:26:47)

I think those who like the sim are likely those that are Familiar with my YouTube content. I'm pretty sure there are those who never actually took the time to look at the read me or understand the context of what this was. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you’re going to criticize it, at least take the time to grasp what it is. Still don't like it? That's fine.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-04-12 15:25:39

Again @68, I fully see your point. And maybe my reactions were a bit harsh. But you have to understand, as has been stated, i'm only 14, and I'm learning things. Yelling at me because my project is basic basically does no good. I know it is. But as zarvox said, a project for someone starting coding is a project. And I was proud of this one. So people coming in and scremaing at me made me get upset.

2020-04-12 15:29:58

is this released anywhere. Part of the reason why i haven't said anything itself is because i haven't seen it. I've watched your counted @70, and i was very impressed with it, so i would really like to try this out. I'm glad that your getting into coding, and I hope we see amazing things from you in the future.

2020-04-12 15:30:25 (edited by amerikranian 2020-04-12 15:32:26)

The topics you linked to are from 2013 / 2015. Communities evolve. Standards rise. I'm sorry that you feel like we are harsh towards newcomers, but that's the market for you. You don't control it, I don't run it, we just get to put out products on it's shelves and pray they're good enough.
@70. As much as I hate to say this, the project should never have went live in the case of it relying on context. There are people out there who won't take time and study a product's history, the majority of the market falls into such category. That's not the main point, however. While the context could help here, the main gripe of this topic is that this is not really a game, no matter which way you spin it.
@71, again, a fully valid complaint, but see my earlier response to age. You can't write it off as being young. When you release a product out there you are expected to handle yourself with a certain level of maturity regardless of you being 69, 32, or 7 years old.

2020-04-12 15:38:56

@73 nowhere in this entire topic does it say that this is a game, at least not in the term of it. If it was trying to say it was a full fledged game, then maybe it would agree with some, not all but some, of the feedback here. It said it was trying to be a basic sim for something someone spent a bunch of time making on YouTube. For  your responces 5 posts back or so, how often did sam actually look at posts and respond to them? I'm not sure about further back then a few years like 2 maybe 3, but from what i saw was a hole butt ton of posts, no responce for sam, and then the topic go dead until an update was made, or a major game breaking bug found again. I'm not sure about earlier than 2016, so in all means tell me if this changed or not.

2020-04-12 15:41:55 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2020-04-12 15:47:00)

@73 I see what your saying. This should have been releaced in the off topic room instead of here, and we realize that now. This is why the link has been removed for the time being.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.