2020-04-07 02:42:07

So I've seen people discuss Transcription here, but I haven't been able to find any topics about it and was looking for some tips from people who do it. I have a few questions, and some just involve payments.
1. What is the most accessible transcription site? Is there one site that if someone is blind or visually impaired and wants to get into transcribing that this is the place to go because of its accessibility?
2. How do I do the different formatting things for another speaker or indistinguishable audio?
3. Finally, regarding PayPal. I have a savings account, but I don't want it linked with my PayPal. Is there an option at PayPal signup to not link an account? Also, how would I purchase things like audio games without having any kind of card or bank account linked with it? I've heard that you can't do it unless you go through this whole process of paying to some specified bank account. Is this true?
Thanks to anyone who has info

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-04-07 03:43:27

For payment, just open more bank accounts. If your current bank won't give you a second one, have an account at a different bank.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-07 05:21:10

Keep in mind that most transcription sites require you to be 18. And there's not much of a way around this, as Paypal will stop your in your track to verify you if you are caught with a lot of money in your account, and verification requires written proof of photo id and social security number.

2020-04-07 10:28:39

hi. I think there is a site called transcribeme. I have a few materials regarding transcription because I learned how to do it in my linguistics studies but unfortunately the materials are in German. I think those materials also cover formatting and stuff like that.

2020-04-07 14:17:17

I am eighteen so no problems there. Will PayPal need a bank account then?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-04-07 16:11:10

Yes and no.
Paypal will need a bank account for verification but that's about it, they need an account routing number which you can get from your bank's site or over the phone. Technically, you can spend money in your paypal account without transferring it to your bank, or using a card, so you're good there. Just don't be surprised when it asks for photo id/ssn, though if you call their support and ask them to verify you as you upload the pictures they're usually really nice and helpful about it, and patient with you if you take an inaccurate photo at first. The site says you'll have to wait a few days, but by doing the process over the phone it was done within a little under an hour.

2020-04-07 16:46:18

I really wouldn't be worried about linking a bank account to your Paypal. Turn on 2-factor authentication, if you're really worried open a second bank account.

To be honest going through Paypal in the first place is more concerning than if you have a bank account linked to it or not; they have a habit of deciding that you're going to need review and stuff and holding onto money if you're unlucky.  And to get money out, you'll need a bank account to send it to as well (though perhaps you can do that temporarily, I don't know).

Paypal isn't some mechanism where anyone can take your money without your consent.  They can give you money without your consent, but being given money without my consent is the kind of problem I'd like to have personally (unless of course you have to give it back).

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-07 17:21:03

I don't need to withdraw anything. I mean transfering money from one account to another.
For example, if I wanted to buy Super Egghunt, but my PayPal wasn't linked with a bank, could I purchase it since it's transfering from one PayPal to another?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-04-07 17:28:31

I think though that you do need a high school degree if I remember correctly.

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2020-04-07 17:31:59

I haven't heard about that.
But what would be the best site? Has anyone heard of rev? Is that one any good?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-04-07 18:14:19

I'm reading the style guide for Transcribeme. So far, so good, the Kurzweil scan did a good job.
Re, Paypal: As long as there is money in your Paypal account, you can use it on roder without linking a bank account at all. So, say you get $20 for your first audio hour, and you withdraw it to your Paypal account from Transcribeme. You now have $20 to spend, thus you can buy Super Egg Hunt just by logging into your Paypal account on l-works's order form. Balance will probably be your only choice in your Paypal account seeing as you have not linked a bank account, but that's ok. You really should link one though, and it does not matter if it's your savings or checking.
You shouldn't overthink the purchase process on Paypal as it's a lot easier than you are making it out to be. Just don't get too comfortable and don't be surprised if you're asked to verify. Have a photo ID and social security document ready.

2020-04-07 18:43:15

But seriously. Leaving money in your paypal is how you get frozen by paypal and once you're frozen by Paypal you don't have many options but to wait it out and hope they decide in your favor.  This is much riskier than moving the money to a real bank.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-07 19:07:37

THat is unless you're verified. Leaving money in your Paypal account while unverified is risky business. IN fact, TRanscribeme may not even be able to compensate you if you are not verified.
A good way to force the verification prompt to come up is to try adding money to your account. If things have not changed, you should get a prompt we need to get a ittle more information from you before you can add money. this is where all the verification steps come into play. Get someone sighted, or Aira, to help you take a picture of the front and back of your state id. Then do the same fora social security card or document. Then upload the pictures.
Transcribeme is a real line of work we're dealing with, so neglecting to take care of this now could make things way more complicated than they need to be down the road.

2020-04-07 20:36:57

It doesn't matter if you're verified or not.  I'm sure not being verified makes it much much worse, but if you have $1000 in your Paypal and Paypal decides that maybe $5 of that is shady using whatever magic heuristic they have on the backend, the entire $1000 gets frozen until who knows when.

Once the money is moved to your bank, it is harder for them to reach out into your bank and grab it back, which massively increases your ability to spend money while other parts of your money are contested.  They can, but it requires more justification than just "We're Paypal and we said we didn't like this".  banks are much more on your side than Paypal is for a variety of reasons both from a market perspective and from a legal one.

Paypal makes money off moving money around, not off holding money and keeping your business, and when it comes down to the wire they're not willing to take a chance on anything that looks even remotely weird even if that weird is justified, and "I am getting bunches of microtransactions a day" is kind of the definition of weird.  You probably won't get banned or anything but expect your money to just randomly all be frozen at some point without warning.  But that can only happen to what's in Paypal.  So though you might need to use it to get paid, move the money out once a week or something if you want to ensure your ability to access it reliably.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-07 20:44:24

Jack, where I live you get your ID card at 15. Do I still have to wait the extra 3 years to do transcription?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-07 20:45:09

Also, if I get my ID card next year, can I get PayPal, and link it to one of my bank accounts?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-07 21:37:19

@15, yes most places like you to be eighteen.
And no you can't get PayPal in your name if you're under eighteen. It would have to be in your parents' names

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-04-07 22:14:05 (edited by jack 2020-04-07 22:14:17)

If the age of majority is 15 in your area, then have on. Otherwise you will have to wait till the age of majority to get fully verified, or in accordance with however Paypal operates in your region. Be advised that Transcribeme pays in US dollars, so you might have to deal with currency exchange rates.

2020-04-08 00:10:33

So, I checked out Transcribe Me. I visited a site where they said Transcriptionists can be as young as 13, but they said something about the parent having to enter the agreement. So, I'm guessing my mom has to sign up, but I can do the transcription?
As for PayPal, I'm going to set up one for my mother just for this occasion, and so we can do our own independent online shopping. But since we're generally making this for me to transcribe, will it be OK if I use my mom's ID info and what not, but link it to my bank account? Or will that be fraud?
I appriciate any of your answers, because I've been looking for a side job so I can make my own money, and not have to burden my mom too much. 250 US is a hell of a lot for someone my age, and in 2 months I should be able to get pretty much any assisstive tech I'd be needing. And worse yet with the corona virus, the store is pretty slow.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-08 00:12:09

Don't ask us. Ask them. I'm sure they have an e-mail or something.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-08 00:13:35

I forgot to mention that my mom Co-signed on the bank account, so yeah. Its parcially hers anyway. But please still tell me if its OK

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-08 01:09:17

Bank accounts aren't scary evil demons out to eat your soul. If both your names are on the account it's fine unless your mom gets mad about it and your mom isn't going to take you to court. Only issue is if your mom signs things claiming that it's for your mom and then you use them to do the transcribing; this is why i say e-mail them, if they say you can do it while under 18 they will tell you how/what to do with the paperwork.  Now obviously if you don't own the account yourself and don't have your mom's permission and/or authorization on the account, that's very much a different story, but presumably you'd not be asking us if that were the case.

E-mail TranscribeMe. "Hi, I'm looking to do transcribing but I'm under 18. I saw that this is possible, but I'm not sure on the paperwork. How do I go about signing up?" Then go talk to your mom and get her to help do it. Done.

You can't get in trouble with the law by asking people if and/or how you can do things, as long as you're not doing it with the intent to try to break the law.  At least, not in the Caribbean.  If this was China or something that might be a different story, but you don't live somewhere like that unless I'm very much mistaken.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-04-08 01:49:41

OK great. She gave me the permission to do it. I went to her about it, because last I check you'd need an ID card to create a PayPal, and be over 18. Plus, Its manditory I tell her what I'm doing.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-08 03:15:39

So we set up the PayPal, created an account with TM, mailed them that I'm using my mom's info and wwe're now waiting for them to reply. I really hope they say its alright if not, i'll burst into fire

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-08 04:34:29

@24, well if that's the case, you'll need lots of water. I think.
Sort of off-topic, but does anyone know off-hand of an accessible way of getting typed words per minute, so I can see if this is right for me?

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