2011-03-05 09:34:47

Problème n°3002 détecté ! Si ce problème persiste, veuillez quittez cette table et en recréer une nouvelle.
This hapins while playing multaple bots in 1000 miles!

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2011-03-10 18:55:14

Hello! Please, could anyone tell me what is the exact end of 1000 miles? Yesterday I played it with someone and we were already in round 21.


Thanks for helping!

2011-03-10 19:00:39

It has no end I think.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2011-03-10 19:50:14

The standard Mille Bornes rules has the end at 5000; however Burak is right that this version does not have an end.

Best Regards,

2011-03-11 06:55:25

It has no end, you can play as long as you want.

I don't set any limit because I considered that everybody is free to stop when he want, not necessary always when he reach 5000 points in mille bornes, 500 points un uno and so on.

But many people told me that it would be interesting to have an option to set a limit, to add more challenge. I'm considering a modification. It's on the to do list, as well as the battleship requested in the poll.

There are 10 kinds of people : those who know binary, and those who don't.

2011-03-11 13:18:19

Aminiel wrote:

It has no end, you can play as long as you want.

This sounds like a great catchphrase or slogan for the playroom.  it's an excellent system.  There are many such now of course, at least 4 I know of, but each of them offers some different games and this one is very neat. I  can see that much thought has gone into future-proofing!

Aminiel wrote:

many people told me that it would be interesting to have an option to set a limit, to add more challenge. I'm considering a modification.

I would support this idea, I think an option to set a goal when you open a table would be good, though of course having an "open" game would also be good.  I'd also appreciate a sound for messages as mentioned earlier in the thread - I know you didn't see the need, Aminiel, but I agree with some others that if a lot of text comes in, having an alert for messages is a good idea.

Aminiel wrote:

It's on the to do list.

I can believe it, as are surely many other things.  I've only been registered a few days, already bug fixes and translations pour in.  I am amazed at your skill.  if I can ever be of help, here I am; my e-mail is linked to my account "cachondo", feel free to mail me, message me here etc.  I'm sure you have had many offers of help.
Please keep up the good work, if you need money I am sure people would donate!

2011-03-11 14:43:39

I'd be happy, too if there were an option to set a limit. Perhaps it's possible that the player can choose either he wants the unlimited end or set a limit of his choice.

Thanks for helping!

2011-03-27 16:04:48

Hi! I would like an intereste to translate this client to Slovak language. Please, Quentim or what is Your name, do You agree with my request? Thank You, Marco.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2011-03-29 07:53:05

Ok. Hears my problem.  He said that you can can use the client if you have a connect 4 account.   I have one and it connects me to the server but, every button I press, it kicks me out.   I'm using windows xp but, I use, System access mobile.   I don't have jaws.  Anyway, what can I do?   to makes things easier, please email answers.   If not, then I will look back hear.  Thanks.

2011-04-11 04:10:04

And I notice, that some help isn't translate from French to English.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2011-04-11 06:20:48

i know like what happens when you hit f1 from the main menu of the client for creating joining tables etc. also, window-eyes support still doesn't work. would be nice if someone who uses window-eyes could look at how other projects like rsgames and others have it working better then the playroom does at the moment.
Just a thought.

2011-04-12 18:21:38

There is a topic called Quintin C's Playroom, bugs and suggestions...that's pretty uch where all the posting is happening these days regarding this one. Just thought I'd pass that on.

Best Regards,

2011-04-20 18:22:04

hi all
why i m  dont cann conectid
in the play room?

2011-04-20 19:42:04

The server was down for about 30 minutes at 14 PM GMT. Now it works again.

There are 10 kinds of people : those who know binary, and those who don't.

2011-04-20 20:44:01

thank you to you aminiel.. for this thing,
well, the most important thing is that it's free, and i like it!
im really lazy to read all posts, so i may have some questions to ask when i start to play da game!

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2011-04-20 21:39:54

no dont work

2011-04-21 08:19:22

I'm connecting to the internet, but I'm enter my username and password true, but saying unable to connect to the server. could you give me to latest version's link? I'm tried the website but the link doesn't work.

2011-04-21 08:21:07

I'm connecting to the internet, but I'm entering my username and password true, but saying unable to connect to the server. could you give me to latest version's link? I'm tried the website but the link doesn't work.

2011-04-21 08:22:39

The link has not changed

There are 10 kinds of people : those who know binary, and those who don't.

2011-04-21 09:35:28

thank you!

2011-08-31 08:37:41

help please? I used to be able to get on to playroom, then one time it kicked me out..next time i tried to go back on it played music as it didn't before and wouldn't let me log in. the server said blank