2020-03-25 20:14:14

So, if this is seriously what you want to do, why not create a free-for-all forum where you can share without consequence, then migrate yourself onto said forum and see how long it lasts?  If you don't believe the rules are warranted and you think your posts can survive the might of takedowns and the like, what's stopping you from taking a step in that direction?  We're saying we don't want to risk it!  Those of us who had stood against this argument are not ready or willing; it's as simple as that!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-03-25 22:51:11

this topic is a waste of time and internet space. bah! so useless! you wanna wach tv? get a freakin cable provider! for fucks sake!

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-03-26 00:46:18

Cable provider? why do that when he could get a netflix subscription for 10 bucks a month, and have access to tons of shows.
My question, I'm not defending anybody here in any way, but this is just for my own information. What if you don't know if that site is legal or not? How do you know it has the express consent to stream those materials? What if its a sorta search engine? In some countries pornographic material are illegal, however you can still brows for them via google. The other day I was board and I found a website for joining ISIS, but Google for the most part is fine. Again, these are just some questions I had and were wondering. Keep in mind what's legal in America, may not be legal in Canada. Or for a smaller scale, smoking recreational Marijuana may be ok in California, while you'd get your ass charged in New York. That's just an example, but you get the idea.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-03-26 01:04:03

@1 or someone else please send me the link in a pm, so I don’t upset anyone. I want to see it for myself.

2020-03-26 02:27:50

Boo15mario, PM for ya!

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2020-03-26 05:19:03

Those who want the link email off the forum. My email address is [email protected]

2020-03-26 09:59:50

Not sure why it is so hard to understand. Just don't talk about on here. We can't have the mods pissing their pants can we? Lol jk.
Nah seriously. Don't link to stuf on the vault on here. Is it kinda annoying and exstreme? Yes. Is it a desaster? No.
I mean. They are not telling us to stop using the vault are they? No.
By the way that really pisses me off when people try their best to make me and others stop the vault. It is arrogance at its best. Just fuck off.
So bottum line. Don't link to the vault on here. Pritty simple.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-26 10:17:31

This topic is not about the vault far as I can tell, its about another sight.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-03-26 10:26:02

Yeah think i posted in a wrong topic... To be fair I just woke up.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-26 11:15:54

To me, post 31 speaks volumes. This person basically wants to share the website at all costs, and complaining about not being allowed to do so is basically just a smoke screen.

2020-03-26 14:32:49

@arjan, 35, that's what I gathered as well.  The thing is, whatever; outside of this forum they shouldn't be harassed by the mod panel and they won't be.
@Jaidon, 28, we're talking apples and oranges.  It's easy enough to fall short of following a rule on a forum like this one where you're an international member.  The argument has already been made as well that US jurisdiction probably doesn't even play a role in the matter at hand time and time again owing to the fact that this site is not based in the US.
But it would be hard to know for sure and for certain one way or the other who truly owns this site, what kind of legal recourse they actually have when it comes to this site, how much of that legal recourse they can actually arbitrate if they were to cross what line with what government or any other agency that may or may not have government backing and how much trouble everyone else would get into because of it, which might or might not result in a forum shut-down.  That's a lot to not know and a lot to risk just to share a site that provides content in an illegal fashion.
But put another way?  This site is open to anyone!  That's a lot of people!  We also don't know how many people are looking in from the outside, how many of those people belong to reputable companies, how many of those people go back and report to said companies and how that information is used.  Do you want this site branded and labeled as a hotbed of illegal distribution as has been the case with massive torrent sites just because they chanced upon a link that suggested we were providing access to illegal content by virtue of the fact that we didn't have it removed?
At present, if you type audiogames into google the first thing that pops up is this site.  Googling game accessibility or accessible games will lead to this wiki page which makes mention of the audiogames.net website.  So yes, people really are watching, and yes, people really can get here, and yes, people really can and do obviously write about their findings.  I'm also sure I'm not the only person who has made mention of the fact that I've worked for this site throughout my life.  The last thing I'd want is a future prospect employer coming out here and telling me I wasn't hired because I didn't help to uphold rules and regulations while I was on the moderation panel while I had a chance there, or that I looked the other way when I had a chance to weigh in on such a controversial topic, where it's obvious that I've weighed in on many other issues that were just as supercharged.
The argument that Jayde made in 24 is simple; if you've been here for a fair amount of time, as cyco has, you should, in theory, already know what the rules are.  If you have chosen to violate them either because you chose not to have a quick reread to refamiliarize yourself or because you just don't care, that's entirely on you.  No one, especially the mods should have to babysit you on such things, and the fact that Liam and Jayde were willing to simply hand out cautions, warnings and a removal of links rather than an outright ban is rather lenient in comparison to what could have happened.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-03-26 20:17:59

So since it could be difficult for people to know whether or not a site is legal or not, it might be best to ping the link to someone on the staff team first, see what they have to say, or if you're unsure, but the site is just so damn good! You can robably post a topic, mention the name, and just say you're unsure of its legallity. The mods or whoever can take the chance to google it, and tell the op whether or not its legal or not. Prevention is always better than cure people.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-03-26 22:09:38

@Cyco check your pm’s you have a message.

2020-03-26 23:21:12

@Cyco cheque your PMS you have message.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]