2020-03-09 08:27:23 (edited by Aloy 2020-03-09 08:28:12)

hi guys
i have the gta v bot on my steem
now I want to  put completed save file in this game
where I can find the path to it?
and also where should i put the accessible trainer? thanks!

2020-03-09 09:19:45

Hello, for the backup files in my case the path is:
Document, Rockstar games, GTA V, Profile Profile 1.
For the files in my caseNative the path is:
Windows C, steam, steamapps, common, GTA V.
Try taking the example above in relation to the display of your machine.

2020-03-09 10:45:39 (edited by kianoosh 2020-03-09 10:47:26)

one thing guys, to take into consideration. Google is your best bet if you can't find simple things like save files or this kind of scripts like script hook and such; My intentions are not to sound harsh at all this is more of a suggestion rather than bashing or anything. You'll get to the thing you want much sooner. Script hook v and script hook v.net are being updated time to time so it's always recommended to download from their web pages rather than a direct link so be aware.

And to those who had difficulties placing the trainer. Think i mentioned it before but if I haven't, your game's directory is the folder where you find that gta5.exe file and generally exe files that are used to launch the game. You need to place the trainer next to the game's executable file. Same for the script hook v and the asi loader which is that dinput8.dll file.

If you can't get the trainer to work you probably don't have script hook v or asi loader installed. Re-check the files. If they're all there and still not working you need to update your script hook v. Google it and get it or use the link I put above (If it still works though). If you updated your script hook v and still it doesn't work, You need to update yoru game probably. It should work though if you update your script hook v and make sure everything's there
Oh and by the way! The tolk library is used to add speech feedback to the trainer, not making the whole game accessible

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2020-03-09 14:52:21

If anyone has the talk.dll, not t o lk but t a l k, can you please give it via email my email is [email protected].

Best regards: Marco

2020-03-09 14:57:26

for the second time. Please check post 8.

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2020-03-09 16:14:13

Liam wrote:

for the second time. Please check post 8.

No, it’s a different thing than the trainer. It’s a dll file, the file and the trainer are not related to each other.

Best regards: Marco

2020-03-09 17:31:53

At 31 you are really confusing me. Post 8 is the only accessible trainer that is available for the moment, period. So please elaborate.

2020-03-09 17:53:28

manamon_player wrote:

reacently i'v found some talk.dll and accessable way for GTA V

Post 4 mentioned the talk.dll file. I mean this file post 4 mentioned.

Best regards: Marco

2020-03-09 18:25:44

and post 8 posted a link to it

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Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2020-03-09 18:53:58

Oh, i thought that was a different thing.

Best regards: Marco

2020-03-10 10:36:39

No it's not. I think I know where you're coming from. In that case no there's not a dll or anything to make the whole gta v accessible with screen readers. There's just this trainer which is publicly out and is accessible. Liam is working on another cool thing you might want to check out. It's on the developers room but it's not out publicly yet. There's no talk.dll it is Tolk.dll spelled t o l k . d l l which is a library to add speech output to the stuff people make accessible for the blind. It's not a good definition of the tolk library though i tried to make it sound simple and understanding for those who are not into programming and all this kind ofstuff. Hope it cleared things up for you.

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2020-03-10 20:49:40

marko wrote:

I want the whole game to support screenreader, for example in pause menu.

LOL don't we all dude, don't we all.

2020-03-11 00:15:27

A few questions for these who messed around.
What, exactly, are traingrs in GTA/ Dont need to ansfer that, but would be cool. I can allways duckduckgo it, cause i am not using google.
2: What exactly this trainer does? EG tells you where to derive, helps aim, ETC.
3: Couls someone please record an audio or a video of this thing in action bevause i dont have GTA5 bouth right now and i want to see it.
I could allways try to make my brother give the game to me if he has it on steam, or just stil use this xbox version, altho the trainer would be inpossible there.

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-03-11 08:40:34

Hi all.
So I redownloaded GTA V. And I tryd to login with rockstar social club, but when it askes me for recaptha I press get an audio chalenge. It ses It thinks my computer are sending automated words and can not prosses my request right now. What du I dy?

My discord: the_real_amethyst
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2020-03-11 08:52:15

marko wrote:
I want the whole game to support screenreader, for example in pause menu.
Lol, I think it's still a lot to ask. It's already very happy that we are
offered here and You should thank Liam for that. It's truethat at one point I asked myself the question of why no developer did not try
to make a Grand Thief audio?. I imagine that it would take several years to reach the level of the GTA V and that just for
driving the cars, the adaptation would be hard to implementheuvre. Although today in 2020 it could be likely inspired by Top speed and
Eurofly for driving and The Road to Rage forcharacters on foot and other for the store system. However, to access the menu
and the game card, I use OCR butit requires a minimum of brain memory. If I want to go to the hunting
mission for example, I know that it is the itemnumber 8 on the card, then I go to the menu, card I go down eight times and I
enter. Then I take a taxi so that he takes me there directlyrather than going there myself by car, if not hello degà lol.

2020-03-11 12:02:02

the reason developers don't do it is money. It would cost too much for them to do it for such a small audience.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2020-03-12 07:07:39

so guys, my pc  doesn't supports GTA 5 so I play GTA san andreas, can you suggest me how can I play it with screen readers? are there any scripts to make it accessible? I'm not avair about OCR's either, I use windows 8.1, is there any OCR add on for it? I'm a newbie with main stream games and I want to try it, may be my  questions sounds stupid lol. how exactly OCR's  stuff works?

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2020-03-12 17:10:30

I belive OCR is supported only from Windows 10. For San Andreas,
I played it at the time on PS3, butit's a bit far, I never played on PC.

2020-03-13 07:17:57

Do I need to have a rockstar social club account to play? Also, can someone give me a link to a good place to get the game ? I have tried sites like G2A and steam, but G2A won't let me pay with paypal and steam won't let me create an account.

2020-03-13 07:59:46

g2a uses Paypal.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-06-16 05:50:13

you should make gta 5 menyoo accessible to here is the sorce code if it helps https://github.com/MAFINS/MenyooSP/archive/v1.3.0.zip

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2020-06-16 15:47:32

Good god, this thread is a clusterfuck of headache inducing bellyaching, blabbering and all around nonsense. If it weren't for Kianoosh and Liam, I might have gone insane by the time I got to the end.

OK, so there are two accessible mods that I know of. Liam's mod, which you can find here, and the trainer which Kianoosh provided in post 8. That is eight: E, I, G, H, mother fuckin', T.

There are a slew of other mods I might recommend, but y'all need to get on the ball with modding games first. Menyoo is one such, but it is not able to interface with screen readers. What it can do is load custom XMLs which describe objects placements, essentially letting you build, save, and load maps in the game. There is also autodrive, which again has a menu that is not accessible, though it OCRs well. Most of what you will use in autodrive are doable from the keybindings that it has. You really only need the menu to set always drive yourself off and warp back to driver's seat on. You would do this in case you wanted to shoot, you can't do that when the mod assigns the driving task to you, but you can be warped into the passenger's seat and it can assign the driving task to another entity, letting you free to shoot.

Keep in mind that most of us who have gotten this far have figured shit out on our own. No one taught us how to do this shit. Now, I don't mind helping and smoothing out some of the bumps along the way, but the eight year old nonsense needs to stop. You all need to learn some patience for one thing. The game's been out for 7 years now, it's not going anywhere.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2020-06-16 16:16:57

@Gamulation, You can't do anything about that CAPTCHA message. Just give it some time and try again, assuming you haven't already fixed this.
@Marco, And I want a million pounds, but I don't see me just encountering that any time soon, if at all!

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-06-16 16:26:26

Waiting doesn't help, it will do that every single time.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
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2020-06-16 16:48:13

@ironcross32, Oh, really? That's what seemed to work for me. Then again, I just Googled it. What's the issue about?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.