2020-03-01 19:49:32

Hello! Can you explain to me step by step how to make a fire with matches, a fishing pole and how to cook a coyote? One more thing: how do I get rid of the ferst virus? I'm thirsty until I die and I don't want to make another account because I have important items in inventory. Thanks.

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2020-03-01 20:15:17

First if you want to craft or other things about the game you can check bsg site
Second you cant coock a coyote
Third to get ride of that thirst viruss you have to drink water but not from the source directtly for example not from shallow waters or pond you have to drink it from water bottles or pots

2020-03-01 20:20:30

Yeah, that virus is fun. lol. Just fill your water bottle, leave the ater, drink from that, and keep going until your thirst is at 0. For making a fire, cut down a tree with a knife or axe if you have one, put a match in your hand, draw it and hit space. To make a fishing pole, you need to carve I think two pieces of wood combine them, and a branch, and some string. the guide is on the bsg website.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-03-01 21:32:02

I drink water continuously, but continue to die. What to do? To my bad luck I do not know English very well and I cannot listen to mp3 guides. I saw that text (which can be translated with Google Translate) is no longer available.

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2020-03-01 21:49:35

If I am remembering correctly, you need antibiotics against that virus.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-01 21:53:02

It's probably how you're drinking the ater. Don't drink right from the stream or pond or whatever. You need to first use your bottle or a pot to pick up the water, and drink from that. you need to be careful.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-03-01 23:05:38

You can also cure that virus with antibiotics if memory serves and he hasn't changed it since I last played, which is really stupid btw.

2020-03-02 13:06:38

6 # I tried to do what you said, but for nothing. Is there any kind of store in play?

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2020-03-02 13:18:09

tell me your name, I can help yaa qure that your name in stw I mean

2020-03-02 13:51:25

My name is: "Waterlove".

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2020-03-02 14:17:01

ok, you have time to come online now?, I can help

2020-03-02 18:46:21

I have a few questions now also. For some reason, when I use a spit to cook a fish, I can't get the fish off. I tried putting it in my hand and interacting it with an empty hand, but I just keep getting told that I can't find a way to use those items together. Am I missing something, or is that a bug? My other question was, when you remove the newbie flag, does that automatically put you in pk mode? Can I change that? I'm not interesting in pk, at least not yet.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-03-02 18:49:02

It is alt t, not t. It has been changed for some reason.
No, turning off your newby flag does not turn your pk on.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-02 19:47:46

Thanks, I'll try that when I get on later. And the pk thing is odd because I am pretty sure someone killed me last night and I hadn't done anything accept turn off my newbie flag, unless it was an animal that had the same steps as a person.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-03-02 20:22:58

Hm. That is strange indeed. Animals and players has pritty much the same footsteps though I think. Were you at mainland?

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-02 20:34:00

If you're unsure, you can always type /listpk to get a list of players who have their PK on. That will include you if yours is on as well.

2020-03-02 20:35:35

What Haily said. Besides that it really only should turn your pk on if you hapenned to type / pk.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-02 21:02:40

Thanks. I'll take a look. I had just gotten to the main street of the fishing village, and something/someone ran at me, and i was dead. That's my one complaint. I wish I could see how I died. I've died so many times in a few days, and I never know why, accept when I walked into the snake. I got that one.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-03-02 21:17:30

Then it was most likely a mutated wolf. Those things are nasty bastards. They only go on the streets, so if you stay off them, you should be fine.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-02 23:31:43

Yeah, that's probably what it was. I tried the alt t, and that did work, thank you.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-03-03 09:06:45

No problem. You can always pm me on the game if you need help with something. All though I admit there are a lot of quests I am not sure on how to do. My name on there is Sovs.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-03-03 12:30:15

Same here. I haven't logged into the game in a long time and my char name on there is still my dead name, but once I've updated it you'll be able to find me on there probably under the name haily or arqeria.

2020-03-04 18:12:35

haily, you can change your name in stw, but you cant change the gender

2020-03-04 18:12:46

haily, you can change your name in stw, but you cant change the gender

2020-03-04 18:12:56

haily, you can change your name in stw, but you cant change the gender