2020-03-02 17:35:59

Hi all,

Google has stopped supporting my Pixel, which is extremely irritating. The phone works perfectly except for a shot battery, but I'll work on replacing that later. I'd like to install Lineage OS 16 so that I continue receiving security updates. How easy is it to install Lineage OS without sighted assistance? Can I do everything from the command line using ADB? Does the Nano Google Apps package I also have to flash include TalkBack or do I have to find and load that myself?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-02 17:59:14

while I dont advise doing that, i'll say what I know, talk back is not preinstalled if you dont install the google apps pakige with in the rom

2020-03-02 18:18:03

Why don't you recommend I install Lineage OS?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-02 18:22:09 (edited by Meatbag 2020-03-02 18:22:43)

I dont advise installing any tipe of rom, because its kinda dangerse if you dont know what you're doing, and some roms are just vyruses, ETC

2020-03-02 18:43:58

I'd recommend against romming for different reasons. A lot of banking apps, android pay, etc will fuck you over when they detect you're running an unofficial build of android.

2020-03-02 18:57:55

Meh. Android Pay is not as widely adopted, so losing that is not a huge price to pay. Paypal should work fine as well.
Also, there used to be a very efficient way to enable Talkback. Even if you get it installed through the full Google Apps package, settings are encrypted in the new versions of Android, so the old settings.db trick to enable Talkback does not work anymore. You are going to need sighted help to enable it.

2020-03-02 19:28:07

I'd rather not run a version of Android that's not getting regular security patches. I'm also not buying another Pixel because they're absurdly expensive and I'm not supporting Google's arbitrary "Let's drop software support so people buy new devices" philosophy. I know Google Play can sort of update system components now with Android 10, but that's not a full solution as far as I know.

If I'm understanding this correctly, I should get the full Google Apps ARM64 package for Android 9? Does this include TalkBack? Why can't I enable TalkBack with the accessibility shortcut after installing Lineage OS? Finally, is there a way to install this using only the command line? I was reading something about using touch screen controls with TWRP recovery, but I'd rather not do that since getting sighted assistance might be a little difficult at the moment.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-02 19:49:23

You can use twrp through adb to install the rom through the command line no problem. You use this same method to install the gapps arm64 package. What you cannot do is modify the settings through the command line like you used to since the settings are encrypted. The accessibility shortcut has been broken since Cyanogen mod 11, and Lineage is basically Cyanogen where we left off before the team split up and Cyanogen became a commercial venture. The rom community as we know it has been blown to bits nearly as effectively as the organized jailbreak community has, since Cyanogen was probably the only well-oiled machine in the rom community. IT was a little too well-run though seeing as it got all those endorsements later on.
If you have another phone/tablet, Aira your way through enabling talkback. It should, in theory, take less than 5 minutes if you skip the initial google signin to enable Talkback, so the call can be free for you.

2020-03-02 20:49:59

Regarding the point about google dropping support for their phones? Hate to break it to you but that's pretty much how it works in the android world. In fact I'm pretty sure google have supported their stuff for the longest so far.

2020-03-02 22:27:44

If you're referring to the Google Apps packages from opengapps.org, I'm pretty sure the Nano package doesn't include TalkBack. Find out what each package includes by clicking the links after the radio buttons for the distributions (I.e. Aroma, Super, Stock, etc.) Note that you should probably start with lower distributions and move up, because IIRC the higher-capacity packages include lists of apps prepended with "Everything in Stock, Super, etc. plus:" meaning you need to check the app lists for the smaller distributions for a full list of what is in the larger. Pretty sure you need at least Stock to run TalkBack, so that should save you some clicks.

Flashing a custom ROM is lots of work, though it is a good way to still use old hardware. Read about the openrecoveryscript feature of TWRP if you'd like to automate some actions. I'd still recommend sighted help, but you can at least write a script, push it to the device, and cut out the touchscreen interactions. My girlfriend isn't particularly tech-savvy but I can usually give her useful directions to navigate the TWRP process. But if that isn't an option for you, you can at least write a script and have your help tell you what happens, then iterate on that process until you're done. Eventually, once you've got a script that works, you can generally automate the process entirely by correctly placing your zips. One tip I've found is to always name zips update1.zip, update2.zip, etc. based on the order you'd like to flash them. They then appear ordered in the file manager, and it's generally easier to tell a sighted helper to click on update1.zip, etc. than "First click lineageos-16.1-pixel3.zip, then gapps-super-whatever.zip..." smile You can also use that tip to make your openrecoveryscripts more easily reusable. Just put your zips in the storage location in the correct order, then add/remove script lines as needed.

2020-03-02 23:59:07 (edited by jack 2020-03-02 23:59:59)

Or you can do
adb shel
then type your twrp commands in one at a time. That way you can get status information about every operation, which is as close to doing it via the gui as it gets.
RE, support: Yeah, that's pretty standard issue. Google supported the Pixel for a long, long time, given that it was out in 2016 and it's 2020 now.
That's why Android is so good is because of its openness, Cyanogen apparently changed its opinion on that once they saw the $$$, which is typical (Fleksy went down this same path of caving to the corporate machine once they got mainstream attention). ANd other than the Pixel4, if I'm being brutally honest Google's hardware updates are actually freaking worth it. You may want to give the pixel3 a serious look since it's probably dropped massively in price.

2020-03-03 00:36:19

I like the idea of installing everything myself. So, would it work something like this?

Once TWRP is installed and I've rebooted into the recovery mode, I do something like this.
adb shell
twrp wipe system
twrp install update1.zip
twrp install update2.zip
twrp wipe data
twrp wipe cache
twrp wipe dalvik
twrp reboot

This assumes I've copied the files I want to flash to the internal storage first, and then wipe the data partition once everything is installed? I may  have the syntax wrong, I'm looking up these commands right now, so let me know if I have any errors. Then all I would need help with is turning on TalkBack from the Accessibility settings? Can I enable the volume key shortcut after that point to toggle TalkBack anywhere?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-03 00:55:50

You've got everything write except you don't need to type wipe system.

2020-03-03 01:14:01

Oh nifty, didn't know you could shell straight into TWRP. Do you have to enable any settings, click any permission dialogs, etc.? Or is that available by default when recovery mode boots?

2020-03-03 01:40:10

I don't need to wipe the system partition? Does installing a zip automatically do that? Is this process really that easy?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-03 02:52:10 (edited by jack 2020-03-03 02:52:44)

Um, yes. You can only ever do a full -w inside fastboot, and we aren't doing any of that here. Flashing a zip while wiping data and cache does the trick.
@Nolan: To my knowledge, no. Provided you are using vanilla adb drivers, you can shell straight into TWRP.

2020-03-03 09:15:23

I would seriously be scared to install a custom rum on a primary Android phone without access to sighted help if something goes wrong...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-03-03 12:28:10

It's really easy to get a cheapish android phone to mess around with. I've used a samsung galaxy S7 belonging to a friend of mine to test roms on before.

2020-03-04 05:31:46 (edited by Chris 2020-03-04 05:51:48)

I'm stuck once again. I managed to get the operating system installed, but I get an insufficient space error when trying to install the Google Apps. I've tried moving down from the Stock package to the Full one, but still get the error. Apparently my system partition is only 1.9 GB and there's 881 MB of free space. What should I do? I can install an even smaller package, but this doesn't include TalkBack. Should I install the smaller package and then use twrp install TalkBack.apk or whatever I call the file? Now I have to find the apk.


I wonder if it actually worked. When I reboot my device and use Seeing AI, I get a screen that says something about not being able to load Android and to do a factory reset. I wonder if this is because I only temporarily booted into TWRP? I'm going to flash the last good official image and try this again later.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-04 16:16:37

Are we sure about @13's recommendation not to wipe the system? Does that not just install files over any already there? So maybe files that overwrite others work fine, but other cruft is left behind, and that's why you don't have enough space?

Although, that is a bit of a small partition, so he may very well be spot on. It's been years since I've done much with ROMs, and so much of what you find is anecdotal and practically ritual (I.e. my thing with update1.zip/update2.zip just so I don't have to spout out a bunch of odd filenames for my girlfriend to parse.)

I'd suggest wiping everything and trying again. If it doesn't work, drop to the smaller package and manually install TalkBack. I'd then look for something to link installed apps to the Play Store so you'd automatically get TB updates. I know Titanium Backup has that ability somewhere in its long overflow menu. I think it's called Market Doctor or Market Linking.

Also, make sure you don't need a newer baseband, radio, or whatever Lineage calls them (I've seen both terms.) Those are generally shipped with official software updates, but I'm not sure they're part of Lineage. I've occasionally gotten burned by upgrading my ROM but not the baseband, then things get into an unbootable state as you've described.

Wish this wasn't so fucking wild west. I want to buy a phone and install whatever OS I like on it, just as I do with my PC. While I'm at it I also want a unicorn... I suspect PostmarketOS/Pinephones aren't going to be accessible to us for a long while.

2020-03-04 18:36:04

The free software foundations doesn't give a rat's ass about accessibility as long as they are breaking away from anything and everything proprietary.. Don't get me wrong, FSF is a fine organization and the fight against proprietary stuff is valid, but there's nothing liberating about a libre m5 that isn't accessible because Orca doesn't have touch support, and no one wnats a phone with a keyboard anymore except folks who want a phone with a keyboard, which is not a powerful market force. Ironically so, you'd be better off getting a Planet Computers Gemini or Cosmo Communicator and installing Debian on that, you'd get Orca that way.
Re: wiping: Probably a good idea to wipe the system in that case. Not sure if your pixel was the first to introduce duel partition, or if that was introduced in the Pixel2 which is what I have, but needless to say just be careful about that.

2020-03-04 19:03:28

How do I wipe the system partition? Typing "twrp wipe system" doesn't work. Neither does "twrp wipe cache".

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-04 20:21:53

You *may* need to fastboot -w, though be advised that wipes absolutely everything, so make sure your rom is for the right model, and that you have a baseband upgrade if needed. fastboot -w is used when flashing a stock image as well, considering stock images are the only ones that can actually be flashed through fastboot. As such, hold onto that command, as it will be useful if something goes bust and you end up having to fall back to a stock rom.

2020-03-05 01:45:27

Running fastboot -w doesn't seem to help. All I get is a message about wiping user data, but this doesn't seem to erase the system partition. When I boot into TWRP, I'm told the /s partition is still full. How do I erase it?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-03-05 07:43:52 (edited by jack 2020-03-05 07:43:58)

fastboot wipe system if -w only does data.