2020-02-28 05:56:45

Hi all, I have some great and interesting news for you all to hear about!
An innovative new product was just launched to help blind people with learning to code, it's called code jumper, and here is my review/introduction to it.
A jump on the road of code
by Rory Michie
Yesterday, I was kindly given the opportunity to see a groundbreaking new piece of technology that allows young blind students (from 7-11) to get to know coding in a tactile, sound-based environment, being able to master vital aspects of computer language, such as variables, itterations, loops, conditionals, procedures and more.
I can safely say that, having already grasped the basics of coding, I was a little disappointed to know that it wouldn't be helping me -- but wait, my first thought came to an abrupt end, when I first tried it.
How it works
Code jumper is, more or less, a bluetooth speaker. Most of the technological stuff is handled in a program for pc that you can download onto your computer which is simply named "code jumper" which remotely connects to the main device via bluetooth. There is a "play" (run) button, and a "stop" (or quit execution) button.
The main hub of the code jumper sends signals to the computer so it knows what is happening to the main node and can act accordingly.
On  the main bit, there are four headphone-like ports, which are called "threads". each thread is allocated to a group of up to 8 sounds.
The things that you use to code are called "pods" and can be connected and manipulated to perform different functions.
For example, the "play" pods allow a sound to be played, and the "loop" pods can be set and act as a mini hub, when connected to the main hub, they will do what is attached to them a select number of times. There are dials (or parameters) on all of the pods other than the main hub so that you can modify their functionality, and they all have different shapes so you know which one is which.
There are also "variable" pods that you can connect into the other pods which allow you to use loops to add, subtract or randomize what goes on.
For example you can connect a plus variable pod into a play pod's "speed" dial, because all the dials have ports for variable pods, and then have that play pod attached to a loop pod, which is attached to the main pod, set to go 3 times. then the loop pod will add a certain amount of speed to the play pod every time it itterates.
It allows you to upload your own mp3 files if you don't feel like programming  "row your boat" or "twinkle twinkle little star", perhaps an explosion or weapon sound set would more suit your needs - fine, upload it using the app on the computer into one of the threads and you're all set to go!
You can have multiple threads being used at once, for example, you could have people screaming on one thread, and a gun and battle ambience going on the other one.
You can even use infinity pods to make a loop have infinite itteration!
Of course, you have to press the stop button when you are finished otherwise it will run out of batteries.
My thoughts
I would give code jumper a ten out of ten and wish I had it around to help me when I first started learning coding because I would have been able to start to get the nack of it around 15 times faster. Finally, now we can all see why tf scratch is so fun for sighties! And I assure you, you will not be disappointed.
The only downside to the product is it's price. Without a disability fund, you would have to be earning a ton of pocketmoney, or have not bought anything in your life before, to be able to afford it. It comes around at a whapping $969 US, which is a small fortune for most people.
So here are my thoughts, I'm going to divide it up into 3 categories. Usability, affordability and enjoyability. I would rate it an 8 for useability because it may take a little while to get used to all the weird shaped pods but with some help you could get the hang of it quite quickly.
I would give it a 6 for affordability because, meh.
And an 11 for enjoyability! It's very fun for young children, adaults and experienced programmers alike. Everyone can have a great time with it!
This is a huge milestone in the blind world, because before now, we have not had many apps or resources that teach us coding in a comfortable and tactile environment that sighted people have been able to experience for a very long time now. It's very good to see  that we are also entering the playing field, which will increase our chances of employment when we are adults, and increase our happiness as a child, or probably a combination of both.
It's been designed by a partnership of APH, microsoft, vision australia, RNIB, and CNIB and is being distributed internationally with help from humanware.
I hope you find this information useful and I hope you consider jumping on the road of code, with code jumper!

2020-02-28 07:01:05

Keep in mind that the $999 price is not consumer-oriented, like, at all. CS departments in schools can/should be purchasing a few of these, probably in place of the Cosmo/other block-based programming toys. That being said, I second the sentiments of post 1. You get one hell of a package with this already, and to top that, and there are 19 instructional modules to boot.

2020-02-28 07:51:30

wow, price is $999?

2020-02-28 08:59:52

wow, that's  a nice little piece of gadget, but i will have to agree, for countries such as india, this is too much. schools here rairly spend anything for inclusiveness, if at all, and $999? no sir.

Abay chal.

2020-02-28 09:29:48

999 dollars in Romania is like 3 monthly payments for employed people and I could pay the home bils like 7 or 8 times.
This is cool though and if I had the money, I would buy it, no questions asked.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-02-28 10:16:20

they might make a computer-based version for windows but i don't know yet since i'm the lead on that one. I have to buy it and get to know it before I can promise a simulator.

2020-02-28 13:37:24 (edited by George_Gaylord 2020-02-28 13:40:05)

nWhy do all the good stuff have to be soooooo expensive? I know people who have to work for 5 months just to pay for that. GROWL!!!!!!!!!!
I'd also give it a 2.8 for affordability.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-28 18:08:10

I dono. I can see the merit, but I fail to see the overall benefit of this to experienced folks who already know their basic concepts.
Here are some of my questions:
1. Do you type in code, or do you just connect the pods? If latter, then I recommend to only use this as concept cement. Typing code, at least in my opinion, helps an individual to get exposed to the errors the computer may show.
2. How advanced does this get? You mentioned loops and variables... how bout functions and classes?
3. What can the standard library do? You mentioned randomization and basic math... anything else?
Overall, cool find, but again, not for me.

2020-02-28 18:26:47

Yeah I saw a video about this it seems really cool! I included the video below. Glad you got to check it out.


Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-02-28 18:34:29

I have heard of some interviews over on blind Bargains, and I think this is pretty much aimed at young children in schools. It sounds like it is designed to teach the basic concepts of coding. This is cool and all, but I wonder how many schools will purchase this. I can't see small schools with just one student with a visual impairment purchasing something like this.

2020-02-28 18:37:31

That's true but I could see a school district buying this.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-02-28 18:38:52

auh, we couldnt buy it if it was 1000 dollars!

2020-02-28 22:39:34

@post 1  was that quoted by the company or was that your writing? Because that was extremely good writing, especially for someone your age. If you got that from the company, please cite that. But this sounds cool, even if it doesn't do much for people who already know things. I think there should be 2 levels of using it. First level just the pods, second level typing. So that they can learn syntax and advanced mechanics. But this is cool

2020-02-28 22:54:28

Hi. So, I had a look at this. It sounds nice. In my honest opinion, this sounds like a musical toy. If it is only supposed to teach concepts of coding, why does it only deal with music? I mean, it seems to be more like a puzzle than anything else. Nice idea, but not for me. At least not until we can see how advanced this gets. Don’t even get me started on the price. I don’t even really know my basic concepts yet.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-02-29 00:07:04

So, this morning I took a listen to the Nathan of Nathantech python tutorials, and I'm sure its more beneficial and informitave than this thousand dollar thing. It probably has a purpose, but all i'm saying is other resources does the same thing, if not more, at a lower cost, or none at all. Also, shout out to Nathan and his good self.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-29 01:47:45

I actually got a chance to beta test this thing, so here are my thoughts.
1. Price. This is not worth anywhere over 900 dollars in my opinion. Sure, it's good for teaching the basics of programming, but really shouldn't be priced that high. The material it's made uf isn't that expensive, sounds used don't require a license, etc. I also proofread the teaching guides for this product, and for the most part, all the lessons were designed to be implemented into a large classroom setting, where students were split into groups. To me, this just doesn't feel like an option for those kids who want to learn on their own time. Sighted children get tons of coding kit options with all kinds of designs; star wars, Harry Potter, etc, but for blind kids, you pretty much got swift playgrounds if you have an iPad at that age and that's about all.
2. Usefulness. Code Jumper is good for the basics and that's about it. Sure, you have the ability to plug pods into multiple threads at once, but when you develop real multithreaded applications, there's much more to it than that. Sure, you have conditional statements, but all you get to choose from them is if one dial is set to something, then do whatever is connected to that dial's port. If the other dial is set to something else, do what is connected there. What you can't do is if one dial on the conditional pod is set to something, run a function, because there is no way to define a function. Classes don't exist either, and the overall design  sort of defeats the purpose of variables in my opinion.
3. Usability. Now, probably everything I put here won't matter, since it was last June when I got my hands on code jumper. But here's how it works. As described in post 1, it's pretty much a bluetooth speaker with ports for pods, and the ability to communicate with your pc about which pods are where. So, you turn on the main hub, they call it, and pair it with your computer. However, when beta testing, I got a unit with totally batteries, and I never knew that. I thought there was an issue with my computer, because it wasn't finding the hub. I had to ask a sighted person if any lights were on. So, if you're blind, there is no way to determine if you have a working unit, as the device makes no noise at all when you turn it on.
So, once I finally got it paired, I opened up the code jumper app. It's arranged by thread groups. You tab, and you hear speech announce thread one grouping, and you tab again, you can see the pods connected in a list. The same for the other threads. There were also options for choosing the soundpack you wanted for each thread, and an option to import your own. Anyway, I got some pods plugged in, and I hit play on the hub. Coming through the built-in speaker was the most crackly and distorted sound I'd ever heard. Bluetooth was not at all transmitting the sound from the desktop app well, and eventually, I just changed my default sound device to the internal speakers and listened to my program through them.
When I began to get the hang of code jumper, I decided to try plugging in the infinity plug to one of the loop pods to make it go on forever. I didn't know which plug it was, so I opened up the manual to read the description of all the pieces. and it said that it would be the plug with the infinity symbol on it. Um... ... ... what? What's the infinity symbol? I had the same problem with plus and minus plugs, which, you guessed it, had print plus and minus signs tactily embossed onto them. But that did me no good, since I had no idea what they looked like.
I also noticed that the hub slows down the more things you plug into it. If you have four threads playing four different soundpacks, even though the desktop app is doing all the heavy lifting, it still glitches and really started lagging. The app also won't let you play the same sound on two different threads at once. If you had a kick and snare pattern (yes, there is a drum soundpack) going on one thread and a highhat pattern with a snare fill in it looping on another, the snare hits would not play at the same time, rather, the app would freeze, produce a garbled version of what two snares were supposed to sound like played on top of each other, and crash.

Now I'll answer some of the questions that others have asked.
@14, I understand you, but I think the main idea is to teach blind people to code via sounds. It isn't strictly musical, but is the default because it makes a lot of sense to do it like that, as you can code with pods based on how you think the song should sound. If it were up to me, I would have put vibration in there somewhere, so you'd have more options to choose from with conditional statements, as well as so deaf-blind users could also learn, but ehh.
@8, loops, conditionals, constants, variables, and that's about it. The math is, as you said, just simple addition, subtraction, and randomizing. No, unfortunately, you can't type your program, but it would be nice if you can. As of now, if you produce an error in the creation of your program in pods, the unit will burp at you to let you know that you can't, say, join two threads together with a conditional or some such. I think there should be more advanced errors, but with the minimal concepts, there's really not a lot of room for anything beyond that.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2020-02-29 02:47:14

it's changed aa lot since you tried it. Also remember it's aimed at 7-11 year olds, not us.

2020-02-29 11:14:32 (edited by Ethin 2020-02-29 11:33:33)

I dislike the abuse of terminology here, the lack of functions and constants, and the price. The abuse of terminology complaint is that they call the slots "threads." They're really not; I doubt the device contains any kind of operating system that requires a scheduler that needs to even care about threads, if it even knows what a process is. Hell, it might not even have a scheduler. The way they use the term "thread" just seems like they're setting up kids to learn the wrong terminology, so that when they read the term "thread" in programming books or in classes, they won't understand it because of what they were taught when they were younger. But perhaps I'm wrong. And since when did programming, um, not include constants? And functions? I'm definitely confused on where that decision came from. And the price issue has already been explained.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2020-03-02 09:14:57

Bah, now that this is released, and I know what it is, yeah, give those kids Emacs, with Emacspeak, and a book on Python 3. Of course, teach them screen reader basics, and go through the Emacs tutorial with them first, but yeah. Sure, books aren't interactive, but neither are novels and we get along with them fine, and it'll prepare the poor kids for going through programming courses of text and nothing else, lol.

If you can't tell, I'm very disappointed in this product. The hype was all amazing, Joe Steincamp and the team of Blind Bargains and the rest were all amazed and "this has like, soooo much potential and oh my actual goodness!" Well, here it is. Will this really prepare kids to be programmers like a 23 year old sighted person which makes a freaking third-party App Store for iOS by circumventing Apple stuff? I doubt it. It seems to me to be much more of a toy than a tool. A tool, at least in computing, can be expanded as a user's skills grow, staying out of my way as I do Print and Len stuff, but helping me when I want to traverse functions, step through blocks of code and indentation levels, and even deal with Jango if I ever get into that.

I mean, I'm only a beginner in programming, and am often too busy with work to go through courses and books, but I still feel like this is just a release to make the companies and organizations involved feel good about themselves. So no, I won't jump on the road of code or whatever, I'll read a far more in depth book on the subject instead.

Devin Prater
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2020-03-02 10:27:19

well fine, be like that, personally I think it's all right myself and many others do too, including it's goal audiance

2020-03-02 15:24:27

Well of course its goal audience will find it good, they probably don't know any better. They're kids, after all. Okay okay, thinking about that, maybe it is good for five year olds, but 11? No.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2020-03-02 16:43:10

@Devin: You do realize that this is purely introductory oriented, right? I.e. it is assumed that, after completing their beginner cs class in elementary/middle school, ,they will feel a lot better about, as you say, going through the textual manuals, because they know how the basic sections of code are structured. This is exactly what osmo tries, and fails to do for most of us since it's all visual. If you odn't like this, well there's Scratch...oh wait.
The curriculum is always going to have an introductory exercise of some kind. In most schools, it's Scratch. And that's a problem. And I guarantee you the teacher will be happy to put someone off to the side and have them learn on their own, but depending on the teacher that can either be an advantage or disadvantage to them. They are not, however, going to shift the curriculum to the non-visual methods because one person in the class can't do it. So APH and Microsoft do have the right idea. By making a tactile version of the concepts these visual edutainment toys deploy, plus a class curriculum for it, the whole class can be involved.
Some people do need a hands-on approach. Python may be the beginnings of teaching a blind person how to structure code in a way that makes sense for them and for sighted counterparts because indentation, but again, some 7 to 11 hasn't even gotten to basic algebra yet, you don't want to throw a programming language right in front of them.

2020-03-02 17:16:38

I love Code Jumper!
I used it when it was a beta in class so that my class could see what I thought of it. That was about 5 months ago or so.
It's super cool.

2020-03-03 08:09:17

one time i got a d in technology fr not being able to click n drag when my teacher saw a game I made. And you know what else? They gave an a+ to some kid that made on in scratch, just because it was visual.. bah.

2020-03-03 18:28:44

Yeah, shows you that there are a great many self-appointed, or incompetent school-board appointed cs teachers that don't have legitimate experience in the field. They go by, you guessed it, the textbook. And only that. Or they just simply don't care and give you a hard time. I was fortunate to have mine who had credible experience and was a great instructor at the same time, allowing me access to the higher level Java course when it was determined XCode/Swift was a no-go because of its accessibility issues. And yet Apple still claimed everyone can code?
Swift UI is gaining ground, but that was, what, 10 years in, and a few years after the tearjerker of a gesture on their part to braille Everyone can Code.