2020-02-24 22:26:00

@Jimmy69, I agree with you. But you have and I just skimmed selected messages of this large topic, but you have not brought science into the discussion. Science recognises only 2 genders. So if you are a male and feel like female or the other way around it has to be some kind of mental or psychological disorder that needs treatment. Unfortunately most doctors and psychologists don't have the skills to propperly treat gender disphoria and other mental disorders including the entire lgbtq collection. There is also an agenda trying to push their lifestyle onto everybody including children through books, the public schools, and movies and radio. Now regarding conversion therapy... Or what some in the lgbtq community label as conversion therapy. If science proves through my DNA that I am male, but I feel like a female, then you cannot convert anything, nor is there a need for some sort of conversion. Science says there are only two biological genders, male and female. A male cannot ever ever ever become a female, nor can a female become a male. It is biologically impossible and will always be biologically impossible. There is good, sound, treatment for such disorders but you have to look hard to find it. And getting such treatment may also be difficult or impossible due to financial situations of various people and where they live. Regarding yet another post. Some animals can change their sex but trying to compare those to humans is again like comparing apples to oranges. Can't be done. Scientifically and biologically they are not even close to human biology. In other words, you are male and feel like female? Ok that's just a feeling, an opinion. Will you feel the same way in 50 or 60 some years? Probably not. So just wait, get treatment if it is possible for you, feelings pass and opinions change from day to day. Stick to the scientific biological facts of who you are as a human. Stick with the gender you were programmed or designed with because the master creator of all reality, time, and existance who has been creating humans for thousands maybe millions of years knows how to make humans, knows how to make them perfectly, every time... all the time... to go against your core humanity is to go against reality, nature, human nature, scientific biology, and the creator of all space-time, the universe, the multiverse if its discovered by scientists in the future, you will experience some kind of consequences at some point down the road of your life. Stick to your scientifically biologically proven sexual identity programmed into you from the time you were just one human cell still in development... and try if possible to get a kind of psychological treatment that will help you accept your biological and scientifically-proven identity already programmed into your biological DNA by the being existing outside of space-time who is smarter than all humans of all times, and who is the expert at making new humans and correcting current human problems. Lastly, scientific discovery should affirm or agree with the existance of a being or the master being of all existance based on the observable universe and how ordered it is which then filters down to humanity and human's ability to use reason and intelligence so far as far as scientists know humans are the only creatures that can reason and think rationally about abstract and non-abstract ideas.

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2020-02-24 22:28:38

Or you could just. You know. Be who you want to be and be happy with that.

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2020-02-24 22:53:12

You know, I have no qualms about this topic coming back, but did it have to happen like that?

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-02-24 23:00:00

Yeah. I'm just shaking my head at 201 right now.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2020-02-24 23:01:12

Didn't read the whole thread because I find it quite disappointing that people here are being as judgemental and misinformed as they are.  I'm gay, and through that I've known a few trans people and have a few trans friends, some of whom work at Microsoft, and I just thought it might be worth trying to counteract some of this negativity.

Being gay isn't the same, but it got better for me once I was out, and for my trans friends it got better for them once they transitioned, so hang in there and ignore the "there are only two science-recognized genders" and the "but conversion therapy can help" and do it.  I won't lie, there's going to be people you won't talk to anymore, and there might be friends you'll lose and maybe even family members who won't want to talk to you, but there is a far side to being LGBT for most of us where being out of the closet and just doing it works out, and it doesn't mean being miserable forever.

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Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-02-24 23:02:25

201, great job. You just brought back  one of the most shittiest shit storms in modern forum history. Gracias, tu Burro.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-02-24 23:27:57

201: nope.
From what I've seen, modern science now recognizes more than two genders. There have been studies, can't remember where as at the time, I didn't pay too much attention, but there have, indeed, been studies.

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2020-02-24 23:50:09

sadly, 201 doesn't surprise me at all, accept for the fact that that didn't happen sooner.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-02-25 00:35:24

201: Kleinfelter's? Not sure how you spell it.
More accurately, the decoupling of gender and sex has made it hard to science gender at all. In terms of biological sex, science says there are two by default, but exceptions happen (not just birth abnormalities, but chromasomally as well). Then you have the many, many situations historically in which males were castrated, to the point that there are rather old terms like Eunuch and Castrato to refer to these. (there are rather old terms for transgender people, for that matter, old enough to have built up connotations that pushed them off the euphamism treadmill.)

And that doesn't even get into the endocrine shenanigans that can happen long after birth, or the neurological stuff before and after, and we still haven't gotten to the individual and their personal experience.

TLDR: the "i" in "lgbtqia++" stands for a scientific term.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

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2020-02-25 00:51:45

From personal experience and as someone who normally participates in debates, the debate isn't worth it. I'd ignore this thread beyond positive wishes or shared experience, it's already too much out of control.  if I'd noticed the dates I'd probably have just sent a private message but I thought it was still ongoing.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-02-25 01:46:14

Conversion therapy is one of those things that will bring out a torrent of rage in me, so I'll try to keep this brief. You know what those so-called practices all have in common? They don't convert a person so much as they strip away their humanity, and quite literally beat the person into submission. I can't for the life of me recall the name of the book I read a few years back which dealt with this. Fictional though it was, it was a really shocking story about teens who were sent to one of those pray the gay away camps, which do, in fact, exist. After a lot of pseudo psychology, manipulation, physical and even sexual abuse by the staff, one kid has enough and kills the director. There's a whole love story where two girls fall for each other even within the confines of that place, too, but I just can't remember what it was called. I probably blocked it out, but it was seriously fucked up. It's not much different than those so-called boot camps which were popular in the 90's where parents sent their troubled teens to "straighten them out." Little wonder that many "survivors" of such places never lived to see much beyond an even more tormented existence, seeing as how the suicide rate was so high. I fell down a rabbit hole in the mid-2000's when I was first discovering the internet when I read a lot of those kinds of stories. I hated every second of it, but I couldn't stop once I'd started.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

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2020-02-25 02:14:07

There was a lifetime movie about it as well. They made the girl stand in a corner with a backbag of rocks. and big ones at that.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-02-25 03:35:54

Joshknnd1982, go ahead and consider this a warning.

Look. We've made it clear over and over and over again that some "opinions" are essentially personal attacks. I'd say post 201 definitely qualifies.
You took pains to explain how science only recognizes two genders, ignoring the fact that sex and gender are not the same thing. You hand-waved the fact that some animals change sex because they're not human, and...well, I guess humans aren't animals, or something? Then you tried the "just be who you are, because so-and-so programmed you this way" defense. That doesn't work either. Clearly, you are not transgender and don't seem to suffer from any form of dysphoria, so you don't get what it's like. Be happy that you're well off in this regard, but do not shove your viewpoint down someone else's throat when this person has clearly gotten a lot of needless flak already. Oh, right, and don't equate transitioning to conversion therapy. The two are not at all alike.
Top it all off, but you had to revive an old and virtually dead topic to say all of this? I'm not sure what you were hoping to achieve, and I'm not going to argue with you further.
Save yourself further shame, as you've already seemingly torched people's opinion of you. Just don't respond in here again. Don't try and defend yourself on this point. Go do something else, and maybe keep your transphobia away from the forum.

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2020-02-25 04:38:16

@210, I'm not sure this debate isn't worth it. I feel like not responding like 209 did might give the impression to some that posts like 201 have the intellectual high ground, which they don't. I know people who have their positions for emotional (religious, cultural etc) reasons are not likely to be convinced, but there must be a few people who would be convinced by a rational argument, or maybe I'm just overly optimistic.
Also @213 I'm not sure that warning is warranted. It's a bit of a stretch to say it's a personal attack. It's just an opinion, and as wrong as it is it still isn't attacking anyone personally. It probably seems like a hopeless endeavor with the number of people on this topic with similar views, many of whom were actually guilty of personal attacks. But the post makes certain claims that can be addressed. You are usually better than this at doing exactly that. And I get that you must be frustrated at this point, but telling someone to not respond again and not to defend their view seems hostile and plays into the impression of some people that your personal views interfere with your moderation and that you're just censoring certain views.

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2020-02-25 04:39:45

Conversion therapy was also shown slightly in Riverdale. It's something that I don't really want to get into fully, but lets just say for those who still aren't convinced, there's a reason, other than politics, that its banned in a bunch of states.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-02-25 04:53:32

If post 201 had been the first bit of dissention against trans folk that I'd seen in this thread, then maybe it gets a caution. It's still transphobic, but a personal attack might be a stretch. I agree.
But look how long this topic got. Look at how many people already went up this road, some better, some worse. There is really nothing new in post 201 that's worth arguing with. There's no hard facts. No research. No science, even though science is invoked. And on top of it all is a pseudo-religious argument. That simply can't be argued with in this context. Post 201 was made despite all of this. It was made after the topic had already grown to 200 posts, much of that people already showing transphobic views to one degree or another. If this was true ignorance, again, I'd have been willing to just caution, a sort of "hey, don't reignite the blaze" post. But it wasn't. Jimmy69 was specifically cited, suggesting that Joshknnd1982 has been reading this thread. I ask you, then: why the need to revive it? Why the need to reignite this, with all the history?
There are some people who may legitimately be able to hold a discussion, and can state things politely, gently or in some other way as to make folks know that while they may not agree with a thing, they are willing to respect it. I saw very little of that in post 201. It was just agreeing with Jimmy69, who's already faced a lot of blowback for doubling down and pressing a point that does not need to be pressed any further than it already has.

So if you take each part on its own, I'd agree that a warning is pretty harsh. If you look at the big picture, however, I think this was easily earned.

I'm asking Josh not to come back in here and defend himself because it cannot and will not go well. This is not something most people are willing to debate, especially as this post appears to have been made in bad faith anyway. This isn't just ignorance, remember. It's assumption, religious argument and close-mindedness all wrapped up in one. A good conversational gambit this is absolutely not. So I'm basically saying "cut your losses, bro. You've done enough here".

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2020-02-25 05:03:03

Just to add onto 209, there is a condition known as androgen insensitivity syndrome. People with this condition are genetically male, but fail to respond to male hormones to varying degrees. This results in a spectrum from mostly male with slight female characteristics, to completely female in the case of complete insensitivity, with people in the middle being considered intersex because they can't really be classified as male and female due to a combination of traits. There are other examples as well, but the point is even just biological sex isn't always as straight forward as some people make it out to be, no matter how badly some people want it to be purely binary. It's kind of like the religious people who say homosexuality isn't natural and then just ignore all the cases of it occurring in various animal species. So what really defines being male or female? Sure your underlying genome won't change, but can a 46XY person who is phenotypically entirely female really be considered male? If you really go into it, the outward things that people usually use to classify people can be changed, so for all practical purposes males can become females and females can become males.

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2020-02-25 05:14:34

Dear Danú on a stick, are we all gonna put down our toys, stop spitting on others while pulling on each others hair? Some of you are acting like 2-year-olds told that a neighbour has the same toy as them. NOOOO! BUT  I DON'T WANNA SHAAARE! is ábhar díomá é seo... right. so. yes. gender binaries are a lie; there are 0 genders  because to number them is to restrict them. everone's gender identity is different, it's just that people have confused a bunch of people having one specific set of configurtions and another  set of people having another for actual, set-in-stone traits and identities. Noooooot so much. right, end of this topic, I hope.

Apotheosis and becoming are a path to collectivity

2020-02-25 05:53:50

I have never seen someone change their mind on these issues because someone argued it with them.  The information is out there for anyone who wants to look for it,and even the most cursory searches will turn it up, but that means that the other party has to be approaching it from a point of learning and not a point of defending their position, at which point saying something isn't necessary.

The flip side is that having the argument means that anyone else watching this who isn't secure in themselves and is still coming to terms with the fact that half the world hates them now also has yet another place to see the hatred in one place.  This is also primarily a site of minors and people in more vulnerable positions, which means that the science/religion ping pong that doesn't ever change minds has a lot of ways to cause damage.  Damage which we will probably never find out about, since it's the sort of damage that'll just cause people to stay quiet for fear of starting another thread like this one.  It takes a while to develop the skin necessary to let things roll off.

So: to you, and to everyone else who might be tempted to play defense by directly addressing people with anti-LGBT viewpoints, please consider whether that's really helping.  Words of encouragement or a "I'm gay/trans/etc too" or what have you likely go a lot further than science/religion ping-pong.

I don't think I've ever found myself wanting to see a thread get closed before, but I think there might be an argument to be made for closing this one.  I don't see how it can go anywhere good.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-02-25 10:00:38

I completely agree. This conversation isn't going anywhere; what with part of the users saying it's wrong to transition while the other part is trying to defend transitioning. Neither side is getting each other to budge, and anything more that could be said has been said already. What's the point in beating a dead horse?

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-02-25 10:53:07

I don't get the it is wrong to transition people. I literally can't see any good reasons why you would think that. Nope. Let people liv there lifes however they choose. Quit jutching people by there seksuality, collor and so on. Jutch people by there personality and the world would be a far better place. That is what I believe in anyway.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

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2020-02-25 11:28:47

See, I was willing to just let this topic die, but then Joshknnd1982 had to resurrect it. And in the manner he did. Now I trust that people see a little better why I gave a warning for this.

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2020-02-25 12:51:03

I honestly think closing the thread might be a good idea at this point. I'm not going to delete it because I'm hoping some of it could help someone in my position, but at this point I'm not sure if anything good can come of it being open. There's just not enough of us on here for us to really have a good discussion beyond what we've already seen here.
Something I'd like to say though. I do know someone who was born male, but didn't produce testosterone naturally so had to have it on medication. This person would later come out as MTF. Just something to think about. Sex and gender aren't as black and white as you might think.

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2020-02-25 18:27:18

Due to haily_merry requesting the topic be closed, I am going to do this. I also think the discussion has gone as far as it can go for now.

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