2020-02-22 18:29:41

Hi anyone!
Before you start shouting at me, just listen.
Yesterday i waned to install arch on my system.
I heard select a soundcart, and pressed enter. Nothing happened, so i restarted.
Then, i did it again, but instid of pressing enter, i was tapping my arrow keys, didn't worked, but after a while i heard a known to me dialing like chime.
Gues what, jenux waned the same, but i didn't know i needed to press enter on that chime before, and i realised it yesterday.
I found out that Daniel Nash, nicknamed hacker here, released a new version a few weeks ago.
Idk if it is just a new version or what? But it just works!
My test mahine was a macbook air 13, irly 2015.
Retroarch installed, kodi installed but was a little more buggy, and now, i am using firefox on jenux with mate installed.
And, hacker, if you see this, i really like your work, but i want to give a little negative and pozitive feedback to help developing the system, hope you dont mind.
The flash a raspberry pi option doesn't work properly, and to use it you need to download a script from your site manually and then run it, i dont know if it wont serve more crashes cause i tested it only once, but as far as i know, qemu doesn't properly install to chroot in to the arm env, as far as i saw in the errors when i was testing in a vm, so i would want you to if possible fix it, since then i wouldn't need a sighted assistance when for example installing kodi with libre elec.
And, better hardware compatibility. I dont know if it is just me, but the funny thing is that any arch based distro, i dont know if even debian didn't doo this, they didn't support my ethernet drivers on my del precision M2400 work station, i thing its called like that. This may be an issue with closed drivers tough.
And positives, when it works its just great! You have a few software presets, you have a kernel selection, and alot of software including wine with sapi pre installed.
You can install android and, kodi, and retroarch, and they are accessible right out of the box!
Thank you for what you doo, and i wish you luck with any of your upcoming projects, if you are working on any or if you wil start working on any.
Also, i hope you'l inprove jenux more and more, and once again, thanks!

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-22 19:09:57

Where to get that thing, please share.

2020-02-22 19:19:10

You can get the latest version of Jenux from here , and yes, it does definitely work much better now.


2020-02-22 21:47:08

I did not have luck with this last time, though I loved what this was trying to do, so I'm excited to try a working version.

2020-02-23 00:08:09

I have noticed the size of the iso is larger, I will try to install this on my dell 790 later tonight. I am excited to see what i can do with this os.

2020-02-23 00:48:29

Hello, I am glad to hear that my OS works for you! I apologize for the inconvenience, but the raspberry pi flashing script is indeed broken at the moment. I do plan to fix this eventually, but due to my busy college schedule, papers due every week, plus the impending start of work study, I do not have as much time to work on this as I would like. If you are familiar with shell script and would like to see if you can fix it before I get around to doing so, please go to the following URL:
The files that you will need to download are the following:
The files.tar.gz contains the data, package installation scripts, and post installation payloads. The files that most likely need need to be changed are the following:
initpkgs.<preset>, fix by removing any packages that give a target not found error in pacman, to check, refer to the segment of /etc/postinstall.sh that is after "if [ -f /usr/bin/sudo ];then"
Once again, I am glad that people give a flying potato pancake about my software. smile Please let me know if you run into any difficulties.

2020-02-23 10:50:20

@6, you know your life would be made a lot easier and it would generally be easier for people to contribute to your software if you just put your stuff up on github like I did with the FreeOS project, right?

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-02-23 13:37:55 (edited by Mudb0y 2020-02-23 13:39:37)

Yeah, i gues github would be a nice thing to doo with this project.
Say if someone just fixed something, such person could just send a pulrequest on github instid of mailing/pm's.
Edit: I also discoveret that the anything software preset doesn't work properly, may check this error more deep later

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 13:41:13

I should try Jenux again on a vm and then if I like it, make some old laptop a good machine for my family, an old acer with 2 gigs of ram and some celeron in it.
If the pi script worked, I would of used my pi as a mini school computer just because I am lazy to cary my laptop all the time.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-02-23 15:13:53

Ok sorry for double post, but trying it again on vmware pro gives me still lots and lots of errors.
I tryed both android and Jenux, none of them worked properly.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-02-23 17:05:46

I created a jenux github repo for anyone wishing to help.
If you are using cli, then do
git clone https://github.com/stas-prze/jenux
If you want to check it out, ]https://github.com/stas-prze/jenux

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 17:12:19

Although the installer recommends at least 60 gigs of free Drive space, I am myself give it 100 gigs or 128 gigs of space, just so he has enough breathing room. I have never had any issues with it on VMware.

2020-02-23 17:17:05

@ stasp,

I will be sure to pass along the link to the repo, I will also go see if you have a read me up. Thanks for sharing! Spread the word! I wonder if Daniel would be willing to link back your get hub  on his website, that would be most grateful.

2020-02-23 17:30:45

No, i dont have a readme, cause i dont know what i need to put in to it.
Fould be great if someone would make it tough.
I'm currently downloading files from Daniel's site to upload on to the repo.

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 17:56:20

I also made a wiki for this github repo, you can fix the home page, my grammar errors, or add something there.

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 18:36:42

Addet readme.md, just for information

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 19:10:27

I gave it 32 gigs, mostly because I didn't know it needed more than that.
Still, it gives errors when downloading stuff, also when partitioning.
Sadly, same storry with android, I have an android 9 vm, but it isn't great, since it has that beeping bug.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-02-23 19:23:30

well that's why i made this github repo in the first place, to fix stuff and add more

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 19:45:03

All Android x86 installations have the beeping bug due to the Linux terminals getting in the way.

2020-02-23 21:24:47 (edited by Ethin 2020-02-23 21:28:50)

The fact that Jenux requires 60 GB of space is utterly ridiculous when a standard Arch Linux install requires under 30. Remove the desktop environment and you can get it under 15. Trim the system down to the essentials and a few programs and you've got a system under 4. What are we installing, Windows? Let me guess.... this is still powered by obscure, ancient, unreadable shell scripts? Thereby making contribution very difficult?
I hate to be so negative but I still don't see much of an advantage to something that breaks about 95 percent of the time. If it was a lot more stable and was easier to contribute to, instead of forcing us to go through a process that looks like its from the 80s, and it didn't use shell scripts, I might be a tad more positive.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-02-23 22:11:50

@ethin, not so fast.
It does require 60GB of space, but only and only when installing the anything preset, whitch installs alot of stuff, you have the pkg list on github or on @hacker's site.
I hace a mate installation that after deleting cache from the packages and such takes aproks 12/13 GB.
If you install only base, indeed it takes only 2 GB of space.

Proud contributor to the manjaro project! www.manjaro.org

2020-02-23 22:48:22


I'd love to hear your thoughts on Slackware based distros then since the one I tried did the exact same thing, and the maintainer of that distro refuses to use anything else and pushes that distro on blind users then.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-02-24 16:04:05


If I was good with Wikis, I'd ad this myself.
Just wanted to make sure that you link back Daniel's site on your Jinux Wiki page.

If its already there, please let me know which page it's on.

2020-02-24 16:48:15 (edited by hacker 2020-02-24 16:55:51)

Hello, just as a heads up, I added the option to install android 10. I have also refactored the android iso2access script to use the same talkback installation procedure as my talkback magisk module, which I really should put on the site. Due to said refactoring, I would sincerely appreciate any adventurous ghinnypigs with a spare physical machine who would be interested in testing the installation procedure, more specifically if talkback properly comes up speaking with espeak on the different versions. Also, as was previously mentioned, an error log for both installers would not be out of the question, perhaps using sqlite as a db backend, dumping the raw data as insert queries and piping the data through something like tee in a separate pipeline so you can still see the output. That's whatI love about shell scripts, as long as you can get or make sure you have versions of the tools you need that behave in the way that you expect to do a certain task, you're good to go. As a side note, to download all of the files if you would like to mirror it on github or whereever, just do:
wget -rc https://nashcentral.duckdns.org/autobuildres
You can also put that address in your browser, which will load an index page which yu can explore. This is the reason why I allow indexes on my site, so it's open for anyone to see how things work.

2020-02-24 18:10:59

Quick Tip:

If you wish to not here as much chatter with speech during Jinux or Android installations, use Capslock+F4 to Toggle the speaking of Finrir on/off.