2020-02-19 00:55:36

Recount your tales of things being destroyed here. Broken window? Three thousand pounds of glass falling off of a banister?  That time a live music performance went totally wrong? I’ll tails are welcome.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-02-19 01:00:33

I have one.

me, my brother, and my2 sisters.

we had double decker beds, witch is something like bunk beds, I think?

anyways, we were playing a game in witch I have to kech them. short storry, one of my sisters fell off the top, broke a window, and hurt her arm.

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-02-19 01:27:04

/Adel, its the same thing. Its just a typical situation of American vs English.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-19 01:43:53 (edited by ignatriay 2020-02-19 01:52:11)

Got some,
I was in a piano performance a couple years back... Got so nervous that I messed up my playing a little too much... lol, but wasn't that bad in the end.
Another time, I was working on my desk, a glass of water a ways off from my laptop, and as I was reaching over to grab it, my mind goes... Your gunna knock it over... I was like, hell no. Needless to say, I made a sudden move for the glass, knocking it over to the floor where it broke into bits.
Oh yeah. I was with one of my cousin's at one time, we where both jumping in a trampoline our grandmother had. I got a little reckless and think I tried doing a front flip... The next thing I know, I here a loud, crack. Ened up with my right arm's bones both  the  radius and ulna broken in one go. Epic fail.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-02-19 02:07:16

@4 hahahahaha

2020-02-19 04:43:49

Few of my own:
I knocked a Yamaha DGX-500 off a stand.  It fell on its side and cracked all along that particular side, and sadly that was the right side, which is where the floppy drive was; never worked again.
I had an HP pavilion laptop back in o4 or o5, can't exactly remember, that fell out of the trunk of a car onto solid pavement.  The back busted open and chips went all over the freaking place and some of the keys popped right off the keyboard.  What keys were left looked like they too could come off as the rest of the thing lifted up around the corners.  Even the fan was cracked along the sides.  I didn't dare to try and see if I could somehow fix that thing.
I used to use a sansaclip mp3 player with rockbox as an improvised hearingade when I didn't have any.  By hitting the record option and having it monitor what the mic was picking up and wearing a pair of earbuds I got along quite nicely.  I'd wrap the wire around my neck and loop it over and over again until it was short enough that it wasn't really all that intrusive; what can I say, I was sincerely desperate and had no way of getting hearingades at the time.  Everythinwas going well, , until the day when I forgot I had it on and steppe in the shower.  What followed was a rather thunderous wooshing sound which gradually grew softer and softer, until I heard nothing else...
My cousins and I were running around a trailor park I used to live in.  The streets were pretty quiet there and there were quite a few speedbumps to keep cars at a slow pace.  It was really an easy place for a blind person to get used to and not get hurt in.  It served as a wonderful place growing up because I was able to learn to ride my bike, skateboard, rollerblade and a bunch of other stuff.  The problem this time around was that, as I was running I was entirely unaware that my grandpa had come to visit.  His picup truck had just pulled into our parking space and he had already gone into the house.  I smashed into it full force, slamming my left leg, right above the knee, straight into the trailor hitch.  The pain was so immense that I fell back in such a way that my right leg gave out, pounding my right knee into the pavement hard enough that I actually got a rock embeded in it.  There was me with my left thigh busted open and bleeding like crazy and my right knee torn up and with a rock sticking out of it.  If ever there was a time I cried like a baby even though I wasn't one, that would have been the day.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-02-19 08:12:58

As you can imagine, my many destructive topics and bad decisions on the forum must come from somewhere, right? correct! I have many to share.
Do you remember the bop it air, with it's fun gestures that you could do, like hammer it, nail it, etc etc? well, let's just say this. I was slightly angry one time, so I decided a bop it game would be just the thing to cheer me up. So bop it!
I bopped, fine
Hammer it!
I hammered it, sure, smash! right onto the glass coffee table.
One time, I was in the kitchen getting some sugar out of the cupboard because I was annoyed about not getting any chcolates, so I went to bake some nice biscuits (which I must say were very delicious) -- however, in my haste to begin working, I conveniently forgot about the flower placed next to the sugar. a forceful tug promptly sent both bags (and most of what was inside) crashing to the ground in a powdery mess.
One time, I had a dream that I was rolling along the floor at a tremendous speed. I woke up to find that this was true. and crash! into the wall I went. Safe to say I don't consider that to be one of the dreams I'd like to continue.
My brother was in the kitchen one time to pull some things out of a high drawer. the drawers were old and rickety, and apparently, near the end of their lifespan. He opened the drawer a little bit too far, and the drawer tipped. I heard an enormous smash! and there went all of the glasses, cups, bottles and jars my home possessed.

I have a similar story to someone else's on here, I can't remember, I did a front flip on the trampoline, and I landed on the net of the trampoline, and started sliding down. To my credit, I stayed reasonably calm. Ok fine! I was screaming a little bit. Then, down came the trampoline, and -- smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash!
One time some of my friends and I were playing a jumping game where we jumped over a high ledge on the edge of the school sand pit. I was on my third jump when my right foot nicked the concrete on top of the ledge and down I came, onto the concrete. Blood was everywhere and I had a huge scar that ran down from my eye to my chin with blood coming out of it. I was quickly bandaged up and sent home. I got on my computer to play crazy party, and luckily, I had no brain injury-I achieved a new high score of 41 on space invasion! It's safe to say I was very tired though and may as well have fainted then and there.
Speeking of crazy party, it was my first time playing crazy party in grade  3 or 4, and I was in an extremely bad mood as I had hurt myself at school that daywhen I encountered "underground facility"
After that, I saved up for a new lap top. The little guy's been a good computer to me to this day though, so I suppose that was a bonus.

2020-02-19 09:07:55

So This isn't something I did, but my sighty friend Jake was throwing a football up in the air and catching it. Thing is, Their were four wine glasses on the refrigerator and the ball smashed down on top of two of them. The reason that this story is so funny to me is because I did loose two of my glasses, but sighties are always telling us to be careful and stuff. Anyway, we finally managed to get the glass hoovered up into the rubish bin, but the next day I was rushing out of the room to get to class and I knocked the whole damn thing over. That was not a fun clean up.

2020-02-19 10:25:14

A few years back, we had a gate thingy in front of our staircase cause we didn't want doggy to go upstairs.
You could open this gate but i was in a rush.
I stepped over the gate with my right foot, placed it on one of the steps on the stairs.
My foot slipt and i hit the gate with a leg on each side. That was no fun.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-02-19 10:49:30

Well, I have 4. So I was in school, right? I was reading the math textbook, because that's what geeeks do right? So after awhile, I went to talk to my friend Amie, cause that's what boys do right? so i left my Koolertron digital magnifier on the desk. Then came recess. So I raised the lid to get to my lunch kit, and then all I heard was smash. The screen was literally split in half. 2500 dollars down the drain. Now, in a simular situation, after Phis Ed, all the boys change in class. I was lucky that day cuz it was only my best friend, amie and 2 of her friends, and i know they won't be watching. So I rested my J6 on the desk and my lunch kit. But the phone was in front the kit. So I dragged the kit and smash. The entire lower prtion was all cracked and the screen stopped sisplaying. When I was a young lad, my brother and I would play all sorts of crazy games. We had an old room filled with books. We called it the stuff room. So, we got the ideaa to toss books at each other. unkown to me, a bible was flying full force at my left eye. I got blood shot. After all that, the doctor gave me too much anestetics for y age, and aparently, I wnet in a coma afterwards.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-19 11:01:32

holy shit Jaidon. How old were you when the ball hit your eye?

2020-02-19 11:07:20

the bible is one of the hugest book in the world. that must have hurt a lot!

2020-02-19 11:10:34

I was like, 5? or 6? Somewhere in that bracket.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-19 14:18:03


Something that didn't happened to me but which I experienced first hand.
Back when I was at a 4 week intern at a company two of the trainees were assigned the task of taking one of these metal trawleys, load it up with old hardware and bring it down to the storage warehouse.
So, they had the cart loaded up with a bunch of old computers, a ink pisser printer and some other stuff that was either old or was damaged. Instead of using the two handles on the cart those two ideots thought hey, why not drag the cart behind us by a cable which is attached to one of the computers? So, they did, must have been looking pritty interesting with the cart following those two like a dog attached to the cable leash. So, off the party went  and here is where it gets interesting.
Imagine a coridor running south to north, at the end there is a coridor going westward, further traveling north brings you to a staircase leading downwards.
So, the trainees went at a faster pase and made the westward turn and hoped that the cart would follow. Problem, the force of the turn made the cable go loose and the cart shot further north and you guessed it, went down the stairs with a huge crash boom boing kravoom.
So, in the end we had a destroyed cart, hardware in peaces, a damaged staircase railing and the wall on the other side of the stairs was also damaged.
The swaring of the companies boss could be heard two stories about his office big_smile.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-02-19 17:44:48

@14 crash boom... boing? tongue Nah, just messing with ya. But you'd think people would be a little more careful with that kind of thing... lol apparently not.
If I had any of these to share, I would.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2020-02-19 21:33:34

You want a story of something being destroyed? I'll tell the most tragic destruction story of all.

My life!

lol Only kidding. In all seriousness, I remember as a kid, me and a friend started throwing marshmallow bags at each other. Don't ask me why. And of course, in the midst of our playful war, one of our bags hits a glass cabinet with some of my mom's valuables, and all that was heard before the yelling was the loud shattering of glass!

2020-02-19 21:42:59

how could a bag of marshmellows do that?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-19 21:50:47

@17, physics. That's how. lol

2020-02-19 21:57:42

I still can't believe it. The dude who threw the bag must have been really strong, or the glass was really weak.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-22 13:22:09

A bit late, but oh well. here are my stories.

I used to live in hostel for blind kids, I spend five years of my schooling there. of course, I hated that with a passion.

So, the first hostel I used to live in, I found this window, which has some sticky stuff around its glasses. since I was nine, and was really unable to express my anger to adults, (I seriously had some anger issues, it is a good thing I did not had access to internet, or a computer at that time,) I started to remove that sticky stuff, later I learned it was called packing or something.

Naturally, I got caught, though curiously enough this not resulted in a beating, since I did (as well as other kids,) did suffered beatings for some really small things.

So, dew to the increasing bullying issues, I was shipped to another hostel, this time, I will admit that it was nicer than the first, but still I hated that place.

But here, the destruction was not dun out of malice, more out of general mischievousness. for example, we used to play cricket in the dorm rooms, (yes, we shouldn't have done that, but we did all the same,) and one day my friend pounded the ball so hard that it collided with the fan which was on at that time.

Another thing happen to me there, was this.

There were these beds, which we used to call double floor beds, which have a bed on the normal level, and above that, there is another bed, and both sides have ladder like steps to get on the bed at top.

One day, my friend, (the same one who pounded the ball,) managed to get me fired enough that I jumped from that bed above, and consequently learned that it was a bad idea, since both of my ancles suffered some damage.

He realized his mistake though, took care of me during the entire recovery, and we're still friends to this day.

The final story happen at the home of my maternal aunt's home.

I and my brother, (well he would be considered the cousin, but we are close like brothers,) were playing beyblade.

(For those who don't know, it was a spinning top game which came out of Japan, and was very popular here in India.)

And I in the imitation of the anime character, called my own beyblade to attack the opposing beyblades, and the launcher escaped from my hands, flew right above my head, and shattered the tubelight.

Thankfully, aside from ranting about the destructive kids, she did not do anything to excessive to me.

2020-02-22 18:18:59 (edited by Jeffb 2020-02-22 18:23:11)

@Dark Eagle that reminds me of a similar story although it wasn't a bunkbed. I went to a Goalball meet in high school to either Virginia school for the blind or west Virginia school for the blind I can't remember which. Anyway I'm in my room on the bed listening to an audio book when this kid from another school just enters the room and jumps on my bed trying to scare me. He didn't scare me but he did end up breaking the bed because it had a wooden frame. My gym teacher had to fix the bed I don't know how he managed to fix it. I was anoied because he interupted my audio book.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-02-22 23:05:02

lool, the bed is broken and you were annoyed about the audiobook

2020-02-23 00:08:50

Haha yep. Then he's all like. Oh I might like this book. Well you could of done that with out breaking the bed. It was a Maximum Ride book if anyone wanted to know.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-02-23 01:47:27

I understand your pain dude. Its like, ah friggs mn. Couldn't you waited until the end of of this bloody chapter?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-02-23 05:54:09 (edited by ignatriay 2020-02-23 06:10:22)

Ok... Remembered another one... this one is epic lmao...
Ok. So one day, my sister and I wanted to go out riding our bicycles... But The person who could give us a hand to see that I didn't crash into stuff said to wait a while. We where like... nah! Lets do this. Ok. Out we go, and my younger sister is trying to direct my steering... right, left... right... shit. shit!!! Left, no no no stop... craaaaaaaaaaaaash!!! I ended up hitting a nabor's car... And breaking off one of it's rear lights. So my sister goes up to the door, knocks and once it was opened, she goes... Uh, hi mister? Look, I uh have some bad news and some good news to tell you. Bad news? Your car is... well, my brother crashed into it and one of the rear lights is broken... The good news? Is that he didn't got hurt!!! Lol.
This one is more along the lines of funny as heck, though there was a bit of destruction envolved.
After my brother's graduation party, we where driving back home. My dad, my brother, my sister, and me. Of course it beeing a graduation party... naturally everyone stayed up late, so everyone was tired, the party ended at 5:00a.m, and I believe we left the place where the party was beeing hosted, tipicly where i'm from, its a huge party, and a hotel is rented, so that people can stay after the party and sleep instead of having to drive home at a very late hour. If I remember correctly, we left the hotel at 2:00 P.M once we woke up. Anyway, we where driving back home, and at some point of the drive,  Unbeknownst to me, one by one, my sister, brother, and dad fell asleep, and ironically i'm the only one awake, and of course i'm clueless and cant see anything so... I was like, ya know, chilling when... I feel a crash. My dad wakes up and goes... Shit. My brother wakes up next and goes... Did we just crash? My dad's like, yup. It was a miner crash, I don't think there was any dammage to the car asside from some scratching of the paintwork, but we still laugh about it till this day.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley