2020-02-17 01:20:38

i’d like to point out that the HP lawnmower is now on sale. The previous price was $3 trillion and out of the kindness of their hearts. HP has raised ahem i mean lowered it to $10 trillion. The people working there are definitely the best mathematicians the world has ever seen. Everyone knows that 3 trillion is definitely more than 10 trillion. So as my signature says, all hail the HP lawnmower

2020-02-17 01:43:00

I love the HP Lawnmower. I sold my genetalia and both legs, and all 10 of my fingers, and gave my soul to the devil to be the next incarnation of Hitler but I feel it was worth it. I love how it downthrottles sitting idol at the desktop, which takes 10 months to boot into. I could not be happier

2020-02-17 01:50:16

At 2 thumbs up

2020-02-17 02:19:34

Did you know that a Dell lawnmower exists, and has an operating system of Windows lawnME? It has 0.1 B of RAM and takes 300 hours to start. It gets your grass cut super quick!

2020-02-17 02:27:50

can I use the case to make coffee?

2020-02-17 02:31:36

can I ride round the garden on it? does it fly? more importantly, will it ride me and give me a good time?

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2020-02-17 04:51:46

at 2; you really gone that far to say you sold every part of your sistem to buy that thing?
how lame
I have a superpower launmower witch has 500 gigabights of ram and starts in 500 miliseconds: it cuts threw ciment and can burn grass if not used propperly
it has the latest tool that will make a grass gun

my new youtube channel. click subscribe if you like my stuff
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzL-l8 … YCkjOm3FIg

2020-02-17 05:39:04

I sure hope that the HP lawnmower works better than their laptop fans. My HP laptop over heats like crazy. Does the HP lawnmower blades actually cut grass? How well does it manage weeds? Will I also have to buy the Western Digital weed wacker? Has anyone brought the Del leaf blower? I saw that it was on sale for 3.99 bilion. What a steal!

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-02-17 05:42:32

The whole HP lawnmower  thing started because of a friend’s fan. For some reason through his microphone it sounded like a lawnmower. That’s where it actually began

2020-02-17 05:51:58 (edited by Jeffb 2020-02-17 05:53:03)

Haha makes sense. Their tech support is a joke as well.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-02-17 06:02:36

I don't care much for the HP products, lawnmower included.  I prefer the Apple mactractor running OSXYZ.  It really does do the job from X to Y to z, no matter what Jobs.  You're not stuck with all the gated nonsense that lawnME and other window, door, and wall software and hardware produce.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-02-17 06:10:39

I bet you the tractor does not have as much ram as the lawnmower. One full kilobyte, what else could you ask for?

2020-02-17 06:30:57

Upgrading my lawnmower to macrohard doors px was the best decision I ever made, now I have a talking purple monkey and it takes about 500 less hours to boot

2020-02-17 06:31:07


2020-02-17 06:59:54

Yeah but we all know that the only good grass roaming pair of wheels for macrohard is moe-zilla's flamewolf, where as the mactractor, on top of supporting flamewolf wheels also has its own proprietary roaming tires called junglejourney, which are the best at navigating through all that thick grass you just ccan't deal with using flamewolf.  And because Apple knows all about keeping gardens and orchirds and the like super tidy, they give you a ton of proprietary stuff like iRose, iGrows, iWater, iHerb, i420 for all those people who are looking to get into high places.  They even have shorttime, the best grass mowing app of them all, which will really cut it short!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-02-17 07:54:39

the sound of that machine is soothing, i always sleep and wake with it evry day

2020-02-17 08:25:31 (edited by moaddye 2020-02-17 08:25:58)

All kill the hp lawnmower. I have a lenovo lawnmower with 13000000000000 GB  ram, takes a milisecond to boot, and works absolutely well.

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2020-02-17 08:37:02

I had a macrohard lawnmower once but it RRODed sad

2020-02-17 09:39:25

I know that this is a bit  off topic post 18 but I really like the music you make

2020-02-17 09:44:19

Thanks dude, appreciate it.

2020-02-17 11:57:03

You are all fools. I will use the linux chainsaw, it is produced with the glorious hammers and sickles of downtrodden guarden and field workers and it will revolutionize every home and guardin appliance ever made! The might of the red gardening faction will not be opposed. Tremble in fear!

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-02-17 12:03:27

You guys are all lame! I have the lorbia vacuum cleaner that runs the brand-new lorbia os. It also has a quarter of a nibble of RAM. I mean, what more could you ask for? It comes with a speech synthesiser from 4000 BCE. that thing sounds absolutely realistic!

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-02-17 13:18:33

bugger the lawnmower, i'm still waiting for my john deere laptop to arrive!

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2020-02-17 16:52:17

Fun fact: I have an HP laptop, and it's super-quiet. Like, it's quiet enough that if the fan's not going, I have to put it up to my head to hear it. When the fan does go, you hear it, but it doesn't rev or growl, it just makes fan noises.
Other than having a terrifically bad native keyboard, this thing has worked really well, and has insane battery life. Also, it boots into Windows in like eighteen seconds. I've heard horror stories about the HP brand, but I've just never experienced them I guess.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-02-17 17:39:14

Nah, taking the satire hat off for a bit, I've never had issues with HP laptops.  Desktops are another story.  I had one that just flat out would not start without a monitor atatched to it.  I had another that right out of the box had HD issues and would beep at me and flash disk error warnings.  In short?  I've never owned an HP desktop I felt I could trust and run successfully.
Turn the story around and I've had Acer desktops that did absolutely well, and laptops and netbooks that just flat out sucked.
Dell's been a mixup of things.  I had one dell desktop that ran for nearly 5 years without a hiccup, but when it finally crashed, it crashed hard and never came back.  I had a dell Laptop that I somehow managed to get a virus onto, and to this day I still don't know what it was or how I got it, but I do know it fried my CDrive into inoperability.  I know I was downloading more stuff in general at the time, so that may have had a lot to do with it, but we'll never know because the thing just wouldn't budge to give me any further info.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.