2020-02-16 14:01:48

I needed a multi microphone system to record  multiple different people.  And instead of shelling out like $600 which I do not have, I decided to do one of the  laziest, most inefficient things possible.

I have two working audio recorders. The Olympus DM 620,  and the zoom H2n.  And what does that give me?    Multiple microphones.

  So what did I do to simulate a multi microphone system? That’s right, turn both of them on and hit record at the same time and hope that it worked.  I then proceeded to do several tests.

Afterwards, when I put them both into my daw and combined them, it  predictably sounded like a 1960s delay  effect.  But of course I didn’t give up there.  I decided to go through the painstaking process of making them both aline as exactly as I could.  And in a very nice display that the most ridiculous solutions to problems like this   Actually  work, when I was finished, it sounded pretty good.  Not only do I have two mono microphones, but I have a set of stereo microphones seeing as I can record with two different microphone capsules at once on the zoom.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-02-16 14:29:59

yeah, sometimes somethings are easyer then you thought i do that all the time

2020-02-16 16:59:53

Lol I love this, why go the easy way when you can fiddle around with this setup and learn something along the way,  sounds good to me.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-02-16 18:49:53

good improvising there

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-02-16 18:54:57 (edited by Defektive 2020-02-16 18:55:52)

Doing stuff like this is fun lol. You just improvise with what you have

There will come nothing, for there was nothing.

2020-02-16 20:44:34

Nah, not ridiculous. Just like everyone else said, using what you have. What's even more ridiculous is using an IPad and an IPod and attempting to make a stereo recording with their mono mics. A friend of mine did that and it sounded amazing when he synced them up.

You do have to be careful though; in time critical situations you're probably getting into more trouble than it's worth. Especially if you need precision down to the microsecond (and for syncing left and right channels you do because the smallest time delays between them will completely mess with the stereo space). Also, clocks on different devices run at different speeds so the recordings will drift out of sync. The friend I mentioned found that his two devices drifte about 4 ms every 7 or 8 minutes, requiring the smallest of speed adjustments to correct. Smaller than 0.001 percent difference... Ridiculous? Maybe. Effective? Well we think it worked, but when you start trying to do things that way, you're always going to find yourself in the murky waters of approximation. There's no way other than trial and error to get an acceptable result, and it isn't at all the same as actually having a multitrack setup. I don't mean a fancy interface either; anything that lets you hook two mics up to it at the same time should keep things in sync.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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2020-02-16 21:17:49

@6 I would have most of the Mike’s going to the mono channel, neither left or right but in the center of the stereo field, though I might pan them from time to time. I'm not  that worried because I have a  stereo set picking up any reverbs  to minimize any effects that may result because of this. Plus if I were to use two completely different microphones and put one on the left and one on the right, that would give me some interesting results. Maybe I'll try that actually.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-02-16 22:08:46

Well, I have a simpler thing.
I have my old now soni px330 and my andriea electronics 3d recording phones.
These were 40 dollars us.
They are not super portable but good for stationary and other recordings.
Not in wind obviously but for a small pair of units they work and look really professional to.
I have audacity here on this workstation, and goldwave another 40 dollar program and virtual recorder.
My microphones are also andriea interestingly.
Over that people have given me a now old asus gaming board and a pair of gaming speakers and some other headsets, 2 of them.
I have a logitech desktop microphone which does some stuff, and a single em pickup which sadly only does 1 channel but its better than nothing I guess.
I also have an old 80s style microphone from an old setup when I played keyboard but its not that good to be honest.
I have 3 soundcards if you count my andriea card that comes with the phones, an old, outdated sb play model1, and a cheap slightly noisy 10 dollar unit I have from atguys which is 7.1 and is my primary usb solution and bar the bus noise on the mics when mic is selected is not bad for 10 dollars.
I don't have that much space for larger stuff.

2020-02-17 06:46:21

heh, when I first started moving into the audio working world... My first recorder? Idon't remember the brand exactly, sony maybee? Anyway, it only had one mike, was pritty slim, kind of like those digital recorders used by people taking notes? That. I still have it lol. The point is, that thing's main point was recording voice,  but back then I used it to record pritty much everything. But yeah. Using what you have at always works.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-02-17 07:53:20

This reminds me of how I made a lot of my music for the longest time with just audacity. Had no midi instruments, no midi period. If anyone's interested in hearing it, click on my "website" under my post, and scroll down the tracks on soundcloud, it's called "twilight zone" the instrumentals are posted up there as well. I did about 98% of it in audacity, only parts i didn't do in there is a few basslines, which I just flew in from Garageband, and some keys/strings. Most of it was good ol sample flipping/chopping and finding drum sounds in old funk records

2020-02-17 14:10:36


At musicalman hmm, I'm curious. When you record with your iPod and iPad, and both have a mono microphone, how would you then go about getting a sterrio file out of it? As I see it, both devices record the same thing and if something happens on the right, I suppose you would need to do some serious panning stuff to get this in the right place on the track, at least that's what would I do in that moment.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-02-17 14:30:32

I would think just pan one all the way to the left and the other to the right, mix, job done.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-02-18 01:16:14 (edited by musicalman 2020-02-18 01:18:44)

Yep that's it. To ellaborate further, put one device on the left of a table and the other device on the right side of the table. They'll both capture similar sounds but the signals will be slightly different. Pan the left device to the left and the right device to the right and you'll get nice stereo sound. As I said though, you have to sync them exactly and watch out for drift. Otherwise the channels won't be corelated i.e. stuff that's supposed to be in the center won't be because of delay between the channels.

To help out with syncing, you maybe could make a loud noise at the beginning and end of the recordings. Ideally it would be a short but sharp sound such as a clap. And it would be right in the center of the two mics. You put one at the beginning of the recording to get the start synced up, then put one at the end to see how much things have drifted so you can compensate for it.

I myself don't have the aforementioned IPod and IPad, but any mono mics will work so if there's enough interest I'll make a demo of what it might sound like.

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
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