2020-01-24 23:25:37

Hey all,
As most of you are probably aware since I've already been here for a few years under my now dead name, I recently came out as transgender and now identify as a girl. I have an appointment with the GP on Wednesday, and from there I'll hopefully get a referral to somewhere more specialist, like a gender identity clinic, so I can get hormones and really start this thing. I'm pretty nervous, mainly I'm scared I might say the wrong thing and then potentially have to go somewhere else, which will be even more time without hormones which is seriously not what I need right now. I'm also generally curious to hear the experiences of other transgender individuals, transitioning, difficulties passing, discrimination, what led to you coming out, etc. I think the more I know in advanced the better I'll be able to prepare myself for what's coming.
Also, if you know someone who has transitioned any info you can provide would be very helpful.

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2020-01-24 23:52:04

Not transgender myself, but the process sounds both interesting and scary. Are there any specific reasons for hormone therapy? Sometimes I wonder if messing with the body's hormonal balance like that does more harm than good in the long term.

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2020-01-25 00:34:26

Mostly appearance, for instance taking estregen will give you brests and modify your mussle mass and a few other things to make you look more feminine. It also effectively gives you female puberty, so you get the emotional / cycological changes that come with being female. At least, that's how I understand it. Someone with more knowledge can of course correct me.
I suppose for female to male people it's even more vital to them actually looking and sounding male, perhaps more so than male to female, but they're extremely important regardless. Not everyone chooses to take them, but like I said I personally do want to and feel it can only benefit me in the longterm.

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2020-01-25 02:07:19 (edited by turtlepower17 2020-01-25 02:29:27)

I hope I don't come off as condescending, since this is an area I don't know much about, but I do have a question.

Is it typical for transgender people to actually go through hormone therapy/sex reassignment surgery as an adolescent? It completely makes sense to me that you would start to discover your identity at that point in your life, but, if I remember correctly, you've previously stated that you're 16, at the oldest. It would be trite to say that age is just a number, and in a scenario like this, maturity and ability to make decisions would surely fluctuate wildly, so please don't think I'm coming at it from that angle. It does, however, pose an interesting question in my mind, which I hope doesn't derail the topic too much.

I remember reading some time back that men and women have an equally tough time finding doctors who are willing to perform procedures which will end their ability to have children below a certain age. In other words, I've read that it's extremely uncommon for a medical provider to do a vasectomy or tubal ligation if the recipient is under 25. If so, why? I've known, personally, that having children is absolutely out of the question for me for as long as I could think about such things. Birth control methods have certainly progressed in efficiency, and I can, and do, use and trust my chosen method. However, while I'm over the threshhold now for this supposed age restriction, the more I hear about gender reassignment, the more I ponder why one body modification is seen as more ok than another. Because, at the end of the day, this is our bodies, our choice, as long as we know this is what we truly want, and said procedures are physically and emotionally safe.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

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2020-01-25 04:12:40

@4 It's relatively standard. Of course, there's the whole debate of letting children transition, but in general, as long as parental consent is given, it can and does happen.

for the original question, not necessarily transgender, but I do fall on the not necessarily cisgender. Beyond that point, no real label for me.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-01-25 10:17:36

Yepp, let's make kids go through life-altering  surgeries and medical procedures freely, what could possibly go wrong?
Look, what you do with your body as an adult, your business, I don't give a fuck about; reassign yourself and attach an elephant penis if you so desire and you have the means to do so. But we restrict kids to drive, to drink, to own weapons, to vote, basically everything that can have severe consequences if handled improperly. Why in the 7 hells we don't do the same for cosmetic surgery is beyond me.
With that being said, @op I wish you the best of luck and hope that nothing befalls you or that you regret any decisions.

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2020-01-25 11:27:15

@haily: I have a question. But don't get me wrong though: Why you want a genter transition? Just, why? Aren't you happy with what you are, with what you are yourself?

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2020-01-25 11:30:37

from what i know the thing involves going psychiatrist and other docktors
its not like, oh come here and lets start the hormone therapy right away
hormones are the one of the bi  things that efect ourselves so, there will be some sort of talk will happen to you i guess
at least that's what i think, i'M not a trans or anything but, its not easy as it sounds

2020-01-25 12:09:43

sounds scary
as I listened to some of your recordings, your sound is like bois but how you've came to transjender? don't know what to say, shocked: isn't it a joke?

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2020-01-25 12:41:14

@7... I would have thought it's obvious Haily isn't as happy as they want to be.
We only live once, and you've gotta make the best of it while you can.

Though our eyes may fail, our ears prevail!
User Karma, every little helps

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2020-01-25 13:02:09

As someone has already said before, it sounds interesting and scary. But it goes with a general dislike, a general discrimination, so I'm not sure if you are going to have an easier life if you go through this process.
And one more question, which I don't want to sound rude with, but isn't Haily spelled as Hayley?

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2020-01-25 13:17:50

There are something like 10 or 12 different spellings. Go look it up. I chose the one that looked best phonetically.
@manamon_player and others, you'd be surprised at how much my voice has changed. I'd assume you're talking about my live streams / any audio recordings? It's similar but it's very, very different now.
Yes, there will indeed be many tests involved. You can't just go ask for hormones or gender conformation surgery, that isn't, has never been and will never be how this thing works.
As for why I want what I want, first of all that's never been how this works, it's a lot more complicated than that. I need this transition for my own mental health. Picture trying to live in a body of the opasit sex and having to use a different name if applicable, different pronouns, etc. Probably wouldn't feel right? Over the course of my 16 or so years I've learned a lot about myself, and I know enough to know that it's more than a want, it's a need. Physically, I'm male, but mentally, I've always been feminine. Again, I honestly couldn't expect any of you to understand because thankfully it's not something that the average person ever has to go through, but there it is all the same. Go check out this blog for some prospective.

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2020-01-25 13:19:31

I’m sorry if this sounds like a strange request, but can you please upload a recording of your voice, I’ve heard your voice before and I want to see how it’s changed

2020-01-25 13:29:55

Yepp, we all know teenagers are set in stone and that their identity is never going to change.
Seriously, for your sake Haily, I hope this is a decision you do not end up regretting.

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2020-01-25 14:12:00 (edited by manamon_player 2020-01-25 14:13:48)

I agree with 13 and 14
at heyly, I suggest change your name back to charlie: nothing can change your eidentity: Do not give up, continue the therapy: Be what you are
i'm sorry if its roodness but, how it happen'd and when you've understood you are transjender?
I'v red some Articles about it but want to know more about it
thank you

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2020-01-25 14:30:03

I'm not transgender. I do find it nice how much I've been unintentionally misgendered, and how those online gender quizzes at some point started consistently saying I'm perfectly androgynous. And if I found myself back at the character creation screen with an enby option, I think I'd prefer to take that one.
But none of that counts. I understand transgender as being one or both of two things: physical dysphoria, or a strong feeling of identity that clashes with the body / socially-assigned identity. While I strongly dislike secondary sex characteristics, and find gender stereotypes and gender roles to be bullcrap worthy of subversion, ... Hold on, I need to figure out what's wrong with my definition because I think I just broke it.
... Ahem. Yeah, so none of that is gender-related for me. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to pick a gender politics label, I guess I'd have to go with gender abolitionist, but the hole point is that labels are messed up. It isn't that there is a box labeled "male stuff", and a box labeled "female stuff", and a box labeled "enby stuff", and you have to pick one. It's that cut the damn box, Matel's marketing department ain't the boss of me. I can reverse engineer my sister's Barbie Radio to learn about how binary works, then go play Duke Nukum II until Sailor Moon comes on, and none of that tells me to pick a box.
Na, my physical / identity dysphoria is something else. But trolls used it as reduccio ad absurdum to attack transgender people, and now trans activists act like I can't exist because that somehow gives the trolls power. So, yeah, those trolls can go ... ... I cannot think of a suitable replacement for "go to Hell" / "go fuck themselves" that is less vulgar / can be taken literally without being beyond reason. (Official declaration: unless very explicitly noted, including passage of time to account for altered mental states, all references to Hell should be considered hyperbolic, figurative, or otherwise short for "EXTREME DISPLEASURE!". If Hell is literally torture, "go to Hell" is quite possibly the worst thing to say literally. And in my experience, people always take things literally in the least convenient situations. People, Faustian demons who pop up whenever you think the word "anything" ... -_-)

And that's why I'm not telling anyone to "go to Hell". ... What were we talking about? ... Is this why I never finish anything?

So, uh, selling your soul for Adderall aside ... I'm not transgender. Have weak to no gender identity, do not like contexts that make it important (still eying you suspiciously over that forced gender in profile thing from like 2007, Proboards). Stereotypes are bullcrap. And I won't tell you what my actual issues are but I haven't done much to hide it from sufficiently-determined investigators. And demons who take everything you say literally, rather than as the things said were intended, are jerks.

Disclaimer: OK, I know that stereotypes exist because of reasons, not wholely arbitrarily. They're still bullcrap.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

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2020-01-25 16:03:54

#16, yes, this is why you don't get anything done. smile I'm glad I'm not the only one that has to organize thoughts, and doesn't always succeed.

Devin Prater
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2020-01-25 16:49:59

I'm not trans myself, but have been learning a lot, having a few trans friends myself and may possibly end up in a relationship with an FTM friend of mine. Everyone is different, but one thing of course remains the same. It's becoming your true self above anything else. It's really sad and disheartening to see how much discrimination exists in the trans community.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

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2020-01-25 17:40:27

I'm so happy for you merry. Yeah I'm trans that's no surprise, although I'm not blind or MTF I can still tell you a bit about my experience.

So like the first thing you gotta know is that you shouldn't be pressured to do anything you don't want to do; hormones are a huge deal after all and even if you get the green light you might not be ready; this is totally normal and okay. I kinda just went straight in. When you're an adult FTM hormones transition just means testosterone. There was a period when I was bout 4-6 months in when I felt like total shit about myself because I felt like a weird in-betweener. This can happen and be aware of it, although IDK how much it would impact blind people since for me a lot of it was seeing myself in the mirror. Once I got past that I could never look back. If I forget my shots I start getting real existential and depressed about stupid gender stuff.

Man I can't imagine what passing would be like if you're blind...

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

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2020-01-25 17:48:32

@1 Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for graciously answering everyone's questions. I myself am not trans, but your initial message asked if anyone else here was and I don't know that you've gotten what you may have hoped for by asking it. I hope that you have, or find, the support you need.

I have a bit of a kneejerk reaction to piling easily googleable questions about someone's lifestyle or identity onto them. Maybe I'm a weird blind person, but I hate answering easily googleable blindness questions unless they're asked by a close friend, and will often give someone the 15-second answer with an invitation to do their own research. Even close friends will get a longer answer with the caveat that I'm answering for myself only, and that they should really do their own research if they're interested in something better. Haily's choices are their own, but I generally operate under the principle that it isn't a woman's job to teach me about feminism, a person in a wheelchair's job to teach me about access issues, a blind person's job to teach me about blindness issues, a person of <insert ethnicity here>'s job to teach me about issues related to their culture, etc. It's on me to do that research, and possibly to ask specific questions as to how that research relates to them personally.

Anyhow, it's a beautiful Saturday and I'm not debating this further. I just haven't seen much thanks in exchange for asking some pretty deep questions, so thought I'd take a moment to appreciate the answers that were given, and to explain my perspective on why giving them may actually be exhausting for the giver.

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2020-01-25 18:16:07

Don't get me wrong, I've done a hell of a lot of research hence how I know what I already know about hormones and the process involved in getting them. It's just one thing to google something or find a youtube vid of some faceless person describing their experiences, quite another to get actual responses to your own questions from people you know and have interacted with on the forum. Thankfully I have some sited friends who have been very supportive and understanding, I've already started wearing female clothes, a padded bra so I can get that experience, women's underwear even though hiding my cock is a pain in the, well, cock a lot of the time, and just more feminine things in general. I've also been a lot more ridgid about removing any trace of facial hair that might ever grow, even more than I was before I came out, and have been making heavy use of foundation because my luck means I get acne all over the place. My big insecurity so far has been swimming lessons because for the time being I have nothing but trunks I can ware. I've been misgendered quite a bit, but less so in the past few weeks, and that from total strangers so what I'm doing is obviously working. I myself really, really want hormones, I honestly think it'll make all the difference in the world, not just to my looks but also to how I feel. God I hate testosterone!

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2020-01-25 18:55:04

Ya'll gotta remember there's a ton of propaganda against trans people right now. You can always ask me if you're ever curious. Never ever ever go to quillette or other right wing sources for trans people cuz they literally want us obliterated lol

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

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2020-01-25 19:04:13

I just don't understand! You were born like you are, the life has been given to you, and even if you have female things, you don't need a fisical transformation

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2020-01-25 19:12:08

Think of it this way: when we don't know what options we have, we think that they are static, firm in our world. But when we gain more knowledge, the "Staticness" of those ideas grows more flimsy, and we can start to challenge the ideas that this so called "static" idea is formed on. Then, you topple it over and find there was nothing there.

This is what is happening to gender right now. We're slowly realizing the material reality of our bodies being unique as opposed to being "male" or "Female" - these are just properties that this unique individual can take, and are limited just like the static ideas I brought up above. If we have enough information to realize then we can break down those ideas and do whatever we want with our bodies. Why should we be happy with who we are born as? Shouldn't we have the right to do what we please with our bodies and our lives? This is a problem that addresses both trans people and blind people.

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

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2020-01-25 19:18:38

23, people like you are the problem IMO. Unless you are well educated in this subject or know people who have gone through this transition, both of which I doubt, you really have no room to talk. Being trans isn't a simple case of person wakes up one morning and thinks hey, beautiful day today, think I'll go start identifying as female. It's a lot more complicated in that. In my case, it's been years of depression, anxiety, questioning of why I am what I am together with lots of research on youtube and google to make me come to the conclusion that I have.
Btw daigonite, you're talking to someone who's family literally comprises of %99.9 right wingers. Lol. That's yet another thing that sets me apart from them, I'm about as far left as it gets.

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